Daily British Whig (1850), 26 May 1920, p. 13

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Tr THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE THIRTEEN _ WEDNESDAY, MAY, 26, 1920, 'own, - | hat. aot The Dollar You Spend in Kingston will 'Come Home to Boost' et = wisn -- rms Serpe THE WHIG'S "BUY-AT-HOME" CAMPAIGN Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the Merchants of Kingston. They are your inarsmmons Ee -- SR -------- Sr -- neighbours and will treat you right. THE MONEY YOU SPEND WITH THEM STAYS IN CIRCULATION IN KINGSTON AND THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEALING in Furs and Hats has been estab- lished. You can always rely on the atandard of all our goods, and do a Whole lot better by buying right Bere in Kingston and from us. CAMPBELL BROS, Now ALTOGETHER, L J CULTIVATE ahi the habit of home trading, and make Kingston a better place to live In. We will do our share by making frices on Dry Goeds and Ladies' ear an object on buying at home. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON WE DO EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Get our estimates first on any- thing you may need In electrical wiring. You can depend if we do it, it will be done right. Big line of electrical goods and fixtures. Buy at home. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CoO. For Better Eye Glasses Xewact SYEcnCaT | JJ. STROUD"S TEAS and COFFEE eannot be equalled in the Dominion! A trial will convince you. Head- uvarters for Crockery, China, Glass- are, etc. STROUD BROS, 100 Princess St, IF YOUR AUTO IS SICK and needs dootoring, see us. We specialize on all better grades of cars. Our mechanics are the best, and if we do your repair 'work, you may be sure it is right. E. B. EDWARDS 110 Clergy Street. GET IN TOUCH FOR YOUR .n GROCERIES Try our Teas gnd il] like our way of We guarantee not only prices but quality. Buying at home will help Kingston. You w nd Provisions. off ee. Sore business. MEATS OF ALL KINDS Choice Western outs; f Lamb, Veal and Pork; Fearman pure Pork Sausages: Gupn's Bagi-first ghortening--weholes Stock to select rom. J. S. CLENAHAN Cer. Colborne and Barrie Sts. D. COUPER, GROCER For that Hacking Cough after Grippe use BUCKLEY'S BRONCHITIS REMEDY IT ALWAYS PAYS in the long run to buy in your own town when you consider freight and soforth. We have in stock just now many lines that are 'extra good value. which we bought before the rise in prices. We will give 'you the advantage. C. H. PICKERING Grocer and Meat Dealer 490 and 492 Princess St. Phone 530 T. H. SARGENT, DRUGS, ete. OR YOUR FISH ORDERS JUST r CALL Phone 520 and you 1 get prompt All goods marked in plain figures and one price to all without any ex- ception. Mabood Brothers n fce. We have at all times & vis of fresh Fish, and do 8 whole gale and retail business No order 'too small or too large. DOMINION FISH CO. WE ARE FULLY CONVINCED ore' no use of sending out of Pes 2 Pr; ds, 88 our prices MAKE UP THAT ORDER FOR CERLES OC Don't send it out of town. We can compete in prices and Jualiny with any one anywhere. We do both a wholesale and retall business, and carry a full line of provisions. JAMES REDDEN & CO. 178 Princess Street. low: 'than out-of-town arn Get posted. Get our prices rot and be sure. Big stock of lad- os' goods. MeINTOSH BROS. | Prone 51. OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK 0 ispla on will find just 'e on dis y. ou n what you ant at our st Weare leaders in up-to-d ge stock of Lad oes, Trunks, Valises. : H. JENNINGS 336 King Street. SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED GLASSES WILL do more than medicine for that sickly headache. We are scientific optometrists and can fit you with Elasses that will not only help your vision but give you comfort. See us first. KEELEY, Jr, M.O. D.0, 226 Princess Street NOTICE Our sale, we will discontinue shortly. At the prices we are offer- ing it is a big money-saving for you. Don't miss your opportunity, Buy now. Buy in Kingston. BARNET LIPMAN The Up-to-Date Clothing Store OUR ESTIMATES your plumbing and heating. We A kids of sanitary work; also dle a full line of Stoves, Heaters, aces, etc, and Tinware and sehold Supplies. Don't overlook Ue EMMON & SONS 187 Princess Street. NEVER SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR anything you can buy at home. See us for bargains in Ladies' Goods and Men's Wear. We cap save you money. Make us prove it. We give you credit, too. r JOSEPH B. ABRAMSON 257 Princess Street. WE HANDLE A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE Salt and all kinds of s, Shorts, etc. Bring your pro- cls to us . We handle a whole- and retail business. Home buy- is & good idea. See us, ; W, PF. PETERS 117 Breek St. OUR CASH AND CARRY SYSTEM will save you money on 'every dol- lar's worth of Groceries. you buy at our store. Just compare our prices. All marked on the goods, and de- ¢ide for yourself. Everything fresh. J. B. HUTCHESON FALSE ECONOMY HAS NO VALUE. Buying Cheap Goods Just Because They Are Cheap Does Not Pay. QUALITY OFTEN OVERLOOKED. Instance Seen in Case of Mail Order Houses Which Make Their Appeal Solely on Basis of Price. (Copyright, 1917, Western Newspaper Union). i Economy is one of the greatest of virtues, but false economy is no more a virtue than anything else that is false. To be able to economize wisely "is one of the greatest blessings that one can have, for it is the prerequisite to thrift and well-being. Too many persons, however, who think they have found the secret of true economy are practicing a false economy which is worse than wilful waste. For instance, the man who buys a stove from a'mail order house for $9 because he thinks he would have to pay $10 for one if he purchased it from his home merchant, is practicing a false economy, for the chances are that he would save more than from the local hardware leader. $1 in the end if he purchaséd the $10 stove There are several reasons why this is false economy. The first one is that dollar for dollar, the greater part of the merchandise sold by the mail order houses is of less value than that sold by the retail merchants of the smaller communities. cheapness. The mail order business, as a whole, is built upon In order to attract customers the catalogue houses must sell goods cheaply and in order to do that they must sell cheap goods, Their business is built up on price and not on quality. The retail hardware deal- probably can match the prices of the er, like retail dealers in other lines, mail order houses. who wants to get a stove for $9. trom the mail order house does not - He probably has a $9 stove which he can sell to the man The trouble is that the man who buys distinguish between price and quality. Thinks He Is Economizing. The man who buys the $9 stove from the mail order house probably would not buy a $9 stove from his local merchant for in the latter case he would see just what he was buying and might realize that the $9 stove would not meet-his needs. however, just because the that the stove will meet his needs. He orders a $9 stove from the mail order house price is $9 and not because he has any assurance He thinks he is saving a dollar or two by buying this stove instead of paying $10 or $11 to the home merchant for one that he has seen and knows will give him satisfaction, The chances are that when the stove arrives and he has used it for a short time he will realize that he has practiced false economy--that it would have been more economical in the end for him to pay a dollar or two more to his home mer- chant and get an article that was guaranteed by the dealer. The patron of the mail order house, also, often fails to take the matter of transportation charges into consideration when making his purchase. sees only the price of local store. He the article as listed in the mail order catalogue and does not think of the express or freight money order and postage often make th than the price at which the same thing charges, which with the cost of a could have been purchased at the Another case of false economy. Buying merchandise of poor, quality because the, price is low is often false économy when the purchase is made at the home'stores but it is doubly 50 when the merchandise is bought from a mail order house. When buying at home one can be reasonably sure that the article purchased at a low price, while there is no such "sight unseen" plan. assurance when it is bought by mail on the Idea Is Exploded. The idea that the mail order houses sell the same quality of goods at lower prices than the home merchants is quickly exploded when one learns of the large