THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MONDAY, MAY, 3, 1p70, OF LIVINGSTON'S Sale of odd Suits LONELIES All sizes--latest up-to-date styles for Young Men, $30.00, $35.00, and $37.50, for - $25.00 $40.00, $42.50, $45.00, $47.50, for © $35.00 ' 'Come and save money! Livingstons 75-77-79, BROCK STREET. "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" i$ UNFORM POWER RATES | CHAIRMAN R. F. ELLIOTT EX- | PRESSES SATISFACTION | -- . | Organization of Municipalities Has Brought Abuvut Action By Legisla- ture Amongst Uniform Hydro Dis- | tribution and Rates. { When interviewed on Monday | morning regarding the latest deve- { Jopment in hydro electric matters, R. | | 9. Elliott, chairman, of the utilities} i Lepmmission, expressed great-satisfac-.| | tion over the passing of the resolu- | | tion calling for the appointment of a | | committée of the legislature to in- | vestigate the distribution of power | and the rates charged with a view | to the establishment of uniformity. | "I was (the first to advocate uni-| formity in rates," said Mr. Elliott," and I am glad to see that they are beginning to sit up im other places." When asked whether the munlici- palities would be invited to send a representative to attend the inquiry or whether they would request the right to have a representative pres- surrounded himself with the most | sumptuous backgrounds. . | »" Beauty is the keynote of this pro- duction, which will appeal to every class, because it' combines the charm of thought analysis and deep symbol- ism with a human and modern story, interpreted by real artists; it will carry the spectators along with "Everywoman" in her quest of Love along those paths which many men and women must tread in their own search for happiness. The gowns in particular are a fea- | ture that will interest the feminine ; contingent, gowns that rival the most modern-modelg from Paris and New York centres of fashion. The filming of the picture was done in California] where the massive sets were erected on enormous studio stages. The es-! pecially effective scenes include the! banquet of Wealth, the court of] King-Love I, the street scene in New York on New Year's Eve, etc. Never has "Everywoman' been interpreted on the stage withione-half the gran- deur or impressiveness that are given the production for this screen. It is a story that will never be forgotten for the impression it will leave upon the human mind and heart is indeli- IT, I A The May Sale oli Curtains Begins Tuesday Morning AND PROMPT TO ACT |. Beautiful, modern, eight room house on Centre _ street; next to ney bungalows; hardwood floors; electric lights; every improvement; large lot 50 x 130; garage and drive, Price $5,000. Terms. . | THEJ.K.CARROLL AGENCY _ Phone 68 and 874w. - 56'Brock Street . | dramatic ent, Mr. Elliott was not prepared to Ski 2 answer. He said there would be a ble.--Advt. . 'meeting of some of the bodies soon . : So _goubt. KILLED THE FATHER OF FIVE CHILDREN i Ivy The action of the legislature has been brought about by the recent {organization of the municipalities : ---------- ,.nto associations that enabled them | One Farmer Near Fort William i take-concerted action and give ex- Mistook Another for pression 'to their views. Tue last or- | ganization to form was that of Eas- Deer. ern Ontario, but the recent meeting | ; | held ry Peterboro brought the whole | Fort William, May = 3.--August question up to a point where the goy- | Kalpainen, a farmer in McIntyre { ernment wgs obliged to recognize | township, 14 miles from here, was the growing dissatisfaction. Some of | shot and killed at three o'clock Sat- the municipalities have been - de-| urday afternoon by August Pursian- manding that they be released from inen, who claims to have mistaken their obligatiog for the bonds, and at | Kiapainen for a moose or a bear. De- the recent meeting in Peterboro a re-| ceased was driving past Pursiani- solution was passed calling upon the | Ren's farm on the road, 300 yards | government to transfer the Trent|3Way with. a load of hay. A warrent system over to the municipalities. It | iS out for Pursianinen's arrest on a is regarded by some. as inconceivable | charge of mansiaughter. Kaipainen fins the government committee | leaves a widow and five children. ould roceed with the inquiry A without foviting representatives from Y.M.C.A. Boys' Camp. he eastern and central Ontario as-| The many boys who have spent en- ociations, although the committee is joyable weeks at the summer camp. fot bound to do so. conducted by the Y.M.C.A. for all boys of Kingston at Grenadier Island | : will be delighted to learn that the veral meetings and that this coming summer will see the largest and best camp held so far. The whole affair is | conducted solely for the benefit of | the boys. Many a chap who would not know how to put in the 4rst part | At the Grand. {of July can mow be assured of the To-night will be the first Showing | pest possible means of safe and heal- of the splendid feature phogoplay | thy recreation and pleasure, for this produced by the Universal Filmi Com- | camp is managed by experts who pany, and entitled "Blind Husbands" | have had many years' practical' ex- which has been secured by the man-| perience in camp matters. agement of the Grand for the first part of this week. The full gamut of human emotion's is presented viv- idly in this picture, and Eric Stro- heim, the star, depicts the role of an Austrian officer whose scheme of exis- tence is life, liberty and the pursuit of women. The subject of the plot is a gripping one, ana oifers the pro- ducers many opportunities to use the superior talents of the star and ex; cellent supporting cast to the great- est advantage. Francelia Billington, one of the favorite Universal act- resses plays opposite the star, and there are many other notable people in the cast. The mountain photo- graphy is wonderful, many of the scenes being taken above the clouds. There are reels of extra good comedy and other subjects to complete this bill, a splendid musical programme by the Grand"s augmented orchestra. This bill will be seen to-night, Tues- day and Wednesday.