Pu blished Dail THE BRITISH PAGE SIX \ 87th YEAR. WHIG PUBLIS CO, LIMITED a Semi- Weekly by i dina TELEPHONES: Business Office . » Editorial Rooms "© Job Office "On $ SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Dally Edition @ year; delivered In year, if paid in adv ® year, by mall rural @ year to United States . (Semi. Weekly Bditi 8 year, by mall, cash . 8 year, if not paid in a ®_year, to United States Sia and .$3.0 das $k 1.50 three mouths pro rata. OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES CF Pape 3) . ron ¥.R.Northrup, 303 Fit onto. St., Montreal umsden Bldg. th Ave, New York F.R Northrup, 916 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago Letters to the Bditur are published ofily over the actual name of i writer. Attached Is one of We best Job printing offices in Cana J| will not be worn this summer, says i { i i The circulation of THE BRITISH {| WHIG is authenticated by the t { No matter how high an article Is | priced somebody can always be found "who is foolish enough to buy it. IN -- ment will be erected this summer, on which will be inscribed the names of the illustrious dead. Isn't it time that Kingston did something to per- petuate the memory of her galiant | sons who fell in battle ¥ Arthur V. White, of the Commis- sion of Conservation, arguing that THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG HIG | in the great war. A handsome monu- {by a speaker creates a prejudice in THE , BRITISH {the mind of the audience who miss the spontaneous expression of. the | voice, the varied pausing and intin- |ite shades of modulation attached to | extemporaneous delivery, which | yields the highest possible results in {convincing and persuasive speech. | The popular ideal of speaking or | preaching demands the' eye to eye | "there ig. no menace to Canada's Lcommunicatjon, the magnetism. of Feconomit and general welfare | comparable to the fact that she is so | largely dependent upon 4 foreign | country for her fuél needs," urges | Canadian development of its coal re- j sources, In respect of quantity, | quality and accessibility for mining | purposes, the Dominion, he declages, | "possesses coal deposits which com- pare favorably with those of the greatest coal mining countries of the world." . ------------------ THE DAY OF THE FADDISTS. A new fad rises up about every other day. This is especially true in the republic to the south of us. Yes- terday it was the overall craze; to- day it is men's collars. To-morrow it will be sométhing else. Where is all this craziness in regard to men's clothing going to end, anyway? asks the Vancouver Sun, which adds: Over the callous cables, crowded with discussions of the fourteen points, comes Dame Fashion's cryptic voice from Paris, curtly announcing that female skirts will be shorter than ever this year. Moreover, the zephyrs of the Boulevard des Italiens, playing abo@t the expanse of the fem- ale limb exposed to view by the brev- ity of the skirt, will "caress not lisle or silk, but human flesh. Stockings the arbiter of fashion. What murrain' has afflicted post- war humanity that it takes so much thought of its vestments? The pallid philosophy, in the privacy of his closet, ponders the inward signifi- cance of these sinister happenings and casts a dubious eye upon the fut- ure. Are wé on the eve of an era of at all | gyrect appeal, the fire any freedom of the Whole man unencumbered by manuscript, and is the style that should be practised by every man who aspires to become a proficient public speaker. ---------- PUBLIC OPINION Knows The Signs. (Ottawa Journal) When parliament plans to com- plete its business by the middle of May there is hope that the members will get home in time for Christmas. Haven't Heard It Yet. (Buffalo Express) Wholesale meat prices have drop- ped sixteen per vent. jin the last twelve months. Will somebody please tell the retailers about it?' Where The Fault Lies. (Guelph Herald) Judging by the misdemeanors of which young lads are guilty of daily, | it would appear as if parental dis- cipline needs to be made a little more stringent now-a-days. When. (Toronto Telegram) When the world decides to put the same. energy into production of ne- cessities that was exerted in their destruction, high cost of living prob: lems will solve themselves. . Police! (Cincinnati Enquirer) The modern motor car will not" Run smoothly if it gets too hot; The locomotive, so I'm told, Won't run at all unless it's coaled. When Old Parties Face the People. , (Saskatoon Star) -- Dominion Happenings of Other | Days. | Waiting For Action. On the 24th of May, 1900, the | Strathcona Horse, the great cavalry | force that Lord Strathcona had rais- ed in Western Canada at his own ex-. nse, and which had been impatient- ly training for six weeks at Cape | Town, as the wat seemed to be draw- |ing to a