: PAGE EIGHTEEN CHEESE AUCTIONS PLANNED 'Y ONTARIO MAKERS ARRANGE FOR WEEKLY SALES AT MONTREAL A Cheese Trade Centre--Ontario Co- operative to Have W. W. Moore in Charge in the Metropolis, Merireal Gazette Plans. are under way to ~~3Montrezt- not-onty a centre--for-the cheese auction business of Quebec province, but for the sales of the On- tario cheese product, a process which will make Montreal more than ever a v of Can- away rural make centre of the cheese ind: ada, and will probably e considerable business from the cheese boards of Ontario, which in the past have done a large trade, shipping thence to Montreal It was stated at the Board of Trade yesterday that the United Dairymen Co-operative of Ontario, which is the dairymen's co-operative Montreal. Plans for this are already well under way, and next week they will. hold their first anctlon sale of Ontario cheese at the committee room 'of the Board of Trade. : For many years past the Quebec Dairymen's Co-operative Society has been holding bi-weekily sales of but- ter and cheese at Montreal, and now the Ontario organization has decided ta follow suit, so far as cheese is con- cerned. Following up this move the Wnited Dairymen Co-operative of Ontario have secured the services of W. W. Moore, formerly chief of the markets division of the Department of Agri- culture at Ottawa. Mr. Moore will arrive here almost immediately, and will make his temporary headquar- ters at 69 William street. As a pre- liminary to his work here in this connection, Mr. Moore has already hacome a member of the, Board of Trade. It was stated yesterday that the significance of this move was that the dairymen of Ontario had so thor- oughly organized that in future they will place their output in Moutreal, with arrangements for regular sales of cheese, which will probably in time make Montreal the central point for the auction sales of cheese, both for home consumption and export. Instead of the previous loose Sys- tem of auctioning chese the Ontario | roduct will now come undar strict "pervision with the co-operative! 'cociation. All the cheass will be "aded by inspectors, according to e rules laid down by the co-opcra- @ society. The trade will start with sales once week at the Montreal Board of 'rade, conducted by Mr. Moore. when 2 offerings will be sold not by sam- ia but exactly according to grade. Cheese men here said yesterday that this new arrangement would be 'f distinct advantage in'the way of rogularizing the cheese business, especially in the standardizing of grades, although it would probably | stop a good deal of speculation. The | Svstem now adopted by the untario | dairymen, it was stated, had icrg ! been in force in the province of Que- | be, * and its adoption, with strict grading, would mean the same im- provement of production that had Rappened in Quebec province. since any maker whose product did not 'come up to standard would promptly be discovered, and the departmental | Jofficials would see to it that he was Instructed how to improve his pro- duct, with prospect of replacement if he did not make good cheese. Since ninety-five per cent. of the cheese product in Canada was export- ed, at present high prices; the echeésze dealers regarded this move to regi1- larize the business as a good one, which would lead to better product and better average prices. ------------ (From Our Own Correspondent) May 29.--The Young People's So- ciety of Grace church held its closifig session for the summer season last evening. The society took occasion to present to Mrs. W. S. Lennon, wife of their esteemed pastor, a handsome autograph quilt, with a picture of Grace church worked in the centre. Mrs, Lennon made a feeling acknow- ledgment. Sinn Fein hunger strikers are enjoying the singing and society of that province, were plan-' serepading Of their companions and sympathizers, who each Ring to start a sales organization for ' (ay play and sing for hours outside of the Wormwood Prison. Just recently the prisoners broke their prison windows, waved flags, burned flares, and joined the sympathizers in their songs. ~~ opening up of his summer home on Hay Island in the near future Mrs. J. Crouch and daughter, Miss era Crouch, of Port Arthur, former residents of this town, spent a few days renewing acquaintances during the past week. BICYCLE ROAD RACE Many Entries For the Contest on the 3rd of June. The day of the big bicycle road race is fast approaching and interest in the contest has reached a high de- gree. The event is classed as an Olym pic bicycle trial for Eastern Ontario and the winners of the first place and time prizes will be considered the best bicycle races in, this section of the province. Further, the fastest rider in the local trial will be eligible to compete in the final Olympic bicy- cle trial at Toronto and the six best riders in the Toronto tryout will form the team that will be sent to repre- sgnt Canada at the Olympic Games i Belgium next August. | Prizes galore have been donated by local merchants as well as by manu- facturers at Toronto, ' Worcester, Mass., New York, Bridgeport, Conn., Indianapolis, Milwaukee and other places. The donation of these prizes only helps to emphasize the import-, ance of the local race and the confi- dence that there will be many com- petitors. It is expected that at least thirty cyclists, of all ages, will com- pete for the many honors. Both out-of-town .riders and offi- cials will be here for the race but this