THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG . peckers are the two foremost rest 5 BES 50 than the silliness uttered about deat sone bird. . serous sna ss given There is no instance when the whis- | !® Singing in January as in June. : Overheard yer song is so readily overheard as | ®F® the Carolina wren and Sfitdy si . : in the case of the white-throated spar- Either Sp be hewn 1 ot 1 ry in Arcady row. Indeed, for days together, as | * ns Ny So a these birds linger on a hill's seuth SuEpsiae these . ny ol ' fe side and scarcely move from the thick- | 'am songs, or parts A Entirely Well After Six Weel" : et they frequent, there is little else | 10% A Ley that it was » mere cl a ce Treatment With "FRUIT-A-TIVES" By CHARLES C. ABBOTT heard than the meditative, self.entes- | That | heard them at all. Thess birdy ee taining motes. . As all are singing at: | En ate Sint % Asper Songs . TT (Copyright) "short Intervals If would seem as If 10 a ; ap: SSiaee. any pechiies one Individual had time. or inclination | PRYSica condition. olson "Ah, well-a-day, what eye may see to listen te the others. lowing their utterance they may cause The forest tops of Arcady?" Now, the white-throated- sparrow is the woods to ring with their exulta- I have seen daily not emly the for- not with us an active Bird. Jt is rest tions, for ne songs in the Jersey woeds est tops of my Arcady, but have known less at times, but not given to violent are more suggestive of victory--not the way since childhood. My own exertion. With a full stomach, the | °VT 2 fallen foe, but ever the efforts feet have wern the path thither, and height of its ambition, existence be- of winter to dislodge them--not even whatever the season, whether the dog comes a peried of restful, meditation, | those of the host of summer songsters. star rages or winter rules the werld, and it is little wonder that with noth. The Ouarolina wren and crested tit it is always Aready under the old oaks. ing else to do these birds should whis- nearly reach the highest ideals in the My sense of hearing distinctly gains tie. Not like the cardinal, clear and bird world. ed by lending mo other to its assistance. loud, or mandatory, as the Carolina But one conclusion can he drawn, 1 Blind to all about me, net & sound but | ren shouting "Listen! listen! listen! | think, from the study of these trifies 1s mere distinct and few escape reces- | nut like the weary man who is at last | Of melody that searcely break the ui- nition. Se, comfortably seated, I €108 | o¢ his ease, and hums a few notes or | lence. They pout to a higher plane my ayes and listen. Then it is that of mentality than we usually credit whistles a bar or twe as an expression od Tin "They te SATURDAY; MAY, 22, 1020, THOTHERVETIN OF RHELNATISH dedi de LT TT TIT TL ST TIT IIY SITLL TITTY COLONIAL "A" Thin, without sacrifice of accwr- . Al all good jewelers. Priced Let your watch reflect . MR. AMEDEE GARCEAVU 82 Hickory St., Ottawa, Ont. | charming tales are overheard in Ar of relief. "I was for many years e victim of that arvihl, ri Rh alls In eady; and only then do those whisper- ings reach the ear that are mot in- tended for other delectation than that . fo. appreciation of leisure, of a relief from "Basy, easy, let me be!" :warbles the many cares that enter their lives. the white throat; occasionally so dis- s: As the tired laborer goes homeward tinctly that the woods are filled with his ign sy 2 your character 1918, I was laid up for four months of the whisperer. There are the songs with Rheumatism in the jointsofthe | of birds free to all the world, and those he Sound. Save Se wr Xo low to express his pleasure by whistling as knees, hips and shoulders and was | meditative melodies on so low a key | determine that 1t Is this, or, indeed, | P® Walks. Akin to this is the med! prevented from following my work, | that only a favered few have overheard any, bird that you hear. : tative undertone of many a bird helt that of Electrician. them. ; " - contented and safe, It' expresses ita I tried many remedies and was Probably the first time my atten- no think both hg feelings in a whispered song, 'under the care of a physician; bui 0p. vis shlleg to the whisper ng te Certainly they twitter without Se -------------- pothing did me any good. Then I Naa lorty Years ags, when, ceasing except when asleep, and they Russia's Natural Wealth. began to take 'Fruit-a-tives' and in a | oBe brisk March morning, I recorded of are here during those months when As the new experiment works it- a foxy sparrow that "it was whispering self out, there will emerge the larger : : : I : week Iwas froithand in Siz weeks to a withered oak leat." As I look new | '°C%! efforts may be classed as neces- question of the undeveloped resources 'was 30 well I went to work again, rather than veluntary or not mu- at the tattered