' SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1920, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE TEN em SENN ERNE ENE NNENARENREEN ETTER ICYCLES FOR chaser suit the Bicycle. Look for these name-plates--the guarantee Of [of thelr consrmmation thom a al ARTICULAR h Tigers Badly Di That's one of our hobbies--making up a bicycle | which will suit the purchaser--not making the pur- super-guality and experienced workmanship. Sole Agents in King- ston for these Better Bicycles. You take no chances here Reasonable Prices. Bicycles are guaranteed. In the World of Sport | TY COBB MAY LEAD | LEADERS AT THE WOODBINE THE DETROIT TIGERS | Giddings Top Ownor-- irish Kise Best anized | "and Shakéup Ta Wanage= Woodbine meeting show Irish Kiss o be the winning horse, Harry Gidd- A Detroit Despatch says: --Al- | though it is not to be expected that | Frank Navin, chief owner of the | Detroit Baseball Club, 'will announce his private business plans in advance | well-defined rumor in circulation | here, and one which will not down, { to the effect that some drastic chang- { €8 in the executive department of the | Tigers' organization are impending, | and impending very closely at that. | The fans admit it, .and the fact | cannot be disguised in major league (1 | society. They have been doing it | constantly since the season opened | | six weeks ago, and, although they | played games at home, and have met | every team in the league, they have not won a singie series. They prov- | @d helpless a month after the season | opened, when they should have hit | | their true stride,even against socalled | weak teams of the East. On® game out of each four played is the best | they have been able to accomplish, Shake-up Promised. It is inconceivable that a team re- presenting the best baseball city in| | the circuit should be allowed to | | flounder along as the Tigers are do- {Ing. That is what makes it seem | | highly probable that a big shake-up | | on the team will be made very soon. | ment Likely. Hb Rodriguez, the leading rider. Kiss won $8,835 with one winner » while St. Paul, the { King's Plate winner, won two races for a total of $7,625. ten winning moun and five thirds, thirteen and one second five Horse in Money. Statisties gop-the-recent- ngs the winning owner, end Jockey Irish Rodriguez had and was unplaced » tied with R. Romanelll, with winning mounts. , Saddled six winners, eading the trainers. When others furnish fun the cost mark Is not of great importance. ------k i, a8 has received ts, seven seconds imes. J. Huepel was sec- In * eleven rides J. -Butwell was only unplaced j twice, while Claver w: placed once in eleven starts. Harry Giddings, as only un Bo CANADIAN JUDGES ARE BARRED BY ug. KENNEL ASSOCIATION. OK TI re a A CR NAA ---- Word was received in Montreal that the American Kennel Club that governs all doggie matters in the u. 8. that all foreign Judging licenses had been revoked, and in future SOWARDS COAL CO. ¢ Until further advised, and subject to change without notice, the price for COAL will be: Stove ...... fie riers nies 31300 Nut ti ts sesamiae] 5.00 Pa i vanewah: $13.50 Carrying 50c. extra. PHONE 155. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone orders C.0.p. should any club in the U. §. desire to use the services of a foreign judge, the name will be submitted to the Kennel Club and a temporary license might be granted for any particular show. / Until quite recently, the granti of licenses to judges in the U. 8S. was handled by the Kennel Club execu- tive as a whole; this was found' to work out unsatistactorily, and the judges are now under the supervi- sion of a license committee which is composed of J. G. Bates, Theodore Offerman and H. H. Hunneywell, It is understood that the licenses of a number of American Judges are likely to be cancelled. -- Good-Luck Mi v Lipton, Crowds of welll-wishers sang "For | He's a Jolly Good Fellow" as Sir | Thomas Lipton departed by train | from London for Liverpool this week to embark on the Celtic for New York | to attend the international yacht | races, in which his Shamrock IV. will | endeavor to win the America's Cup | from the American defender Desolute {lor Vanitie, During the last few days Sir Thom- | innumerable mes- i Sages from all parts of the world i Wishing him good luck in his efforts + to "lift" the historic cup. Dowager Queen Alexander in expressing her ! hopes that Sir Thomas: would win with the Shamrock IV. said: 'Certainly I am confident. But'I am glad I am not too 'sure, for then there would be no sport for any- one." | { Sir Thomas before his departure said he had every confidence in Sham- rock IV, adding: "Well, we'll soon » know. | ------------------ | | i | As to what is going to happen, there | Years of {are many rumors. It is not improb- able that there will bé