SATURDAY, JUNE, 26, 1920, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG In the Automobile World MAKING PREPARATIONS FOR | They stand any service SUMMER TOURING | 3 a | ' | in any motor or engine Nia One Does Not Really Begin to Tour Until June and | : SS ---------- wp the Thing to do is to Plan Before You Start | -- Ee Julie, With its warm days and| Box of plunges for tube valves; | , nights, just naturally suggests a tour | three-in-one valve tool: tire pressure | gauge; Jateliod sement and vulcaniz- fn the old boat. Of course, you have Wrap these together and label | ada BAL NH TER MAACO reagan ~ been taking short runs into the coun- try and perhaps in a few cases more ambitious trips, but one does not really begin to tour until June, You make the tour ag disagreeable or as delightful as you please. 1t is up to you. * "happenstance" with it; it depends upon preparation, Naturally the first part of the pre- is in understanding your ear, Neither luck nor have anything to do | er. "Tire Repairs." Box each of assorted nuts, cup | grease, lock washers and cotter pins; | spool of copper wire and one of soft iron wire, in small box. | Tow rope. Jack and handle and two blocks of wood to: place fack on. Ofl squirt can, filled. Extra set of electric light bulbs. io Dependable Spark Plugs been developed to meet each peculiar ignition requirement In every type of gas engine, in motor cars, trucks, tractors, farm and stationary engines, motor boats, motor cycles and aeroplanes. Dealers in motor supplies everywhere can furnish you with the right type for your motor. : Look for "Champion" on the insulator as well as on the box. This includes low speed trac- tors, or high speed racing cars with all the intermediate speeds. Yes, and the careless handling outside the motor too, By giving efficient service in heavy duty tractors, developing terrific heat and tremendous shock strain, Champions have earned the right to the name which has becomeanotherword for spark plug dependability. A special Champion plug has Champion Spark Plug Co. of Canada, Limited Windsor, Ontario : Largest Factory in Canada making Spark Plugs exclusively HM Seema eEER oa -. BATTERY SHOULD BE TESTED REGULARLY The Method of Inspection is Fully Described for the Motorists. Many motorists know that it is necessary to use a hydrometer syr- inge to test a storage battery, but they do not always know Just how to use it. It 1s not hard to learn and it Is really worth while if a man would save himself from a battery repair bill. The hydrometer has a scale grad- vation in the upper part of the tube ranging from 1,150 to 1,300, with .005 graduation, and reads correctly at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. A full charged cell should read about 1,280 and a discharged shell should read about 1,150 specific gravity, both of which ard marked by a red line on the scale usually. The hydrometer test should be made before distilled water is added. If distilled water is added, and then the test made, the reading will not be correct. Make the test as follows: 1. Remove plugs from top of cell. 2. Force the air out of the hydro- meter syringe by squeezing the rub- ber bulb, ; 3. Insert rubber tube through the vent plug hole into the electrolyte; PRration You can buy these already boxed. Bag of clean waste or rags. Folding canvass pail. Full set of tire chains, repair tool and even the novice who has been fol. Jowing this series ought to know by | this time enough about the 'car to avoid all touring nightmares. This car has many whims and ways which | and extra eross links. should be known by now. And you| In wrapping these things they will also know by this time, that you | should be packed so that they gvill go d carry the starting crank along | easily in the tool box or under the incase the self-starter should act | seats, and be handy for instant use if bad, and you will know enough to | needed. Don't throw them all in a Ave some extra spark plugs, so that | jumble so that you have to hunt per- 8 will not have to stop on the road | haps in_the dark, to locate the small ® clean a fouled plug. | thing tHat you may want. You ought The thing to do Is to plan before | to know where they are well enough you start, not only where you are | to find them in the dark, though if Loins, but how you are going to get | you carry an extension trouble 'light ere, that is, what you need to enjoy | it will simplify your troubles if they T; going at all. It would naturally