close, was ready for action. On that date A and C squadrons left the training camp for Durban and three days later B squadron was speeding northward through the blue ocean towards Kosi Bay, fifty miles from Delogoa Bay. B squadron had been sent to perform one of the most hazardous feats of the war. So long as the Lourenzo Marques line was in- tact so long would the enemy be able to get in supplies and even men. To the Strathconas was given the task of cutting this line between Pretoria and Delagoa Bay. They were to land in Tonga Land and by forced marches were to proceed to Komati Poort on the border of the Portuguese terri- tory and destroy the railway bridge at that important pass. But when they reached Tonga Land they learned from the natives that the Boers had learned of the plan and had prepared a strong force to meet the expedition. So B squadron was re-embarked on the vessels and taken | back to Durban to get ready to pro- ceed to the front to join General | Buller's main 'army. The squadron | joined its other troops at the Tulega river and the whole force was pushed forward to Eshowe, the 'capital of Zululand. There it was discovered that a force of over 2,000 Boers was on the Swaziland border waiting to annihilate the Strathconas .the mo- ment they attempted to advance into Boer territory. So an invasion of the Transvaal by way of Zululand was out of the question. There was no- thing for the troopers to do, after a brief rest there, but to return to Purban once more. But 'from Durban they were rushed to Newcastle, from which they were hurried to Sand Spruit in the Transvaal, where Gen- eral Buller had 20,000 men in camp. TUESDAY, MAY, 95; 1080. Teint ml Vie EN BIBBY"S 2 = = 5 -- = Te = BS To == Lo 0 = ' for our coal. atany time. The coa > Kingston's Cash and One Price Clothing, House The Store That Keeps the Prices Down, Inconsistency Newspaper men give large space nowadays telling their readers that here and there everything points to lower prices, quoting: Mr. So So says that in the United States prices show a falling off --food, clothing, boots and shoes, furniture, etc. This is where the inconsistency comes in. : The newspaper manager sends us word that commencing | May Ist, 1920, rates for this very space will have to be increas- ed 10 to 25 per cent., and that we may expect a further increase I man tells us we must pay more money The baker says he must raise the price of his buns, and so | on and so on and so on, etc. This is where you and we come in. Early and judicious bu particularly good Suits at :$25.00, $35.00 and $45.00 No Tax on these. Out motto is and will be to look carefully after our own business and continue offering the BEST FOR LESS. ying enable us to still sell some "3 he, Tra enough Conservatives to rovise cone || FAMOUS QUOTATIONS didates in each constituency, but the | AND THEIR ORIGIN public treasury will be enriched by a | large number of deposits when the | votes are counted. And that goes |! | I chorely for Conservatives, But for UNFURNISHED ROOMS--NO- : BODY HOME. ¥ These two modern slang expres- rik Cols ides | sions of similar meaning, intended to Frank 1. Cobb, editor of the New! convey the insinuation that someone York World, believes that Woodrow | Pas # vacuum in the space intended Wilson is the greatest moral force! I'v Nature fpr brains, are not old, that has come into the world in one | "Omparatively speaking, yet they can hundred years. If he wants Senator | hardly be called strictly up to the- Lodge to agree with, him he will| minute, Samuel Butler, (English, have 'to change the word "force" to) 1600-1680) says: "farce." "Such as take lodgings in a head That's to be let unfurnished." 'Francis Rabelais, (Franch {35 1538) in the prologue to his fifth book, says: "Whose cockloft is unfurnished " Thomas Fuller ' (Englisn 1608« 1661), says in "Andronicus: "Often the: cockloft 1s empty 'in those whom Nature halh built many stories. high." " A lot of peoplé who eiamor for i freedom mean tha they are eager to get a living-without sweating. ENGLISH * * RAINCOAT, Extra special value at $18.00 Rich plain: grey Cravenette; double texture. Sizes 34 to 44. * NEW PANAMA HATS MEN'S UNDER- WEAR Special Values. $1.50, $2, $2.50 per Suit. dress reform, characterized by pau- city of vesture, like that which swept over France in the days of the Direc- tory? May we expect an uprising against socks in St. Louis? A re- bellion against coats in, Calgary? A revolution against derbies in Denver? a levee en masse against breeches in Boston? Is mankind now fretfully plucking at its garments, about to throw prudence and wearing apparel to the four winds of heaven and re- vert to primal nudity? These are ominous doubts which assail us. We await their answer as time goes on with no little iiward trepidation. i 'When consumers begin to spend | ,16ss recklessly they will become a | powerful factor in reducing prices. Some people won't believe any- : thing unless its gossip. And gossip is always ninety-nine per cent. wrong. No Tax on these. Publication of the assessment roll, remarks the Belleville Intelligencer, is one of the suresf methods of equal- ising the assessment and is worth the money which it costs. . 