Daily British Whig (1850), 29 May 1920, p. 19

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SATURDAY, MAY, 20, 1920. : J THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG SITY RGRAND PI st TO-NIGHT a at 8.15 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY RN AREY Peas The Wonder Picture ! City Council wants the names of eh anorous Hous' F., from Kingston. whether AY Pro: D ) ADVERTISIY RATES - oe -------- FOR SALE. FOR SALE. eed t el m The 5 ttt eran epee PA ------------------------ eaddeq overseas oF not, ing Mdaptey feor A oS al in Utopia Mintmam Charge for SEND A"DOMINION EXPRESS MONEY | gq ARE PIANO AND SIDEBOARD. s 'wi 3 inscribed in {INE [OSL SLOFY. wlth - 5 : A PAIR oF ESS EYE Ord hey are payabie every. 101 Pine street ne These names will be inscribed in by Donn Byrul. A picture of to-day ? + 25¢; three insertions Glasse?, with small chaiu at- where 3 a" saturday Even- F rontenac Hotel ONE O'CLOCK and dashing Octoroon Chorus : « . re Tout) Wednesday, May 26th. Own- I HAVE CITY BUILDING 0 ro ni ws. Apply 296 Prin- . A : Queen Street. Phone 9. HORSE FOR SALE A WOMAN TO WORK 'IN THE KIT-] |. nance eel, Owner may ge roe e: ail up-to- City Clerk. | a ; 2 . Thursday, Friday, Saturday Seats now on THE A PAIR OF GLOVES ON DIVI- sn 248 Concession Street a 2 0 A GIRL "FOR THE a . a hig Ofice hale cece ero Serio hav b - mmo x have Sams Eo aed FORD, FIVE-PASSENGER; OVER- JUDSON'S AUTO TOPS, BROCKY ILLE, i a t | In his latest. ntenac Hotel. Apply to the APPIN] ng oo A Sater, R. R. { BABY CHICKS FOR SALE AT 30c|! Macnee. 143 King Street first orders with money inclosed Bay; nicely situated. Cheap for ie TT he geety | ING " MAN TO WORK AT GAR- HOUSE Of A WOMAN TO TAKE' CHARGE oF TISED FREE. oors C 5 ¢ Terms. J. ail improvements and garage. ch tag wal; week, the Wednesday Hair |ofective June 1st, 24-bdr date | F. STCART-WHYTE'S spital. do 80 by reporting the facts to ] | HALF DOUBLE HOUSE ON REDAN | | $5.00 per day; nurses doing Thour| 1 ' column free of charge. | rooms afd summer kitch deep | linder engine. Apply Mr. Davis, at vertisad fo column eee mm selections; 1 { piece bath; stable Price $5500 b moto have same by calling | would exchange Yor an a | tL 1. | : , \ e : Send all names to the undersigned. | A Larry Semon Comedy 50 PEOPLE | ROSARY Pans, one -- H. Cockburn, 95 Prine : . RS . -- COMING! . hime chen. Apply Frontenae Club. have same at 268 Wellington See thi ¢ u want a SE. DOHERTY ORGAN, " o> on a - . Kingston, May 2Sth, 1920 WM. S. HART s Testevow ensue TC DINING ~_ Royal Totes" Apply bem Mmmediately ton 'street, Thursday. Own- near Victoria St in " r , A FIRST-CLASS CHEF FOR THE : rt) R 3 Se a ree 1led wd inted for owner's We have the Plate Glass Lights for Y CLOSING "JOHN PETTYCOATS Frontenac Hotel. Apply at Front. A ray Staut = oi, ABOUT Dacled as ; Dut nied oF. PY ner: Xe have the Plate Gees ca-- i enac Hotel four miles east of Odessa. Quick sale. Price right. Shert, he RO iacsacommSesseamuca ] / SOLID BN BRICK MOUSKS, Nos. 200 Ax, ; | Gr St | nL = ocery ores I soon, GENERAL SERVANT. AP- strayed onto J. J. Wilmot's White Leghorns, W. Wyandottes. . ages to right party CAP OF AUTOMOBILE WHESL. EIGHT RouN FRAME 3 > etc, on application, | WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AT } The inerease in nurses' fees " - v ; Bas; hut and cold water; i - - of the Kingston General Hospital, Hit of the Year the Linen Room, Kingston Gen- Anyone finding anything and Carroll ney, 56 Apply onthe premises, 18 AY y will not be observed In that|duty, $4.00 per day; The British Whig. The adver- | | Street. near