_ PAGE SIXTEEN mn -------- THE SELECTION OF A ed along the lines outl THE DAILY BRITISH WH wv T0 PUSH HOTEL SCHEME ALONG Strong Committee Appointed to Canvass the Citizens to Subscribe for Stock. SITE Left to the Oommiltobis Mass Ing of Citizens Was Held on Tuesday Evening. hotel committee -and the Hoard of Trade, and a number of other interested citizens, in the coun- | chamber on Tuesday evening a g hotel committee was appoint- he hotel scheme ed by Ald. B. N. he joint council At a meeting [ of the city cil proceed with ! Steacy, chairman. Ald Steacy pre THE NEW, THE SMART, T'Hk CORRECT, IN YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES--S$25, $33, $45 AND UP. Suits in designs, fabrics and colors that" "look good" to young men. Examples of precise tailoring that speak volumes for the importance of our cloth'ing connections. Livingstons 75-77-79 BhuCK STREET. Anderson Bros. Limited SPECIAL Tuesday and Wednesday | 300 Packages Corn Flakes ed and presented an outline of ihe work that had been accomplished by the joint committee, the substance f his report being as follows: r present hotel accommodations I on are sure of This will be » completion way better accommodat ncreasingly true of the provincial . - Business is g to other cities. We are unable to entertain conven- tions because we cannot accemmod- ate them. We have no cent ial and business fu is this true with eons and banquets. Because of these conditions it ig conservative to say that we have lost thousands of dollars annually in Kingston. After various conference of the in- lustries committees of the city coun- il and the Board of Trade, they pro- pose and recommend the following: The Proposition. tiz of Kin re for public, soc- nctions, especially regard to lunch- ston er- 150 That th ect an hot ng of at 1 rooms that 'will be a credit to King- | ston. That managem tirely in the erection, equipping and of t the hands of the directors, who will be elected and by the shareholders. That the mate site and furnishings will $600,000, That a lithited liabi formed and sect cha purpose of carry siness'in,Kingston. That $200,000 ght per first preferred stock, cumulative, sold to the citizens of Kingston. board of from not exceed the r for cent. be of e TERRE | Saturday, was 2 hotel will be en- | cost of hotel, | g on the hotel bu- | 800d. The different musical numbdrs 1 selected, the entire pre- is at t nds you home a smile that entertained. are the theatre shows you have been "Everythihg But the of the most amusi com sented at this th Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran, with a clever cast, put over a' line of good, wholesome fun that would make a "hang shell" laugh. Tt is a sure cure for the blues, for there is a laugh in every sec- ond. The story has to do with a mar- ried couple and a couple wha Al's well that ends well, but many 'things happen to create a real mix-up. In an endeavor to straight- en things out, evrything but the truth | is told, butias is always the case, the {real truth had to be told before things came out all right The Ha- wailan troupe and "Everything But the Truth" are on for the last time at the Grand to-night. --Advt. "General Post" Coming. When your stable boy returns from France as your sergeant, and your (tailor is a brigadier-general, what would the social standing of each be, if yon are a peer and a private? This is the question humorously treated in the delightful Harold E | Terry comedy, "General Post." in which Percy Hutchison appears at | the Grand Opera House, June 24th, | 25th and 26th, with a special mat- | inee on Saturday. E = E i This inkling' of | the situation gives one an idea of the | comedy possibilities of the piece; land those who saw Mr. Hutchison in | "The Luck of the Navy" which means most all the theatre-goers of Can- 0 can imagine with anticipatory ielizht the-manner in which he car- rics the part"of the tailor risen to ! the rank of a high officer of the Brit- |ish army. The whole production, i cast and setting, is the product of Mr. Hutchison's genius and identical with the one whieh earned a quarter of a willion dollars at the Haymarket { Theatre, London.-- Advt. | ---- At the Strand. The new Paramount Artcraft pic-| ture, "His House in Order,", in which | | Elsie Ferguson will appear at the | Strand Theatre Thursday, Friday and | of the famous | Sir Arthur Wing Pinero. | Screen version retains all of the dra- | matic flavor that made the play fam- |ous. The | the St. James Theatre, London, Febh- | ruary 1, 1906, with Sir George Alex- ander in the role of Jesson. In Sep- tember of' the same year Charles Frohman produced 'it at the Empire Theatre in New York, with John Drew and Margaret {llington in the leading roles. There it played near- ly an entire year to capacity audi- ences. "His. House in Order' for its theme the marital difficulties of Nina Graham (Elsie Ferguson) (and Filmer Jesson. Filmer, belfev- ing that Nina cannot keep his house In order sénds for the sister of his former wife to lve with them. The | sister-in-law. 