WEDNESDAY, JUNE, 28, 1920, iS -------- be played on any phonograph. Karavan Pox Trot)--C - soma | ed by Wiedoeft; ey by $1.00 Paradise Novelty Orchestra. Mystery fz Trot)--Compos- so2sm | ed by Johnson and Cirina; $1.00 played by Paradise Novel: Orchestra, Make that Trombone Laugh ovelty ( go 0 Com: 5 by Har Cetera or Herma ant Wiekodte™ Melodious Jazs Medley (Pox Trot rere: Siew ind easy. y ennie Kr rs Melody ters. ge Was There Rver A Pal Like posed Bou Com by Irving ; sung by Chas. Hart, Orchestra Accompaniment. P031A $1.00 ms) 46285A | You're a Million Miles from Donaldson - Lewis - Young; sung by Elliott Shaw, Orches- tra Accompaniment, Oh, By Jingo!--Coniposed b L. Brown and A. Von Tiizer; sung by Billy Jones, Orches. tra accompaniment. Profit Bluese--Composed by Wilson and Bibe; sung by Jack Kaufman, Orch. Acc, rz Music and the Summer Home TARR-GENNETT Records will be played in summer homes from Halifax to Vancouver. includes ideal selections for your moonlight dance or when the young people gather. Why not take your phonograph along and ask your Starr-Gennett dealer to send the records you like? Starr- Gennetts are 'universal' in more than one way -- they may A Summer List worth waiting for : "Send Your Message in Music." STARR The June list Sambre Meuse (March) -- Played by First Regiment Band of Belgium. Spearmint (March) -- Played by First Regiment Band of Belgium. Fairy Kisses cordeon Solo, played by Pamby Dick, by" omposed by W. Coore, .; b: Honourable srg Dance Orchestra. Dandy Darkie (Comic Song)-- Sung by Billy Whitlock. Abe, Take Me Back to Aldgate (Comie Song) --Sung by Mr. Fred. Gibson. Hiding In Thee (Sacred -- Sung by Robert Carr, Bari- tone, with Band. ord Thue (Sacred)-- y John Perry, Tenor 46538 "a 1.00 Sang Solo. Gi ennett Records | STARR ,PHONOGRAPHS STARR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED -. London, Canada. Kemet Xr Records RICH AND RARE IN FLAVOR. Only in Laura Secord Candies can you obtain tru: ! Laura Secord blending. Laura Secord Candies have : , 44 nation-wide reputation for true richness shd excellendc | of flavor. For the convenience of our Kingston friends as wel ; as all other lovers of wholesome sweets, a Mail Orde. Department is maintained. Laura Secord Candies are all Eighty Cents the Poun ; iN vlus the following registered postal rates: : 2 3 Pounds 19¢c. 23c. and give your family or friends a gemkine treat. Lewrs | 27¢c. Secord Candies can only be obtained from Laura Se ' cord 2, sd AYE " Postal Order. lection. ERS y) The states of Pemnsylvania and New Jersey have erect over the ware river at shops. Address: MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT, Laura Secord Studio, TORONTO : When ordering, remit by Express Money Order o If sending cheque, add 135c. for bank co! ined forces to! ned i ) 1 Princess Street, Philadelphia 'a bridge which is plan- to have the longest single span in the world. . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SPORTS CLOTHES Foreign Influence is Felt More Strongly in. America Than Ever Before, acon ei nerusTD- | MANY NOVEL FEATURES USED Large Pockets, Trimmings, Panels, Strappings, Woven Plaids and Stripes and Other Ideas Are in Evidence, Of all games tennis is the favorite witli the French women, who take any amount of trouble in procuring smart clothes for their games, writes a Paris fashien correspondent. The French woman's conception of sports dress, however, is somewhat different | from that of the American or English woman. , The clothes she wears on the tennis court are, judged by our standard, somewhat fussy, but unless one Is of a distinctly athletic type these clothes are infinitely more be-! cowing than those of the more severe | and mannish cut to which we have been accustomed. We in this country are beginning to realize this; cen- sequently the French influence is now felt more strougly In our ewn sports clothes than ever before. _ A blouse developed In blue serge, | with brown leather lacings, is cut so | as to fall in loose, baggy folds, thus! giving freedoin of movement. While this model made its initial appearsnce | on the Riviera, It appeared later in'! the showing of Madeleine et Made- | leine. It has been copled. with many | variations In one instance being de- veloped from serge, with stripes em- broidered in siik threads. It is made | of this latter material both with and | without the Incings. When the lacing | is used, a black patent leather belt, | iniaid with brows motifs, finishes the | waistlige. Interest in Skirts. In skirts for sports wear great in- | terest is manifested in models of de- | ¢lded design, showing big peckets, trimmings, panels, strappings and other features. The use of wmovelty materials adds fo the extreme look, woven plaids and stripes in high colors being combined with plain {&brics in