Frontenac park. three| LIGHTEEN FOOT LAUNCH IN Al ence Unnecessary "Found artic * a0es not n- © hed in. rear Pric Davis Dry Dock. titled to charge half fee from date NIGHT wa Te HYMAN, ABLE TO LOOK ---- . . SOLID STONE HOUSE AT 55 Terms, $5 cash, $i per Week. CW, Tuesday, June 1st, 1920, 10.30 a.m. Mr. | [wi . e Ne. Pri Ten th Same Great Cast and Chorus | A a | RAF. PIN SET WITH PEARLS, ON $2500 cash. J. K. Carroll Agency, Cdmp Supplies, ete. Frank Stiasen's Boarding House, 212 King St. | 1 FENCUNNERED ls, Loon Wellington or William, Between 56 Brock Street. Cooke, 213 Bagot street. Phone Din room, bedroom, kitchen furni- PRICES: y r ohnson and Bagot, Wednesday af- | 45s. ing room, -bedroo Ing. Call evenings at 219 Bagot | ternoon. Finder kindly. return to| SOLID PRESSED BRICK HOUSE ON | bronze or brass tablets and located that searches the heart of all. 4 F5 Fates are or cash only: tached. on Queen stree:. om MOTOR BOAT, PRACTICALLY NEWS z City Hall. TWEEN THE ACT rw or a Fjpssmanently in the Cit) BETWEEN THE ACTS 15 BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS EE -- t Crawford's Office, : the bes W. W. SANDS, Sin \ Street uick buyer. Apply Box Royal Hot --FOR-- FATTY ARBUCKLE [a FIRST CLASS WAITRESS FOR 1HE Owners may have same by | | phone 200. 252, King Street East. Arply F. i A HOLSTEIN YEAR HEIFER, SO oor undred on Band far | ey DEADMAN'S Airs. Cartwright, 152 University property. Owner may have x ¥ 1 cash. Apply to J. k Carroll Agency, mae oe Nurses" Fees TUES, wep, Jung so) ESTRRERSS) REG EGET Le oh ahi G { an > expens wih, Napan hie - August and September, the rocery | y A " J. J. Wilmot, R Kington : DWE L1ANGS, Nos. S1-83 FRONTENAC f the MATINEE WEDNESDAY ply Jax, Grant, Cataraqui. Apply 196 Johnson street. fRel, with garage. 1afeeq Phonan Bile +5 Clarence. Street. | registry of the "Alumnae Association Return Engagement of the FOUND ARTICLES ADVRR- nd totle:; i Windows < | © HOUSE WITH TEN ROOMS When any public holiday 'occurs dur- | 1920: 12-hour | i L Apply at the Office wishing to reach the owner may street. ENGLISH PANTOMIME i tisement will be. printed in this bed rooms, three piece bath: seven | gondition: newly built with 2 eye er 3 A Tein | mn ) t irses en- : IMPORTA NT nursing, $1.00 per hour; ny . me wanted). Write 1 lost dogs, cattle. horses, Half cas K. Carroll Agency i gaged for obstetrical cases are en 1 e€ e : 3 y hig t These. if t. may be ad- Brock GEAMUINE GRAFPHONOLA AND TEN A cr ---------- 5 1 A ------ yuur own choice, $423.59, : iss ® o Le a be ler. Apply CT Emercial 1 3 } lar > Fagen y waiting. 3 ! toria Street; large lot 66 x Landsay, Limit 21 P 8 Auction Sale : cine wi vis Ridi Hood iii. hepmees | hin cota 4S St Nels | Lindam! Limited BY Piptens at rincess Street. 5 { lights; gas for cooking; a SKIFF 5, CNS, BKIFFS FOR OUT. ture, beds, bedding. rugs, carpets, lino- | oe ' 25-50-75-81.00-81.50-82. street, after 6 p.m, §8 Johnson and receive reward. +» Collingwood street; large loi; jane | NEW BRICK HOUSE, FIVE ROOMS, feum, chairs, tables, dressers, eur- | .25-50-75¢ and $1.00 at rear, four bedrooms and three with modern improvements. Pos. crockery, china, glassware, pic- a x plece bath; stationary laundry session May 18th. Apply to J. B. tures, power washing machine, screen | FARGEST CIRCUS VISITING CAN- WANTED GENERAL. tubs in basement. Every improve- | Cooke, office phone 503%; residence . dy ment. $5600. $2000. balance $30 S4lw. doofs and windows, Imperial (Oxford; ADA AND ONLY WILD ANIMAL | 3 WANTED HEATED APARTMENT, OR THREE | per month. J. K. Carroll shgency. - Fange, gas attachment and