Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jun 1920, p. 5

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£ pr $1500 $15.00 FEIEPSPERIPEPIBPPNR | We Hav iL CL ------------------------ PhP bPb bed? | # Austin's Drug Store Moth Balls Moth Flakes O11 of Cedar Liquid Veneer Saniflush ' Formaldehyde Ammonia, for ele nwing - look new. --=Diamond Dyes. ~--Dy.ola Dyes Sunset Dyes. ~Rit Dyes. ~Tintex Dyes. fine fabrics, use Rit Flake Por For removing Ink stains, we recommend Tayler's Ink Eraser. AUSTIN'S Drug Store' MARKET SQUARE FEPEP -- ' MARRISON STUDIO There is but ONE TIME to picture the children--AS THEY ARE TO-DAY. Phone 1818w. SNEEsERSRRREANER * _ THE 92 Princess St. e In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Soup Dampbell"s Vegetable Soup 'Clark «+ Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Soup Distribriors to Red Ruse Tea---the W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LIOY * leam=n \'a AR. EA" DR. A. W. WINNETT - DENTAL SURGEON Begs to announce that he has resumed his practice, corner Johnson and Welling- ton Streets, Kingston. Tes. phone 36%. It pays tosave Your Newepapers, Magasines and scrap material--we are paying good prices. YOU MAY NEED Pipes for water or fencing or & tent for next summer. Call on us. IL. Cohen & Co. 207-370 ONTARIO STREET A - _ Kingston Cement - Products Factory Makers of dollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Bills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick streets, PHONE 730W. Mgr., H. F. NORMAN Stewart Phonograph WILL SURPRISE YOU. foue IN AND HEAR IT. A. G. Williams 171 WELLINGTON STREET PHONE | | | | | | | | | ---- + «You save Let us repair your old Mat- ; tresses WE KNOW HOW and with modern machinery and experienced mechanics we guarantee satisfaction. 10% DISCOUNT UNTIL JUNE 1st. (Mention Advertisement) Kingston Mattress Co 586 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 602w. 1 ~MATTRESSES [are uziliary., Sve fumigating--in house or stable. COLORITE makes am old hat L * EC -- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FAGE ive \ -- CARPENTERING Estimates Given. O. Aykroyd & Son Ci ters and Builders Kingston and Vicinity arpen 21 Main street. Phone 1670 "Y" Wants Old Papers, | Please save your old papers ford | Y.M.C.A. Auxiliary. Systematic col- Ee Finés Were Pai. The two automobile owners who | were found guilty of speeding and the {man who got touched $10 for being under the influence of liquor, paid | their fines. Don't throw away your eo: Mattresses. We renovate all kinds make them as good as new, and Get our prices. | Placed Five Men. ° | On Friday, Allan Stroud, the local | Frontenac Mattress Co. | government employment agent, plac- 17 BALACLAVA STREET | ed five men in positions at Belleville. - | The men were working on the con- Phone 2106w | struction work out near Westbrook, === | but evidently did not like the work. Now for a Change. Warm weather is here, and now is the time to secure men's light- weight underwear in balbriggan or natural wool, at $1.50 to $2.60 per i suit; also union suits in white or | cream at above prices... Prevost | clothing house, Brock street. FRIENDSHIPS | 210 DIVISION STREET PHONE 545 Fresh SPRING VEGETABLES CHOICE GROCERIES | Prompt delivery. 'A Brother of Con. Meredith. John Meredith, who won the see- ond prize in the Olympic bicycle race Thursday, in 33.50 minutes with a | handicap of eight minutes is the 16- | year-old brother of Con. Meredith who won seven events and a boxing bout at the Athletic meet on May 24. A Fence ig Needed. Citizens who attended the circus on Thursday were surprised to find that there is very little protection along the edge of the quarry on Montreal street. It is oly a miracle that some person did not tumble into the place. rm yo It Pays to Buy Your Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINE ST. Phone 1583 and Get Prompt Delivery Escaped From Jail. The police have been asked to look for George Fench, who was serving two months at Ottawa on a charge of theft, and who escaped from the counties jail there, Monday. Fench was to be deported following the completion, of his sentence. Edward Trotter Recovering. Edward Trotter of Kingston Mills, who was recently injured by an ac- cident in his milk house, and was taken to.the General Hospital, is now able to be about once more. He is re- newing old acquaintances in the city. Mr. Trotter is an old subscriber of 1 the Whig. r Hugged the Elephant. At the ciréus on Thursday evening citizens who happened to be in the tent where the elephants were kept were astonished to see a man who. DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstafl's Ginger Marmalade, Wagstaf's Pineapple Marmalade, Wagstaf's Bramble Jellly. We also have a ful] line of other reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale at: Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Karl Streets. fact that no street accidents occurred was under the influence of liquor A FIRM WITH A HISTORY ADMIRABLE WORK OF McCAL- LUM GRANITE CO. LTD. License Ne» 8-37149 Phone 18544. Removal Notice I wish to make known to my customers and the public that on MAY 1st, my Jewelery, and Re- pair Businesy will be located at 267 PRINCESS STREET in more convenient premises. 