fact should not hinder all local racing enthusiasts from taking part in the contest because the handicaps that will be allowed to 'green" riders will give every starter a chance to win. One official who has promised to come for the race is W. M. Cladish, of Ottawa, a chairman of the Canadian Wheelmen's Assocla- tion. This association is encouraging the holding of Olympic bicycle trials in all parts of the country. Howard 8S. Kennedy, 88 Princess street, is receiving the entries for the coming race and ke already has a lengthy list of names. Schoolboys are particularly 'invited to ride for the many prizes. There is no entry fee. Dr. Edwards Speaks French. Dr. J. W. Edwards, M P., in open- ing his address began with "Monsieur I'Orateur," and after applause said: "The honorable member of L'fslet having opened his speech in English and closed it in French, I thought that I should show appreciation of that courtesy by opening- my re- marks in the language which falls with such melody. from the lips of kon. gentlemen opposite." The mem- ber for Frontenac, after three hours' talk, finished with a happy "merc: beaucoup." Mrs. S. B. Dixon, Brockville, nounces the engagement of her niece, Lena A. Brimley, to Rev. John S. Veale, B.A., B.D.,, Kimberley, Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Veale, Omemee, Ont., the marriage to take place the middle of June. The drug business established thirty-one years ago by the late A. C. Miller, Brockville, has been sold by Mrs. Miller to Stanley Lemmex, Smith's Falls. The many friends of Mrs. (Rev.) Pearson, wife of a former Methodist John Beresford, who represented clergyman, Newboro, were sorry to Gananoque Lodge No. 4 ofthe Amal- gamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers of North America at the national convention of that union at Scranton, Pa., during the past three weeks, W#s returned to town. The local bakers increased the price of bread the fore part of this week to fifteen cents a loaf. This was followed by an increase in fhe price of coal oil from the tank wagen of the Imperial Oil Co. of one cent per gallon, plus ope per cent', ren- dering a two-cent increase necessory for the retailer. i Word was received by local rela-| tives on Thursday of the death at her home in Chicago, Ill, of Mrs Mary A. Daniels, relict of the late hear of her sudden death at the home of relatives in Calgary, Alta. a young or, ------ ya 'AN AMATEUR PLAY WAS PRESENTED "Mrs. Briggs of tho Poultry Yard" Was Realistically + Given. The usual week! of the G.W.V.A ve place last night to the presentation of "Mrs Briggs | of the Poultry Yard." St. Luke's Dramatic Club volunteered their ser- | vices for the benefit of the Veterans, and in spite of the several other at- | tractions, the assembly hall was packed to the-doors. | admirably handled members of the forth round after round of applause while the various specialty numbers received handsome welcomes. After the performance, the George T. Richardson Chapter, LOD. Ey} served coffee "and dainty refresh- | ments to the members of the dra-| matic club, while during 'tlfe inter- missions candy and ice am sold to the audience. Ab eleven | o'clock thd fioor of ti >mbly 1 was cleareyl and ds g was indulg- | general meeting SAVED HIS FELLOW | Quite an Interesting Episode | While"Working at Bate- OPERA HOUSE 3 DAYS COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY 31 "THE SCREEN TRIUMPH OF THE YEAR "The Virgin of Stamboul" STARRING PRISCILLA DEAN | THE BEAUTIFUL \ PRISCILLA DEAN TE INA ERIAL ~ JEWEL PATTER 8 oo pocTRm THE VIRGIN QF SIAL 1800L" A magnificent drama of Oriental Splendor with scores of thrilling scenes and exceptionally fine settings. See what Sair saw in the harem, the mosque, on GRAND man's Residence. } i The prompt action of one work- | man saved the life of his fellow- | workman on Friday afternoon. while i mn the roof of the home occupied by | George A. Bate Unive ty avenue. It appears the men were en gaged in getting an extension ladder in place, when the ladder gave way | in the centre. falling to the ground. | The man at the top of the ladder had i presence of mind to grab the eve | trough, while the other man was | thrown to the ground. but did not suffer any injury. The workman | thrown to the ground saw the plig} the other workman 'was in, and r ed the ladder high enough to allow | the man who was hanging to the! edge of the roof to get down. George Hunter and Mr. Clifford who lives on Macdonell streat, were | the men concerned. Letters to the Editor | Appreciates Whig Reports, | Kingston, (To the Editor) : The members of the Woman's Auxiliary | wish me to thank you for giving so | much of your valuable space to the reports of their annual meeting. By so doing you have made it pos- sible for many who were unable to attend to keep in touch with that organization Sincerely yours, --ETHEL A. WALDRON, Corresponding Secretary. i Serious forest fires are raging at Hazen and Grimer settlements on the International Railway in Restigouche county, New Brunswick. The fire at | Glennie, Sunbury county, is beyond | control, requiring the despatch of a large crew of fire fighters there, No, Clarence, some musical cranks are attached to hand organs. * laces, I see going to be. smile, IN THE CHILDREN'S PRESENCE. I never look them over, never see their little faces In the schoolrooms at their studies or the many sunny I ; But behind them. in the distance, there are shadows that Of the grown-up