--Advt. camp committee has already had se- Theatrical in Prince George's New Proprietor. H. G. Gillespie of Brockville, who has taken over the Prince George hotel, Ontario street, has been six- teen years in fire service. His home | was in Hamilton. After serving with the fire department of that city he! became assistant chief at Regina, Sask., and for the past three years was chief of the Brockville fire de- partment. Last Thursday the. Recre¥ ation Club of Brockville made a pre- sentation to Mr. Gillespie on the oc- "casion of his departure for Kingston. Mr. Gillespie expects to make further improvements in the Prince George. Seeking Kingston Exports. Mr. Wilson, freight agent of the St. Lawrence division of the New York Central railway, is in the city investigating the possibilities for more direct connection with the rail- way with Kingston as an export "Séventeen' Coming. point. There is no announcement to Walkers» production, of | make at, present regarding the. result. Tarkington's 'Seventeen' of his negotiations but the plans an- comes direct from a year's run in| ticipate an important development New York, Boston and Philadelphia | of the American markets for Cana- to the Grand Opera House next dian exports of all kinds. Thursday, May 6th. The play is a version of Tarkington's Willie Baxter stories and might well be called a comedy of "Clothes and the Girl" for it deals with" the atti- tude of a seventeen-year-old boy toward these important matters. Willie Baxter, the hero, falls in love with a fluffy-haired little charm- er who is visiting friends in his ome town through the summer, and is ardor is so intense that his halt- fledged soul gets completely tangled I mm EO ET Inspector of Ordnance. Captain and Mrs. J. Nelson Gibson arrived in the city from Halifax on Sunday. Captain Gibson, who is a science graduate of Queen's Univer- sity, 1913, takes over the duties of inspector of mechanical ordnance for Central Canada, and he will reside in Kingston which was his former home. Hon. T. W. Crothers, M.P., and wife, arrived in the city Monday, to attend the fiftieth aniversary of the For Spring and Summer wear, we have a ~ choice lot of Mole and Fox Neck Pieces - Gourdier's 78 BROCK STREET, in the problems of wooing and of per- sonal .adornment for that great ad- venture. As a lover he is no favored child of fortune for his girl is an all- around flirt who plays no favorites. --Advt. ° " . "Little Red Riding Hood." F. Stuart-Whyte's brilliant Eng- lish pantomine, "Little Red Riding Hood" will be the attraction at the Grand for two nights and a Tuesday matinee commencing Monday night, May 10th, This is Mr, Whyte's fourth annyal importation from England and it is said to surpass in every way his thrée former offerings, "Aladdin" "Robinson Crusoe" and "Cinderella." This has been made possible by the coming of peace and the release of maty of the foremost pantomine ar- tists who were either in the army or wedding of his brother, W. J. Crothers, Earl streét. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS ' DAILY MEMORANDUM. See top of Page Three, right hand corner for nrobabilities Rummage Sale, Island Market, Prince Charlie. Chapter, -1.O.D.E., Wednesday, May 5th, 9.30 am. BORN. BEARANCE--In Kingston, on May 1st, 4 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Bearance 71 Livingston Ave, a son. COVEY--At Athens, on April 25th, to a 3 HIRO HHH iu. promptly at 9.30. NOW that the housecleaning and moving season is here, housewives are planning new Curtains for the home, : THIS SALE is planned to be of real assistance to the many thrifty women of Kingston. Curtains Offered At prices that represent real savings. HANDSOME ~ Scrim Curtains with dainty Lace Insertions and fancy edgings. Priced: --s8.50 --$4.50 --$3.00 ---$3.50 Net Curtains Beautifully designed. Priced .. . ...$5.95 pair Lace Curtains in many lovely designs. Priced $2.25, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 a pair. " Window Shades in colors and combination colors. (Different sizes)' Very specially priced. 1: John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd." _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Cuvey, son. PATTIMORE--At Athens on April 20 M and Mrs. Pattim to Mr. ore, a daughter. tied up with war work. Not only will "Little Red Riding Hood" be pres- ented by a superior cast and bigger chorus than any former pantomine importation, but the production ft- self scenery, costumes and lighting DIED. effects, surpasses in every way either ABER Kingston. on Mon. "Aladdin," "'Robinson Crusoe" or out Aaughter of the late oi "Cinderella," and that is saying bernethy. Funeral will take place on Wednesday Reinvest Your Victory Loan & ory = <5 1910 VICTORY BONDS, DUE 1084 - Destminations £50, $100, $500, $1,000--Prico 07, yielding 5.80% +~the best investment. obtainable. NGA spree ¥ 111% BROCK STREET much.--Advt. at 10 o'clock from the dence of ther sister, Mrs. T. M. Asselstine. 277 Alfred street, to Cataraqui Ceme- "trey. . Funeral (private). Please omit fowers. inno Ay At the Strand To-day. . In "Everywomsan," Walter Browh's famous story of Everywoman and her 'search for Love, the patrons of the Strand Theatre will be privileged to Nina one of ihe m acular r 2 v'clock, settings ever elaborated for the pre- me. sentation of a morality play. It will | Friends and acquaintances respectfully be shown at the Strand this week Juvited to 4itend -- beginning today. JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers. 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J, REID Undertaker. a a ER TTT |} ] | i NO SHOE that has been in- troduced has found such fa- vor with both sexes as the Brogue Oxford. It can be worn in any weather and is a sensible and comfortable Shoe. We are showing a splendid variety for men at el I TT $1250 m6 S000 E | ' 8 -