6. W. LYONS Jeweler and Watchmaker. Well-Known Local Firm Has Achiev- ed Many Honors In the Province-- Will Build R.C.H.A. Memorial In Macdonald Park. The twentieth century has seen the rising f a new thought, a new forte in the commercial world, a force which above all things will serve to raise the nation fo a higher level of | culture and intelligence. It is the { dawn of Industrial Arts. Yesterday, so far as Canada was concerned, the creating of beauty on a progressive mercantile basis was unthought of. Today, great companies have taken up the task and are spending time and energy in the production of 'ev- erything in the reaim of art. The creating of cathedral windows, the extensive casting of architectural bronze, the designing of magazine co- vers, and the building of finer me- morials both public and private all rank as later mile posts in Canada's evolution. The history of the process of this latter branch of art industries from its initial "stage in the great quarries and vast mine caverns of Vermont, Quebec, Sweden \and Nor- way is a story of amazing develop- ment. Of all the fine crafts, that of carving in stone stands almost pre- dominant. The inspiration that awoke the dynamic energy of Michael Angelo is not dead. It lives in the hearts of modern sculptors. Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, 'Halibut and Cod Domision Fish Co, Canada Feod Board License No. 0-2248 Be Good To grab one of the elephants by 'the trunk. The man was gathered in by the police on the charge of drunken- AAA) A nn WR Sick Of Summer Time. On the first day of summer time at Brockvylle, opposition has develop- ed to the measure, through conflict with railroad operating time, and it is likely that the town council will be asked to rescind the proclamation. A group known as the Standard Time League has been formed to press the matter. . +Street Trattic Weil Handled. The police age to he congratulated on the way they handled the street traffic Thursday, immediately after the circus parade. Théir task was made more difficult by many drivers, who apparently knew scarcely any- thing about driving r®gulations. Peo- ple should remember that the police are there to facilitate matters and the shows how well they did their task. Little Boy Drowned. A sad drowning occurred in Sop- hiasburg on Monday when Stewart Leverne, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Demill fell into a well and was drowned. The well was about ten feet deep with only about a foot of water in it and is used for cooling the milk. The little lad had apparently been attratfed by the rope hanging over the well and toppled into the opening. Baby In a Basket. Everybody took a look, says a To- ronto despatch, when Mrs. M. Me- Grady, a Cree Indian woman from Lyn, near Brockville, entered the ro- tunda of Union Station there, bear- ing her youngest papoose in a pa- poose basket. Mrs. McGrady, in bro- ken English, told the ladies of the Travelers' Aid that sheshad made the basket herself and that it was much easier to carry on her back than to carry the child in her arms. Bryan-Allen Wedding. The marriage was very quietly solemnized in Trinity Methodist church, Toronto, of Anita Gladys, daughter of the late George Herbert Allen and Mrs. Allen, formerly of Kingston, to Elmer Edward Bryan, Toronto. Dr. Tovell conducted the ceremony. The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Dr. J. Ross Allen, of Olean, N.Y., wore a white taffeta gown trimmed with narrow lace pleating. She wore also a mohair hat to match and carried an arm bouquet of Ophelia roses. Miss Vera Allen was her sister's only attendant, and Garnet Lea acted as best man. 'Mr. sure of increasing business it became! necessary to introduce a second car- ver, this giving the founder more time to devote to the administrative end of the enterprise. Shortly after a teamster and marble polisher arrived on the scene, and the little concern became a three-man power plant. Re- quests that heretofore had come from only the surrounding community now began coming from the more distant towns. The yard was laid with con- crete and a derrick installed, this ad- ding much to the efficiency. The next mionue, TOTOMD. oes and Mrs. Bryan left later for a wed- ding trip across the line, and on their return will reside at 788 Westmount We are adding to our Planing 'Mill equipment, a new large Woods Planer and Matcher, specially designed to manufac- The Late M. O. Kellogg. i 'With the passing of the late Martin | Oran Kellogg, one of the links with past history of Canada, disappears. | He was born in Canada ninety-two | years ago, was of U. E. Loyalist de- | scent and received upon the death of | his father the family estate that con- sisted of a seigniory in the Ottawa valley situated near L'Original. His | wife, who was Lucy Clarke of La-| chute, Que., predeceased him many | years ago and there were no child- ren. Of late years Mr. Kellogg' re- sided An Kingston township. He is survived by two nephews, Harold E. Flynn and L. A. Flynn both of this city. A Good Circus "Stunt." The female {impersonator at the ciréus on Thursday, pulled off a good 'stunt" on a well-known young local man. As the young man. was about to purchase his ticket, the sup- posed young lady stepped up to, him and putting her hand on his shoulder said: "Please sir, would you take me in too?" 