Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jun 1920, p. 9

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{ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, JUNE, »5, 1920, * Are making a vast improvement on the road west~of Summer's corner ERE TREO | i 3 RT » SYSTE | Remo al Notice WINGS OF THE EMPIRE Further work is to be done om the | road before the contract is complet- A change of time will be made on | Y ed. A ARmber from Bere attonted Pa N'S DYE WORKS -- camp meeting at 'Lake Eloida on ph + Sunday last. Mrs. J. Greer and SUNDAY, JUNE 27th, 1920. Formerly knows as Moutgomer? Published by Special Arrangement With the {ioe Eva, spent one day last Standard time, not so-called Daylight | Has now moved to week at W. H. Warren's. Mr. and : Aeroplane News Bureau. Mrs. T. Mills; Young Mills renew. Saving Time, will continue to be used | 349 Princess Street ed acquaintances on this street on for schedules of all trains on the Now ready for business Saturday net. a. sud Mrs. J.T Gran " All kinds of Cleaning and Dye- || 1. n, 26. a a curso fiylag boats which wished to fly dir- arren an aughter, elleville, d Trunk Railway System. ny will be carried on as form- Pg June lied a] ect Humber. to. Hal {motored here. and.spent- Sunday wit Sep TON ee PR" (he Inoment there 1a a] Undoubte the autHorities were the former's mother, Mrs. i Proprietor. slump in British flying. About this | right in their policy. A pliot may | Warren, Mrs. D. Wigston and baby time last year the dally papers could | be willing to risk his life (they most- | on afe spending some time with talk of little else but the Atlantic (ly are) but the loss of an aeroplane | her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Austin flights, the novel experience of going | at 'sea has the worst possible effects | A- E. Jorden, decorator, Majlory- to the Derby by air, ind the sensa-|cn the prospects of commercial fly- | town, is busy on the street. Mrs. C because "Then. if tona of people who had just 'made |ing. ~The motto must always be |Summers, is visiting her daughter. se » their first loop, and felt themselves | "Safety First." Mrs. R. Smith, Lansdowne. Recent ever, come perfect UNE is Hymen's favorite month \ . fA a a a sng Sie am Lf : For particulars, apply to: -- Phones 3 i J. P. HANLEY, | OP. & TA, GT. Ry., Kingston, Ont. | TO, UROP From Quesece to Liverpool' uly 7jAug. 4 ..Victorian y 14, Aug 11, Em France uly 38, Aug 23, Pr. F. Wm. From Montreal Te July 2--Scottan, Havre Lon July 3--Minned'a, Liverp'l July $--Pretorian, Glasgow July Tunisian, Hav. Lon July 10--Metagama, Liver] July 17--Corsican. Liverp? July 23 Scanvian *Antwse July 24-- Melita .Idverpool July 30--Grampian *Antw'p July S1--Sicilian .Glasgow CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES 1 King Street, K Vo ewety rx WE ee CUNARD ANCHOR RBIS AESRELT LY Absorbine d SOMETHING FOR THE Automobile or Motor Boat to be In consequence reckless dare- devils. Now the day of sensations and "stunts" seems to be 'over. some dozen localities instead of the 50 or so ceutres where it was car- ried on last year. Inetead of daring flights, in which the cheif feature was the risk run by the pilot, the only competitions Isoming ahead are based on solid commercial require- ments, and are therefore voted poor oopy by the sensational press, By the same token the competition for the "Daily Express" prize for a com- mercial flight to India has been hung countries which have to be traversed Air news is now relegated to the back pages of the papers, and some aeronautical firms are cutting down their advertisements. I do mot think, however, that the business manager need feel depres- | 8ed by that last statement. I do not think the changed situation gives | cause for alarm or pessimism. Civil | aerial transport is bound to come in- | to its own before long, and those | irms and those journals which are | helping to usher in the aerial age | will Teap the benefit when the goal has been attained. : Above 'all things what is needed is education of the up by unrest in some of the Asiatic} Tenders are being invited for a contract to carry malls from London to Amsterdam, but the terms offered Pleasure lying Is only flourishing at' are not very satisfactory. The Post ! Master General seems to have a strong objection to guaranteeing a minimum load of mails, which every expert holds to be the only basis on which an air mail can be made pro- fitable and popular. If that guaran- tee were once given letters could be carrled for a shilling each or per- haps even less, and when the charge was low there is little doubt that be- fore long