4 mnt, | BIBBY'S Envies Mr. Taft. (New York Tribune) What éndears Mr. Taft to the pub- lic, grobably. is his ability to laugh on the slightest provocation. "You are not a dark horse, thén, in any emergency?" Mr. Taft was' asked. Mr. aft, the Times says, was again stirred answered, EE HL a , )f THE POWER OF ELOQUENCE. An eminent Canadian divine de- Pplores what he terms a decadence in the art of public speaking. There is An up-to-date undertaker in a western state the other day put up over his door a big sign in black let- tors which read : "We have buried others; why not you?" When the world decides to put the same energy into produétion of nec- destruction, problems will ities that was exerted high cost of Toronto Telegram. in their | living solve themselves. -- A -------------------------------- 4 "The high rate of exchange is do- not, he says, the' attention given to training the voice as a vehicle of ex- pression as in days gone by, and not only has the public lost by jthis, but $0. has religion, which should be the greatest force in the Mves of men to- day. While he is in a position to speak of the ministry as a class, his observations apply with equal force to politicians and others who appear to laughter, and "No." We envy Mr. Taft that ability. A Prediction. (W. C. Freeman in Fourth Estate) I will bet 100 packages of cigaret- tes against fifty packages that before many moons thé names of the Sun- Herald will be changed to New York Herald and that the name Sun will apply only to the evening paper. This will give Mr. Munsey ownership of Alexander Pope, (English 1638- 1774) says: "You beat your pate and fancy wit will come; { Knock as you please, there's nobody | at home." | William Cowper (Englisy 1731- 1800) says: | "His, wit Invites you by his looks to | _ come, But when you knock, it never is at tt : = Ss 0 BE E = ts ss Es =] = s & Lc o = EE = = s 2] t EE = nn = Es = sc Es ] Fo ss i = ££ = Fn] p= = - s cs sS = = -. E a = E22] Es c E sc = = = s Ss a po] 2 } -] = gE ES 2] 5 . =] Es Es - =] sS od E cD ~------ BIBBY'S BUILDING mm two newspapers that have been fam- ous for a great many years, will en- able him' to give fo the evening edi- ~ {ing as much harm to the United home" i before; public audiences, for it is a {| States as it is doing to other coun- rare occasion, indeed, that we are GARDEN IMPLEMENTS PURE MAREE tries. A decrease of $135,000,000 | privileged to listen to a speaker tion of the Sun all of the good points of the morning. and evening papers Armed and disguised men raided the stores of the Anglo-American Oil | ~Hand Cultivators. Wheel Cultivator and Seeders. SYRUP 'in American exports for the last] : : i ! possessing the faculty of expression Company and the Shell Motor Spisit | combined and will permit the Herald ~--Fleld, Garden and Ladies' 'Hoes. | month 1s ample proof of the fact. i in a pre-eminent degree. Rather is it the case that thé men whom cir- to rémain as a newspaper unit al- ways--which is what should happen Company at Athlone, Ireland, early | on Saturday, carrying off gasoline | Sets of Garden Tools. Ladies' Spading Forks. PURE MAPLE SUGAR With the real old- fashioned maple flavor. Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phones 20 and 990 } Whatever portion or indemnity France, Belgium or Great Britain obtain from Germany will represent {only a fraction of the damage done by the Hun. The United States, set suffered no damage whatever, fo ground for complaint. valued at £500. ~--BASIC SLAG FERTILIZER. --Steele Briggs Seeds. Good assortment at lowest prices --Deliveries to any part of afy, BUNT'S Colorite Colors Old and New Straw Hats ~--Easily applied. ~Dries quickly. (ives a permanent color. ~All colors. 30c Bottle and I believe it will. Rippling Rhymes SVERATLE. 