- SUCH AN IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION AS Milady's | Handbag \ =--=--{lemands particular attention ; here we wotld mention their charmigg appropriateness ' where a gift to some fair June bride is" concerned. THE BAG OF MOIRE SILK, with x 2 frame, and the Lucille Vanity Case in brown, grey or navy are special favorites, ir at this season, and just handsomely carved silver Na IS GHTY-FIVE PRR CENT Si VOCATIONAL GRADUATES WORKING SUCCESSFULLY, Class Recently Started for Men Physidaly Incapacitated for Ordi- Work--They Turn Out Splen- i le 2 Toys. -.That Kingston has. a complete technical school may be & surprise it people who have never visft- {ed the Soldiers' Vocational School {and observed the work done there. | At present two hundred men are re- =| ceiving training in many branches and Mr. McDonald, chier vocational = officer, reports over 300 graduates, ===! Of whom over eighty-five per ceat. are working successfully at thelr trades. The work of vocational train- ing has been divided into three branches, hospital, vocational, and outside training. A new feature, £| started three weeks ago, is a class, == | subsidized by the goverment, for men =| physically incapacitated for ordinary all NOX A COLD X E A safe and cure for LaG he, Ni Ge Coll dist, Mail ABLETS . Get the genuine, at drug stores, 26c per box. Sold at Best's Drug Store. THIS TIME OF YEAR The dust is here. : Protect your eyes with STEWART'S Goggles then you will have no Bag Tops We are showing the newest styles in FANCY BAG TOPS Square and ov a 1 shapes; in Tortoise and Amber finish. Also a complete range in fancy metal designs. Prices range from $175 wp 100 PRINCESS ST. Marriage Licenses Issued. work. . The vocational school, under Capt. Fairful, the principal, is divided in- to commercial, edticational, draft- ing, telegraphy, machine and pattern making, woodwork, and motor mechanics. There are-several other smaller branches, In the woodwork department, some examples: of cabinet making and upholstering show the efficiency of the course. In the pattern making department, some work done for the university shows the high standard attained. In the commercial department the {men undergo a complete training in business and in bank routine and la few take up higher accountancy. i The new' class started by this {school for physically unfit men is | turning out a splendid line of toys, substantial, practical and beautifully colored. These toys are not easily broken, and a visit to this depart- [| ment would gladden the children's heart. The government, by starting this class, are giving men who are unable (because of physical injuries) to find employment, a chance to make good. The work at the military hospital is conducted along similar lines, with additional classes for bed patients, Many soldiers are learning trades with various firms in the city, all of this work being superviséd by the vocational school. People are invited to the school to, observe for themselves the ex- cellent work being done there. Much criticism. hag been hurled at vocation- al work, but a trip through the school would show anyone the benefit this institution is to the returned men. The school maybe finished within a year's time, and an opportunity thus presents itself to the City Counell to secure the nucleus for a public technical school which is bad- ly ded at p in Kingston, Tyrone Power, the English actor, and his excellent com- pany of English actors, will play a return engggement at the Grand Ope- ra' House on Tuesday evening, May 25th, Few more dramatic stories have been seen on the stage of today that that which will be presented when Mr. Tyrone Power, the famous eminent English actor is seen for a second time in "The Little Brother™ the second of the initial productions to be made by Trans-Canada Thea- ||} tres Limited. This powerful h Joint pen of Milton Goldfield and Be- drama, from the lf] nedict James, preaches a double les- | Hi son of religious tolerance and of the {Ji power of love to overcome the limi- |} tations of every creed. The story is that of two brothers, separated in childhood through a Program in a |} Polish town, One educated by his kinsman, becomes a Jewish the other brought up by Ch sian church, The two meet many years later, when the daughter bi, 1H is educated as a priest of the Rus- il the Rabbi and the ward of the priest |i have fallen in love. Both Rabbi and priest' are qqually vehement in their opposition to such a mixed marriage, though from very different motives. But the lovers refuses to be seperat- ed and marry, despite this opposi- tion, they are happy, and their union is blessed with a child. * Later the Rabbi becomes reconciled to his dau- ghter, but the priest still pursues his fanatical opposition, and endeavors though in vain, to persuade the girl to give up her son, in order to avoid what he believes will be inevitable disaster when 'the time comes to de- termine the child's faith. Eventually the Rabbi and the priest learn that they are brothers, in a scene which is the quintessense of tense drama, the priest who has been known as "The Scourge of God" realizes that he is a Jew