rn a-------- RT . MONDAY, MAY, 381, 1020. "AGE EIGHT . pee ee ren -- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features RHEUMATISH a ace ARRIED LiF Have You Ever Thought of cg E | ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Ford Cara a speciaity. Genuine Ford parts. 378 BROCK STREET Phones: Shop 1039. Res. AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES For iuformation and rates apply J.P. Hanley, C. P. & T. A. G. T. way, Kingston, Ontario. Repairs, washing and sterage. 1915 MeLaughlin Roadster for Sale; cheap; first class condition. 288 BAGOT STREET Phone 1804w, 15377. |= | OVER 16 YEARS Thi? Tha + oy of [SAGAN ee No Refurn Of The Trouble MATTRESSES Since Taking "Froit-a-tives" | 103 Ceromow St., Moxremas.. . "I was a great sufferer from Rheu- 0 way vou : a B0L the w ay your malism for over 16 years. I consulted We renovate all kinds specialists; took medicine; used make them as good as new lotions: t thin : : Get our prices. > 3 betao did me good. | business." Tegan to use "Fruit-a-tives", "You wrote me from down there Frontenac Mattress (a. | and in 15 days the pain was easier | (hay Charlas had done as well as any- and the Rheumatism mueh better. | ne could do. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w week. And then I had that house! on my hands you know, Katherine. | By the way, another payment is com- ing up day after tomorrow. I promis- ed to pay them $5.000 a month until it was paid for, you know." * "lI didn't know anything of the kind, John--you didn't tell me any- thing about it. How long before the house will be paid for at that rate?" JOHN WANTS MONEY. "I'm glad he's gone," said John as Charley left us "Why, you told him you'd ito have him stay," I said. "Well, he bores me to death. I'd have never gone down to the oil fields if you had gotten someone, in whom I had confidence to take care of your lke ssa properly infused, is one of Nature's greatest blessings as a harmless stimulating beverage. ola and Cost Was $75,000. "It cost $75,000 and 1 gave them | $15,000 down--the balance in $5,-( 000 payments.' ' | "But John,I don't think we should | own a $75,000 house." | 'My' dear, I expected you to be al -millionairess and, as such, we should | -Bave the finest house in town, of | course." < t 'How much money have you al-| ready paid on the house, John?" Gradually, " Fruit-a-tives" overcame { "Yes, I think he did," said John my Rheumatism: and now, for five | Jeluctantiy. : hat he's 170 sauve, CArS, had 00 gentie-- ike to alk C y hare ac Ao Teturn. of the | straight from the shoulder when I do trouble. I cordially recommend this { business. fruit medicine to all sufferers." "Does it seem to get you any fur- P. H. Me HUGH, ther than Charles' way?" _° - 506 a'box, 6 for $2.50, trial size Zc, nae] dont Know. dul To anew ealers 8, a Is way aiwa At all 4 or sent d by fo er fellow thi he's utting it over Frui + sii postpai her fellow think } P 8 t-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. jon you and 1 don't want any man| "Twenty-five thousand dollars." A INE A Ee iataruriommrure | to | I'm doing business with to think | "Well, I expect we'll have to. live | ¥ RRR Destitute in Serbia - "Isn't that a little egotistical, | "We won't live in it." sald John John?" I asked. 'Sometimes I am gloomily, ("if I'm not able to make i J not sure but that it helps in business | the next payment. How much money A campaign to help these-child ren will be opened in Kingston and to let the other man think he is put- | have You got in the bank?" ting something over on you. I] "None." District under a strong, local Committee in co-operation with Canadian Brotherhood Federation. Warm Weather brings out the prety flowers with | their fragrant odors, which at- tract everyone. Seely's Perfumes are made from real flowers and we | we AND OINTMENT ----ee have the following odors: Pu | Clear the Skin Madelaine, Mahalia, Jicky, Also in | 600,000 Children | | HOUSE CLEANING SUPPLIES 1 1 { We have everything you need { to help you clean house. By 1]! using our Brooms, Brushes, | | Cleanser, Polishes, etc., you will | be able to clean house with