PAGE TWELVE F i su WHIG NEW RECORD IS SFT BY TANLAC Nearly 75,000 Bottles Sold In Toronto Alone--Hundreds "7 Testify to Merits. 'Remarkable though it may seem, | nearly seventy-five thousand bottles 'of Tanlac have been sold and dfstri- Buted in Toronto in less than three years, and the wonderful demand ontinues unabated. And what is true of Toronto is likewise true of entire province of Ontario. In one day alone recently in Toronto, two hundred and eighty 'well-known people, by actual count, 'called at Tamblyn's drug store to the medicin d to tell of the Benefits they have ied from its Among the number was John of 39 Jarvis street, In relating his experience with the medicine Mr. McElroy said : #For several years I suffered with indigestion and a disordered liver, a result of which"I had frequent attacks and headaches. When these attacks canie On, my eyes 'would get red and swollen and my | tongue all white. I would have a dull, heavy feeling and lacked all 'ambition to do things. 'My sleep at night was spoiled by restlessness and 1 always got up in the mornings feeling tired out. ' "Art wasn't until I tried Tanlac that 1 found anything to help me. I had tried many other medicines but they pever semed to suit my case. But Tanlac put me into. shape in a very short while, tite picked 80 fast that I am Hungry nearly the time. I found the tablets of great benefit in regulating my liver, and I never have biliousness or head- ache now. 1 sleep well at night and 'have got twice the life and energy t I used to have. I have found to be a splendid medicine and satisfied that it's the very best for troubles like I had." is sold in Kingston by A. n and by the leading drug- in every town. Advt. Regarding A er of the Mayor of Cork-- Irish Fiax Dispute is Settled. (By an Irishman.) e proposal to appoint a sub- of the Belfast Corporation nsider the finanelal proposals of 'Government of Ireland Bill, the t members of the city coun notice at the next meeting of uacil to move that Sir Edward i's name be erased from the st honorary burgesses of Belfast. the combined Nationalist and Home Rulers are in the minor- 1s not expected that the motion blicity is given in the press jement of Judge Cohalan of notoriety to the effect that on for desiring the in- of Ireland is because it [EL leurse than 'militarism. It alone sus- " Hreland is free--Ireland the bulwark lof England---this (English) empire '| by a truculent speaker dt a mee THE DAILY BRIT HOOL BRITISH WHIG WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1920. SC LETTER FROM UNCLE SI. : Letter From Uncle Si Dere Children: Ez | wuz sayin yistiday, ef the man in the moon hed 'a baby sta¥ wood the ski rocket? Thet there hed whiskers on it wen 1 wyz a sqwawkin FRANCIS ROLT-WHEELER enfent, but | feel so good thet { got It takes a high-power boy, without to say sumthin krasy ef she be ez old any Mresk of yellow in him, to tackle ez Mathaasalum. Say do you mo jist the job of 's nest ph aphy. Of what hev happened to me? Wal, i'm course, the old business of collecting agoin to tell yer. Them there little nests and birds' eggs is out of date, no} ' gals, an them there big .ones too i fellow _ gess, is going to hev a baskit-ball salt teem. I think thet is what they sed in thur letter bout it. Wal, they sed when they gets it goin they wants me to eum an wach them playin. whatcha no bout thet? Jist thing uv a old caffozalum like mb being asked to watch them purty little gals playin ' thet there game. I'm shure tikkléd On to deth with the idear an you can jist bet yur twenty-dollar pare uv number eleven an a halffs thet i'll be rite there wen the games cums off. yurs trooly, UNCLE SI. for Outdoor Bays and Girls % to done before, or, at least, that hasn't often been done before. the better if it's something of real use. Botographs of birds' e for scienti~ There are quite a lot of who have been hed mpartively easy one, first, crow's nest. Have you ever, hat a job it would be to find | that you could build! a permanent blind on a tree near by, Victoria School. Nobody's h Have you feasted to-day, old fellow? . Had a sniff of some meat or a bone? Were you generously fed upon gravy and breads By some one who called you his own? Your ribs, sir! How plainly they're showing! '; Your legs seem uncertain and weak! Have you searched every street for a morsel to eat? 