profits that are made by and the large the majority of the mail order h selling expense to which they are subjected. e total cost of the article greater re ------ U Buy Out of Town, and I Buy Out of FOR ALL KINDS OF MEATS See us. We pride ourselves in our special cuts of Beef and Pork pro- ducts. Our facilities for handling Fresh Meats ig the best. If you want the best at reasonable prices trade here. FISHER'S MEAT MARKER Princess and Clergy Streets LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR AUTO If it needs any repairs, we an do It quick : t We handle all kinds of Tires and Accessories and Service Station Ofls and Gasoline. We handle used cars, too CENTRAL GARAGE 335 King Street. HAVE YOU NOTICED OUR INDOW n display? Well, come inside and ses a complete line of Clothing and & nifty line of Gants' Furnishnigs that will please any good dresser and at prices that are hard to beat, D. 8, COLLIER, Princess street. A WORD AS TO HARDWARE We handle a complete line of General Hardware, Paints, Tinware, Stoves, Ranges, and all kinds of Sporting supplies. We try to make our prices a real advantage for all to trade at home. STEVENSON & HUNTER 85-87 Princess Street. SICKNESS In case of sickness demand the best quality and quickest service Telephone at nd how quickly your order wil rome from PROUSE'S DRIU TORE Phone 82, once a see YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND « BARGAINS in used Furniture. We have a big stock of used Furniture, Stoves, Rugs, etc. If you are furnishing & home it will pay you to see us first. LOUIS LESSES, 507 Princess Street W. H, COCKBURN & Co. On Prindess street, is the place to buy Hardware, Stoves, Sherwin Paints, Household Utensils, contract supplies, and high grade Cutlery. We compete with Anyene anywhere in prices. W. H. COCKBURN & CoO, WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE FORD --the universal cars made in Can- ada. We carry a large stock of ac- cessorles and auto nee The Ford service station is ope o all Ford owners. Make our Gathge yours. Van LUVEN BROS. WE HANDLE A FULL LINE of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Enamelware and Dairy Supples, Stovew and all kinds of ammunition fo fiunters and trappers. You will find wur prices right. Get our esti- mates on builders' hardware. J. B. BUNT & CQ. 353 King St. ONE GOOD REASON For buyihg shoes at home, your feet will be properly fitted. Result: you will have more comfort, your shoes will last longer and retain their shape. LOCKETT'S ; Fit the Feet--Alap the Purse WE DO MERCHANT TAILORING and cerry a full line of imported and domestic goods If we make your clothes you are sure of satis- faction. Cleaning, Pressing and Re- pairing 'done promptly. Give us a trial and see the difference. G. W, LEAVOY 39 Clarence Street. WHEN YOU RUY JEWELRY BE SURE you deal with a known for reliability. have to know Jewelry when you deal with us. Big stock of all kinds of Jewelry to choose from. KINNEAR & D'ESTERRE house that You do! MAKE OUR GARAGE THE HOME for your'auto. We dg all kinds of repairing, any make of cars, and are local distributors for the 'Me- Laughlin Automobile. Quick and ef- ficient service is our motto. in kinds of accessories. ANGROVE BROS, OUR BUYING FACILITIES ARE THE SECRET of selling. You will find our prices lower in ail kinds of Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Gent's Furnishings than any place in Kingston. Make us prove it. I. ZACKS, 271 Princess street. RICYCLE REPAIRING done here. We always have a stock of Bicycles to sell, and our repair work is very reasonable. We try to give you satisfaction in every way. e also do Electric and Vacuum Carpet Cleaning. { H. MILNF, Phone 542. 