Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jun 1920, p. 7

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ur TUESDAY, JUNE, 15, 1920. A The Much Discussed Book THE NEW CHRISTIAN" EE ------_-- For sale at: -- or THE RELIGION OF THE NEW AGE" by REV. S. G. BLAND R. Uglow & Co. AE: | Letters to the Editor The Prospective Cleavage in Prot. estantism. Kingston, June 14.-- (To the Edit- er): Writing in the Christian Guardign Byron Stauffer in a mis- leading article entitled "Is the World Growing Better or Worse?" said "Is Optimism versus Pessimism to be the issue which will divide the forces of tthe -new-world ~~ Protestantisnr-into two camps? Is it essential 10 be- ! lieve that Christ will come to find an apostate church and denounce it in fierce judgment?" Those who suppose such issues too trivial to produce a cleavage among us should be reminded that the split in Christendom producing the Ro- man and Greek churches was caused by the conteiition by one party that the Holy Ghost emanated from the Father only, while the other side held that He issued from both the Father and the Son." The issue at stake is not so trivial | ag the Canadian would have us be- 'lieve. It is more than "a rift with- in the lute," it is a crack within the foundation wall growing ever wider {and deeper until the complete col- OAVRRORRRRRRA isnt RRL CORR OA "Gifts that Last" lapse of nominal Christianity is threatened. It is more than a toler- able difference of opinion in inciden- | tals. It is a nullification of the com- monly recognized charter of the | Church Evangealican. In practically every denomination, | great theological colleges, gifted and influential teachers, as well as church THE DAILY BRI he scheme arrived at years conference with the that after the first there should be no ordinations i either church which were not considered valid by the other. There would be a bishop with the presbyters at the laying on of hands, and at the end of forty years, there would be no Wesleyan minister +t who would not have been ordained by a bishop of the Church of Eng- land. In order to get Wesleyan ministers episcopally ordained at once twelve presbyters would be con- | ~secrated-bishops. It was-certain;** added Bishop Ingram, "that other thurches would join them, and he believed the time would come when ! they would be in close connection, | not only, with the churches of Greece | and Russia, but with the church of | Rome." 5 i It is for this high-handed rebell- | lon against God and His revealed | | word--this open and undisguised | treason against the church evangi¢| cal, which has called forth not one | word of protest as far as we know, | from the 'high courts of the church | recently in session that thousands! upon thousands of true believers in | "our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ" | are being forced to take a positive | stand. Separation has begun and it | is hoped will be finally consummated | in the Conference on the Funda- | mentals of the Christian Faith now | in session in Chicago, where seven | thousand delegates are expected, | June 13th to 20th, the 16th being | set apart as a day of waiting upon ' God in prayer and fasting, the chair- | man of which is Dr. W. B. Riley, the | executive secretary, Dr. Robt. Rus- i follows after two Wesleyar of Jan TISH WHIG 1 Ladies' White Canvas Laced Boots 95 pairs Ladies' White Canvas Boots--Spool heels-- regular $3.50 and $4.00. Clearing thisweekat...... ......... .... $195 - ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE LadiesKeep Your Skin Clear, Sweet, Healthy Let Us Supply the Weddne Ring and Marriage License * ORK that is done at W/ vient usually strains and weakens the eye muscles to such an extent that the wearing of glasses is imperative. Consult our optometrist and he will dis- cover in what manner your eyes have become affected. You will receive a pair of comfortable glasses whose lenses will accommodate the vision 'used at your work and during your re- creative hours. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS ST. J. periodicals scornfully repudiate the sell an ex-moderator of the American evangical faith. They assail the Bib- Presbyterian Assembly. le as to its authority and its accur-| The call of God to a closer fellow- acy. They deride the atonement and | Ship of all believers without refer- all who believe it. ence to sect will doubtless be heeded Rationalism, on the one hand, and | by thousands more as the real chara- ritualism on the wedges at the root of the cleavage cleverly hidden in the beginning, be- which are revealed in such state- ments as the following: | 8y camouflaged in evangelistic and "The epoch we are now entering | Missionary appeal and borrowing surpasses that of the Nicene age | every phase of evangelistic faith but which still held to an authoritative | 0€--sin in relation to Calvary. orthodoxy while in this any claim of | Because of the light shed upon the { authority except as a 'survival has| Forward Movement and of its fear- | passed. So increasing is this open | iess, faithful testimony against in- | mindedness that American Protest- | fidel christianity The Sunday School { antism is now freed from any of | Times has recently been subjected | those anxieties which disturb it when | {0 a storm of adverse criticism from | Mr. Ingersoll could be regarded as a | S6ctarian papers whoedecline to lend veritable Anti-Christ." (He might | their columns to. a hearing of the have added because the church has| defence of the friends of the Times. adopted precisely the same view | 10e time has come for parents to | point as Mr. Ingersoll, Prof. Shailer | decide as to whether they will place | Mathews, Dean of the Divinity School | their children under those who, deny- of Chicago, first president of the Fed- | ID& the authority of God's word and eral Council of the Churches in Am-| €very fundamental of the faith are erica, the inspiring genius of the! Pringing upon themselves.and their Forward Movement.) | posterity a reign of lawlessness and "Protestantism is bourgeois Christ-| 8Rarchy terrible to contemplate lanity--shaped to suit the trading | When, let loose from all restraints, and manufacturing classes but in| they will slide down through sensu- promise and potency the coming | ality Into such degradation as pre- Christianity is more fully and truly vails in Russia, or whether they will C. 8. KIRKPATRICK Issuer Marriage Licenses 36 Clarence Street Kingston, Ont. The House of Better Glasses Opposite the Post Office Pheme 699. KINGSTON. | J. BARRETT PLUMBER Plumbing and Heating Repalr Werk a §, + Address 738 SYDENHAM STREET Phone 688, Sunlight does not penetrate the sea to a depth of more than 200 feet. All felons were bailable by ancient common law. here in the labor movement than in | Place them under Godly influences Protestantism or Catholicism." Dr. | Seeking their salvation from sin. Salem Bland of Broadway Methodist | , The rival forces of Christ and | Tabernacle, Toronto. Satan are gathering for a life and "Gone are the cld ideas of relig- | death struggle. [fon. Gone is the old nation of the | Can we afford longer to "see the efficacy of prayer, of the authority | Mighty hosts of sin advancing, Satan of the Scriptures, of the deity of |!®2ding on' --can we perceive .the Christ, gone even is the former view | CéSPerateness of the position and of the immortality of the soul and | {UTR a deaf ear to the call of the there is in its place the modern idea | 4eSPised and rejected" One--"Come of efficiency which emphasizes tem- | Out of her, My People, that ye be not porary success and does not answer | Partaker of her sins and that ye the question of the rest of the spiri-| F®ceive not her es." tual."--~Prof. Foster, formerly of To-| May the crisi It in the" gath- ronto. : | ering of a true "ecclesia" or called- "We have broken definitely and, | Ut body which was the purpose of I think, finally with that old theory | God for this age! God at the first of things which ruled western civili- | did visit the Gentiles to take out of other, ure the |cter of the Forward Movement, so | comes more apparent as New Theolo- | - MOORFE'S RE-BUILT TIRES are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Get an old tire rebuilt and join the happy throng of satisfied users. DOMINION TIRES in Cords and Fabrics. We have any e 2iso have a few slightly blemished Oxfords in a multiplicity of shapes and de- signs, superb in quality, moderate in price. Suitable Footwear for all out-door sports 'and recreations. Store Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays excepted. @ | lleving in the death of the Saviour | zation for nearly two thousand years. It is not merely that this or that | part of the theory---Virgin-Birth, Re- | | surrection, Ascension--has failed to | stand the wind and weather of our {day. It is that the new theory 'it- self has gone to pieces. and justified through the atoning death of an innocent, divine victim Saviour is, to put it plainly, a form | | of immortality. The custom of min- | isters reading lessons and taking texts from the Bible creates the im- pression that the Bible is for ua what it was for our great grand- mothers. They proceed &s if noth- ing had happened. It is time this conspiracy of silence on the part of the pulpit ceased."