Daily British Whig (1850), 29 May 1920, p. 2

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i | 4 | | The Associations £] ER | Absols tr" Wa by ite Security 'BEHONE 603. OuiMan will call. MeKay, Limited Fons | 149:157 Brock &. - SPRING TIME IS CLEAN UP TIME -- USE -- "KLEAN ALL" JAVEL WATER A great Disinfectant for Toilets and Sinks. Germs cannot live where it is used. Manufactured Specially for : WHITENING AND TAKING OUT STAINS FROM WHITE LINEN AND COTTON (WITHOUT BOILING. , 12¢. PER BOTTLE For sale at all Grocers. mt rt | PARENT- TEACHERS WET LAND ELECT OFFICERS FOR THF ENSUING YEAR. of Victoria and Rideau Public Schools Hold Ses sionis on Friday Afternoon.' The annual meeting of the Parent -Teaskherst AscoirttorTar "TIORIR £chool was held Friday afternoon. The retiring president, Mrs. H. T. J Coleman, occupied the chair, and spoke briefly of the work done and the aims for the coming year. Th: association expressed sincere regret over Mrs. Coleman's resignation. a lantern, games and a large of equipment were pur following officers were ¢ orary president, Mrs. J. G president, Mrs. D. Buchanan; vice president, Mrs. L. T Best; cond vice-president, Miss Hoppins; third vice-president, Miss Werte; secretary, Mrs. F. Mahood; treasurer, Mrs. Nash; convenors, mothers' cam mittee, Mrs. H. Crumley and Mrs. H. Simpson; social commitiee, Mrs™ P. B. Chown and Mrs. R. Derry Rideau School Meeting. The Parents' and Teachers' Asso- amount d. . The i: Hon- Ettinger; first se- : | Muirhead, of the W.C.T.U,, is the time to get yous lawn mower ready. Don't wait un- d of YOU. VICTROLAS HIS MASTER'S VOKE RECORDS All makes repaired sharperded promptly. i 4 J. M. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM ST. "THOMAS COPLEY Boas rpem and work; alse ha Toad "Beors of ait inan' All fr receive prompt atteation. Shop Victrola No. VI, $57.50, mahogany Sold om Monthly Payments. MAHOOD BROS. ciation of Rideau school on Friday afternoon held its" annual meeting, which was largely attended. Mrs. spoke in the interest of the Travellers' Aid ! Mrs. George Millard was re-elected president, and Mrs. E. Hill secretary- treasurer. The assodiation decided to enter-| tain the children at the close of the school term, and made preparatiorfs {for a sale in the fall. Owing to the | failure of the Board, of Education to | fumigate the school when requested, | the society decided to do the work {| themselves! ' BIG TIMBER WOLF. | SHOT NEAR SCHOOL Had Been Daily Attacking | | Sheep and Young Cattle-- | | lege on Friday evening. "B" company-| §i Another One Left. | For the past two months two | wolves have been loitering in the! | vicinity of McDonald's Corners, Wat- {son's Corners, Hopetown, Mildle | ville and Poland, says the Era. Several have seen the at a distance, either on the | by the edge of a bush, but paid little | heed to them until of late when they | became very bold, and were daily at- | {tacking the residents' sheep and | young cattle, The community which was molest- ed most, was around Watson's Cor- jners and St. James. The schools | were affected, as children were nor | | safe in travelling the road, and many | | would not go. During the past week | many attempts were made by hunt- | ing parties to capture the beasts, but ! it seemed to be of no avail. . However, on Friday morning a party started out with hounds; an at Hoon a large female wolf was chased | with the result that it came Andrew | Buchanan's way, and with steady | nerve he captured the prize. The animal was shot through the head. It was a fine specimen of wolf, light | grey in color, fleshy ana heavy | animals | road or | 2X Queen $1200 -- Princess street; * 6 rooms; lot 47x117. $2500--Division Street; Nos. 283 and 283; 6 rooms each; B. and C.; gas. $8000---Montreal St.; stone; 9 biles, Farm Implements, Metal parts, Carbon burning and steel cutting, KINGSTON WELDING SHOP We do all kinds of Welding, Brazisg | and Soldering of Machinery, Automo-! rooms; B. and C, $4400--Johnson street; mew brick; 