SATURADY, MAY, 1, 1920. SEEDS VEGETABLE AND FLOWER BERDS Sow your early Sceds in your house new. They will bave a good start, and you can trans- plant them to your garden when the warm weather ar- rivac. - Have Yon a Few Feet of : "Wasted Ground? If you have :aake it a bright spot dy sowing a few of our Special Hollybock Seeds. They grow any place, and will deco- rate your backyard, fence cor- gers and lawn, Seeds FOR SALE AT ws Drug Store MARKET SQUARE / KINGSTON . erm teem prem ear pga ARERRRARENNANANE EASTER od dn place of 'an Easter | .Card your Photograph. | _ Both seasonable, but one a pefrmanent reminder of YOu. ; THE MARRISON STUDIO | | mummmasuunzunEn Kingston Cement Products Factory . Makers of sdollow Damp- Proof Cement, Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Linties, snd Drain Tile, alse Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental ' Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles and 5 Patrick atreets, . 'PHONE 730W. .Mgr., H. F. NORMAN 2 eHave In Stock Just Arrived $ : Campbeil's Tomato Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark « Tomato Soup Ei Clark's Vegetable Soup r Winrinwsors tor Ha Kod Sut Tea--the WR McRae & Co. GOLDEN 110% ' Ylranes Wn R B49 a "It pays to save Your Newspapers, Magazines and scrap material--we are paying good prices. YOUy MAY NEED Pipes for 'water or fencing or a tent for next summer, Call on us. L. Cohen & Co. 307.378 ONTARIO STREET : . G Hunter Ogilvie Agent for Excelsior Life Insurance 1 , Company ; - Renresenting: X RYAN, GRIER AND HASTINGS, _ Members of tho Montreal Stock : Exchange. "! Insurance and General Broker. 281 King Street | Phowes =: 568 & 1087 nt No DK. A. W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Eve: Jonsson Sad elie corner Johnson ton Streets, Kingston. Tee phone 3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG CARPENTERING Estimates Given. O. Aykroyd & Son ters and Ballders 21 Main street. Phone 1670 DID YOU EVER TRY | Wagstafl'y Ginger Marmalade, | Wagstaf's Pineapple Marmalade, Wagstaft's Hramble Jelliy, = We also have a full line of other reliable' makes of Marma- 'lades, Jam and Jellies for sale at: Bon Marche Grocery |, Cor. King and Karl Streets. | '. Licenne No. S-37140 Phone 1544 YOU SAVE Let us repair your old Mat | tresses ZT ! WE KNOW HOW © | and with olor machinery and experienced 'mechanics we |, guarantee satisfaction. 10% DISCOUNT UNTIL JUNE 1st, Kingston MatiressCo | 556 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 602w. : Buy { T Vinolia Goods (Made mn Canada) ase. Bsc. 85c. Tooth Powder .... Shaving Soap: Babies' Soap 2 for 25c. | Poet Pea as Castile Soap, large bar .. ---- Prouse's Drug Store Corner Phone 8 2m Clergy A statesman tries to gain his poin by talking sense and a politician trie to gaid his by spending dollars. AA ---- 4 bre Kingston and Vicinity Eclipse on May 2. There will be a total eclipse of the moon on May 2nd. The Beil Test Coming. The real test will come when we have to mea year's straw lid. Coming Event. A Dion programme. is being ar- ranged for the nurses graduation in Grant Hall, Friday next, 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Visiting His Mother Dr, Warren F F. Lockett, Hamilton, spent a few days in 'the city this week visiting his mother, Mrs. F. G. Lockett, 24 Stuart street, who is still very ill. -------- Turn on the Clocks. ' During Saturday night turn the clocks ahead one hour, go to bed, for- get it and begin Sunday on dayiight saving time. This will give the eciti- zens long evenings. - -------- Your Last Chance. We have. a few-boy's suits left in|, 'blue and black serges, straight pants, which we will gell at $5.50 to $7.60. For boys age 10, 12, 14 yéars, above goods are best. value we have ever offered. Prevost Clothing 'House, Brock street. Kin tonians in Service. Miss Wilhemina Gordon, of this city, . was chosen by 'the Provincial Chapter, 1.0.D.E., meeting in Lon- don, Ont, as 'thc chapter's delegate !to the anniial meeting.: Miss L. Mowat was chief of the press com- mittee for the gathering. A Died at Deseronto, Honore Duby. died at Deseronto on Sunday evening, Mr. Duby's death came after an illness of some four- teen years. He was born in Louis- ville, Que., on Oc 4th, 1849. Wil- liam, a son, is red@vering from an operdtion in Kingston Hospital. ant eminem rr Military: Stores Transfer. : Barrack stores is vacating the clarified milk building and moving to artillery park, .and the medical and dental stores are 'vacating the {building on Queen street and moving into the . clarified milk building. This. is a temporary arrangement. diven a D,D. Trinity College, Tordnto, conferred the degree of doctor of divinity (ho- noris causa) upon Rev. Hapold Hud- son Bedford-Jones, M.A., recently ap+ | pointed principal of the "University 'of Bishop's. College, Lennoxville and formerly of Brockville, 1 ea / * Rush for Tax- Papers. : 'Friday was the last day for filing acome tax papers with the collector u Kingston, and there was a big rush | another charge. _|H. Bolton, M.' B. r blanks to be filled out. As per us- ual, there were a great many who left this matter till the last minute, How- ever better later than never. 