Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jun 1920, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE THREE son, Toronto, and Arthur Bishop, St. | | Catherines. | | Mrs. Henry Joseph and Miss Etta : : : Told In | Olive Joseph, who were the guests of | PROBS: --Thursday, fair, higher temperature. { Miss Carrie Waldron, Barrie street, | { returned to Montreal yesterday. } . . . "yo 1 wilight Mrs. W. Grieve Nichol, West- = .| § | mount, accompanied by her sister, . Mrs. Frank Graydon, Picton, has left i 2 for Halifax, en route to the West iH Indies." Mrs. Nichol expects to re- I or Yotice--Hersalter, the Whig, 18 | turn to Canada early in September, | A [Cotes -apass~aii- over "Mr. and Mrs. Coey, Newark, N.J., WITH HER { lor inserting ah emgagement, mar. | Jor" eh - aon, « CANDY LOVERS will be de- | | jr or Teeaption announcement. [dar. They are going to Battersea § lighted to know that these pop- | The Country Club was an attrac- | " Spe gr Bagot stresi. | _ ular, delicious Chocolates have J} !}] . fi tive spot on Saturday afternoon when {left to-day for Montreal to visit her i}. made their first appearance in || /[H We Ings | the third of the June teas was held. | mother, Mrs. Gilbert Johnston .and | Kingatan, aad that they are to | i | Courtesy shuslasts kept (he we | ier olatives nw » | i on | ™ JES ad tush each week, at; JI jan interested audience. A clock- | oo ee IB i IS. AGAIN AT HAND {| 801L course will be an additional at- | early next week to visit in Fort Rk: ' . | ll traction on Saturday afternoon next, | yuo i At Best S i ' fi ven a keenly contested competition | © po tion on Lindsay. was in the Le i! of || for the prowess in putting will take | : isiting i OUR. STORE fl place. The tea-table which had jiity 3 Tuesday visting 4ia many y The Popular Drug Store. | h il | lovely centre-piece of pink _peonies, : ee * o- . | filled with ijl was presided over by Mrs." Hubert | Mrs. D'Arcy Sneath and her guest DAINTY ARTICLES il Ryan and Miss Mildred Jones, the | iss Rooney, England motored in ll former pouring coffee and the latter {from Napanee on Monday, and are Suitable for Gifts. ll making tea. Among the members | T CIRRCPOLT OTM Gnd, are il ana out-of-town guests present were cess street . {Col. and Mrs. Foulkes, Miss Fran- H Dunlop who was Mrs. Colin i |cesca and Fortescue - Foulkes; i Hamiiton's guest Ear street 1o- OUR WINDOWS ij Miss Scatcherd (London), Mrs. turned to Montreal yesterday. ji James Gunn, Miss Kathleen Gunn | Mrs. Balfour Mudie was Dr. and | (Cairo, Egypt), Miss Carrie Waldron, | ,, "x > ar , > Can offer man ive | Mrs. A. W. Winnett's guest for the y { Mrs. Henry Joseph, Miss Ethel Olive {ball and returned to Gananoque yes- { | i | || Joseph (Montreal), Mr& Hamilton | ] . ONS i . i terday. eeley J. M.0.D.0. l SUGGESTI fj| Roberts, Mrs. W. H. P. Elkins, Miss | "uo George Graham and | UHR NII | Beth Small (Montreal), Miss Kather- All reasonably priced. | ine Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brym- a Ne, Wie Jere ibe | ner, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ryan, Miss Ea 'Brock street. "motored Loretto Swift, Miss Kathlene Carru- Sack 'Belleville esterda: after- I li thers, Miss Marion Lesslie, Miss |>2¢ to Be y y | "Wedding Rings Phyllis Gay (England), Miss Doris | 2000 ~ + 5 | || Folger, Mr. Howard Folger, Miss : | Rings Licenses Hi Elsie Sutcliffe (Lindsay), Miss Helen | Miss Gladys Grau B.A. Madoc l | Strange, Miss Dorothy Gildersleeve, Hie School Att Sus returned to Miss Laura Kilborn, the: Misses Cicely : > i | ana Aileen Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. | Mu Gramm Bas Satutaed Mr. Mrs. | * | After Regrets by | Henry Richardson, Mr. and irs at the Peterboro Norman school. TT NT ye ¥ started with a great rush this morning--the women of this com- Adair (Montreal), Capt. Lee, Miss ; i Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Summers and Fuseg vy Mamie Anglin, Miss Eva Marin and two children motored here from De- A . ® troit and are enjoying a Doliday with Mrs. Summers' mother, Mrs. Dunne, | I A asant evening was spent at : heele Jr MOD 0 M : | Mrs iy Bg 206 ee Princess street. | y op 414, Ve |i RH on Monday evening, when Miss Lil.