'Are you just a town dog, sir? Come, speak! Pd i Hus any one patted your head, sir, | Or noted your great, sunken eye? Have your unkempt ears heard any { kind, gentleword with a camera focussed and fixed so or Baye folks just kicked you aside, as to bear on the nest? Then, to have a long piece of fish-line running all the way down the tree to a blind on the ground, so that you could make the Sxpature at Sally the, awe minute, ev y for a mon en, to climb the after dark, When the Crows were a to chan, e plate or roll to a yb fim at's a whole s work. But if you did it, the record would be valuable to sci- ence, and, incidentally, worth a pot of money, For the adventurous fellow, who is willing to risk a buffet from a powerful or chitch of talons in his you stand! Have they struck you so much that you quake at my touch And cower at sight of my hands? It's the way of the world, poor old fellow! Just a struggle for bread or a bone. when you go To your bed in the alley, alone! and handsome, Friends would feed you and love you er, the at sight, wk's nest on a luckless cur, Just a dog around town! There, good- night! Victoria school. i y-- School News, * 5 ag deg The Victoria Girls' Club held their ------------------------------ a serted, 'is a greater menace and for barracks, the Attormey-Gen said: "No doubt, as Mr. O'Connor had 'pointed out, the soldiers sang Save the King' and 'Rule Britannia. They could have sung these songs with more safety in Cologne" (Ger- ). The Prime Minister, replying. to the Deputy Lord Mayor of Dublin, who complained that the business of the Corporation was being impeded by the arrest bf many of its members, says in effect that the remedy for such a state of affairs is neither in his hands nor in those of the Irish executive; but may be found if, and "when Sinn Fein gives up its policy of rrorism. Mr. Lloyd George writes, .. Jt (Sinn Fein) depends upon violence in opinion and violence in action. It is a policy which can never tains thé Pritish Empire, and once will tumble of its own weight and break into bits.' During the war, until the United States joined the Allies, Judge Cohalan did not use his influence on the side of England, but on the side of Germany. A statement on somewhat similar lines was made of the "Friends of Irish Freedom' held in Montreal recently, When the United States had a big enough navy, freland would have her way," he marked, - We had better "wait and ee." These men don't seem to. do justice to the couhtry in which they were born. ' » The recent report of the visit of 'the British Labor party to Ireland contained no condemnation of the murders and no expression of sym- pathy with the gelatives of the vie- tims. No evidence, they asserted, was forthcoming to prove that the shoot- ing of policemen proceeded the appli- cation of the policy of vigorous re- pression. It is not surprising, there- fore, that the Ulster U Council bas published an effective exposure of the partisanship, insincerity and mendacity of the report of the Laber 'delegation to ireland. In replying to a question put by T. P. O'Connor in the Commons about tainly can never achieve its avowed object, an Irish republic." Since its deliverance, Bonar Law's speech inthe Home Rule debate has come in for some criticism on 'the score of its seeming admission that Doniinion government connotes the right to cut the Imperial tie. The Na- tionalists in South Africa are quoting the speech as a flat contradiction to General Smuts, who, it ap: gave put during the recent peace debate. Mr. Law's "indiscretion" will pro- bably be the subject of parliamentary question when the House assembles. d to the destruction of the mp *Navalism," he as- end. It, is worth recording "that Irish an attack made on 150 soldiers after Unionists have been 'declaring for leaving the Theatre Royal, Dublin, RY ) 2 | | { | | | | | | | 1] i From some human friend passing by, road somewhere in France, was fish- | Why, you'ré trembling now, where curiously for a few minutes and And some of us know how you feel kines and the Smiths. Were you sleek and well cared for aunts had turned yp to witness the But it's different, sir, with a poor, beside the font with his armful of --<Pansy Wood, junior IV. class, godmoth ere} lead to the Union of Ireland. It ger-|d an emphatic negative to the question *|--in hard cash, ig loss of life and '|' property, and in attempting to { Ulster, where last meeting on Friday, april 23rd We closed the meetings because v were all anxious te get at the baske ball again, We are waiting until ut boards get painted and the baske. moved up higher. We thought w were going lo get started at it 'Tar™ Monday, but the weather has bee: so disagreeable that it is (00 wet to play. We hope. next week we can get started at it. When we get basket-ball going we would like Uncle Si to come anc watch us play. We all enjoy readin Uncle 8i's leters, and hope he wil continue writing.--Pansy Wood, In V1, Class. Making Good With Tools GRANT M. HYDE Gordon pointed with pride to a ing flowerbox he hid made to fit \ new hybrid variety. of flower, in which his sister was i inter- . "You said that flower ought to be * janging. See, it's all complete, tin- Pencil Fwister:| You CHANGE THIS JESTER INTO A PUPPY DOG? ~ 57 » Biting. : Sammy, sitting by the side of a | ing in a shell crater full of water. The captain passing by, locked athim then asked: "Not biting very well, heh?" Sammy turned around grinning ; and said: "Sure they are; you're the fifth today." Some More Water. It was a proud day for the Jen- The first grandchild was being = christened end a host of admiring uncles anc at event. 