and stained page of the a for the music's sake. But there |©f Russia, says John Foord, in Asia I look upon this fruit medicine, | gq 0 otonook I vividly recall the da Magazine. The world knows more "Fruit-a-tives', as simply marvellous in thc ot y bon _ is one variation from this. If you | Gp uf, Le TH Nd, Bot Dae are cure of Rhenmatism, and strongly truce to comparisons, creep carefully into a thicket. and walt eral impression is a vague conception advise everyone suffering with Rhou- antil your presence ceases to cause | of vastness without much detailed "mation $0 give' Fruit-a tives' a trial." suspicion, the chances are that you will | knowledge. Rven the Russia that si 3 tear a few low motes of the typical | will Sustge trom the throes of civil AMEDEE GARCEAU. oesting-day song. Observing the bird's | War and perils of foreign aggres- manner at such a time, it reminds one | on Will be the largest connected 80e. & box, 6 for §2.50, trial sine, 25. > a person trying to recall a song by | State in the world, easily ited to At all dealers or seat postpaid br become the foremost state of the Fruit-e-tives Limited, Ottaws © IT is the'quality of your possessions rather than their quantity-which gives the true index to your character. No more than: you would consent to wear shabby, ill- fitting clothes, should you carry a watch of obscure make and unreliable performance. When you carry a Waltham you have the satisfaction of knowing, that you possess a high-grade watch that commands respect everywhere. For more than sixty-five years the name "Waltham" has received universal acceptance as the World's highest Waltham Grandfather Hall Standard of watch quality. Giocks, Mantel jad Lae Aer Every Waltham Watch embodies exclusive improvements fall a4 "ral Desh Clee Jor in watch construction xa iy been developed at your jeweler. Waltham during this long period. : Remember this also: an inferior watch is always a liability, while a Waltham is always an asset. THE WORLD'S WATCH OVER, TIME WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY, LIMITED MONTREAL Makers and Distributors of W altham Products in Canada w---- wo. Wa a a NE I rT I TTT IIIT LL LT TIIIIT whistling in an undertone. This sure- rl ly the bird is not doing, but singing Tort by population, BB Asticuliurs, in a whispering way te please its pass- duction, and therefore in wealth. In 4 . » Give it Fair Pi ing whim, European Russia alone there are -" So it seemed, that 18; | my, birds very familiar to the per- | 550,000,000 acres of forests, which but let that pass. 'It was singing to |, ion. ramblér-are the tree creeper | May easily enable her to organize the : NOW F100, ew % 5 Tomy i Naelf. Surely not a note' was lewd | 4 winter wren. Weeks may pass |187Eest timber and wood-werking in. 4 Muar and you will hear nothing but a chirp, ou dh the woud, und the larg. I so much Sa. berd It; 1t wae 4 Wumming rather | 12 witer whem alarmed, but patience | LRo10,a5% YOEY largely in North Rus- than singing, and bore no resemblance . will probably be rewarded at least | south, Russia produces immense $0 that delightful sunset hymn so char- once in a winter by hearing a few | quantities of wheat, rye, oats, barley, Acteriatic of the bird. My single tm- | 0, notes, perhaps several times | beetroot, mangold, rape, hemp, kax. on Of It was that of personal | opogted, and them the oid mute man- | apPles, pears, plums, cherries and gratification. The bird was In a medi- ser is resumed. other orchard and garden fruits. Still ET hed so re | J th cm othe re rope ha | 57h rom Urn 3 natn calling the words "of some familiar | PStUIANt squeak is not always uttered | top, almonds, pistachios, pomegran. TOTTI, song. As this Is no uncommen trait | "VS When you § quite dedr and is- atom, oranges, apricots and grapes. among mankind, I do not see why the terrupt the bird's progress abeut the | Russia's food production per acre has same habit d aot be ind in | FORK of a tree. The same is true of | been extremély low, because the great by birds. . wiphgunsi go Burden inl Preo EIR RE DUE Twice I have witnessed under most le yas at Sinn, 204 rey y ar ignorant of scientific fertilization. It faverable circumstances the move- has been asserted that Russia's pro- mentioned. It can scarcely be deaied duectt ments of a cardinal grosbeak when: that when these two birds do give way thot ea aubled Au yrsvied uttering what I venture to call his 1 to song there must be some streng area, merely by improving the meth- meditations, or whisper song. . The incentive, and the few warbled notes | ods of cultivation. . ' Rame counts fer little, because all de- bave no reference to aught beyond ese di seription must fall in accurately per themselves. "Silencers" on Ships. trayiag this feature of bird life. The woodpeckers are a neisy race | Hight ships now sailing the Pacific | BUY