the amount of the guar- anteed load at least would be always forthcoming... That was what hap- ened in the case of the penny posi- age, where the Government bore the whole risk of the experience. Without waiting for the inaugura- tion of the air mail, the Airco firm have started a regular service from London to Amsterdam. The aero- planes (D.H. 9's and D.H.14's) leave Croydon at 10 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,and return on the following days. In addition to this the same firm has doubled its daily mail service to Paris,the mach- ines leaving twice daily at 9.30 a.m. and 4.30 pm. Thus a man is now able to breakfast in London, lunch in Paris, and dine in London. Messrs. Handley Page are likewise increas- visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Herbi- A " son, Jumetown, at H. Earl's; Mise 3 y days. May the sun Luella Noreaond at Chester Earle's; Bp shine brightly upon Ts. A. Johnston, at Mrs. E. Foley's. ery bri de- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Greer and oy bride and bn ly Tilley, at Leslie Warren's. Mr. groom who may choose this month in which to register their vows. and Mrs. S. Warren and daughter, Brockville at W. Warren's. A | 3 a # "Honor, riches, marriage ! blessing, ° Long-con tinued and increasin £ ? , Hourly joys be still upon you' ! _--aa-- \ But marriage bas its practical side and never more se Hau in thie year of lated prices and burdensome FALLBROOK. ation. No wise man with a genuine regard for his June 22. Vegetation is greatly young wife will fail to protect her with as large an amount !mproved by the recent rains. The of life Insurance as it is possible for him to carry. *Whea men are all employed doing their . ash ae be should plan io protect his wife--not road work. A number from here at- a3 'ong as he lives™ but as long ag she lives. tended the Imstitute convention at This can be done most conveniently by means of an Poland last week. The Misses Eftioe| $M] | income policy-payable to the beneficiary in monthly instal- and Katle Forgie are spending a few ments ughout life. . weeks at their home here. A. W. d-- bride groom Bain has moved to the village this 0 Ned ak brite phi TB week. Dr. Fowler, Perth, made a 0 on this policy. ' call to the village this week. The marriage of Miss Margaret North and The Mutual Life of Canada == S. Roughton, District Agent Thomas Ferguson will take place on Wednesday. Only 'the immediate relatives will be present at the cere- mony. Eight pupils will leave for Lanark on Monday to write on the entrance examinations. Kingston, Ontario. ----. REGULAR szavioRR" > public in all parts of the British Em- ing the number of aeroplanes used -- ee Mi LASGOW We have a large stock of pire by well-informed papers. ' Last |in their London-Paris service, which | Who betrays me once wrongs me, ONTREAL--G C dra July Nive. Sept 3s ens Saturnia Automobile and Motor boat Year it was necessary to give displays | is run in conjunction with the Cie | who betrays me twice serves me just YORK--LIVERPOOL NEW Spark Plugs for cvory car. aircralt firms which had made money | and the continent. ' These develop- N.Y. PLY, CHER. & LONDON Spark Coils. > -- it aeady work and saying less about | Canadian Company's finterprise. "California Syrup of Figs" N.X¥., CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMP'N 18(Aug. 12iSept. 8 ll. Imperator High and Low Tension Wire. ||| nected with the industry. Last year | change of exhibits, 18 now making ial Transport) occasionally sent a |ious types of aeroplanes and air- Bulbs, all sizes. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY THAT NEW HOME WHILE WN HAVE THESE DESIRABLE ONES FOR SALE Barrie street--brick; hot Ww ater. Alfred street--brick: hot w ater. Johnson street--brick; hot water. Mack street--brick; hot alr. : Wellington street--stone; hot afr. Beverley street--Concrete block; hot alr. Albert street; frame; large barn. Also finest summer home on Wolfe Island, semi-furnished and other fine homes which we do not advertise. Come tn and see us. Best lots in the city; very reasonable. Apply toi-- J. O. HUTTON. = x==stm Aug. 3 { A y GLASGOW, (via Moville) Supplies to choose from. of what aircraft could do and to im- Messageries Aerlennes of Paris. Al- | right.--German Proverb. July 31July 3ljAug. 38 press upon the public that flying is | together there are now 80 aeroplanes cs eas, not a dangerous amusement. The engaged on service between England 26|July 24lAug. 21 .......*Caronia aly Vas Switches. during the war were wise to spend | ments do not look as if British Aero- | -.