H WHIG TUESDAY, MAY, 18, 1030. PAGE EIGHT == = THE DAILY BRITIS For satisfaction and prompt delivery. A. Chadwick & So New location: " Corner Ontario and West Sts. Phone 67. Fresh SPRING VEGETABLES CHOICE GROCERIES : Prompt delivery. FRIENDSHIP'S 216 DIVISION STREET PHONE 545 FORTY OTHER FEATURES 20 Fzr cory As stamps ---- | WOOD Spwed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO., Foot. West Street Phone 133 ! AGENCY FOR ALL En STEAMSHIP i LINES | | For Information and rates apply to J: P. Hanley, C. P. & T. A, G. T. Rall. way, Kingston, Ontario. A UNARDY§ ANCHOR HOR-DONALDSON BRGULAR GERVICHS MONTREAL---GLASGOW y 29 | July 3 | Aug. 7 Cassandra une 12 | July 17 | Aug. 21 ..Saturnia Montreal--Bristol (Avonmouth) May 25 Valencia N. ¥., GLASGOW, (via Moville) May 22 | July 3 | July 31 ....Columbia NEW YORK--LIVERPOOL y 201July 3jAug. 7 *K. Aug. Vict une 10 Vestris N.¥,, PLYMOUTH & CHERBOURG May 22)June 26|Aug. 3 Caronia N.Y. PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG, _ 'AND SOUTHAMPTON May 19 | June 28 | July 28 Royal George N.X,, CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMP'N y Bi uly 3 puretania 1 uly 17 | Aug. 14 Imperator uly 31 | Aug. 28 | Sep. 25 ..Aquitanis N. Y,, PATRAS, DUBROVNIK, TRIESTE TTR jaseed Prepared AGood Dessert --. POSS PRIMUS JELLIES These Jellies, the purity and quality of are guaran. teed the brand name 'can be had in different flavors: Strawberry, rant, Lemon, Vanilla, Orange Port Wines, Choco- late, Natugal (Calf's foot). Require' no nothing to add. Brerything is in the age. The trade mark "PRI- MUS" is a guarantee of quality and purity. RIE BM, DON'T put down the old carpet again. Make itover into a rug and stain and varnish the border of yourroom with Carmote. YOU WILLLIKEIT FOR SALE B ov Use FIVE ROSES FLOUR Jor better bread. germirvation, can Frontenac Seed OLS ........s-esees re Internatio=al Dalry Meal 18% protein, Frafas sansa snsenahatannne Wholesale office and ware- house, foot Street. Retail store, ol Brock Street. Holidays, night or Sunday l,., yeeds in pack- one 809. Holidays, night or Sunday, Mr. Green, phone 1352. Special attention to mail or- , Shipments made same day received and at -- market prices. The Safe Place to Trade ders. W. P. Peters Wholesale and Retail. OR Rr high . Special mixture .. Banger Oats, registered stock, grown in Prince Island .. . Phone 51. ROYAL CALF MEAL the only real sub- stitute for milk for calves. All varie- Bdward ' . $1.90 per bus. ..$1.60 per bus. 259% Oil Cake; $75.00 per ton sass avian of Princess your OWA OT EGETABLES All kinds of gar d stand, 117 Phone 217. ages and bulk--| hand. Duteh Sett Onions) 2c. Ib. Alice and Katherine Discuss Men, Thinking of Ruth, I wondered it I would be perfectly willing to give up {John to Elizabeth Moreland when my child came. I: wondered if I would be courageous enough to take my child half across the world to the man who seemed to adore me if I came to the conclusion that I loved him. 4 wondered if after all I would not be happier if I would put both men out of my life and stay in this little old quiet town and live only in the budding life of my baby. Alice was still talking of Ruth and Bobby and Helen. It was a strange kind of a triangle, and it seemed to interest her greatly. I knew she would not be comfortable until she had solved the riddle of whether the three would not have been happier it Ruth had not given up Bob and Helen would have been happier in the end if\ she had been left'to live her life alone. Alice talked so much about divorce and the cause-of di- vorce that I aimost wondered if the subject had a personal interest for her. "You know, Katherine," she said, "that Bobby was always good to Ruth. However mich he wan'ed to do something else he always respect- ed her wishes. She was his wife and her desires came even' hefore his in- clinations. "But don't you know, Alice," I said expostulatingly, 'that there are many things which are not catalogued as causes for divorce that make a wo- man more unhappy than soma of the sins that are punished by separation. Personally 1 believe I would rather John would be untrue Lo me than to have him ignore my thoughts, tastes and desires except when thay happen to coincide with his." Same Old Premise, "It always comes from the same old promise, Katherine," said Alice-- "the double standard. Did you read in the paper the other day where Lady Astor, the first woman elected to the British parliament, made a speech on divorce. She said we wo- men wouldn't ever be happy until the double standard of morality was changed. She made the same point that you have just made, that there were many things that made a wo- man more unhappy than unfaithful- ness. And yet, my dear, no woman when she is young can make herself believe this." "What we want is not oniy a single standard of morals, but a single standard of mental respect and a single standard of rights. Wo talk about marriage being a case of fifty- fifty, but we seldom get it. I think, Alice, I would be perfectly satisfied with sixty-forty or perhaps seventy- thirty, but ninety-ten is what most of us receive, "In any other partnership the members can get along on compars- tively easy terms even if they have not very