HYSLOP 'BICYCLES amd TELIA TS ar Tn (0 et eage. It acon became contented With | pay any fhe significance of 8 throsh.e n of Hiram Percy Maxim, from 'H. MILNE I Pe and was Sot startled | ong. The golden-winged woodpecker, silencer bearing his name. If success- % 212 Bagot St. an. swTevmanE mene -----_ IY TIT IIIT Factories: Montreal, Canada; Waltham, U.S.A. BY the near approach of any of he | forever sereaming, chattering, and ful, this newest 'Maxim - silencer" family. Jvery morning, commencing | much given to exclamations of sur may stimulate the tendency toward Soon after sunrise, it sang as prise, occasionally alse thinks aloud,' | general substitution of the speedier, ly as any of its kind flying about the for I have often surprised it, when | more economical, oil-burning vessels yard; and this is with us a commen tlene, chuckling and chattering to it- | driven by the super-powerful engines bird, nesting en the hillside and in the self, as I have known seme very oid | Of the Diesel type, for the present- orchard. Again at eveming the bird day steamers. . Women tg do, "The motor-driven ship is the ship 50' was given te singing in its matchl way, ve I could _-- »o ae The surroundings tell the true story. |of the future," said Mr. Maxim rovent- treal. between its song and that of these The bird is meditating. Possibly what | ly. "However, in the past there has about the pn des this erdi- | | have heard is analogous to the grunt | been one great disadvantage, the ter- ET progr ro Best I was | Of satisfaction after a full meal. The |rific noise of the motors. The new eo rose Bret y song 'of the English robin has been | Sloncer Bid expect will solve that frequently ted to a widely different stated to lack in autumn "the joyeus problem." * one, heard only when all was quiet. of sad the bird, In 4 Mr. Maxim said that, inasmuch as It was truly a whispered song. It bere | 2¢™® Spring. w a ee "7 | his patents have not been issued, he lems resemblance to the grand out- | P8thY with eparting season, | cannot disclose the comstruction of Phone 542 G PSL a burst of melody intended for all seems to breathe a plaintive and mel- | hig new invention, However, in gen- world % Joly saded | is ancholy strain." I prefer, after much | eral principles it is not unlike other best, I think, by calling it the echo of observation, to use in. such instances | Maxim silencers, depending on accom- ; ameng our.own birds the term "medi. | Plishing its work by absorbing the re- |n distant frute. That the bird was . Now Is The Time To P aint Intensely absorbed by its ewn music txhaust. Mr. Maxith it 4 s Le isnaely shistied by 14 e In weadrous contrast to the wood | digaimilar tn dester neat 0! If you have delayed painting, Sour property er art dae tiie iid 42 en Theory, oa tho market for has suffered. Do not put off any longer. | Switching of the tan ve ona nervous |. OUCH! CORNS! Oe et Save the surface and you Save all. Look wild" that I have ever heard -- 5 New York's Auto Accidents. Hound od yd will find many places, inside and out that parable to this wonderful whispered . : | : During the year 1919, over ix rout of the rome brews. LIFT CORNS OFF iresevt sce ies el call fora coat of paint. Now is . the time. Nature is re-decorating; All observers are familiar with the ia Chi , th \ incessant chirping of migrating birds, BOR ee Aion ond mast get in line and do the same. The most economical method is to use MARTIN-SENOUR the red wings throng the marshes and In the same periods 100% PURE PAINT AND VARNISHES "a DIOP bi} York B8tate show that for 10,650 deaths resulting from automobile ac- cidents, seven hundred were the ro sult of reckless driving, eight hun- dred and 0fty were due to defective mechanism, and nine thousand to the carelessness of rans. Children playing in the streets made up the great majority of vie- tims.--Ilustrated World. ER "A Bishop of Honolulu. STON, ONT. { A certain retired colonel 'ells a LRA 7 : story of a dusky bishop who once $ 4 went to a function in town. He gave 'his name to the flunkey as the Bishep of Honolulu, but the man failed to catch it, and believing that ia the ffm: SpE Hr | Their powe and lasting qualities are very It wi y you to insist on this popular Pett For whatever or ing you do, there is a special each one guaranteed to best serve the purpose for which it is made of id idl rif i iii i Doesn't hurt a bit to lift sore, touchy corns off with fingers 8 : i i + i i --------------------------. Squirrels Big as <Cats. There is ne country that can rival North America for the great number i i } ; : i } SIMMONS BROS. - Kingston, Ont. i ¢ ; gd : $ Hi H i hl I i | F lilly ; | i ] i A f | if fl j IH Exejaz is rH ? Hi 7] i i : i $ IL i i 0 8 $e ei HT i i i ; i : Unusual. | "A rather remarkable couple, 1. ," remarked a Toroate e been married ten i Ie il $875 iii 4 eg k i 8! tg |