men and women that some day they're When I'm in the children's presence, back of every happy There's a subtie hint of, splendor for the coming after Edward Daniels of that city, in the sixty-second year of her age. Da-| ceased was the only daughter of the late Job and Nancy Lloyd of this town and is survived by one daughter | (married) and three brothers, all] residents of this town, George Lloyd, Job Lloyd and Town Councillor Fred- erick Lioyd. i A meeting of the mothers' depart-- ment of Grace church' was Meld Thursday afternoon. A pleasing fea- ture of the meeting being the pres-/ entation of a handsome quilt, made | by the members, to Mrs, W. 8S. Len- | non, wife of their esteemed pastor. Mrs. George A. Baker, Brock] street, has returned from Sunbury, where she has been spending some time with her sister, Mrs. William | Lynn, who is quite seriously ill. ! Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Gracey | fre spending a few weeks in Petrolia | the guests of their daughter, Mrs. ! George Hay. 3 | J. 0. Williams, of Brooklyn, N.Y. ! was in town for a few days this week, | getting his island residence ready for | opshing the season at an early date. | Mr wis, of Narfolk. Va, was in while, And 1 think the little fellow bending now o'er book or slate May be one that some to-morrow shall be ruler of the state. Here they are. the men and women, of the future ! Who ean read What gréat man now sits among them who shall serve his country's need ? Here, mnglets curled Is the heroine of to-morrow, who may rise to bless the world, In sone way we all are teachers, as the children come and eo, And perhaps we should be wiser if the future we could know. We might hold to them more closely if we fo see The 'glorious men and women that some day they're going to be. erhaps. in frock of gingham, with her hair in had the power @ OPERA HOUSE PRICES: MATINEE ........... .3Cc. the desert, on the street of mystery. It's gorgeous ! Daily Matinee at 2.30. Adults 25¢, Children 15¢, any seat Evenings at 8.15 J DAYS COMMENCING THURSDAY EVENING at 8.15 (*"D "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT-- YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!" . PREACHERS DOCTORS LAWYERS AND WELFARE WORKERS SAY "WARN YOUR GIRLS" "Enlighten Thy Daughter" Two daughters, two mothers--a man, and the world's mystery. Back of the delinquent girl is the delinquent boy, and back of the delinquent boy are the delinquent*parents. This MORAL EPIC doesn't dodge the question. It tells what the pitfalls are --but in a way that can offend no one. Mothers, Fathers, Sons and Daughters SEE THIS A Sensational Picture That Handles a Delicate Subject in a Fearless Manner. Let Your Daughter Have Knowlédge of the Methods of that Vilest of All Human Wolves, THE WHITE SLAVER. This Film Against the White Slave Traffic, Public Library Bulletin " SEA BOON SHELF Have you read any of these books? Ask for them at the des Treasure Island--Steveaso Two Years Before the Mast--Dana. Sea Wolf--London. . Captains Courageous--Kipling Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea-- Verne. the Cathalco!--Bullen r. Midshipman Easy--Marryad. Lord Jim--Conrad Nigger of the N Westward He--K Dauber--Masefield Many Cargoes--Jacobs Tom Cringle's Log--Scott. Moby Dick--Melville. Seven Seas--Kipling. Ancient Mariner--Coleridge. Toliers of the Sea--Hugo. Cruise of Mr wcissus--Conrad. ngsley. A tA at NN NN Gananoque Reporter : Gananoque won three pennants in five years in the old St. Lawrence International League some twenty years ago. We hope she will be the wianing team in 'the St. Lawrence River League this year. . On Satrrddy morning the street corners were patrolled by ladies who were tagging fpr the Orphans' Home. It was expected that a large sum of money would be realized. An effort to override President Wilson's vete of the Republican Cat Your Clothes Expense von scr) Was Used in the United States and Canada JUNE 3 ....25c. and 50c. In Kingston Patronize home industry town this weex (¢ arrange for lhe, peace resolution failed im Help to build u city. No better made. CAPT. JOSEPH DIX 211 NELSON ST, MAKER your own It is economical to buy GOOD Clothes--in which honest fabric, honest lining. honest workman- ship are cdmbined to make Honest Tailoring Values These ure all combined in DRESS SWELL BRAND All Kinds of Promptly, Nine men constitute a jury in Mex- ico, and a majority gives the ver- dict. If the jury is unanimous there | is no appeal. 405 Princess St. Also do Motor Boat Repairing Robinson & Wiltshire Automobile Repair Shop Cars Repaired Hand-tallored-to-measure Clothes : CAP Furthermore, our special 10% BATHING CAPS discount om extra trousers is & double economy. It saves money and makes one suit do the ser- vice of two. See the vaiues we offer and be convinced .that we ean CUT YOUR CLOTHES EX- PENSE. Geuweral Merchant, SIDENHAM, ONTARIO. will be looking i and ook over of styles makes tter what Dame o, It will be rep- ors and designs within the range With the arrival of the warm forward to the popular summer sport 5 our lines of Bathing Caps. The wide diversity #t possible for us to meet every dem A Fashion may decree ag correct, or even resented in the various limes we handle : are varied enough to please every taste and ar of every purse SARGENT'S DRUG STORE QUALITY COURTESY --SERVICE Corner Princess and Moniresl Streets. Apart from the hnman species, o weather y Telephone 41. a 50 land animals can sitg. oh ERIRPRI AT RMI