gas Jack SHOW Cook ford), fos Small fain ; : | | SEVERAL BUGGIES, TEAM AND Cook, ge r - 58 Brock street Phone Heater, kitchen utensils, and a host of good wages; references re- or four bright, airy rooms, ir good | sit k { single harness; also heavy Singer «| : Jocality. Apply Box L-3. Whig Of- Sewing machine tor sewing lea. other articles. ® 4 v Apply to Mrs."C. Léving- STONE DWELLING | ther, worth $75. wiil take $20. Ap a BEDFORD, the Audtion eer. pS 7 ., 162 Barrie St. reet. three and one | Ply J. C. Connoly, Yarker, Ont. P | = KINGST ON x MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Church, Kingston. | WANTED TO BUY" ¥ CASH, A rock Strey Routbard. Phone 1123. 283 Prin. ! let stating qualifica- kh fue With m 'n improvements i cess Stree], | ¥ lev . bbl be 2' iac 2 Als will pay cash; not over $5,000. Ap- - = m-------- pba Jesse L. Lasky presents A J. Diack, 231 A Ply Box L-21, Whig Office MIXED FARMING IN WESTERN CAN-| WE HAVE MOR SALE ALL NINDS oF Su ada--in Central Alberta and Sa kood second hand furniture and FOR THE CLUB HOUSE, A LARGE katchewan are rich bari lana Sloves. Any person having stoves Thursday, June 3rd, 1920 [ WANTED, . HOUSE ABOUT = $4,000 ir deep lot: private gate- { A HOU SEMAID, WILLING TO GO TO refrigerator. Apply. Eiving r open prairie ready for the pi | and furniture te dispose of, we will fhe « y for the summer, Ar-| ticulars, to J. Hu Secret intersy sed with irees wnich af- yay highest pri J. Thompson, S$ | Treasurer, ho 3 351M fc p ent shelter for stock 33 Frincess 8 el. Phone istow. FAIR GROUNDS, 2 P.M. improvements; north Yay: 7 fire places: hot air furnace;! MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, de for one day Phone 3 » FARM FOR SALE--128 GOOD, DAIRY k Apply to Mrs, W, | ---- re n growing, dairying and Nickle, "13 Earl Street. SECOND-HAND uPnRicaT PIANO i s ralsing are being carried i for cash or in part payment of new n s cessful I'he country is idea} farias in St. Lawrence, Jellerson planos and grafonoias, C. W. Liua- for mixed far The Canadian | an Sulla, In northerp | | AE PECHABE © MIDDLE-AGED MAN Say Limitea, 131 Princess street. | Pacific . Railwa fle Ting a large QW Yor Es a or he Sedu C >. C a) ui us i | &s night porter; easy, clean work. | oy . ; ares p!. thes: le lands in the . C. Rogers, Gouverneur, » =Colt Race 3 years and under. x Good wages. Also a good cook. Good! W ATED TO BUY, HOUSE 4 neighborhood © tf Lioy dminster and | 'Bers, Gouverne N.Y 500; must have three piece §: Battleford. These rich districts will ts PIN Named oo. Wages paid. Also waitress. Appiy| wiil pay $1009 cash; inside car Hine become the hume of thousands of | MATCHING EGGS FROM MN) BEST w=2.30 Trot and Pace. = Box No. 7, Cobourg, Ont. | preferred. Apply Box K-21, Wh hig prosperous farmers. On similar --N Office, iand Seagei Wheeler Erows the fill op Street Apply Box srful oppeortiin me 1 house furniture, specialize fn mili- whee Office nto @ t in tary boots; buy all kinds second- v hand &00ds; highest prices paid. L. « HOIR L © ADE Rr FOR COOKE birds--sS. C. Keds, 8. C. Anconas-- two dollars for fifteen. Pit Game, tai . : : . world's prize wheat Near I d-1 taree dollars for fifteen. Runner WASTED. | JINMEDIATELY, _ COOK.