Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Jun 1920, p. 14

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ' MONDAY, JUNE, 21. 1920. 'PAGE FOURTEEN | Theatrical Thad yc SO Bi eatrica The Terms Offered are Very ) BE a a at | Liberal and Some One ] TE : Named "| Hawaiian Singers at the Grand. ; Should be . : - Albert Vierra's famous troupe of | oro ony vears, | + native Hawaiian singers, dancers, Queen's University is apparently to | 1 HTT and instrumentalists will open their be without a single representative at | Sngsoment ot three ays a; tie the St. ane B. biological sta- | [Grand Jera 5 Ohse 5 A oa the | tion. - In former: years she sent Dr. pitaune 3 mst of is. i "be. | Knight, Professor MatClement and T5034. IRIS season, each Member be | SiH "1th M.A. but Dr. Khight ! ing ap arust In ther wn parusula is now out of the university, Dr. Mac- os a depm? Dallve played | Clement is overwhelmed wih work | by these able musicians, and the po- fop 10S BUEWEE SEIN A in Pular songs ol today lo payed in gone to Cornell University for the hear them agree that the musical | Summer. All the other outstanding | combination carried by this troupe, | Universities of Cana 3 a | bring out the best parts of the musi¢ | Queen's, will have representatives lin a new and fascinating manner. | ®ither the St. Andrews station or a | There is a special feature photoplay | he Nanaimo one. x amp ®, | showing the same dates as the above | Toronto will have five; } 1, vey | entitled, 'Everything But the Truth" London, two; . Laval, pone New | starring the popular young Universal | #runswick, two; Manitoba, one) Ale | artists, Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran. | Perta, one; 8t. Francis vier, 8, | The play is a splendid comedy that °P® and McDonald 2 ege, une | { will provide theatregoers with hearty | [here seems no adequate reason nay | | and wholesome laughter without re- | Queen's should not be represen ed, | sorting to slap-stick methods, and is | Pecause the terms of admission to | taken from the magazine story of laboratory privileges at this station | the same name by Edgar Franklin. |3T® most liberal. A professor has | This bill will be seen tonight, Tues. | °0lY to intimate his desire to go to a { day and Wednesday only.--Advt. station and work upon some definite er scientific problem, and all his ex- At The Strand. . | penses, going to the station, at the | "Judy of Rogues' Harbor," by |Station, and returning, will be paid. IE | Grace Miller White, is a very popu- He must, however, remain at least | BE lar book. Department stores, book |six weeks, and he must make a re- |&= | stores and drug stores sell it. See port to the biological boards upon | sme | the best store in your city which sells the results of hig investigation. But, | i ¢ Ei : * | the book and arrange for a window | if his report is found worthy, it may : {display. Frame a one-sheet or three- | be Published in the annual volume of | : fy Ol es p leh sheet or easel flat of "Judy o: | the board. 1d é 1 | Rogues' Harbor," depending on what nmi For town or country, a splen id collection | the window lends itself to, and make | KINGSTON'S LIBRARY | it a conspicuous part of the display. BUILDING HELD UP | of {In the frame place a neatly printed -- {card to read "Judy of Rogues Har- {bor'"' will be shown at the Strand Until the Officers of the Car- OUTING APPAREL Theatre to-day. The window display negie Foundation are Back |should be put in a week before the From Holidays. . . . {showing and kept till after the run. -- Men's All-Wool Bathing Suits, plain and | An unreliable auto, a wife without The matter of a Carnegie library 1 $1 50 t $6 00 | @ mother to go to, twins, and an un- | for Kingston is in abeyance until fancy sty BS stasis . 0 . | friendly traffic cop all combine to | October as the officers of the Car- ' . d . 