'Called- From Examinations. | On Friday morning, Rev. A. B\ Ransom, Portsmouth church, who. was attending his examinations at' Queen's university, was called out of the room to proceed to Justice of Peace George Hunter's court to give evidence. 'Complain About High Rents. Many citizens have complained about the high rents. On Friday one citizen stated that for years he had been paying $15 a month rent and just. the other day the landlord told him 'that commencing May 1st his rent would be $35. : Wants to Preach Again. Rev. N. B.. Topping, Perth, who was in the city on Friday stated that although he has been preaching for forty-one years he hoped that the conference would see fit to give him He says that al- though superannuated he is anxious to get back u's the ministry, © © Weleon; ng, Newly Weds. . On;Apri!, ¥ 4 sociable evening was spent at (ae home of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Walker, Hinch, when friends and neighbors gathered and presented Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hewitt with many presents. On April 161th a reception was held at James Hewitt's, in honor of Eldon Hewitt and his bride. To Beautify the Cemetery, The annual meeting of. 'the Maple Vale Cemetery Association, Smith's Falls, was bely on Saturday and the following cers were elected: President, - Captain Féster; vice- president, G. F. McKinnon; trea- surer, J. D. Lamb; ®sécretary, H. 'Sutton. The directors wete the former with the addition of Messrs. sPallantyye, A "HAVE YOU ASTH MA? Sei a. a -RAZ-MAH CAPSULES $1 This on 14 She 19- erly for to Be. Vocal Selections Ee ii ng' et AR Peerless 'Medley of Popular Songs aa owes Flags He Went in 1 I'll Ses You bn Sweet and there are music Fo en list that ot gid ma ow) spp 2350 © Miko ind you LE vt ~-and ve ur. own home once you have T Like To Do It--Fox Trot Murray SL Omar--Fox Juma SEZ MTar's Billy Murray's Neo Me Sumy mae Malody Men) ColegaasOnchenrs | 216126 Dance Records ughey Sweetis ive fo Me Ph oe Se Lh {-dier's Foster and E. Ballantyne. the year it was decided to spend a sum of money for the purpose of beautifying the cemetery. Conference of Methodists. The annual 'conference of the Methodist church: convenes: -at Kemptville on 'June 3rd at 8 p.m. Rev. Dr, Armstrong, of Japan, is given the place of honor on Friday evening, Rev. John Webster, who wag pastor of Brock street church before assuming charge in Kempt- ville, is' spoken of as likely to be elected president. Purchased a Building. - Standard Bank of Camden Bast har been made a separate branch, and C S. Thompson, who has been in charge since December, has been appointe: manager. The bank has recently pur- chased the building 'owned by J. A Haydon, and the apartments above the bank will be occupied by the manager and his family. Married at Rochester, N.Y. trude Newton, daughter of Mrs. Charlotte Newton and the late Dr. John Newton, Deseronto, Ont. to Howard Bailey, Cleveland, Ohio, took place at the Central Presbyter- fan Church, Rochester, N.Y., on April 27th. Following the ceremony a small wedding breakfast party was given at the Powers Hotel, Mr. afl Mrs. Bailey left for a shox trip through the West, and later will maké their home in Cleveland. The Penteccstal Mission. The withdrawal of the Pentecostal Mission from the Labor Hall," the Whig is Informed, does not mean that the good work carried on during the winter by the evangelists will be discontinued. The mission was not conducted in the interest of local labor particularly, but for the gene- ral preaching of the Gospel. The mission was much encouraged in its work, and on May 9th will-open the Pentecostal Tabernacle 'on: Queen street in a buflding formerly known as the Catholic Apostolic building. Peterboro Lad Too Bumptious. Lieut.