'Sure thing I'll do that," was the reply, and the young man was as good as his word, and instead of buying one pasteboard he got two. | The couple made their way into the big tent, and once indide the show | the supposed lady gave the joke away, and there was much laughter from many who witnessed the inci- dent. The young fellow who had been "stung" also took the matter | good naturedly. { Prison Officials' Claim. The officials at the Portsmouth pe- | nitentiary who were involved in the | recent suspensions claim that they | should not be punished for the cond} tions that have prevailed at the in- stitution for a long time. They state that laxity in respect to discipline was general for some years and this as not due to subordinate officials, | but to failure to appoint efficient | heads. They point out that in the hospital there was no regular sur- | geon and the work lacked the con-| tinuity of oversight that it should | have had. There were no less than | six persons filling the position of | warden within a period of eight years | and, this, it is urged was a condition | that was destructive of many years | hard work in building up efficiency in a staff. The position of deputy warden, the chief disciplinary officer, was permitted to be vacant, as well | as that of the chief keeper, so that | there was no real executive head to | the place. | NOURISHING FOOD AND GOOD HOURS | Help You to Resist Disease -- Aid | | | These With a Tonic to Keep the Blood Pure. | The power of your body to resist | disease and to fight it after disease | gets a foothold, is one of the most | precious possessions you have. You | weaken this power when you let | development was the installing of pneumatic power, composed of a 7 | h.p. gas engine, a small compresser | and two pneurnatic hammers which hummed away like mammoth bees. The shop had become known as a your general health run down, your, blood gets thin and your nerves un- | steady. You weaken it when you worry, when you over-work, when 'you do not get sufficient sleep, and when you busy place. It had then achieved the | are under-nourished, either because | reputation of being the largest retail | you do not eat the right kind of food | business of/its kind between Toronto | and Montreal. Guided by the pre- cepts '"'quality and fairness' this one time, one room shop developed till the town of Tweed seemed hardly | large enough for its activities. In 1916 the firm became incorporated ! under the name "The McCallum Gra- | nite Co., Limited' and a plant was established on Princess street, of this city, its founder George McCallum becoming the first president. Here manufacturing on a larger scale was begun. Contracts came from near and } far. One year ago a large consign- | ment of finished work was sent to | Port Arthur and Fort William and! still more work sent to Manitoba and provinces farther west, Success is due to the fact that the McCallum Granite Co., has insisted on qnality | before everything elsé. "¥ey have in | The production of memorials in granite, marble or bronze is a calling which holds its students enthralled, The artist who paints his scene is thrilled by its beauty, but the car- ver or designer who watches an ex- quisite shape, a crystallized ideal emerge from a huge block of granite or marble feels that same wonder which is borne in on one who stand- ing before a great memorial sees re- vealed as the curtain rises, one of the triumphs of the monument builders art. There is nothing which com- mands silent admiration like a true memorial. It is venerable, perfect, the embodiment of endurance and refine- ment. From the granite and marble ma- nufacturing plants all over America today are going memorials wliich are awakening the admiration of the en- tiré world. Representative of the highest standards known in America is the McCallum Granite Company, Limited, of Kingston. The original activities of this firm began in 1898, | when George McCallum, a practical designer and an expert carver, open- ed a retail granite and marble shop in the village of Tweed. Under a very small roof this embryo plant began its work. For one year George Me- Callum acted as designer, manager and workman, then under the pres- Ba The Baby During the h6t weather use JOHNSON'S BABY TALOUM in the square tin, with the Red Cross. It absorbs moisture from the skin and keeps it cool and soft; re- lleves prickly heat, rash and all irri- tations of the skin. (See Our Window) Prouse's D Drug Store Nellson's Ice Cream Bricks always on hand. ITSAPICNIC OUR (--p UST think of it! -- three picnics a day; Breakfast- plenie, luncheon - picnic and dinner-picnie if you eat our bread. It is mighty palatable and highly nutri- cious. It contains just the \ proper food units for body- building and just the proper taste-qualities to encourage your appetite. LLACKIES BAKERY MIOME ML 0F many cases lost money on contracts rather than lower their"standard of | workmanship. The McCallum firm | has the distinction of employing some of the finest graftsmen the nation provides, men who.have studied the granite and marble industry from its, every phase and who have travelled over the granite centres of the globe. Backed by this 'organization andy headed by men who are deep stu- | dents of their craft, the'firm has ach- ! feved many honors in the province, | one of the latest of these being the receiving of the contract to build the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery Me- morial in Macdonald park, this city. This work will be of the exedra type, and will bear a large bronze tablet with cast crest and