1 | cause merriment in Charlie Chaplin's | negie Foundation are holidaying, but Men's cool, summer, light Un €rwear; a {latest picture, entitled "A Day's | the issue will be taken up as soon as sizes; from $1.50 to $6.00 J riewuie. bis tours muon dolar ibe return. ac mie bang $e Yarrre ye J 1 "X0l- | under lease for a ye: 3 | ' : : bitors Circuit and which will be seen | library, by new arrangements, can | Men's Summer Wash and English Knitted It or ity Ea iS rsaigonients, oud ) les--, ilk--13 1 Tuesday and Wednesday. {additional 'rental. ) Ties--all Silk just 1n. |" The laughs start before the operat | . . | T T 3 1 i tor has time to adjust his machin Big shipment of Woollens just arrived from jiox has time to adjust wig machin, England. New patterns in all different steps, the father of a family, gioved | i IN MARINE CIRCLES 3: T WwW {and coated, ready to set forth on a | A ~ BS eS inti, shades in weeds and orsteds. day's recreation. The first obstacle | i Stormount cleared {arises when the family auto refuses | The steamer | to respond to the kicks and cfanking | for the Welland Canal. {of the famous comedian.--Advt. The steamer Jex arrived with the | barges White and Frank from Os- TT TT Tomorrow 2,500 YARDS OF BEAUTIFUL NEW I TT Figured HIT SILLABIRRAHLID SULA MHI AIT . AT WORTH WHILE SAVINGS--75c., $1.00 $1.25 and $1.50 yard. This Includes artistically Figured Voiles in pretty floral, dotted and check effects on white or colored grounds, cool look- ing tints, lovely for Summer Frocks and Blouses. We cordially invite you to see these Voiles to-morrow, whether prepared to buy or not. At Griffin's. wego, with coal, and is discharging That popular idol of the screen, | at the R. M. C. wharf. . William Farnum, will be the head- The steamer Jeska arrived from line attraction at Griffin's today, | Oswego, with coal, and is discharging Uncommon Tuesday, and Wednesday, in his lat- | at Crawford's wharf. est William Fox production "The Or. The tug Thomson arrived with 75-77-79 BROCK STREET. | phan," a stirring story of the West' | [he barges Davie and Hamilton, from 2 real. | by Clarance E. Mulford. In the "Or- Sn ires] 5 ; 3 phan' Mr. Farnum has one of the © steamer runna from 0- Your order now will afford you the well- Oi a tr rey. He ronto called on her way to Montreal is cast as an outlaw hated and | last night. dressed comfort that makes perfect summer Ba law hated anda EN Kingston mide Ko. punchers than anyone known to the | regular trip from Toronto to Pres- little town of Ford's Station. It is|cott and return on Sunday. said that Mr, Farnum puts tremend-| The steamer Maplegrove from ous dash, vigor and fire into this jMontreal called on her way to Port powerful story of the day of bandits | Colborne on 'Sunday morning. ig! and Indians and stagecoach hold-ups."|~ The steamer City of Ottawa, To- [@| The story is teeming with love and | ronto to Montreal, passed yesterday romance, and packed with thrills that | afternoon. hold one spellbound from start to fin- The steamer Maplegreen, from ish. Mr. Farnum appears as '"The Or- | Port Colbofhe, called yesterday on phan' a victim of misfortune and cir- | her way to Montreal 'with grain. cumstance, who ha§ Ween accused of committing numerous crimes. the Looking For Bonus. worst of which were not of I' g '0- In addition to the stir over dis- ing. How "he gains the friends of | missals and proposed investigations, ® the sheriff--who has gone out to | the members of the staff at Ports. capture him--, and subsequently | mouth penitentiary have an addition- makes a new start in life after winn-| al worry and that is due to the fact ing the love of a beautiful girl, is | that they have not yet received their : : told in the development of a plot | May bonus. Limited which, it is de¢lared, never has been surpassed by any in which Farnum Picton Strawberries. has figured on the screen.