| The Meyers girls, of Portland, ac- 1 3 | | lian Black, Parham, entertained at a Sumpanied 2 Dr. 2 Morera, Mone | {| kitchen shower for the bride-elect of inl e i t ey Tcaetriat of today to Jo i next week, Miss Cora Gould. A on Sunday and Sent the evening equipped ar best mechan i = Ae RR HAD pleasant feature of the affair was the | *' CO its from Page 8) : apparatus but must have } fact that it was a complete surprise feal . iree---- kmowled, \ to the pretty little bride-to-be. Miss a niles in Eran THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. Gould was seated on cushions in the SAYS HER FAITH ENC® CAN GIVE. RAPI MN Nao. drawing room, when a complete set of kitchen utensils, wrapped in an It ERAPI N No. immense Unlon Jack was carried in RESTORED HER is this combination of mind RAP N Na while Miss Walker played Lohen- - machinery ' ol Sipericnes E Catarrh. Ne. 3 for| 87ID"S wedding march. Afterward, the K a a ite §e 1 Jor Hisddes Chtars Ne. 3 for| Buests proceeded to the dining room (Continued rom Page 1) Kingston. Chronic Weaknesses. Sold by lending] where dainty refreshments were serv-| not takes any credit for assistifig in BE Ra. N.W.5., ed. . & her recovery. Word When asked about the operation oe Mark: Col. and Mrs. E. J. C. Schmidlin, which she underwent in the General 8 Trad I RRRAPION- is om Brit. Govt, Stamp : aflixed to genuine packets. Royal Military College, entertained Hospital, Miss Goose ated that ca Insure Against Using Gi Made munity know that when Steacy's say SALE it's a real one, with no TT TI camouflage We are out to create new records for seven days' selling. The splendid list of sensational bargains offered in our full page "ad." of last night will continue on sale until sold up. See bill posters on front windows for detail--this is Positively the greatest sale of seasonable summer merchandise ever offered in Kingston. i at a the dansant yesterday afternoon ; - Pe ---- rn cesmtt-------- in honor of some of the guests in that ecasion eal. of Syden- ; town. from the capital. ston, performed an operation, which had nothing to do with the trouble Mrs. Harold J. Clark, Brock street, which prevented her from walking . LTD Will not receive until the fall. all these years. She stated that dur- | ' ing all the years past she had gl] C 9 iss Josepnive Yioomas, ho was constantly prayed that the Lord Rb a to | Would help her and she was confi- TTT Come and be convinced! Riad" Welngton sion, mtumaed io | Jou, hep hor snd she was coat This space will contain added specials daily that should prove WILL HOLD IN KINGSTON Napanee to-day. for her. A delightfully informal tea was a (2A given yeserday atieruoon by the |, We8, osnking of the say years ' u |] ° Misses Fowler, Brock street, in hon- : - on her back and suffer great' pain, Public Sale a Of Sherr cousin, Miss Amy Horsey, she remarked that they did not seem . so long to her as the people in Syd- Mrs. F. M. Gibson,who was Mr. n Ki t d el h had OF SECOND HAND COOK STOVES, COMMENCING and Mrs. H. A. Tofield's guest for | °2ham, Kingston an ror in oad . | been so kind to her. the ball, returned yesterday to Pic was a total stranger to many, these ton. ¢ people never failed to send her boxes MONDAY MORNING 9 O'CLOCK [fiz sore vivir i and Bartlett Dalton returned on Sat- ie to assist herself in getting | jj] urday from a delightful motor tri $10,000 warth of highest grade Stoves takem in exchange--re- in a York ig Pl" "You know 1 had mo money, but Paired and made new--to be closed out at a loss and a four-fold Isaac Briscoe motored in from | during those many years the Lord never allowed me to want for either Sorte he public. WE MUST HAVE THE ROOM. Napanee on Monday and is spending food or the necessities of life," said attractive to all women--for to-morrow morning we offer on all unad- vertised stock, excepting the following articles: Ticking, Silk and Cotton Spools and Mercer Cotton. Double Discount Stamps CHEAT RAO i ity. a few days in the o 4 Miss Guess. "To give you an idea ©of how interested people are in me, I ® Mrs. T. Ashmore Kidd, Stuart ! street, and Miss Agnes Richardson, | might say that, although it is less University avenue, returned on Sat-|than a week since I was able to urday from Toronto. walk, I have received enough money Miss Guildford B. Reed, Albert | to.provide me with some nice clothes street, has returned from Montreal, { Which I will wear wher I go out." Miss Guess referred to the early ~--ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES-- ! bringing her mother, Mrs. Brenton days of Ber bat ie tio carl ter, of Truro, N.S., back with her 8 a \ - Stove Department--Second Floor. agiid a 3rwre, NS He Cr Ts ron Rev. Wi Miss Helen Gooderham and Miss | Stationed on the Methodist circuit at Rosalind Ryckman who came down | Sydenham, interested himself in her. from the Queen City for the ball ana | His wife, until her death, continued C ¥ }| were at 63 West