names. Its ledgth will be twenty feet and height 12 ft. The battle honors will be engraved in Roman' letters. x The McCallum Granite ~ Co., has many orders on hand for large pri- vate memorials at distant points. They have one imperishable ideal, aad that the production of beauty! which shall have jts affect on the passing world. Art is never wasted and the quiet places of our land, like Mount Pleasant, like Cataraqui,! ought to be one of the greatest forces for the instilling of an appreciation for all things peaceful and lovely. No nation 'embued with a deep love for the beauti-' ful can wage wars of destructive conquest. Germany may have produc- ed some art, but the Huns who blast- ed Rheims and Ypres never felt the thrill of admiration. Monumental art then, because it endures forever, mid snows, rain, and sunshine and stands in the city squares where the con- 'course may see, has its place in Ca- nada's progressing nationhood. It is a vital factor in the making of an educated people. Behind this great ideal stands the McCallum Granite Co., entrenched and ready, with the standard firms of Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal, to play, their great part in our nation's future. Skim milk aristocracy always tries to convey the impression that it is' TTL Cha full cream. or because your digestion is out of order. You preserve your power to resist | disease when you keep good hours | and eat proper-food at regular inter- | vals. You further increase and | strengthen resistance to disease when | you build up your blood and nerves | by the occasional use of a tonic like | Dr. Williams Pink Pills, which are! free from opiates and harmful drugs of any kind. The value of these pills | as a health huilder is fully shown by | the experience of Mrs. E. C. Taylor, | Hanover, Ont., who says: "As vari-| ous times since I was a girl of fitteen | F have proved the value of Dr. wil | Hams Pink Pills. At that age I was | in a much run down condition, suffer- | ing from many of the well known symptoms of anaemia. My mother procured a supply of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and after taking about a half dozen doses I was restored to | normal health. Again after my mar- riage, and before my boy was born, I felt miserable and again took Dr. Willlams Pink Pills, which once more met all my expectations and | fully restored my health, My latest experience with these pills was fol- lowing an attack of pleurisy, which left me completely broken in health, Part of the time I was under the care of two doctors, and for three months I was practically between life and death. Again at my mother's sug- gestion I started the use of Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pills. I had not been taking them long before I could tell | that they were helping me. Day by day I could feel my strength return- ing, and was soon enjoying good health once more. In view of my ex- perience I think I can safely say thers 1s Aoriiag in the way of medi- Cine better than Dr. Willi, ne ams Pink Dr. Williams Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at i Senta 2 hoz or six boxes for $2.50 rom The Dr. Williams Medic Brockville, Ont. Sete Cus "Dunseveric," the home of the late J. W. Johnson, M.P.P., and family, at Bellevillé, has been sold by Mrs. Johnson to Capt. William Hunter, who will take possession July 1st. Capt. and Mrs. Hunter spend the win- ter months at Southern Pines, N.C., but will spend the summers in Belle- ville. The price, was approximately $8,000. In many instances the last will and testament does not end the mat- For the first time in its history Cobourg jail has no prisoners. CZEMA E35; ing wh Home, 'If Riven of heals the skin. Chase's 358 free 4 Jou dealers or i 4 8 ih ¥. ture frardwood flooring i. ---- S-- NEE S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Fuctury and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON. Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory - Phone 14.5. Too Late Don't have your Florist tell you that you have left plant ing out too late. Resolve to have beautiful home surround ings by ordering your require ments now. . A.D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET - - - Phone, 661; Res., 2086W. a -- ee ; KINGSTON MILLING COMPANY, Ltd. Foot of Brock Street, Kingston ' Our mill is equipped with modern machinery, driven by electric motors with current generated at Kingston Mills, WE MANUFACTURE :-- HUNGARIAN PATENT AND WHITE ROSE FLOUR, BUCK- WHEAT FLOUR, GRANULATED (ORN MEAL, GROUND CORN, GROUND OATS, CRACKED CORN, GROUND FEED, BRAN, SHORTS, FEED, FLOUR. Our Products are good and freshly mad FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS in A The popularity of our Men's Shoes isn't an accident. It 18 tne result of a careful study of what men like in Footwear. We give them a standard of style and quality that can- not be surpassed. And we ke ep our prices at a level attrac- Ytive to those who study economy. There is a reason why so |many men buy all their shoes at this store. ri Men's Oxfords in Latest Models $10.00 to $15.00 J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOQD SHOES We are nearing the Running - Shoe Seasgn We have everythini that you need in the way of RUNNING SHOES. Women's--Men's--Boys'--Misses' Children's from ............ $1.00 up > H. JENNINGS KING STREET

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