--Rev. R. Rob- erts, in one of the pamphlets for the Million published by the Rationalis- | tic Press Association. An American university professor refers to the Lord as 'Mary's ille- gitimate Son" and added that his own son could grow to be such a man as Jesus of Nazareth but there Was no reason why he should set him on a pedestal and worship him. The writer has oocasion to stray into the theological department of the library of one of our great uni- versities and taking up a book much | | used by young men in training for the ministry read the following: "Criticism is ynable any longer to hold the Acts and Epistles or to a selection of them." A commentary on the Gospels had the following: "Thus for the whole birth and childhood story of Jesus in its every detail, it is possible to trace a pagan substratum." Another, written by the professor of Hebrew and Old Testament exe- gesis in that university, contained the folowing: '"'What we have in the Old Testament is not history but a free poetic treatment of certain meagre historic traditions. We can- not be sure these incidents actually occurred." He then referred to the institution of the Sabbath as pdgan originating in Babylon from whence also came the account of the flood and said that not until later days did the Israelites claim for their God the supreme position of creator. This is the real issue which is driving the forces of "thé new world Protestantism™ into two camps, the one seeking to approach God through an offering of good works from thé natural or unregenerate man seen, for instance, in "the 'heaped up beauty in modern pulpits where flowers are transformed into rythm the bloodness theology of Modernism or by the way of Cain. : ~The othér seeking to draw near to God condemned because of sin, be- as a ransom Or price paid to God for the redemption of the sinner, a propitiation to appease, not an angry God but a God whose justice must be vindicated in Jetting a guilty sinner go free, as a sacrifice for sin. The cleavage in Protestantism is being precipitated, not only by the Rationalistic wedge but by ritualism of which we have the following amaz- Ing evidence. The Bishop of London as re ed in The Sheffield Inde- The notion | of a guilty person being pardoned ! | them a people for His Name," not by making the church co-extensive with the world by preaching a universal Salvation, but by spiritual regenera- ion. --B. CARR-HARRIS. ---- COOLIDGE'S CAREER. | Nicknamed "Law and Order" After { Boston Police Strike. {__ Calvin Coolidge of Northampton, | Mass., nominated by the Republicans {for the vice-presidency of the United | States, although in public life ia his adopted state almost ever since his 1895, was little knonw outside of Massachusetts until the greater 'part of the police force of Boston went on strike in September, 191. Coolidge was governor of the state He ordered out the s:aty guard to patio] the streets of Boston after a night of rioting, announced that law and order would be preserved and daclared tha' the strikers were de- serters and that their places would he filled by other men Tie strikers never regained their positions. Troops maintainéd order for several weeks and a new police force was recruited. The stand taken by the governor carried his name to | all parts of tne country and in his own state he was promp:ily nick- camed "Law and Orier Coolidge." As the presidential campaign of 1926 approached his aimirers tried ts induce him to becom=2 an active candidate for the Repariizan nommn- aticn for president. They had gone a3 far as to cpen headquarters for 2im in Washington and Senator Henry Cabot Lodge hai offered to present his name to the national con- vention if the governor s3 dasired, when he announced pubilsly that he was not a candidate. and that he cougideded that wn.ae he was gov- e*rcr his job was at the state house. Calvin Coolidge was born on a farm in the iit! village of -Ply- mouth, Vermdgn:, "mm Juiy 4. 1872. His father, in addition to carrying un the farm, was the village store- keerer. Coolidgss ancestors frcm 'he time John Coolidga settled in Watertown, Mass., (2 1620, were all iarmers. 4 Young Ca'viz worked ¢n the farm wd in the &ii"® a i attended the v. fge schonl. asxdenier ip the Ver- mont towns of Ladlow and St. Johns- Bary and Amherst College. He studied law ir the office of a flaw firm in Northempton to such §.ca effect that after twonty months digeing at tha law books he was admited to the Lar He opened a law of ce in the same c:ty anl continued ty practice (h2'v untii' his public duties occupied all his time. His first pubiie office 'was as mem- b3+ of the No-.hampton city cinn- as ol in 1899. Succeamvely he was eny #0. citor, county cierk, state repre- serwative for tx) years, mavor for 'w. years, the lasi two serving as p.esident of that senate sil lieuten- ant govermor for threa vears. an 1918 he was nominated hy the Republicans wi. hou' opposition for governor and wis elected by a plur- aliiv of about 13,600. 