6 rooms; furnace; B. and C.; electricity. $6500 Collingwood St.; brick; ® rooms: hardwood floors; hot water heating. BUILDING LOTS. lo all parts of city $200 up. Easy terms. Make a start for a home, and be exempt {rom taxes on building tor 5 years. JUST ARRIVED! A cargo of fresh mined Coal. A. Chadwick & Son New location: from Corner Ontario and West Sts. Phone 67. | limbed. | When the news spread through- -- | out the country that the capiure was | made, it was a great relief to many: | | It is thought there is' still another wolf, the mate, in the vicinity. The dead wol?! measured five feat in length, stood thirty-one inches in height, its front legs were twenty two inches long and its hind legs twenty-three inches. HIGH COST OF QOLF IS SHOWN BY TAX - taxes announced by Sir Drayton (the Finance Min- 43 Princess Street. The new { Henry golfer) will hit : hard. golfers particularly Wooden clubs, which former- i $6 and more, whilst iron clubs have | also gone up from $2 to 4.50 and $5. | Balls too, at $7.50 to $12 per dozen are an exceedingly e:z)ansive [rn Lecessary outlay. And now comes along an extra 10 per cent in the way of a supertax. If Sir Henry had left the balls out of the calculations, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG During the past year two Victrolas, | | won by a score of 149 points, | company obtained 140 points. { | ald 14ave on Sunday for Port Arthur | | to represent the Kingston branch of | Lanark | | Smith, late of the C. E. F., 'passed | | | purchasing instrument we will allow | J | ance, C. W. Lindsay | P.R, and H. J. Humphreys, division- | i al superintendent, arrived in King- | of inspection. ister, by the way, is an enthusiastic | | ly sold for $2.50 to $3 are now $5 to! | be sent to J. F. Rowland, Standard INCDENTS OF THE DAY [=== LO€AL; NOTES AND ITEMS OV GENERAL INTEREST, Happenings tn the City and Vreinity ~--What thé Merchants Ofter (eo the Readers of the Whig. W. Swaine, plano tuner, ordess.at THREE SATURDAY McAuley's, or 'phone 564w. : at , I ) a PE Arete geen L---The was-memoriatat-Napaneewilt gl ommr-- a i ? 3 , : be unveiled on Dominion day. 1 ; 7 Next letter mail for England, via N.Y. closes at P.O., May 31st, 11 a.m. | Its taxes now; it will be axes in| the next election. So says the epigra- | matist, | Miss Beatrice Olivia Young, King-| ston, has been graduated as a nurse {at St. Luke's hospital, Ottawa. | Miss Hagel Stewart, daughter of i Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Stewart, Deser-| ) ento, is in Kingston hospital. i: Go to Gananoque om the first! |} moonlight of the season. Boat leaves ferry 'dock at 7.30 p.m. Saturday. | W. B. Brown, died at Deseronto | on Friday aged eighty-one vears, | | Mrs. T. Dafoe, Kingston, is a sister. | | J. Clifford Reynolds has returned | i from Toronto, after completing his | } first year at Osgoode Hall with hon- | tors. Next Monday is the last day upon |} whiYa Income Tax returns will be | received by the Department of In- | come Taxation. POPULAR MUSIC cheerfully refunded. ston last Saturday dropped dead in Cornwall, on Friday night. { Now is the time to have your | Bl piano tuned. We carry two expert ...... TWOFOR A QUARTER POPULAR COPYRIGHTS . .. .v++-+..NINETY CENTS EACH TIP TOP TAILORS 'Made to Measure . . . Twenty-Seven Dollars The first break in the H. C. L. in Men's Clothes was made through this store by its connection with the TIP-TOP TAILORS. Made to Measure Suits, satisfaction guaranteed or money ~ » itt sae we we ll R@- Colle e Book Store Telephone919 - Open Evénings | tuners and will assure entire satls- | : 'Agent for TIP TOP Tailors. faction, C. W. Lindsay, Limited. The steam-yacht Magedoma, own- | ed by Mrs. G. T. Fulford, Brockville, {is at Alexandria Bay to enter the | | shipyafd for repairs. i Seven dollars and costs were taxed | {on a Kingstonian who sought to steal ! a ride on a G. T. R. train. He was4 i apprehended at Brockville. | The award of the electricians' ar-| | bitrators board, which has been B= cepted, is as follows: Journeymen, | 70c an hour; junior journeymen 50¢c | i an hour. An inter-company gvmnastic' event was held at the Royal Military Col- An] | Laurence Welch and W. C. McDon- | the Knights of Columbus at the an- | nual provincial convention. | Gladys Pollitt, wife of Private away at her residence, 40 Lower Charles street, on Friday wight after | f an illness extending over several |}! weeks. 