1 bought a suit of overalls, a suit of dingy blue, with creases down the outer walls, and bib and*tucker, too. And all my néighbors did the same, and every one in town, to knock the profiteering game, and bfing the prices down. The rich men in their gilded halls with poor men fell in line; we all were wearing over- alls, and feeling mighty fine. At last we'd found a ||§ useful way to curb the rising cost, and make the pro- | | fitéering jay" feel like an early frost. And then the price of defiim rags went soaring to the moon; the dealers sprung the same old gags, and crooned the | {I same old tune. The honest toiler in the ditch could | not afford to buy new overalils--we idle rich has sent | the price gky high. The honest workers everywhere || in fig-leaves were arrayed; the dealer had no duds to || y spare--we'd bought his stock in trade. We wore our SALT MArQy 'overalls a week, and then the thing grew stale; we took and threw them in the creek, or hung them on a nail. And thus a great reform. my dears, was to the discard hurled; and still the busy profitéers are fencing in the world. --WALT MASON. cumstance too often forces before the public are absolutely untitted to convey any message calculated to move people to action. In the pulpit, however, one has a right to look for the trained speaker, as one having the highest truth to proclaim and uttering it from a pesi- tion of authority. Phillips Brooks says, in speaking ef the "minister, | "He must receive the truth as ome | who is to teach it, but not as #. it were for his own culture and en- richment. This will bring, first, a deeper and more solemn sense of re- sponsibility in the search for truth; second, a desire to find the human side of every truth,' the point at which every speculation touches hu- manity." But even ,at this point there is still something more requir- ed in a message, and that something is personality. Paul's persopality speaks even from the printed page because of his unquenchable love for i | © | 'Banks are curtailing loans and ad- ! vising merchants te~get.money out A of theif goods. In such a situation | prices are bound to fall somewhat. i The demand tor all kinds of supplies, : [however is 80 great that there is { small danger of panic conditons. Special For Saturday 200 ibs. Choice Stewing Beef 15¢. to 0c. per Ib, se, Steak, Pork, Lamb and eal. Choi Vi [rT ----------------, DAVID SCOTT Plumber and Gas Werk a spesial. Address Ohisice Headcheese, Sausage | 20¢. per Ih, An Ottawa coroner says he is go- Quantity of Choice Corned Beef, etc. ._|ing to take the law mto his own {hasds and "shoot," because the "4 police pay no attention to the auto | apeeders. One can appreciate his | feelings while not agreemng with his conclusions. ty. All work guaranteed. 145 Froutenas street. Phone 1377 -- QUICK'S WESTERN MEAT MARKET 112 CLERGY STREET Phome 2011. LB -- Chestnut Coke The deal Fug] for KITCHEN RANGES and SMALL HEATERS uick heat; clean: no clinkers; economical Sold only by: -- Crawford Foot of Queen St. Phone 9, The French Chamber of Députies proposes that the nominal head of @ family shall have as many votes as | men. While some speakers think all there are members of his family, | shey have to do is touch the con- Wife, children and dependant rela- | Science, thls is not sufficient, for one tive. Quebec might approye of such | 8Teat object of preaching must be 'afl Innovation, but the suffragists-- | Persuasion, and the final test is + whether men act. They may be con- vinced of & truth, but they are only persuaded to act through the heart, and how best this result can be ob- tained still remains one of the pro- blems of successful preaching. Carlyle says: "Considered as the last finish of education or of human culture, worth and acquirement, the art of speech is moble and even di- vine; it is Mke the kindling of heaven's light to show us what a glorious world emists, and has per- fected itself, in & man. But if no FOR SALE Military Sadetes, Bridles, Lines, Straps, Boots, cee. ' H prices paid all kinds of Household Fracniture. Call or phone 13237. 45 Princess Street. » ------ W. P. PET WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Flour: Feed and I eins of smn) err 'Seeds greedy self-conceits, commonplace / h ys and indistinct loomingy of . ' Phone 51. be the use ef 'light' to show us that?| Retail Store . ...117 Brock St. Phone 217 Better a thousand times that such a ii, A SHAPIRO * The farmers who have to buy pota- toes for seeding purposes--and their 1 ber is not small in this part of the province--have little patience any Consumers' League which to boycott the spud. "The rightly argue that they can- e undue profit on something 'h they do not possess. s ------------ a ------ Morris, editor of The Trib, house organ published by the of the Chicago Tridune, claims he is about the only newspaper who issues a house organ. We of quite a few such publica- ; British Whig's DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE PHONE 843 185 PRINCESS STREME Ns --Spring Lamb. _ --Spare Ribs. ~~ --Tenderloins. * + --Pork Sausages. Choice Western Beef FOR SALE Two houses, barn and large lot. $1,500 for quick sale. W. H. GODWIN . & SON 89 Brock St Phone 434 needs to nian do not spesk; but keep his pt empfy vapor and his sordid chaos to citizens of Westmount have | himself, hidden to the utmost from $40,000 to Nonor the memory | beholders" ° . Der soldiers who gave their lives The use of rine manuscript ¥ |e NN utr + Potatoes sold at $7, $7.50 and even $8 a in Guelph, and in 5 a bushel. In Hamil- ught $8.50 e mn