street, returned yes- | to carry on the work which her good * 1] terday. husband had started. GA You Save 10 p.c. on every purchase Mrs. John Bute and her threo fers si i SHED WITH PAIN IN HEAD 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, P lumbing Dept. liam street, for the summer, . - -------- This exceptionally fine offer on top of our long list of extraor- dinary bargains should make Steacy's the mecca of all thrifty shop- pers. : New York and is with her brother, | usual health and -about ten o'clock |= Saison Steacy's - Limited Major and Mrs. T. Ashmore Kigd. | bead. Medical aid was summoned bu: | EU who spent some time with Mrs. H. | nothing could be done. The trouble '| Richardson "Alwington", have mov- | was cerebral hemorrhage. Mrs. Eak- !| ed into their attractive new home on | ins leaves three sons. Dr. J. E. Eak-| | MUCH BUSINESS YET ins, Port Arthur, Warner Eakins, || Stuart street. 4 | L. H. Birkett, Montreal, who spent | Toronto and Gray Eakins at present | House Has Yet to Consider Ten Gov. '| a few days with his parents, Mr. and | in New Brunswick. The deceased was ernment Measures. : Y i| Mrs. J. H. Birkett, Bagot street, and | a sister of Stanley C. Warner, Ben- Ottawa, June 23.--Tea Govern- . attended the June ball, left today for | ver, Col, C. M. Warner, Boston, | ment meesures including the fran- ® Cobalt to visit his brother, Major E. Hass, 3 and sister, Mra A. E Jans. thine bill, which was discussed to- !| H. Birkett and Mrs. Birkett. oronto. Deceased was beloved y await further comsideration in now that Phillips' tary Soles i every one and known for her charit-| the Commons. Supplementary esti- You ail k * Mi ahd Heels are | vid able work throughout the town al-| mates for current fiscal year have the best Rubber obtainable, but you may not realize the neces || Among the ex-cadets who were pre- | ways performed in a quiet and unos- yet to be introduced. These will sity of having them properly at tached." We have an expert to || sent at the ball on Monday evening | tentatious manner. The funeral contain the item of $2,200,000 still do the work. Try a set now. Xie H. % Wilkins, Belleville; Chas. | take place Thursday. a 3 to be voted for the naval service. { Hanson, Mr. Macpherson, Al d Another very sudd eath' was| Upon that item another debate on || Paterson and Mr. Pitblado, Montreal; | that of Mrs. Addison Scott who died | the subject of naval defence policy Erie White, Hamilton; Colin Gib- | at her home, Bridge street, on Sun- has been Jp day night. Deceased suffered : -- 'x of paralysis. A Four were drowned from a motor (50c. per set e xtra for attaching). a JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone B31 - Mr. and Mrs. G. Y, Chown and Miss | AND PASSED AWAY IN A SHORT BR K S T. l}| Dorothy Chown, "Sunnyside," left on TIME Sunday for Montreal and motored from thére to Boston to meet Miss Napanee Shocked at the Sudden Epon: Kiet hy pes | Doh ot Mw 3%. Bing be away abaat ten days. ceased Was One of Warner Family Miss Gwenneth Merrick, William Napanee, June 23.--Our citizens street, is'leaving this week for Belo- | were shocked yesterday morning cil, Que., where she will visit her sis- | when it was learned that Mrs. J. E. {| ter, Mrs. Carlos Kirkgaarde. Eakins had passed away after but a . Mrs. Robert O'Hara has returned | couple of hours illness. Mrs. Eakins || trom a round of visits in Virginia and | was about yesterday morning in her | HRT Beds and Bedding - 70 Brock St " You wn Sad our stock very complete and prices very rea- - HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR HOOVER SUCTION Now Sopotisible Jor the ; Green Peas in Chathem. | | Rev. W. A. Cooke, Associate pas- SWEEPER ? ' ; Chatham, June 22.--An instance! tor of Cemtenary Methodist Church, . ; ics. - of what a good gardener can do is | Hamilton, will join the staff of the If mot, arrange for demonstration at » The marriage took place I the fact that A. F. Falls, of this city, | Uriversity of Toronto as lecturer on ' Adelia, { had green peas out of ills own gar- | psychology, and will be succeeded (den on Saturday for dinner. This! by Rev. E. 8. Sinclair. is probably a record for Chatham, Chas. Alden, a constable of the x hone 9% L. F. Harrison Co, Lid. Mr. Mrs. - 8s it is very early in the seasca for | R.CM.P. at Regina, was founds = faa : ; . i such-a dish, and no oiler such in-!drow-ed in a foot of water. : 5 ' p Edith Provost, ten years old, was stances have been reported up to date. s ~idrowned in Lake Tig '

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