some new - . | | ap service with blood injected into the withering | PRESIDENTIAL YEAR | Tiger frame, and that the old blood | . SMe: You say we can't bulld thie the least will be stirred up considerably. | year because bullding material Is so expense There is one story, from a usually higng Yes. Th didat ina reliable source, that Hugh Jennings, It Ny --. bid sand ates are using Come in to-day. No charge to show you Ty Cobo a nod 8 maager by | 1 all for platforms, Big Eveready $10,000 Contest now on. Ask for Contest Blank. ] TREADGOLD SPORTING given the position of Vice-President. | This story is based upon the assum- | GOODS CO. CESS STREET : Telephone 529. ption that Jennings has lost his : "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" punch as a field manager. Attention is also being called to | the fact that Jack Coombs is making a fizzle of directing the pitching stafr, from and has lost the confidence and re- spect of the players. The pitchers H. MILNE Chesterfields, Chairs, Rockers, Tables--lat- est designs and finishes. Prices the lowest. R. J. Reid The Leading Undertaker uad Furniture Dealer Ambulan ce Phone 577. 3230 PRINCESS STREET Easy terms if desired, WE WiLL TOO ; Babe Ruth, the Yankees' slugger, Fly: The sugar has made 54 home runs since start. bowl's empty Ing his career in the major leagues § gain. The can- ;; 1975. didate that gets my vote will be are certainly out of whack some- for cheap sugar | | where, whether it is the fault of! and plenty of It, 1 Coombs or not. Certainly the men are | * Rady | | not going as well this year as they | ' w Hl did last, when they had no Coombs. | or . | ' { Coombs Not Popular. | Jack is not popular with the play- | ers, possibly it is because he preaches too much. It is certain his pull with | the players began to wane even be-! fore the training season was over. | In view of this situation, it is pos- | sible that something might happen to] Coombs. | The Tigers have some very good | material. Doubtless some players | ° could be used advantageously inf: deals with other clubs. It may be | put down as a certainty that if the | deal of e reins of contol are passed over to "Well, she makes awful faces when Mr. Cobb, some familiar faces on the | She plays, If that's what you mean?" | club will find themselves elsewhere | ---- 2 at once, { However, it is clear that something must be done, and dome Quickly. Without doubt, Mr. Navin can be re- lied upon to make the necessary moves, He has shown an almost * infinite patience with his club through the most disastrous season the Detroit club has ever had, but he must be convinced now, as all the fans are, that the team needs reorg- anizing badly, and at once, ------ ; Lipton's Challenger upsets Calcula~ A. C. KNAPP challenger tor ons Spemrock IV. Bont Bilder at LaSalle Cmowsy {E55 SE CANOES BO AT LIVERY Teeze to keep her in motion. The SKIFFS BOAT REPAIRS Yacht gave an impression display in Long Island Sound of what may be ACCESSORIES MOTOR SUPPLIES Disappearing Propeller Motor Boats. EXPRESSION "She pl. the plano, with a good n doesn't ghe?™ SIR JOHN R. JELLICORE i Head of Britisn Admiralty 4 Who has Just been made a Vis. count and given a grant of 5! Phone 542 : SMALL MATTER | Patient: Say buddy "that razor pulis something awful. Barber: That's all right sir | can make out, : expected should light weather pre- vail in any of the international con- Before a west southwest breeze around 7 to 10 knots, the green racer 4 long port leg from ie Light to Excursion | . >= . } Liane, and aided the distance in a yo" W seconds under the half hour. This > Was done against a strong head tide. PERMANENT "A woman's age doesn't really ° matter," i -- Considerable time was devoted to'| @ discussion of the playing rules afi "No; the thing that counts is how _long she has been that age." HERE is an intangible something which will T make your memorial an attalament, some . thing not measured or weighed. That some- thing is "refinement and quality." The insepar- able accompaniment of ev ery McCallum memorial. Specifications on re quest, cnr did PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK x % GOLD BONDS, | 'Due May 1st, 1980---Price 99.08 and Interest Yield 63 %. . fc , Dot the least of Interest payable May and November. » better construction of : , A better. grade of ma- Winding in the spheres is wed the cessatica of War, and the release of wool, rubber and other material used in the balls used by poth I 1 n A. Heydler, president of the National League, and B. B. Johnson, | American, the heavy hitting which has develo ed this ™ McCALLUM GRANITE CO, Ltd, "Builders of Quality" BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. Hin *The Home of Good lavestmaater 397 PRINCESS STREET : : ; : KINGSTON, ONT. Phono 1728. . . , . 237 Bagot St. H. J. Bongard,