2372 Bagot St, A The large mail order houses spend hundreds of thousands ofvollars annually for advertis- ing and the selling expenses of the smaller concerns are large. than those of the local retail Their other expenses, such as rent, taxes and labor, merchants, in proportion to the proportionately as are also higher business which they do. In spite of these heavy expenses, the mail 'order houses distribute millions of dollars in dividends among their stockholders. mail order concern the profits In one large of the stockholders, in cash and stock divi- dends, have aggregated as much as 1,000 per cent. on. the capital invested in the short period of nine years. This does not indicate that the mail or- der houses are in business fpr their health and are giving away merchandise to their customers. The mail order houses have capitalized the desire to economize that is inherent in almost every ona. By placing price above quality and making cheapness the fundamental _lement in their business they have inculcated in the minds of their patrons the idea that they are economizing when they buy cheap goods at cheap prices. wot Ry WITH FLOWERS 0 We su owers for any function, ~edaings. rties, etc. Special prices made Lor unerals. Always a big stock of Cut Flowers on hand. Pot- ted Plants ete, Call us up by phone. are AIS Pr 'D. HOLTON 284 st. WE ARE COMPLETE OUTFITTERS for Men and Boys' Clothin Carry a large stock. Just os Qur prices and then decide where to buy your outfit. e know you will not regret it by trading with us, E, P. JENKINS » TRADE AT THE VETERA _ CLOTHING COMPANY' You will get a square deal. Big stock of Clothing, Men's Furnish- nga, ste All new and up-to-date stoc Our motto is "live and let live," See us first and get prices. 244 Princess Street. N§* THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE is the place to buy your books. We do a wholesale and retai] business in all kinds of Books and Stationery, Music, Talking Machines and Re- cords. We are strong believers in trading at home. 100-162 Princess Street ~ WHEN YOU BUY FURS FROM US You are dealing directly with the manufacturer, thus saving the mid- dleman's profit. We carry the largest stock in Ontario, See us be- fore you buy Furs. It will pay you. JOHN MeKAY, Ltd. WE MEET, IF WE DO NOT BEAT, all out-of-town prices, Our new Store enables us to serve you better than ever. NEWMAN & SHAW 130 Princess Street STEACYS Kingston's Greatest Who by actual com- parison meet or beat mail order house prices. | We invite comparison. THE VICTORY SHOE STORE is the place to get your Boots and Shyes. We are right up-to-date in fashions, and carry-a superb lne of all the pro®ucts of the best Cana- dian factories. Big line of ladles' fine Shoes. 200 Princess Street WE ARE EXTENSIVE DEALERS at wholesale in Scrap Iron, Steel, metals, &e. We can handle any quantities and give the highest market prices. Get in touch with us. Mail, wire or aeroplane--it will pay you I. COHEN & CO, KINGSTON DIAMONDS Diambnds have been our specialty for half a century R. J. RODGER LADIES OF KINGSTON, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in fancy goods, you will find just what you want at our store. a carry a full line of fancy goods, such as Ribbons, Silks, Yarns and all supplies for Crochet work MISS M, A. LEADER, 105 Brock Street. HOPKINSON GROCERY, Market Sq. Competing houses may sometimes for an object eut under our prices but in the long rum we have found that when our etistomers bought at less than our figures they found a difference in quantity or quality, Which explained the difference in price. Our motto is lowest prices, consistent with good quality. A WORD TO FARMERS Get in touch with me for all kinds of Agricultural Implements. We are local agents for The Deering Pro- ducts. You will find just what you want here. F. W. OLOW 471 Princess Street. DEAL AT THE UNITED FARM- ERS' STORE and save money. We Carry a large stock of Groceries and Provisions; direct from producers to consumers, Only one profit You will be satis- fled at our store UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERA- TIVE STORE OF COURSE YOU WANT YOUR MONEY to go as far as it can in buying Clothing. Call at our. store. We can show you a line of goeds thet' will be an object lesson on buying at home. 3 Li ABRAMSON 336 Princess Street, -- WE HAVE SAID IT BEFORE AND say it again: We can sell you Fur- niture at better prices than in To- ronto. Now make us prove It Big line 'of Furniture and floor covering for every room in house. T. F. HARRISON CO,, Led. SEE WHAT YOU ARE BUYING Catalogue Furniture all looks alike in cuts. When dealing with us you see for yourself. Our prices meet any others anywhere. We are doing evervthing posdible to make home trading an advantage. JAMES REID, THE CHANDLER HEADQUARTERS --~the one of many cars that stand all tests. We are district distribut- ors for Kingston. Also handle a full line of accessories. and do all kinds of