--Advt. Early Tuesday morning, Mondays -------- picking big red ripe berries, heaping { full boxes 30c. Less by the dozen or Lieutenant-Governor Clarke | crate at Carnovsky's. Visits the Military College At the residence of the bride's His Honor Lionel Clarke, lieuten- | Parents, Athens, on Thursday, Miss Y ant-governor of Ontario, came down | Anna Luella Robeson, daughter of ' from Toronto in his private yacht, | Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Robeson, was reaching the college early on Monday | URited in marriage to William Omar morning. He was warmly welcomed | Pack, son of David Dack, Brockville. by Major-General Sir A. C. Macdon- Mr. and Mrs. E. Rousome, of Bel- ell, CM.G., KC.MG., DS.O., com-|!eville, were guests in the city on ' \X / dant at the college, whose guest | Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday and ednesday an RS Wednesday when he | Wilfrid Patterson, Princess Street. RII Values IN LOVELY WHITE Voile Blouses JUST RECEIVED AND UNBOXHD TODAY RTA HORA NEO OF THIS OFFERING OF WASHABLE White Skirts Not only are the prices extraordinarily low for Skirts of this character, but the styles are the newest of the season, fashioned from the most popular and most practical white fabrics. TRENT AAA AA AA AAA, PANNING ptr rr Nt Ng. GG. ---- 3 There are 250 beautiful and exception. . ally valueful Blouses, in many styles, Skirts long and short sleeves at -- $2.25, $2.50, $8.00, $3.25, $4.25 and others up to $8.25. OF WHITE GABARDINE Usually good values at $3.00 to $5.95. See them when you shop to-morrow. rived home from a motor trip to To- /Mtred Kincl's Successor. = |ronto and Newmarket. oy John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. Flakes un de band meebo | ANSON CROZIER & EDGAR =| been promored te The scenery depart | | in iG | SG ment of the head office, where he ex- pects to go this week. Mr. Kinch is TA ee l l C. Packa g€ Se arom oy has Alyavs| Market Square, Kingston HEE will present the diplomas and prizes Fred Harper, engineer at Croth- awarded to those who were success- | TS' bakery, left Monday afternoon ECE Rr ful in passing the examinations. On | for Woodstock to attend the Station- Monday morning he made an inspec- | 3Ty Engineers' Convention there. = °* tion of the college buildings and the The Prescott council has refused aC a eS orn La Salle causeway which he saw for | $50,000 to the public school board the first time and took a keen inter- fOr repairs to school and the rate- est in it. | Payers will vote on the matter. Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Patterson ar- NN NAAN Al Nt SN AM Slt i i 0 EASE taken a keen interest in the' Y.M. C.A. and different organizations in- DAILY MEMORANDUM, Pe tended for the betterment of the boys | «, = RD t= a rw EX of the city, and his friends feel con- or to aa are oan ae st a = ts : Loh > fident he will make a success in his | corner for srobabilities, i new field. Forest Jackson of the -- head office, Toronto, is Mr. Kinch's BORN. successor as cashier in the branch | BREATHWAITE--At Ann Arbor, Mich. . Une 15th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. ' office here. Harry E. Breathwadte, & daughter, L 1ns & od Blopatrt=n . AL eth May. Celebrated Eightieth Birthday. DEALL-1 Kingston G 1 Hos- . . Rev. Dr. Robert Jardine, for many pital, o "tune iat. 1930, to re. years promigent in Indian education- ta and Mrs. E. Birdsall, a daugh- al wor d afterward work and after 8 as a minister KANE--At Hotel Dies Hosptial, June rs. . . ° of the Presbyterian church in Can- 201 : : ada, celebrated his eightieth birthday | Kane (nes Sve Garo ue sob olce eas at his residence in Brockville on Sat- | WALKBR-In Kingston, June 20th, |= urday. Rev. Dr. Jardine was born in 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Walk the township! of: Augusta, on June 130 Princess street, 19th, 1840. He is in full enjoyment dere), 4 daughter. ; ] 4c T i Nn of unimpaired faculties and in splen- JAMES REID AT ONTMENT + | ROBERT J. REID -- The Undertaker. + It is stated that a guard who + | Phone 577. 20 Princess Scot. ® was lately dismissed from the ¢ - + penitentiary staff received from + -M.P KEYES + the Civil Service Commission at + Undertaker and #+0ttawa a few days ago notifica- {® tion of his appointment as 4 guard. As the commission has to & : -- = a < do with all appointments, the ¢ : y . a Sh Th, NE % question is asked if the guard is ¢ A ee ERATE + to recognize his dism 3 + : . be ; 3 PEPPER ITER ".

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