much real affection for each other, but you know, my dear, no firm can be staple unless there is a mutual respect for the other's ability to work toward putting the business on a suecessful basis. "As marriage is now looked upon in "Lis country women are only asked to lcve 'Daven love him, my child? asks tka father of his Jaaghter when she vforms o'm tha" she wiaid like to marry his broker or "te exnafleur ns the ease might be. He does not ask her if she would be able 9 nanage the large house with servants of the broker or bring herself to do the menial labor of cooking the meals and keeping clean the three-room flat of the chauffeur." Doesn't Look to Future. "A man asks for love when he is in love, forgetting that when he loses that thrilling emotion the devotion of his wife is likely to bore him to death," said Alice. "That's true," I said, "many a wo- man has loved her husband devotedly and then bored him every moment of the day she was with him." "I sometimes wonder," said Alice, suddenly, "if men realize that women are thinking and discussing this very momentous question." "No," I answered, "they do not realize it, neither do they discuss it to any great extent. We women, to them, are still either servants or playthings and objects of their desire. 1 honestly believe the great unrest we find now in married life, the great unhappiness which brings one divorce to every eight marriages is not a question of more love; it isn't a ques- tion of the heart at all, it is a ques- tion of brain--of more mental re- spect. Women have got to show that they have a brain, and men acknow- ledge that as a fact, before they either can be happy though married." To-morrow--Two Letter.s yr GOWN OF DIGNITY AND STYLE : 4 i wr STYLES FOR YOUNG WOMEN Soft Woolen Cloth Dressss, With Skirts Short and Tight; Lace and Flowers. ---- For the afternoon tea, notes § writer in the London Times, young may wear soft woolen cloth! dresses in brilliant colors; bright peacock, bright rose, Indian red, green and turquoise blue, with wing panniers and ; fringes of the same cloth, bodices, and high, draped skirts are short and t neck in afternoon dresses suits women well, but not all; that other detall for the dressmaker, women's lise of shoulder and needs to lave the throat free, or look dull and heavy. The long stra i Hit sien i seis popular, and evening dresses are being made In lace and tulle, lace and taf- fotas, lace and satin. Feather trim- are rather less In favor, flow 5 1 i ii : Hl i i hi; | | i a i aif i i § ; HH » ' : i ; i i i 1 ! i; i L it : i In the Realm of Women---Some I nteresting Features Foal coal AN EXPERT SAYS fo "of TAVINg to Bé HIgh-For Two |" Years, Ottawa, May 15.--That it is use- less to look for an immediate re- medy for the present high cost of living, simply because the world's production of foodstuffs is not near- ly equal to the demand, was the gist of an interview here with Dr. J. W, Robertsofi, C.M.G.,, who was seat overseas by the Canadian Govern- ment to look into after-war food pro- blems, and who has just completed a tour of the Dominion in an effort to get the people to understand the real nature of the country's most press. ing duty and opportunity at the pre- sent time. * War on Ottawa, May 18.--Federal agents of the Department of Agriculture are planning to wage war on mosquitoes this summer, particularly in the Fraser Valley fruit districts of Brit- ish Columbia. Last year this pest seriously hampered the work of berry-pickers during the harvest sea- son. For its attack on the grasshopper lague the department has ordered $.000 tons of bran, nearly 100,000 pounds of arsemic, and 50,000 gal- lons of gyrup. Between two and four grains of arsenic is sufficient to kill a human being, the departmental ex- perts say. ' U.S.-Ireland Cable Cut. Halifax, May 18.--Two mischiev- ous youths, who gave the names of William Gunger and Joseph Chevier, of Montreal, cut the United States di- rect cable to Ireland, where it emerges from the ocean near here. The boys were placed under arrest. Have you ever tried celery stuffed with snmp mt sans Fill your caddy with LANKA In compliment to your friends, to do true justice to your hos- pitality -- serve when you gather for tea. Each cup embodies the perfection of fla- vor achieved through skilled blending of Ceylon's finest growths, diment imparts a subtle delight to food enjoyment. Food tastes better when you add a few drops of Zo ie Aid A man isn't as anxious to have his wife forgive his sins as he is to have her forget them. Truth and trouble play no favo. rites. Owing to the shortage of Bran and Shorts there has been a great demand for mixed feeds. To supply this we have secured large quantities of a high grade general purpose feed with which we are in a position to offer a fair proportion of Bran and Shorts. W. F. McBroom 42-44 Princess St. Many a woman's makeup pre- vents her from holding the mirror up to nature. A man may be driven, but a wo- man must be coaxed. INFANTS - DELIGHT IT'S WHITE -- TOILET ran a Taw Lf ¥ \ ii i ty Tl I i E fF ; ! § f | - Ee | (CLEANSES ad in No whiteness is assur- 18 biked pf fie Borated to soften the water and cleanse the icate' pores. JOHN TAYLOR & CO, LIMITED Dot 14 Torts, Om. *