very little trouble C I PIOKERING _ | [== Removal Notice would rather put a deal through as "But, Katherine--you had $5,000 you call it than to rub the other man | in there the other day. | the wrong way and lose out." | "I had $10,000, my dear John, and | "I don't very often lose out, Kath-{ you derw out $5,000 as you said to t--at--- i { erine," said John sulkily, | Pay up some debts down at the oil Posy, Roma, Tess, Zaza. toilet water and sachet. { - | fields." Prouse's Drug Store | "Not You in Particular" | "I paid that $5,000 on the house "I wasn't speaking of you in par-{ Charles had paid up all the old Phone 82. Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks always on hand. Sn "All the world over LIPTON'S is the household word for a ---- TEA COFFEE wo 24m Canadian Chief Offices 24 Front St. West, Toronto MAXOTIRES Are an establi shed fact. YOU NEED THEM. Why not get them now ? STANDARD VULCA NIZING COMPANY 284 Ontario St. Res. 104 Queen Street. A. NEAL, Manager --_ TEA ticular, John, but I do hate to have | | You prejudiced against Charles just | | because his method is different from | yours." "Well, I don't believe he has ever made any money in his life. He has done well if he's been able to keep what his father left him." "That's where John, The estate that Charles' father left him was very much in- cumbered and he's taken it out of debt and is worth probably a quarter of a milliion dollars now." "Good Lord, he's very modest about it! I wouldn't think he 'had Quarter million cents, except that he spends money 'rather generously if unostentatiously." "I'll bet, John, that Charles knows "No, he doesn't," exclaimed John somewhat ruefully, "because I haven't got enough to talk about. I've been plunging on the market lately more than I should and I dropped a lot of money within the AT SHARBOT LAKE. Work on the New Bridge is Now Under Way. Sharbot Lake, May 25.--Some of the summer visitors are here once more, while more are expeoted soon. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cook, of Kingston, FAINT AND DIZZY SPELLS WEAKNESS AND SHORTNESS OF BREATH You can generally tell when the heart is affected by the faint and dizzy spells, the shortness of breath, ! palpitation, throbbing, irregular beat- ing, smothering sensations, weak, sinking, all-gone feeling, choking sensation, etc. Many men and women become run-down and worn out when other- wise they could be strong and healthy you're mistaken, | exactly how much money you've got." | field debts when I arrived." "But John, I don't want Charles | to pay out his money for us." "I told him not to be a fool," said John uneasily, "but he said that you | were his only relative. and he was | j anxious to save you any trouble. 1 | | told him to send the bill into us and we would pay it as soon as we could." | Reason Becomes Apparant (4 Now I knew the reason why Char- les had told me not to let John have the rest of my money, and I more Subscriptions may be said to:-- J. F. ROWLAND, The Standard Bank, Local Treasurer. Watch the papers day by day for particulars | than ever determined to keep that { last $2,500. "What did you do with the money | | you have been making lately?" 1 asked in return. "That has nothing to do with the case. But I can't see where you would have a chance to spend so much meney." | "That has nothing to do with the case." | To-morrow--John Thoughtfulness. were the first to arrive this year. Quite a large number of people were here for the 24th week-end, among | them being Mrs. W. Y. Cannon and { Miss Ada, of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. | w. J. Camp, of Montreal; R. Robin- {son, of Toronto. Among those whose | homes are here, but who are living away and returned home for the holi- day, were Miss Mildred and Miss { Pearl Grey, Miss Lillie Allen, Ber: | Buell and Norman Blakly and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. L. Burnham have re- {turned from Florida, where they | have spent the winter. Mrs. A. W. | Shanks was visiting her sister, Mrs. | Sowden, "Toronto, last week. Rev. |P. C. Watson is in Kingston for a {few days on business, while Mrs. | Watson