2 | pendent of Oct. 8th, 1919, said as graduation from Amharst College in | He was renomiiated in 1919 and, Tomlinson property ¢'oed by the pristixc gained througa | street, Perth. With Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Talcum Use Cocoanut Oil For Washing Hair If you want to keep your hair in good condition, be careful what you wash it with. Don't use prepared shampoos or anything else, that contains too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. Just plain mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and entirely grease- less) 'is much better than anything else you can use for shampooing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with water and rub it in. One or two tea- spoonfuls will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lath- er rinses out easily, and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oll | at most any drug store. It is very { cheap, and a few ounces is enough to | last everyone in thie family for| months. People of God! | is the time to get your lawn mower ready. Don't wait un- til the grass is ahead of YOU. All makes repaired and sharpened promptly. J. M. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM ST. RE a a] -- RAPE 4 Wicker and Reed Furniture Very Popular Wicker furniture is constantly growing in popularity because it not only adds an artistic atmosphere to the room in which ft is placed, but it is also light and durable, and unusually comfortable, at-- JAMES REID "THE BUSY STORE WITH THE LARGE STOCK" Phone 147 for Service. . ------- PURE ICE CREAM OUR Ice Cream has been the BEST in KINGSTON for years and will contmiue to be nothing but PURE CREAM and FRUIT FLAVORS used. This busi. ness established nineteen years. MOIR'S and GANONG'S CHOCOLATES always on hand. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House 200 Ibs. Choice Shoulder and Pot Roasts at 20c. and 25¢. a Ib. whi 100 Ibs. Stewing Beef at 1Se. to 23¢c. a pound. Cholce Lamb Chops, Pork Chops, Steaks. All kinds of Smoked Meats, ete. Please put your orders in early. QUICK'S Y"ESTERN MEAT MARKET 112 CLERGY STREET Phone 2011. Carriage Repair and Black- smith shop, 64 Queen street, city; thriving business; big stock of material and tools. Fine chance for right man. Failing health reason for sell- ing. APPLY AT SHOP. PHONE 131TW. 54 QUEEN STREET ki; relation to ihe Boston pelice s*1ike, was re-imted hy a plurality of more than 125,909 and received the largest total vote ever cast fur a governor fn Massgsauserts. Governor Coa.ddg> was married in Berlington, Verma: A Wonderful Vacation Trip via Great Lakes Steamers, Steamship express trains between Toronto and Port McNicoll, carrying | first-class coaches and parlor cars, (are operated via Canadian Pacific | Railway as follows: Northbound-- Leave Toronto 1.00 p.m. each Wed- nes; and Saturday; arrive Port McNicoll 4.15 pm., making direct connection with the Canadian Pacific great lakes steamships for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort Wil- liam. Southbound---Moudays and Fridays, leave Port McNicoll a.m., arrive Toronto 11.55 a.m. Fur- ther particulars from F. Cosway, C. P.A., 239 Bagot St., Kingston Mr. and Mrs. N. Yanover have taken up their residence in the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welbanks, Picton. Joseph White has purchased the on Harvey v : 1705 to Miss Grace A. Goodhue, of | Auction Sales |croccot Wire Works I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. | ' Fencing, Guards, Baskets Flower Make me prove it. borders, Wire Work of all kinds, manu- BEDFORD, The Aucti tactured by:-- PARTRIDGE & SON, 62 King Street West. , Phone 1721 or 1428. Phone 3850. Residence 915w, ---- GIVE YOUR POULTRY OUR SPECIAL FEED and get results in the egg basket and In thriving chicks. This feed fe one of our specialties and those who use it are its enthusiastic admirers. Try some and note the improvement in laying hens and growing chicks. W. F. McBroom 432-44 Princess Street. Phone 1686. SPRING CLOTHES OF THE FINER QUALITY For Men And Young Men . SMAKI NEW MODELS IN SPRING SUITS AND TOP COATS $25.00 to $50.00 (All prices between BEST CLOTHES VALUES PAGE SEVEN _ |

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