though he has always regard- ed himself as the bitterest 'enemy of the Jewish faith. The lesson of relig- fous tolerance thus is pressed home when the priest kneels humbly at the feet of the Rabbi and receives the Rabbinical benediction before re- turning to his own church to con- tinue his religious work, a new man with a broader outlook and a wider faith in humanity. Mr. Power's portrayal of the priest is one which has been praised high- ly by the leading dramatic critics of the day for its tremendous strength and its vital human appeal. He is supported by the same excellent company which was seen here a few weeks ago, including two new mem- bers. Robert Taber, and Miss Edna Holland, daughter of the late E. M. Holland. Harvey Hays who ap- peared as the Servant in "The Ser- vant in the House" will in "The Lit- tle Brother" appear as the Rabbi-- Advt. "The Passion Flower." North America's ever changing li- terary and artistic taste is at a point where wide vistas of opportunity are opening for Spanish and Latin-Ame- rican authors and is, The immediate su of Jacinto Benavente's "La "No War Tax on These." ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE Men's Brown Bluchers Neolin Soles--sizes 6 to 10. Special value . .-.......: "ivr: $5.50 Removal Notice PATTON'S DYE WORKS Formerly known as Montgomery Dye Works . Has now moved to 349 Princess Street Now ready for business. All kinds of Cleaning and Dye- ing will be carried on as form erly. M. F. PATTON, Phone 214. "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. et LE TY I=] WHAT A BETTER HOME MEANS TO A WOMAN Home to a woman, is the one place of greatest tmportance--rwife, mother, daughter spend nine-tenths of their time in the house--surely that is 1 reason enough why you should make the home as attractive as possible. JAMES REID "The Busy Store With Large Stock" ** ne aka Phone 147 for Service. PURE OUR Ice Cream has been the BEST in KINGSTON . r * pro- duced by Richard G. Herndon under {the translation, "The Passion Flow- er," in which Nance O'Neil scored the gregtest personal triumph of a long career, has been pointed out in thea- trical circles and by 'the literary of the metropolitan press, as Letters to the Editor ol ---- The Grocers' Half-Holiday. Kingston, May 22, (To the Editor) ~] want to say a word in behalf of afternoon holiday for years and will contniue to be nothing but PU CREAM and FRUIT FLAVORS used. This busi- ness established nineteen years. . MOIR'S and GANONG'S CHOCOLATES always on hand BICYCLE TIRE "SALE the Wednesday for the grocery clerks during June, July, August and September. The hours are long throughout the year and the demands often exacting, rea- Sons of themselves sufficient to Justity the boon of a halt-holiday of Sreotom each week during the sum- mer. But these are not the only reasons. The mass of working men get Saturday afternoon off, and sharps 3 the latest and most s indica- tion of this trend, Still other nish productions are said to be in of ing in answer to a popular and grow- ing demand which seems to have had its inteption in®the vogue of Ibanez. "The Passion Flower" has at least opened a controversy. ile South Americans and 'Spaniards in New York maintain that the play is re- markable in that it has been produc- ed so true to the life of Castilla, in contradistinction to all preceeding conceptions of that hitherto little A few cents buys "Danderine." Af- ter an application of "Danderine" you can not find a fallen hair or "any dandruff, besides e hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, color and thickness. , uage of the street Miss O'- more |, SAKELL'S : Next to Opera House ---- 5 er -- -- Auction Sales {voce Wire Works Tam the best» ahetismer Is Kingston. | Fyuoing; re Work of ail Kinds, mang known people, some of the dramatic | the lang: critics have professed to find in it | Neil. "beat them to it." The entire something '"ynreal," but are unani-| production with #he original cast mous in their candid admissions in | complete will makes a short summer the pext breath that it is a dramatic | tour to the Pacific Coast via Canada, factured by $1.75 each "We are placing on sale for a few days. only, another lot of first quality Tires, at less than dealer's cost. Get a pair while they last. 2'S fT gem of the first water. preliminary An interesting view of this situa- tion, wherein the critics are unable 16 APpracists the' advertised realities of Latin viewpoint as appearing in BonAvente's drama is given Luis Enriqus Osorio, editor of the Spanish department of the "Pictorial Review," who has seen the Spanish rendition of the plece both in and in South America. to producing a super-fea- ture motion picture in Los Angeles before the opening of the coming season in San Francisco. This play | will appear at the Grand Opera Hause, on Thursday he Friday, May 27th an yo (Continued on Page 20.) BEDFORD, The Auctioneer: Phone 1721 or 1428. Low * fi rs FRUITLAND ALLEN MASOUD, Prop. 848 Princess St. BY PATRONIZING OUR ICE CREAM COUNTER You will be sure of getting the best obtainable. We sell MASOUD'S PURE ICE CREAM IN BRICKS OR BY BULK Take Ice Cream home for dessert. Phone 904 or