repairing. Have your bat. teries charged here H. M. FAIR 207 Princess Street. WHY ARE WE PARTICULAR WHEN WE SERVE YOU? We have always found that it pays to be particular--pays the cus- tomer and ourselves. Goods sol where QUALITY counts stay se and create permanent trade. BIEBYS LTD * OUR STORE IS FULLY STOCKED with an up-to-date line of Clothing and nifty stock of Gents' Furnish- ings. Get our prices. Ii wil] be a big lesson on buying at home every time. "THE CLUB"--P, Gi. REAVES & Co, BUY A WILLARD Threaded Rubber Insulated Bat tery. Inquire about our guarantee and service. WILLARD SERVICE STATION L. Lenses, Prop. Phone 1340. GREAT BAAN AD US tain would continue to "pull to- gether." If so, he said, he thought they and their Allies would be able to reconstitute Europe and get back to former conditions of trade, to uproot the whole American Con- stitution." There were people who were working, with pro-Germans and Sinn Feiners, to do all they could against England. But they would America a big debt, but the Allies owed this country a larger one. Paints Walls, THE CHRONICLE'S VIEW Turns to Official World of London For Fit Men. suggest a combination of stfonger measures in some directions with milder ones in others. It remains to be seen, it says, how far it Is jus- Palatial Hothouse is Blown to Bits. London, May 26 ---The Duke of Devonshire"s famous conservatory at Chatsworth, which is almost as large Parisians Paris, - May 26.--Hand-painted walls are being used everywhere in Paris because of the scarcity and high' cost of wall paper. Scene painters and tableau art- ists from the Latin quarter are em- ployed at a daily wage much cheap- er than the cost of new paper, which has soared to more than eight times the pre-war price. MILL LIKELY CONTINUE TO PULL TOGETHER 38 hey Do, They and Their Allies Will Be Able to Get Back To Former Conditions of Trade, . Leeds, Eng. May 26.--Arthur _ Shirely Benn, who was head of the | mission to the International j@ Conference at Atlantic City fall, has just told the members Luncheon Club that he beljev- the United States and Great Bri- tified by realities. as the Crystal Palace, was blown up on Saturday by explosives, owing to the labor conditions and the high cost of coal. Forty thousand panes of glass and several thousand tons of ironwork, which at one moment constituted the finest hothouse in the world, at the next moment were blown to smithereens. not succeed, he said. The class of people in America who were descend- ed from Anglo-Saxon stock were not going to give up the government of the funtry to any mixed cosmopoli- tan y of people like the Bolshe- vists and their class who were mak- Jing the trouble in America today." The bulk .of the people of the United States, he declared, had the most absolute faith in the honesty, courage and detefmination of John [having to Dar bk wife's Bull. Great Britain, he said, owed she visits her ds. Lendon, May 26.--The Dally Chronicle, Coalitionist Liberal, dis- cussing Hamar Greenwood's new official Irish appointments, re- marks that it is to the official world of London that he turns to find men in whom experience of affairs may be united with freshness of outlook on Irish problems. Where old methods have failed there is at least some hope for courage that tries new ones. Outlines of new methods, 80 far as they bave been revealed, A great many Foyle He said there Was no chance of Great Britain end the United States pulling together, because they were too much alike-- too impetuous and ag ive. He did not believe it. He bad known America since 1877 and had known 8 better feeling to exist between England and America than exists to- day among the people who counted. There were in America, he said, pro-Germans, Sinn Feiners, , and others--'wild men who 'were trying Berlin Accepts the Invitation. Berlin, May 26.--The German Government notified the British Charge at Berlin of its acceptance of the Entente's invitation to partici- pate in the. conference at Spa. : ee rey It must be annoying to have se beautiful a complexion that it de- ceives others into believing that one makes up: It is difficult to convince a woman who misses a train that the conduc- for didn't give the signal and leave her on purpose. eet Nothing makes a man so sore board wh

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