is visiting in Smith's Falls. {Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Thomson left {Monday night for Toronto. John Scott is making good progress with his new house. H. C. Lee is improv- ing his property by the addition of I tierra etme oc ob PATTON'S DYE WORKS Fermerly known as Montgomery Dye Werks Has now moved to 349 Princess Street Now ready for business All kinds of Cleaning and Dye- ing will be carried on as form. erly. M. F. PATTON, Shoes For Men WE ARE IN A POSITION TO PLEASE, the young man who aims to be a natty dresser. This is the Oxford season and our styles are the last word in the fashion world. Our Working Boots for Men and Boys. are dependable Shoes, at a reasonable price. A visit will convince you. Steve J. Martin 189 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 2216. Phone 214. Webster's GROCERY TABLE DELICACIES Demonstrating all this week MAZOLA OIL The pure Oil from corn for salads, deep frying and short. ening. Webster's BAGOT AND EARL NTRRET if they would only pay some attention to the first sign of heart weakness. 4 Jumedy will do so much to make the heart regain strength and vigor, | regulate its beat and restore it to a : healthy and normal condition as Mil- { Work on the new bridge, which was burn"s Heart and Nerve Pills. { delayed for want of material, is now i Mrs. C. A. 8S. Drake, Paris, Ont., under way. Several piles are down y writes: --*I have used on towards the | and capped. Traffic was held up for second box of Milburn's Heart and !a short time to-day, but is onte more Nerve Pills and find they have done | normal. me good. I had those fainting, dizzy | The young people spent an enjoy- spells, once in a while, and also weak- | able time at the dance in . Buell's ness, and shortness of breath. and | hall on the night of the 24th. Judg- would become so choked up at times 'ing from the noise, the younger peo- I could hardly sleep without sitting | ple had a good time with fireworks. up in bed. When walking too fast Mrs. M. Shaw, of Brockville, with her I would have to stop and try to catch | baby son, is the guest of her mother, my breath. I feel a lot better since | Mrs. M. Pappa. I have used your pills and know that | they have helped me wonderfully as | I have improved very much." Price 50c. a box at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to. a new verandah. The milk condensary fs in full swing, large numbers of cans of cream arriving on each train. Two churnings were put through to-day. FURS For Spring and Summer wear, we have a choice lot of Mole and Fox Neck Pieces x f Gourdier's 78 BROCK STREET, To Turn The First Sod. Belleville, May 31.--At the G. W. V. A. demonstration on June 3rd Sir Sam Hughes will be present and will turn the first sod for the new me- morial home to be erected on River- side Park in this city by the G. W. {V. A. It will be an up-to-date struc- | ture in every respect. Sifton Gives. $1,000 to Fund. Calgary, Alta, May 31.--One thousand dollars has been given by Hon. A. L .Sifton, secretary of state, toward a fund that is being raised by the University of Alberta for the purpose of helping returned soldiers in their studies. \ Purity! Purity! Purity! The one dominating note that runs all through the making of Sunlight Soap is Purity. The $5,000 - Guarantee you get with every single bar is not a mere advertisement. It marks a standard set for the buyers who select the cheice Sunlight Soap materials--for the soap boiler--for the expert chemists--for the girls, even, who wrap and pack Sunlight. Insist on getting the Soap 'you ask, for -- Sunlight Soap i LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO Now is Your Chance to Get a Real Good Used Car at Ih a Moderate Price | WE HAVE A MOST COMPLETE LINE OF AND ACCESSORIES We can give you REAL service on your car--the kind of service ap- preciated by the busy man, who must have his car when he wants it. Simply telephone us day or night and you will find us ready to give you the very best of attention. Blue Garages, Limited z TIRES, TUBES, ; RUBY DE REAMER ) In "Enlighten tk Daughter" at the Grand Opers House om June 3-4-5th.