| ors AND BOYS TO PAT- minster the world's prize cats has PIR SBgs. dollar and half per tea. [66 | hie A ao LIor bid Ionize J. v. Curzon. barber. Men's | been grown and butter of the High- Harald -Kiell, Elginburg, Ont. gid iw vi . tnd boys' hair cut, 0c. Shave ic. est quality is made. A nm a ER e------ ences required. Write Miss Bos- : . o an CAN | ysED CARS AND TRUCKS OF ALL Il, 178 Bloor street East, Toron- | Razors honey 5c. 236 Ontario | 3001 be ane independent on a. 1a kinds, Ford readsters and iL f-- | now at prices averaging about $18 Chevrolets, Overiangs., Gray Dort, Siudebaker, Saxon Six, alsy> 1 tom . b- | drivin tht if sulabl State ditions, no further payment of iregs and plants, Guar foes. . Lape hers | an Ou M-28, Whig Office or principal until end of fourth year, Road. - Phone >» then sixteen annual payments bn terest is six per cent Irri | PERFECT, COLUMBIA, PRINCETON ADMISSION ........... 0c . fet EE Auto and Vehicles .. ... 30c, f te N 3 Mlionaie Brown Nurseries, P.O. Ontarlo. | | lands in Sout thern Alberta $3 Ps a hicreics, . Tires ol o » * : ow 0 --m TN ON. . ISIN M NOE acre upwar Ss ' p » Carriage Ares He left rk LADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN AND BUSINESS CHANCES. Pp 3 Name terms | Put on While you wait. Special at- eral commission. A Paramount Artcraft Picture Lompany, Nurserymen, Tn mited, | phone 124w. | | | { | x " GG You pay down 10 r cent. If land Openiig Game wrence - LIVE MAN WANTED-SPARE TIME GOOD SECOND-HAND TOP nt GGY » pe n n 1 k oP a =| S P E E D " Sr steadily selling our guaranteed | and harness; might buy complete oj urchased under settlem i Appl Ly Bert Hhanury, is Raglan ¢ p - . for 1 re r He reached Los Angeles--a tramp. | Hg ag, flome, Whole bt or | Sr SS ange J ion Bian ani, Special at. ean oe ee cemme | Etiate opel sh S| FAN TRECS WILMA PRE ot Eien et A EE Pon fila, To stamp for particuiars. ationai Nl = t i iw, chauffeur--Poséd as his real self-- | Manufactarin showing Texas ¢ Field 'Map is - y & Co. Montreal. ! free. Lease Salesmen wanted. ua)- & 1 jas * " as a crook--Lov 0 { + | Was "pinched" as a ved FE MALE HELP, TO LEARN WEAV- Nor Tyoompany. 393 fiat. sifen; He -r a AR BARGAINS Tinted | like a gentleman--Married like' a| \ fibre furniture; nice, clean, , Fr 1s HE AVE To SEND A Bo. Jones: metha } . J) x : Of | - ~ " ninion Xpress oney Order, S n } | Mash. For fun and thrills take a and good wages; § hours per day, WELL ESTABLISHED AMERICAN Five dollars costs three cents. | pa hte | spin in "DOUBLE SPEED". Saturday afternoon off. Apply concern, opeming new branch, re- List ohanpans Glasses Supt. Casualties Reed & Rattan ¢ Quires MmanAger. with orgar Ein BE! PRETTY GIRL, h, ANTS GENTLEMAN $250 1 iE A RACING ROMANCE THAT RU NS | Co; 400 King street (over Craw- ability, Tua 8 fice nd to, handle 32 oe Si Poy AE ives ¥ d Tr ). a xperi ur SX vi 4 : "1a 3 > T two ON 1OVE ! ford's Broom Factory exclusive peotect ron A 23 » 3. Fla Hos -- -- ! Se os required. Big roti I nd AC 25. Wo . COMING NAZIMOVA: | STUDENTS, TEACHERS, = AND (ou'Genoratof Co. 30 BL. France 00, wishen do mans H,, 530, If ground to suit the require- others. men or women, write for Montreal, Que, 0 ts "to 'marn $800 offer for sixty days' edu- To -- - a oh . Mon ents of your eyes will give { . mn x ¥ E : nal and patriotic work. Ex 45. WORTH relief from the glare of the onal opportunity for returned | PAINTING AND riven EANGINGY : ald y. "D-Box sun. 1 tate age and experience. een. t Toledo. Ohio. ; ak eb | ' x rw by erliointment With 'nv HEN T WANTING PAINTING on teats easier FAL we Sunn Can MARKET 2 cpresen ¥ Paperhanging dor a tof 1 X 0 2 CAL. " i» ween, Nothing can mar a day's | | eak F rean S { 2 Conrad, Desk O, Supt. Educa-| a BNounteer, 84 ATeh Sreet rd tol Ue L PANT A A LIE ALTRY, WEAL After 4 p.m urday ail day in { tonal Dept, 1 129 Spadina, Toronto, |p -- a : --- etc ee pleasure or a spin in the coun- ' BATEMANS REAL GSTATE try more than sun headaches. : ; ! : : VIAL SEU ede BeilieR n . SHORTCAKE ' AGENTS WANTED, PEN : IF YOU WISH A PRETTY AND vom a SALE "They remove the frown." | A. EB. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, .D.DS, wealthy wife i | Aunt REC RATLY Ww TES "SE | fice 363 Princess Street. Phone stampfo , rply 8 al, 8 $2100---FRAME; ¢ "Roos; IMPROV NX. ® 1 | cured 2§ orders one da or Can-| € tion H.. Cley } meats; large lot Come in and ask to see them. 2 " a ada's Sons and Great Britain in! or wt = a ---- IS DELICIOUS | World War." Wonderful opportun-, DRS. SPARKS AND SPARK, DEN-| YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD: SEND $3200--BRICK VENEER; 6 ROOMS f ity for students, teachers, returned tists, 159 Wellington street. over dime, bi for truthful. relj- nd stable: north end; large lot; Ask your Grocer for it men and others to make $id or Carnovsky's. Phone 348. able trial reading. Hage] re R J RODGER . more per day. Outfit free. Winston re Hause. B 15. Los Angeles, Cal. -- Co. Dept. R, Spadima Bldg, To-! . THAT DESIRABLE PROP, SRTY ON e ] ronto, ' | TO LET. Lon: LY Ww; -- : the corner of Princess ar 1d Albert ; | = HO AGE 30: WORTH Sireets, store and three dwell! ings PORTRAIT AGENTS WRITE US. FURNISHED ROOMS, ON BATH $40 00 fee do sar from hon- State amount of your business for room flat, at 218 Barrie Street. Frasenanas -- Jeweller and Silversmith. ob Nibory oohs Street and Arr rrr ---- i Write Mrs. Hil 14 Es 30 Aleit Juner, JA bars : special prices. We now have the Phone 1897J S Hind Rain for quick sale. to wi ind up an $Where thé Clock is on the | largest, best equipped piant in Can- - : Jac ville, Fla. estate ao : » Walk." | 1 an Eine prompiest service| MEDIUM-SIZED FURNISHED Ho 3 Tr -- and best work at moderate prices. --all modern conveniences. Apply ~ = VICTORY WONDS Fo Finishes, Frames, new line. | 50 Wellington Street. MARRY 35 LONELY: FoR REST LTS, to Loan, R SALE, MONEY ne. t rd ns -- Merchants Partragt Y i FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD: He BE ae ul strictly » G. A. BATEMAN v - : ile; @ - . os 4 all improvements; centrally locat years' exper 159 wen Street, Ka -- ay REE STREET | ore doing anyting that you , } ed, Apply 243 Brock sireet. Ence; descriptions free 1 The Su are, ashamed o e sure all your OF2N_ | EX URSION| CONSERVE GASOLINE, AGENTS GET cesstul Club." Mrs. Bail, Box 53. - ( y b I Gasoline mm | SUITE OF FOUR LARGE NEWLY- Oakiand, . i meighbors are several blocks away. br ne 3 into a Mizer| decorated rooms, With private bath A _ It is much easier to tell people that Downtown Ticket Sale, Show Day | sand alled : in ten min- | and kitchenette; desirable Jocation x, is no use in worrying than it] at College Book Store, 162 Princess | TO GANANOQUE 1 any mcior. R-Best Car-| Telephone 223 RAR... Ba cane ANTS, aren FRp. AND CANDY STORE | : . A" . bon 'Capsules removes arbo - - SCArs, etc. re- A er tell them how to avoid i* street. : | Steamer Brockville leaves Ferry cleans oot un Eh ves ION | FURNISHED ROOMS AND moved permanently in 2 ruit and Candy Store on IAN rrr power. Satisfaction guaranceas thefuse of another. Gas for cook- Kiasses fitted and furnished afte Prine *s Street: doing good busi. ees 10 be sold as & FONE Oop. VEY Te TTeveee? Dock at 7.30 p.m. One Mixer, one box of Carbon Cap- | ing. eS anied. 0 temoved. " . iMmer i > cern sules with Agency Propo: 21 Lower University Ave. * F R S ATI J AY sent prepaid upon receipt 'i on 1 . Eve, E Nose, Throat, Skin. APPLY Box $-26, Whig Office. ALY Bex S30 wits ome. | R- Beat Co, 516 Olive St, Seattle. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, Was dr; iy rooms; your own lock and ------------------------ ~~ ------ Large, new, frame house on Victorfa Street; stone foun- | Fare for Round Trip. ! iD ane na Fy rr a Ly 'dation; cement cellar bottom; furnace; gas for cooking; TEACHER WANTED. electric lights; beautifully deco rated; large deep lot; stable 2 FINANCIAL a Bie op TR RE LRT ANTHRACITE COAL 4 TWO PROTESTANT TEACHERS FOR! for cooking and lighting. Will rent | ent $10 per month. Apply hers have failed. Goltre YOmOved and drive shed. House has nine rooms, § sleeping rooms, three i PAY YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN ACCOUNTS Moscow public school; duties © furnished or unfurnished. Apply plece bath. Price $4000, for i mmediate sale. Half cash will by Dominion Express Money Or. commence Sept. 1st. Apply, Stating | 32 Ontario street, opposite Water | handle. ders. Five dollars costs three salary and qualifications, to C. 3 cents. Baker, Moscow: Ot. LLIN TT Order now for May delivery. able for light housekeeping. All C 5 ne d . urrent rices. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY VERPOOL LONDON axD « LAND SURVEYOR, a ly oa Tinga, Sues. 10 P ; . ¥. F. MILLER. Sen SE 0.08, | Lr Tron : Phone 68 and 874w. 56 Brock Street Security 'tha unimited havin 'of DLS; MELC. A at] TT Ii ONED FRONT Ar ARTMENT. 9 | city property, insured at lowest! fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Ciar. keeping: &aa for cooking and light- as 0 Imite . * me = - » o i possible rates. Before renewins | ence street. pply Ploneer Apariments, wo | old or giving new business ser! ee 1 2 Division street. Phone rom -------- i Thtea © ® and Strang, { ~ 1434W A Ph V 3 Se ---------- > Kents Phone 355. | CARPENTERING Tot Sh Ta TET Foot of Johnson Street. ATTRA Vv INVESTMENTS : h a "TWO ATTRACTIVE INV YROXTENAG LOAN AND rxveen.| WHER at er ContirSA TER) gh Bn ener eine ws 0 ABITIBI POWER & PAPER COMPANY, Limited ret | TIN Sh RISD) pe SoS { y issued city and MM NFUR? . SELL YOUR 6% GENERAL MORTGAGE 8 INKING FUND GOLD BONDS % ns MEDICAL PAPUR ISHED: + HEATH rooms aud GEO. 'A WRIGHT SORAF LON METAL RAGS snd Due 2nd Ja nuary, 1940. ath: onk Boor: electrieit Mb RO DR. H. S. ANGROVE WISHES TO AN. Jor ooking: ink or can be fod pad BACHINIST N & C0. i 70 ot received R. Price 92% and Int erest, yieldfng 6.70% % nounce that he has resumed his Pho T #0 PRINCESS, STREET § me 1768w. All kindy of repair arash prompi- Rideau Street, practice at 93 Wellington Street : ne ed t PHONES: Office, 057 5°" ANGLIN-NORCROSS, Limited : LE biked To-Let Phwes 102 Bo vo. Residence, i840. 7% Cumulative Preferred Shares. CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. a} hy offices | ¢ first class rooms. suitable ; -- Si coll, 23 John Street. . posite only as offices; heated: electric Price 100 with a BONU 8 of 30% COMMON STOCK. Post lights: hardwood floors: separate NOTICE : 5 sireet entrance. " 3 . ) LEGAL. residerce. 1881. $4 BROCK STREET, Highest prices paid foc house. urnitur V B i f i » Apply Jas. Richardson & Sems, hold effects and will purchase Fu s © rge aw & Co. | cunxivaman a SMITH, BARRIST. . all or part. is in great demand. If you have ™~ | ers suything to sell let us knéw and 8 J Rata, 1 3 Clarence oo Bey net on. . Cu cA o w. ' : i Smith aning- es is Hy WwW, & we will be on the job. mean 5. BL ARR ran . Vi. HAROLD FoR oum - y ¥ and ecitor Ta yok : corner » oy yy repairing tects. Horse racing in Great Britain J TURK Phone 105 mad RE am Phone 1905. 104 Clergy street. . * resis" Sa sives employment to 25,000 people, i i Works. 7

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