1 | We will reat you a plano, and at ond of six months if you feel like ! the six months, rental on purchase | price, and arrange easy terms on dal. I H. C. Grout, general superinten- | dent of the Ontario district of the C. ston, Saturday morning, on a four | Sydenham hospital patients were | entertained Friday evening, at a Y. M.C.A. concert by Miss Phylis Devlin, Miss Frances Devlin, Miss Bessie Do- | {lan and Charles Gates'. The Strand | | Theatre sent three reels of film. ! | orate trtttttaass; | | SERBIA'S SUFFERINGS I ¥ I | It is sober truth to say that no | | nation suffered so sadly as Serbia | | during the war. The complete isola- | tion in which both Austro-Hungarian {and Bulgarian authorities kept the Serbs made it impossible for the ont- | Bi side world to learn what was hap- | § pening as long as hostilities lasted, | | What news trickled through convey- | €d the impression that Austria and | | Bulgaria deliberately set out to ex- terminate the Serbian. To a great extent they succeeded. Some 320,- | }i | 000 men, one half of Serbia's male | | population (from 18 to 60 years of | age) perished; 50,000 of the civil | | population died during the enemy | | occupation of.Serbia owing to lack of | {proper food and medical attertion. | A campaign is now on in Kingston to 30. To clear at We liave just received a fresh shipment of Children's Middies, in white with colored collars. All sizes, to fit from 6 to 14 years. renee e sidan ieee a estes aes sinters - $1.75 and up, Come in and pick out your new Voile Dress or Blouse. We have an elegant range of Voiles and Muslins by the yard, in 'a host of dainty patterns and all the newest shades that are bound to please. A clearing line of Ladies' Corsets in White and Pink. Sizes 19 Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" | to raise a Serbian Fund for the re. : | lief of the sufferers. Donations may | HUMANE SOCIETY MEETING Bank, Princess street, who will ac- Stuart street--brick, all conveniences . .. McCANN Real Estate and Insurance If there is one thing that a man! golfers would not have cared quite knowledge same through the press So much. An old set of clubs can | from day to day. be made to do first class service, but | rT ---- | an old, battered, brunette ball is! Blue is worn. by nurses because | HELD IN ST. GEORGE'S HALL ON FRIDAY EVENING. Victoria Street--frame, extra lot and stables Colborne Street--brick COALS + .oonv mesma 42... Now on display a beautiful range of Summer Dresses, in dainty colored Voiles and Ginghams, in all the very latest styles. A great bargain in Ladies' Underskirts, in white, with embroid- ery or lace trimming. On sale to clear at 85c. while they last. If + { | | | 86 BROCK STREET would rather not do than another | Albert street--Frame, with stable color. ' i it is; to accompany his wife on a shopping tour. -------- A A A ing--a pretty pair of Glasses through which shine a - pair of lustrous, wide open eyes, or-- - . LOOK AT YOURSELF-WHAT DOES YOUR MIRROR TELL YOU ? If the light hurts your eyes, if you have to squint when looking at fine print, - or if you are conscious of rubbing your eyes, blinking your eyes, or frowning, | then you should let us fit you with Glass. es that will "OPEN YOUR EYES" to - the futility of going without them. Come in and see the different frames we have to show you. They are the very lafest and will add to your appearance. "The Busy Optical House" Kingston, Ontario. J. S. ASSELS : ers of Canada many dollars. -- | CHURCH NOTICES. 