'And the name is to be--" asked 5 & erg = E the clergyman sauvely, as he stoc- : - silk, lace, ribbon and red face. "Augustus Philip Frederick Char- les Snooks Chesterfield!" replied the er, all in one long breath. Dear me!" exclaimed the tlergy- man. Then he turned to the sexton, "Some more water, Mr. Perkins, if, you please!" thirty | : ag £5 Wf aim of tion, A : £ The Sinn Fein outfages committed throughout nd "at Easter were intended as an organized demonstra- tion in force. = Benseless: incendarism was the aim of the gttack on the 220 police barracks and in the raiding of income tax offices the object was to destroy official documents. How the cause of an Irish republic may be ad- vanced by such outbursts of hate and violencd it is difficult to imagine. Tha income tax levy. is regarded by Sinn Fein as a tangible symbol of British rifle, and begides it touches the Irish patriots' pocket. As, however, the income tax: records, are issued in duplicate ne one to escape his lawful obligations use of the estructjon of the local forms. None of the miscreants ' risked much, if anything, in the raids and in the set- ting fire to police barracks, which were untenanted. The cost of . the damage will fall upon the taxpayers of Ireland, The amount of the claim 'for malicious injuries entered since thé begloning of the year might startle even the most reckless were it given in bulk. For example, one week's bill against a southern county for malicious injuries was £7,910. Easter week's damage is, therefore, likely to cost the ratepayers of Ire- land a sum of at least a quarter of a million pounds. In declaring war on 0 society men declare war on themselves! The price of crime and revolution will appear in many forms 2, -- ehh For maty months past the Irish Flax Producers' Association has; been conducting an agitation for increased prices for the 1919 crop. Before the sowing season last: year, when the prospectg of flax:sowing were doubt- ful, the farmers. requested the Gov- ernment to. fix a price for the pur- chase of the 1919 crop. The Govern- meht agreed, and a price of from 26s to 38s per stone, according to grade, was fixed, and on this understanding 95,600 acres were sown. yarns, however, advanced, and at the request of the farmers the Control Board agreed to raise the price of flax from 36s to 45s., 'according to . "This was. done on the spin- mainder of the crop at the enhanced price, thus relieving the Government of all risk. Neither growers nor spin- ners at this stage, however, foresaw the great advance in prices which has since taken place, and which, to- gether = with complsints as to grading, gave rise to much discon- tent. The disputé has now been ami- cably set on the spinners agree-\ ing to offer a bonus to the growers of an extra £160 per ton to be credited to a fund which will be distributed at the end of the season. It is estim that the bonus will amoun} to £800, 000 it a further 5,000 tons of flax are distributed by 31st August. aterial degrada- tion, but the account will be present- ed in due course, and by no process of ingenuity will the people be able to shirk payment. But the Irish peo- ple were never half so prosperous as they are to-day--Ilet it be long or be short lived. Sani! 2. . The proposed partitioning of Tre- land has raised the ire of the south- ern Unionists against the Ulster lead- ers as well as the Government. They blame Ulster for breaking the coven ant by accepting Home Rule and so leaving their co-religionists in the diff : g HERA . 'Prices of | ~ WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1920. Lumber -- | We have on band a well Assorted = * Stock tf Spruce, Pine & Hemlock : E Phone 1042, : Victoria Street = = : MAXOT : S---------------- 4 Allan Lumber Co. JUTE BAGS WANTED We will pay highest prices for all kinds of Jute Bags. Get in touch with us. "A. SPEIZMAN 60 QUEEN ST., KINGSTON ~ HIGH GRADE BONDS J BOUGHT--SOLD--OR EXCHANGED Owisg to the favdrable exchange it is a good time to sell your 43gla Prenst, United Kingdom or 'iny bond, payable .n New nds. Telephone 703 TELEPHONE 708 J. 0. HUTTON 5 At night take one or two' Chamberlaia-s Tablets let them work with nature, stimulate the \ clear away the headache, gently but make the bowels aot naturelly. Ask your Druggist for Chamberlains Toblets ~ todey, 250 or by meil from 105 W. P. Peters Wholesale and Retail SEED CORN Specially selected for high germiration. All varie- ties in stock. LAWN GRASS Special mixture . .50c. Ib. Banner Oats, registered stock, grown in Prince Edward IRIRIG .s vuie'sivov vs ve a . $1.90 per Frontenac Seed Oats wens sesss $1.60 per Internatio=al Dairy Meal 18% protein, 25% Oil Cake; $75.00 per ton Jor better bread. ves bens EE ER Wholesale office and ware- house, foot of Princess .. Street. Phone 51. Retail store, old stand, 117 "Brock Street. Phong 217. Holidays, night or Sunday hone 809. Holidays, night or Sunday, Mr. Green, phone 1352. Special attention to mail ors ders. Shipments made same day received and at market prices. Safe Place to Trade PURINA Serateh Feed -- PURINA Ul INA Feed Sold in , ch - n ecker- XN i SMART NEW MODELS IN SPRING _SUITS AND TOP COATS 3