'makes all sorts of trouble for Nina, and relations be- tween husband ang wife | become much estranged, That an organization be perfected | to dispose of this stock zens, a campaign for subscriptions to be at once instituted. As the money to the citi- | would not be required until during | 1921, only a nominal amount of cash, | | say five per cent. of the subscriptions would reqiiire to be paid at once. All subscriptions to be conditional upen | securing a total amount large en- cugh to carry out the undertaking. hat if the gtock selling campaign | is successful the city council be asked to submit a byslaw to the people au- thorizihg the guaranteeing of the bonds of the hotel company to an amount equal to two thirds of the cost of the hotel, bit not exceeding $400,000,000. The city council have already agreed to do this ed by-law. Committee Appointed. Two sites were discussed and one was stro of the fact that a new committee was being appointed to prepare plans and a delinite proposition involving fin- | ancial obligations, it was deemed bet- ter to leave the selection of the site to that committee which would alse have charge of the canvas for sub- scriptions and undertake to secure i anction of bond issue by the pro- perty owners of Kingston. On a mo- tion of W. H. Craig, seconded by L. C. Lockett the report was unanimous- :y adopted. The new committee appointed is follows: Mayor Nickle, J. Sow- W. J. Fair, T. Angrove, B. N as ards, | Steacy, J. Nash, H. A. Tofield, Dr. A P. Chown, Ald. R. E. Kent, C. E. | Taylor, and in addition to these gen- tlemen, the industries committees of the city council and the Board of | Trade A meeting will be called immedi- | ately to accept the plans proposed, [select the site after taking into con- I lc: Package 500 Tins sideration ail the circumstances cal- culated to have an important influen- c® upon the success of the new hotel | as in respect to the revenue, such proximity to trains, business centres, COSL OI site and ils desirability from every possible eonsideration. with- oui regard to any previously sug- gested site. The report of the com- mittee upon these matters is to be final and form the basis of early ac- tion for the realization of a new splendid up-to-date hotel. It was recognized by all present that the hotel eituation had to be squarely met; and as a business pro- , Pesition cannot be longer set aside. Choice Peas It is designéd to make the hotel { the centre of Kingston's social, busi- | ness and public life, and have it ope- | {rated by a successful and practical { manager under the supervision of a | strong local board of directors. | l4c Tin Phones: Wholesale Department 1767 Retail Meats, 458, Grocery Dept., 459, Cand ithe Grand Opera House las: jand was delighted with the {gramme rendered by Albert Vv; troupe of native ng { dancers and instrumentalists ang t vi {the Truth." | kind that makes everyone hum the i tune, floated over the playhouse, and Theatrical At The Grand. Another large audiecce attended night, Hawaiian si; he feature photo-play, "Everything But Catchy music of the after each number followed round after round of applause. The sing- ng and dancing was y advocated, but in view | exceedingly | rie Bruke, and | Hugh Ford, thur Miller t | are scenes of beautiful English .homes, a Bal Masqge and an automo- bile Smashup that go 'to make the Picinre exceptionally, interesting. Advt Mrs. G. A Bateman left on Tyes- { day for a short visit with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Gardiner is expected to return with her on Friday. Mrs. Alfred Maxam, Queen Street, motored to Detroit to visit her sister, Mrs. Moore. | TILE SOLD AT JAIL MUST PAY A TAX Even the tile made by the prisoners confined in the Coun- ty jail is taxable, according to the new government tax. On Wednesday morning, J. W. Bradshaw, county clerk, was busy figuring out the tax on all the bills of tile which have been shipped. The tax is one per cent. This season some time has been lost in making tile on account of the shortage of cement. h, BEEF EPP CCIE rrr > > +" Pele ded PR Bd dd ddd ss CETTE eeeseseres tt tt sss --_------e SON, CROZIER & EDGAR RS Market Square, Ki See top of Page Tbree, righ: corner for srobabilitles MARRIED. JOSEPHS GRACIE -- In George's Cathedral, Kingston, | Tuesday, June 22nd. 1920, by Very Rev. Dean Starr, M.A, DD, Margaret Gracie, gldest daughter of John Gracie, to George E. Josephs, M.D. of Pembroke, Ont. (Ottawa papers Please copy) . Ae, i | CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. D. Germain and son, wish to thank the many friends who | 30 kindly extended their sympathy in | Meir recent sad bereavement. Also those who go generously expressed themselveg by sending the most beau tiful flora} wreaths, sprays, etc. --Mr. and Mrs. D. Germain. NS nrry JAMES REID The Old Firm of Undertakers. 234 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT J.REID Phone Dar Miug A rect o = TTT the rs, ertaker and Embalmer. Undertaking Parlors, 228 Princess St. ! Ambulance Phone 1839. | JOHN CORNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Street hone 599 . ' meraman. There | tite tt bre 324049400 adapted from the play | English playwright, | The | play was first produced at | has | Nina finds letters | | | { { } i SMT Suman. | DAILY MEMORANDUM. NT MITT = & ced se Es = t po s&s tc ss ee es 2) E = -- _-- -- -- = ---- -- E _ Se & E Ee Es ss E Es E g = EE E Es Es = EE E EE = £ = = = -- -- -- _-- -- = -- -_ -_-- --_-- --_-- --_-- -- 3 -- -_-- -- -- --_-- --_-- --- = -- --_-- _-- -- -- -- gE s = --_-- = = = = _-- Es = = = = = = = = _-- = = == ----- = = = Es gp EB E 4 = = IG ILI BE TOMORROW pr emnant Day LAIDLAW'S TOMORROW MORNING AT 9 O'CLOCK SHARP WE WILL PLACE ON SALE 'Remnants of F ancy Voiles Remnants of Prints Remnants of Repps Remnants of Fancy Suitings and remnan ts of Skirtings --for-- SUMMER DRESSES SUMMER BLOUSES SUMMER SMOCKS and SUMMER SKIRTS On Sale TO-MORROW MORNING [-3 to 1-2 off their REGULAR PRICES POSITIVELY -- | --no charges accepted for this Remnant Sale, in John Laidlaw & Soi, Lid. CE _--- aa rE ee BE - a : Ee = | WEDNESDAY, JUNE, 23, 1920, HENTAI ------ in OO A -- IIH ERA at en a ~ OCG TE i i "HHT SIH aR WAH, AOI LA