*K Aug. Viet. Tail and Dash Lanps. . some of it on various publicity de- | nautics are in a bad way. Oet. 18|Nov. 13 ai Carouia a vices. Now they are mettling down + ¥, Ply, Cher, = outhampton lect ™s. 1 an 25 y " Royal George C or . Yr it, and that is the way In which ulti- The windows of the offiices of the hos ty Cells and Hot. mate profits will be brought In, with ; Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Child's Best Laxative 1jAug. 5/Sept. ««. Mauretania . consequent advantage to all con- always attractive with" its constant July 31jAug. 28iSept. «++ -AQUINIA the Airco, and Handley Page firms | passers-by stop to look"at the con- Via Queenstown. BURKE ELECTRIC Co were the only two which maintained | tents of the window more than ever. rie al ek! tnd barca . regular air service to Paris and Brus- | There is now being exhibited a deaut- - 7¢ PRINCESS STREET sels; while the B.A.T. (British Aer-| iful model of an aeroplane with var- machine to Amsterdam. This year | ships. The aerodrome is a repre- Messrs. Instone Co. Ltd, are also ab- | sentation of one belonging to the solutely undertaking periodical | Aircraft Transport and Travel Com- flights to the continent. They are a pany, Ltd. In conjunction with that || shipping firm and they commence by company the Dominion Express Com- buying a D.H..4, for the private | pany of Canada has inaugurated a business of their firm. When not | service to Paris by aeroplane. The employed for this purpose, the ma-| fare charges is £15. 15s. each way. chine would accept orders for journ- | including motor-car service. Par- eys to the continent, as they proved | cels are also taken by the service at profitable, the firm is now gradually | the following rates: Shipments up to acquiring a fleet of aeroplanes. 110 Ibs at 2s.6d. from 10-20 Ibs, at hear that they will soon possess six | 2s.3d. per Ib; from 25-50 Se. at 3. commercial Vickers-Vimy machines, | per 1b, from 50- at 1s.9d per Ib. - » [| besides various smaller -aeroplanes. | and over at 1s.6d. per Ib. nk Caltleuias as rTup. 0 Fis fi| Some merchants in-Yorkshiretowns| The . Dominion Express Co. has on the package, then you are sure i] have also co-operated in chartering | started for this service a special in- our child ES he Jou best ure a Blackburn Kangaroo to take cargos | surance--life and accident--to cover you? harmless ph g for the litt) to and from Amsterdam with satls- risks up to £5000. The rate is 12s. fires Fi oil Childs factory financial results. This ser-| 6d for £500 insurance against death, love its trutty taste. Full directions vice was Inaugurated when the trans- | loss of two eyes or limbs; or £6.5s. on each bottle. You must say "Cali- NGSTON MILLING COMPANY, Ltd. Foot of Brock Street, Kingston Our mill is equipped with modern machinery, driven by electric motors with current generated at Kingston Mills, WE MANUFACTURE: -- HUNGARIAN PATENT AND WHITE ROSE FLOUR, BUCK- WHEAT FLOUR, GRANULATED CORN MEAL, GROUND CORN, GROUND OATS, CRACKED CORN, GROUND FEED, . « BRAN, SHORTS, FEED, FLOUR. + Our Products are good and freshly made FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS GROOVED TIRES STANDARD TIRES ia 23.00 GUIDE TIRES, black ..-26.00 NON-SKID TIRES %i27.00 NON-SKID TIRES - ae 26.00 TUBES, GRAY cera." 3.00 TUBES, RED .. ' wriansses, 4.33 W. H. COCKBURN & CO. Corner Wellington and Princess Street. Phone 318. port strike in Holland made it pos- for a £5000 policy. This latter fornia." . ® sible to get goods from that !coun- | policy also provides In the case of try in any other way. At first the | disablement £15 a week for 26 1 promoters of the enterprise were in-| weeks. Parcels for Canada from Paris can leave Paris a day before clined to be indigant when the Kang- arco was forbidden to fly direct|the steamer leaves Liverpool, thus from the Humber across the North | saving a lot of 'time. Thus the ser- Sea, but had to pass through the |vice furnished by the Dominion Ex- T NE ty i a Sy Fact d Suiting Customs at Lympne near Dover. press Company in conjunction with The cry of "Red Tape" was raised, | the Aircraft Company is greatly ap- a e to ustom easure but it died down when the explana- | preciated by business men, not only x tion was given that aeroplanes with | for the rapidity with which pas - wheels are not to be encouraged to | sengers can thereby reach Paris, but The finest and st ive Woollens--Botany wool wea in E fish Won . No ob- for th I 1 : bi a uy Dd ren! Bul aatviey steds and Tweed Cloths--over 75 Suit lengths, worth from $35 to $75 regularly. $55 to $75 Tribute To-Day To the memory of the many thousands of heroic Serbian men who dled that Liberty Might Live. They have left behind them From the Countryside McCausland has returned to Flower after spending a few days here. Mr. and Mrs. Aca Thompson left for Kingston on Monday. Mrs. John Curtis of Renfrew is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Whiteman. g Frank Thompson is hauling lumber HARROWSMITH. to Ardendale for N. Jackson. Theo- June 22.