contrast or in harmony to werk out the most eccentric of the new styles. A skirt of fawn-colored serge has huge square patches of checked burella | on either side, and In these squares pockets are inserted. The skirt is made to wrap about the body at the | top, closing in a crisscross fashion by | means of tabs and large buttons. From | 'the lower tab te the hem the skirt | is cut away in a diagonal line. In| other words, it has a one-side closing | which laps far across the front at the | top. A glimpse of the plaid shows at the hem In the form of pantalette cuffs | attached to a full length panel of the | plaid, These new skirts are quite dif- ferent from the plaited sport skirts of | weol that we have been wearing. The | remarkable trimmings of gay colored | cloths bring a bright nete into them. Front Panel That Disappears. Avother skirt, developed in blue serge, has trimmings of ysllow, blue and green plaid in the form of saddle pockets and a disappearing front panel. In this model the method of | closing the front is reversed, the over- lap being at the hem and the cloth cut away In a diagonal line to reveal the plaid cloth panel at the top only. This | panel, however, extends the full length | of the skirt, and attached to the bot- | tom of 'it are straps which button | .| around the legs. These are entirely in- visible except when the skirt is blown about. This, while sounding rather | extreme, is really a capital idea in| & sport garment. It is most interesting | to note the increased popularity of the | pantalette cuff and divided skirt. Practically every important maker has included some phase ef the divided skirt idea in the spring models. Collarless Blouse, Red-Bound Edges. A dress which embodies this idea is a simple serge frock in leather brewn with straight hanging side panels piped In bright red and buttened on to the baggy trouser skirt. Here, too, the low hanging blouse fullness appears, and on the puffy bodice a trimming similar to that used en the skirt is placed across the front where the lower half buttons to the yoke. This blouse is cellariess and all the edges are bound with red. To the Spanish influence we may attribute the lavish use of leather, not only for trimmings, but for entire gar ments as well. One French firm shows a dark leather coat lined with bright red duvetyn. Lanvin makes very smart straight bex coats of leather that are without fastenings of any sort. Then there are bright colored leather vests In ever se many of the dark cloth suits for spring. But perhaps the most interesting use of leather is its application in wide bands to the English traveling and sport coats of bright plaid worsteds. BRIEF FASHION NOTES . Redingote styles are favored for the foulard dresses for spring. For sport wear coats of leather are combined with skirts of velours to de- velop unusually smart suits, The eton jacket suit usually with plaited skirt, is to be a favorite with very young women, # is sald. The combination of navy and bright red Is one of the seaton's fahgies ln frocks and suits for the young, A radio station that has been open- ed in Norway to serve that country, m and communicates ith mo sthtions in the United can exchange mes S with two others. age To act as traveling teachers a Brazilian state will employ Ameri- can 'experts in cotton, fruit, grain, and tobacco culture, a veterinarian | those for the "younger set" just ahead and a dairy expert. ! SPORT SUIT OF TRICOLETTE 'FRENCH NOTE IN | ¥ S This striking sport suit is of rose tricolette. The hat is of straw and is suitable for any sport costume. | GOWNS HAVE STRAIGHT LINES | Design \of Spring Flapper Outfits 'Af- | fect Garment From Neck | «48 the Border. The chic spring fashions for the | | nifty young flappers are delightfully suggestive of the bueyancy of early | youth. leading flapper gowns | have straight lines from the neck to the border, which finishes just below | the knee--even at fourteen. Some of | the gowns: allow a reach to midway | between ankle and knee, Some nmiodels in one 'plece fall | straight with a belt on the hip line. This line is defined in other models | with a wide long sash that is wonder- | fully fluffed at the back or right side. | The sleeves are elbow length for after- noon gowns. Modest little gowns have sleeves three inches above the wrist. Even caps are seen in some afternoon negligee gowns that are to be worn inthe parks, on the beach and at heme. Linen and silk lawn, organdie and swiss muslins are billowed into gowns, with a lot of Aringesibpons hitched midst the sweeps of fabric--still these small garments are taut in defining the figure loosely. The coats are modeled much like The of the flappers. Their hats are the sailor, in straw, In fiber, in metal braid. There are turbans and jaunty caps. Low shoes in black and