1 : 8, George's ~. | Sunday. jthe Dean. 3 p.m., Sunday schoo! and Bible class; 7 p.m., evensong. Preach- er, Rev. W. E. Kidd. Canon W {liver in St. Pauls evening, the sermon he preached be- | fore the British Empire Club in Pro- I" | vidence, R.I,, on May 23rd. i -- . ---- ay { In Marine Circles. Shipping men ih Montreal are [i alarmed over the low level of the | i Chicago | i cana! draining the great lakes and || St. Lawrence, dus to the | Infringing the international treaty. The steamer Yorkton passed up last night from Montreal to Toronto. | [f steamer Maple Hill, from Port | |i passed down last night for || | The {| Colborne, | Montreal. The steamer Britapnic arrived Fri- day afternoon and after discharging | and loading freight, cleared again for | { Montreal. ,. The steamer Jeska cleared for Os- ! wego last night. , ! The schooner Merrill is at the Davis drydock for repairs and paint- | ing. 7 | The schooner Taber arrived at the | Waterwors wharf with coal from Os- | wego for Chadwick & Co. | Twelfth Window Donated, { Mayor Nickle has informed the | Whig that the last of the twelve me. ! morial windows for the city hall has | been "donated. After reading in the {| Whig on Thursday evening that {eleven of the windows had been promised, this citizen, whose entire impossible even for the average play- | blue is a 'healing j er. The Newstaxes will cost the golf- | Cathedral--Trinity | [f | 8 a.m. Holy Communion; il {11 a.m., choral eucharist. Preacher. | | F. FitzGerald is to de- | church, Sunday || Prizes in School Essay Contest Awarded--Address by Prof. Mac- Clement--The Attendance Very Small. i | The Kingston Humane Society held | its annual meeting in St. George's | hall, Friday evening. Col. | | Ogilvie occupied the chair, and Prof. {W. T. MacClement, of Queen's, gave {an illustrated lecture on "The Can-| li adian Beaver." I The prizes for the recent essay i ll contest in the public schools of' the ll city given by this soclety were dis- ll tributed. The winners thousands of | SE==s SEE mea "The Hat Store" i i The New Straws and Panamas Are Here in Great Variety. Wesley, Willlam Ewart (Ports- | fl mouth), Herbert Cocker, Marion li Asselstine and Edward Steacy. J. B. j| Walkem, K.C., described briefly the | work of the society, and showed how il 'the boys and girls could help in the i work. Prof. MacClement described the || physical features of the beaver, its | methods In building #s heme and 4 ll dams, its means of securing food and \ | protecting Jel om Shemes. Se | : : inted out the fallacy of many stor- LOOK AT OUR WINDOWS {hoe told about the beaver, and stated Xo other hatter fa town of: | that Canadians were fortunate in jl having as their emblem as animal fers anything like the variety | having stayed at e, earned its i sty Je Wwe show. Look at the | living honestly afid quarrelled ndt ek Ives and mote the ff its neighbors. The speaker had I quality. And lonk la beautiful mounted specimen with ow prices -- then "you'll { him, and the pictures illustrated his who's doing the most to Ml! vo rics points very clearly. lower the H. C. of L. After a vote of thanks to Prof. | MacClement, the meeting closed with {the National Anthem. Unfortunately PANAMAS $2.30 to. $12 HI the att™ dance was very small. The . » of Men's Hats i society deserve better recognition, ' but owing to other attractions suffi- |elent members were not present to | carry on the election of new officers. i Bar] Street--brick ..... vida Montreal Street--new brick and garage .. Corrigan Street--Brick row, 8 houses Son sare bra King street west--Frame row, 3 houses wes E. W. MULLIN & SON { programme and work of the humane | | made his offer to the mayor on Fri- | day. The offer was gratefully! | accepted. A i | family was overseas during the war, | W. Gaulin, Deseronto, was operated pital on Monday. {on for appendicitis in Kingston bos- Eastman's Brownie Cameras. . gs : ©» Eastman's Films and Film Packs Eastman's Azo and Velox Paper Eastman's Photographic Sup- plies of all kinds. Mahood's Drug Store

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