--The U.F.0. Club shipp- dere Thompsen is home from King- ed a car of cattle to Toronto on ston. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wait- J , y | Saturday, and is unloading a car of [er Scott at Charles Hillier's, Miss binder twine today. John Deline and [1111 Feveran at Mrs. P. White. W. Reynolds went fishing at Carey man's; Mrs. John White and Mrs. A, Island today. Farmers are wearing | Robert Caddy spent a fow days visit. a broad smile since. the fine rain oni [ing at Plevna. Harold Neal at Wil- Monday and the frequent showers | iam Miller's; 'Claude Parks at J. . Gardens are looking fine in the vil- Miller's. For humanity's sake will you not answer the call from these desti- lage. Quite a number attended the : Riis Orphans and give what you can to-day ? camp meeting at Godfrey on Sun- 0SO STATION. day. D. Hamilton, bank manager, June 22.--The death occurred - and wife, Clarence Gowdy and Miss here on Wednesday, June 16th at v Bowers of Sydenham and J. H. Ham- [3 a m of Pheoba Butler, aged seven- Sund f Mrs. S. E. Whaley. . . a Ee Nn, BE) haz: Jowssch 254 Tuouiss tuner our. | these tax-exempt prices is no doubt due to the, imposition of the taxes. These ment. spent Sunday under the paren- [mo at ThE 8 2h re Roehl suits are all sold at less than the wholesale cost. tal roof. Mrs. B. De Marsh, Jr. is ' . Carr. The funeral took place on . ill. Master John Waffle | dai «, a ® & "pending fprigay at 10 a.m. to Christ Church. They are "really and truly" custom-made clothes--for you can select any one of 1 ks with Mrs. R. A. Rou : ] shor, and attending school, Misses | 050; 22d in 4pite of the inclement 30 suit designs, and have any individual kinks you fancy. weather a large number assembled ™\ 12 patterns, or 50 Custom-made Suits, from $55-to $75 ilton of the garage motored to Gan- ty-two years, widow of the late ci olelo BX B. Kane and Violet Jones were Sun- t R , . S02 Snitone a 5. B Whalers. Mr, [10 00 8 le A aa ak A promise of regular values, made to measure in regular business and professional sack suits, for $45. anoque on Sunday and spent the day. | joseph Bourk, who predeceased her about three years ago. Mrs. Bourk was held in high esteem by a wide LIVER OIL CU RES : 324 Mrs. Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. | fouee ane cemetery. The followin . x Charland, of Forfar, Sund be a | prompt Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, E. Wai. | Jove pullbeaters: Joserd R. Bourk, delivery-- 17 patterns, or 72 custom-tailored suits, will be made to order in regulation sack styles, prompt fous-day factory delivery, for $40, PINE GROVE, circle of friends 'and acquaintances. hooping Cough, sthma, Ete. arles : Brewin: | Those thom a siel| "and Semi-read June 24.--A number frgem here |Sircle of frivad ny Sh aintanees. ° MATHIED'S SYRUP is 8 sovereign tonic combining who attended were William G. But. keeps its y GEORGE VANHORNF. attended the A.Y.P.A meeting at Mrs. Mrs. Frank Swain of Glenvale, Mrs. yperties of TAR the strengthening ler and Mr. W. H. Butler of Perth, 213 Princess St. _ : - , » We will clear this lot of fine suit lengths, made to special (Custom-measure at two prices-- H. Bell's on Thursday evening. Mr. ena drt "Ronaieen snd amity | 00020 8 Bouck of ne Sire arr $40 and $45 WTionham, spent the yook-end| jonn 8. Bourk at home, Richard of : orn pale Bere re Caled, Thomes of nb a%t| Custom-made Suits, tailored to Special Order, and finished to exact measure in town on Saray. Mn ® Eagle Osso: 4% two sisters, dre Bell of| five days after they reach the Semi-ready Shops, on Guy Street, Montreal. - Clow, e Carr of i 3 fred Tatie and Maser Dou were | Oli err tama Oe po 1 orhis 1s an exceptional opportunity--and the clearance of left-over suit lengths at Virtues VER OIL. RARLOWE. 204 Mrs. Towsaud wi Herrowsmith. | promise," Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise to 1 Consequences of such a grave character that you should . greatly th . risk using inferior preparations. ' LEEDS MATHIFU'S SYRUP is the only remedy whose ree : n of Northbrook and Mrs. Willia outation ee aa eT m ay hn pas Thon : x : son attended the camp meeting at on Sunday last. Wallace June 23.--W. H. Warren and gang foo

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