white lend--and the flapper in walking abroad is shod in oxferds and pumps with spring and three-layer heels. QUILTING ADDS TO BEAUTY Decorative Scheme Enhances Attrac. tiveness of Cloaks, Coats, Gewns and Millinery. Along with the gorgeous peacock feather as a distinctive note in decor ative schemes for gowns, comes the demure trick of quilting in enhanclyg the beauty of cloaks, coats, gowns agd hats. Tafleta silks, organdies and almost all seasonzble fabrics accept this stitching prettily. It is done In bands, and when used on thin fabrics, a band of wash silk defines the line on the "under side. A gown of gray taffeta his side pamels done in stitching of the same shade in gray, In a diamond pattern. These punels are on each side, and between them are two big sunflowers in yellow silk embroidery. The yoke of the waist Is quilted, and on the center of (he walst are two sunflowers In the embroidery. Hat bands for the sailors are shown In quilted silk and satin, Collars for coats and cloaks are quilted. ; ---------- » Feathers Are Good. Feather neckwear promises to be ex- tremely good during the spring and summer. Many of the mere élaborate evening wraps show high collars of os. trich, curled and fiat, with similar or. namentation at the armholes. Mara- | bou is also appearing as decoration on mauy* of the new sport wraps. Os trich boas and collars of marabeu are appearing with more frequency, and would seem to be the logical outcome of the present season's vogue for os- trich fams and siwilar decorations of feathers. The New Jabot. Very full jabots of plaited lace are set In open coat fronts instead of flat waistcoats this spring. Some of these frilly lace jnbots are creamy | in tone. others sre pure white. PAGE NINE Save the Babies. JNFANT MORTALITY is something frightful. We can hardly realize that of all the children born in civilized counties, twenty-two per cent., or nearly one-quarter, die before they reach one year; thirty-seven per cent., or more than one-third, before they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen! SR Ss We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Castoria would save many of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures and sooth= ing syrups sold for children's complaints contain more or less opium or morphine, They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity, they stupify, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. To avoid any possibility of giving your child opiates, or narcotics of any kind, keep Fletcher's Castoria in the house, and Save the Babies. Children Cry For 4 --_--N ix I NAAN Let's Think It Over. There is such a thing as saying too much on aay subject; and the "'grand-stand" talker sooner or later becomes a bore. The truth is always welcomed, and the truth reiterated and confirmed is m than welcome--it reaches your innermost soul. : Fletcher's Castoria is all its advertising has claimed for fit. Scrutinized by the microscope of public opinion and used for over thirty years it stands without a peer in the hearts of thoughtful, cautious, discerning Mothers. And once used, mother love--there is no substitute for mother love--will scorn to try a "substitute" or a *'just-as-good*',' Masquerading under many names drugs that are injurious to the tender babe have found their way into some households, but the light of experience soon casts them out. Are they cast out before it is too late? MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOK i THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA Aways Bears the Signature of o THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK L lhe 8 he Bride on, CLD HE Groom's perplexing problem of what to give the Bride is quickly and satis factorily solved by the selection of a Brunswick. With a Brunswick in their home the Bridal Couple have at their instant com- mand all the world's music--played exactly as it should be played. Because of its Tone superiority, its ability to play correctly every make of Tecord, ad the unrivalled beauty of its cabinet work, the Brunswick is an ideal wed- ding girt. The Brunswick's exclusive method of reproduction includes the wanderful all-record, all-needle ULTONA and the ROUND ALL-WOOD HORN, Made in Canada and a Brunwick produet entirely--one of the few Canadian-made phonographs which are bufit wholly by ome organization. factory Let Your Ears Be the Judge! No increase in the price of Bruns wick Phonographs and Records Treadgold Sporting Goods Co., 88 Princess St Mahood Brothers, 113-115 Princess St. The Musical Merchandise Sales Co., Sole Canadian Distributors, 19 Yonge Street, TORONTO. ---------- A. C. KNAPP Boat Builder at LaSalle Causeway CANOES BOAT LIVERY SKIFFS BOAT REPAIRS ACCESSORIES MOTOR SUPPLIES Disappearing Propeller Motor Boats. BOOTH & CO., Foot West Street