-Col. Gillespie, 0.C., cadet corps, 'when interviewed regarding the trouble at Peterboro, when the officers of the battalion resigined in a body, stated that the matter was satisfactorily settled. The action of the officers arose over the bumpti- ousness of the lad appointed com- mander. He endeavored to impose observance of his rank at all times, demanding that his officers salute him. This was too {much, and a mutiny was the result. A proper understanding wag reached, and the officers are back at their posts. T.ooking After Children. "At the 1.O.).E. meeting in Lon- don, Ont., Misy Gordon, provincial educational secretary; reported that a survey of Canadian schools was being made to see how many sol- children were ready for universities. The moré money in for the War Memorial Fund the more soldiers' children could be look- ed after. Thus until the full sum required is raised the plan will neces- sarily be limited. As for the over- seas post-graduate scholarships, which are not necessarily limited to soldiers' children, they will be de- ferred this year. New Scale of Fees at Queen's. Annopncement of 3 new scale of fees in the faculties of arts and sci- ence has been made at Queen's Uni- when the fall sessions open. In arts the fee has been fixed at $60. This will include all except the extra feés for students taking science 'subjects. Formerly the: fees approximated about $47. In the science faculty the rew rates are; 1st year, $100; 2nd year, $110; 3rd and 4th years, $120. These rates include all fees except the deposits made for the use of the labo- ratories. The old rate was $98.50. The new rates will affect old and new students, Potato Substitutes. Griddle cakes, plain, buckwheat, rice or bread; hot biscuits or dump- lings, with tricasse or stew. Yorkshire Pudding, With Roast Beef. 1 cupful flour, 3% teaspoonful salt, 1 teaspoonful baking powder, 1 cup- ful milk, 2 eggs. Mix and sift dry in- gredients, add gradually milk and well-béaten eggs. Forty minutes be- fore the roast is served, heat iron gems pans smoking hot, grease well with some of the fat from the roast- ing pan, turn in the batter, bake 30 "to 40 minutes. Serve at once around Any "His Master' s Voice" dealer "will gladly play any of these new selections for you. Manafuctured by Berliner Grara-e-phone Company, Limited, Montreal Agents s Victor-Victolas. WA °F. W. COATES ¢ ham vioTom ioTmoLAS. 113 Princess Street. Al sabi snsiis PPP OW roast. Pudding may be turned into a shallow, greased biscuit pan, bak- ed, cut in squares and served around roast.--Committe on Household Eco- nomics. DOMINIONS' STATUS. Suggested Be- fore Meetings. London, May 1.--Professor Keith of Edinburgh University, writes to the Times apropos of the League of Nations. He says that "the Canadian reception of Viscount Grey's sugges- tion of voting power in the League of Nations is clear proof how deeply felt is the necessity of insisting on the new position of the dominions, of Ottawa to secure représentation that body would di iminish, ou m I a Soar, mould imi y of acute divergence between the governments. No domin- 10m Soulg shiect £8 acting on & prin 'which applied equally to the of During |] Owing to incteased business, the |* The marriage of Miss Phyllis Ger- | We now have a nicely assorted stoc oft 3 Plain Oak. 3 Quartered White Oak. Beech 3 ' 13-16 Birch. Best clear grade, end- matched, polished and bundled. S. ANGLIN & CO, Woodworking Fuctury and Lumber Yards, ellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone Bay ne, Wells SEND A "Mother's Day Flowergram"' Flowers delivered anywhere in" the Unit, nad Tithout Sxchange within a few hours' Ge lie or Cand - stance telephone. t 1 5 long 'distant - eiep] est service guaranteed by fifteen hun- Member of The:Florists' Tele graph Delivery Association. +o A. D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET - Phone, 661; Res., 2086wW. Owing to the: shortage of Bran and Shorts there Hak been a great demand for mixed feeds. To supply this we'have secured large quantities. of a high: grade general purpose feed with which we are in a position to offer a fair proportion of Bran and Shorts. W. F. McBroom came |. Returned Men Attention! We desire to announce that we have at last succeeded in securing a stock of the famous PHILLIPS MILITARY SOLES & HEELS --the kind you wore overseas and liked so well. Let us fit you up with a pair. "J 1 Suthrtand" & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES versity, which will become effective |" House Cleaning Will be easier for you if you have the proper tools, te. stock of: --DUSTLESS MOPS FURNITURE POLISH -0'CEDAR POLISH Is most complete. Phone your needs and we prom ptly, LEMMON & SONS 187 PRINCESS STREET 3 t KINGSTON --BROOMS --FLOOR WAX --LIQUID VENERR will deliver a view which is further embodied in the 4d Boys Tan, Military, Good Wearing st sizes | to 5 $4.00 and $5.00 ~ Boys' dark Brown, Calf, Mili Sizes | to 54; McKay W