had put over on him in Ly ; iT -- koh Ed Agra the Sidonce on both valdes of the case, Magistrate Farrell found that R. Patterson, the owner of an automobile was responsible for knocking down Sammy Jarvis, a lit- tle boy, on a bicycle, at the corner of { Princess and Barrie streets, on the night of May 1st, and that the acci- dent was due to the fact that the car made the wrong turn. Gordon Pat- terson, a son of the owner of the car, wig driving at the time. Willlam G. Lennox was fined $3 and costs, as Constabled Lesslie Arm- strong and Boaprey testified that the car cut the corner of Princess and Montreal streets. The owner said he was sick in bed at the time, and that his car was in a garage. 'A garage man gave evidence about the car be- {ing i the garage while he was on duty, but as he was not at. the gar- age all the tine, the magistrate sald he could not vouch for the car being indoors all the time, so he took the word of the constables and imposed the fine.. The last has probably been heard of the consignment of twenty-five tases of liquor, shipped here by ex- press from Montreal, two weeks ago, in care of the captain of a steamer plying the lakes. The captain dis- claimed ownership of the liquor when the case was heard, and Inspector | McCammon asked that an order be Fmade out by the magistrate for the Seizure of the liquor. The magistrate fssued the order for the liquor to be seized, 80 the "precious stuff" will now be sent on to the provincial li- 'teense board. Kingston's loss will be 'Toronto's gain. > Theatrical "Keep Her Smiling." An attraction of dalightful inter- | eat to local playgoers will appear at the Grand Opera House tonight when 'Richard Walton Tully a Breen! the sparkling comedy 'of was written by John Hunteg Booth, dramatizer 'of "The Masqderader," 'and is founded on thé Edgar Frank stories which appeared in the 'Saturday Bvening Post. The play is three acts and four scenes, with the action taking place in a New York office, and a nearby residental suburb. The author has cleverely up- moral appears to be embodied in one ll of the lines of the piece, that: "A puites avagance is like the last the whip that sends the onnsabrcs under the wire a win- ner," meaning in this instaace that | Polly's extravagance makes for her Rusband Henry's ultimate financial | success. The company of twenty-five talented players includes the noted English comedian David Miller, Isa- bel Withers, De Witt C.*Jeanings, 'Ldllian Concord, Vira Rial, Rose Em- erson, Ethel Conroy, Lincoln Plum- aor W. A. Whitecar, William T. ays, John M. Washburne, Eurico Sbordi, Marie Bantsbaff.--Advt. Coming to the Grand. For Thursday and Friday of this week only the management of the Grand offer an unusually attractive picture programme. Bessie Barris- Sale, the charming star of Robertson- productions will be seén in a sDlonatd five reel feature of the great outdoors. The plot is one of a girl ers" who know her secret and don't let on, but make life exciting and miserable for her and screamingly funny for the spectator. There will another fine feature, "Burnt * starring Frank Mayo life, entitled "Keep Her Smiling > 1 I ne found. to her I 2 : | DR: 0. L. KILBORN IS + ILL WATH aa Rev. 0. L. Kilborn, M.A, MD, D:D., who is home on furlough from missionary work in China, is low with pneumonia. He is in Toronto. He was reported to be & little easier at noon oh Tuesday. He is a gradu- ate of Queen's and has many friends in Kingston, 1 HIS MOTHER AND SISTER ARE "ALSO INVOLVED. When Sergeant-Major Lowry Went to » | Him He Was Resisted ad A Are ] dese from. the R.C.ILA. are reported to be of frequent occurrance During the past five 'or siz: months there have been a large number of desertions. On Tuesday evening an escort 'was sent to the homes of Pte. Lloyd to apprehend him for deser- tion, and when R.S.M. Lowry en- deavored to secure Lloyd his mother and sister interfered .and beat the sergt.-major. Lloyd was ultimately taken to the barracks and placed in the "clink" to await the hearing of chargés of being absent without leave, resisting an escort and resist- ing the regimental sergeéant-major. Charges have also been preferred against Mrs. Lloyd and Miss Lloyd for interfering with an officer in the discharge of duty and assault. These charges have been lodged with the local police, and they will be tried be- fore the police magistrate, On Wednesday morning Jaore ap: peared before Lieut.-Col. W. Elkins, D.8.0., M.C, officer command- ing the R.CH. A., for @ hearing. Up-| on conviction he is liable to six months' imprisonment and possibly The oldest fan to attend the Con- vocation exercises at Queen's Univer- sity on Wednesday afternoon was James M. Fair, aged ninety-two who resides 'at Glenburnie. Mr, seoing his grand-daughter, Miss Mar- jorie' W. Fair, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Fair, réceive her B.A. degree. re INSPECTED ARTILLERY. 0 Col. A. T. Ogilvie Visited the Units in Col. A. T. Oglivie, D.S.0., officer commanding thé Royal Canadian Ar- tillery, Quebec, arrived inthe city on Monday, and he made an inspection of the batte: Tete de Pont bar- ¢ morning, and and unit stationed 'The RCA. in- y-artillery units in vie succeeded Col. t year. The batter- to go into camp at the end of the at Artillery cludes all of Canada. Col. J. 8. N. Leslie ies are expect Petawawa will attend a 1 insurance soc Miss Flo: ton, defeated ' the woman's gpl castle, Ire! A ] Special displays and special prices fof beautiful sik merchandise in order that this week - might be a really splendid shopping event. ~----Black Chiffon Taffetag, = Blak Dress Sating" ~--Black Charmeuse Satins ----DBlack Pailette Silks ----Black Duchess Silks and ----Black Habutai Silks. Week ATTRACT IVELY PRICED Crepe De Chenes in all the wanted shades. Specially priced. PAILETTE Silks in all the favorite ohiades: this week, 'very popularly | pric New Figured Georgette Crepe i FOR SMOCKS AND BLOUSES You'll go in raptures over their lovely color bifiajicns moderately priced. 'CHARMEUSE SATINS in a host of new street shades. * Ee aa a te ft SRL SRA ANAS Rt sii Ae ES fy uN SE hha ur bar tn ho RENN AS Pg