sug- | come at night. . Vv gest itself to you to go over the en. | Other tools in addition to the regu- © tire car, cleaning it, inspecting for | lar type supplied with the car. you Wear or broken parts, and to know | want. one or' twe sizes of pliers, in- ad that everything is really shipshape. | eludin a good pair of cutting pliers, = - If you are to do any real touring it | # small hammer, wrenches which will takes a real car. Of course, a flivver | fit all nuts on the car, a couple of Will get you there, though it becomes | small cold chisels, tire-removing rather tiresome after a few hours, but | tools, engine valve removing tools, you want to take this into considera- | and possibly. your experience will tion before you start and understand | suggest some other things. Your that with a 'tin lizzie you must drive | wife might be able to fix most any- more slowly and more carefully. | thing with a piece of string and a en you have cleaned up the car | hairpin, but you will not be able to loo over, not only the parts which | do this on a car, so that you should # show the larger things which pos- | pay attention to the suggestions gibly you think are the only import- given. ant ones, such as transmission and | Prudence would suggest carrying differential gear cases, but the griase lan extra gallon of oil and a gallon cups and every working part, wher- | can of gasoline. If you are going ever there is motion. away from civilization, better have If the engine knocks a little on the | enough in reserve to get you to a hills, have the carbon removed. Make | gag station. sure that the compression is all right | ~ It hasn't anything to do with the and if necessary grind the valves, f car, but it should be remembered that look over the wiring to see that there | mornings and evenings, even in sum- Is no worn. insulation that wil) leak | mer, particularly in high altitudes current, that the terminals are all! and on stormy days, are cool. Carry tightened properly; then see that the | sweaters, rain-coats and rubbers, the magneto or breaker points, or coil { latter in case you have to get out in ints, are caw ad properly oo | the mud to change a tire. sted, that the distributor is clean : " and that your battery is fully charg- i 'ol might 2 pt Jo Sappest shat If you have no magneto, take | ji chways in large part. There is along a set of dry cells for emer- ing | Te8lly very little pleasure in forming gency. The generator and starting | part of a procession along the state motor commutators should be Inspec. | road, where you have to watch 50 ted and cleaned, and put in first-class | carefully to avoid accidents that you condition. | the beauties all around you, Since the springs are to make for | Then, too, most of the natural beau- your comfort, look them over pretty | ties are not to be found on the main well and lubricate them if necessary. | line. know several sections of See that none are eracked or broken. the country where just off the through Carry a repair attachment for use in road, there are falls and glens and case of accident, mountain heights and scores of Be especially solicitous about the | beauty spots well worth the visit, All tires. You want tires which will | over our country there are places as stand the trip, on all four wheels. beautiful as any that Switzerland and Se you want two extra casings the Rhineland have to offer, and with tubes inflated, ready to change, sunny Italy cannot match some of | and you need extra tubes, with gem- | the American shore and mountain vis- ent, patches and rapid vulcanizing tas. outfit, because when your trouble comes there may not be a garage next door. Your fire extinguisher should be a real one, and all filled and in working order. It may be worth the rice' of your car while you are tour- ng. Here are some of the things need- 2 Champion "Heavy Stone" B-13, iis B-43, X4-inch, 18 B-53, 4-18, lon; B-73, ¥{-inch B-83, ¥{-in., long Price $1.25 Specially adapted for heavy service cars, tractors, trucks, farm and stationary engines 92 ET] ] see 0 RE EROERERE XE NENA RAEN Our Tires and Accessories GIVE SATISFACTION Why? Because back of every success is a reason -- we're a Success in the Tire and Accessory Business, THE REASON IS THAT FIRST--we sell only what we know t6 be the best obtainable. NEXT--we don't figure that because a man owns a car he will stand for inferior Tires or Accessories, and we only the best. A Complete stock of CORDS, FABRICS and TRUCK TIRES. We can supply TRUCK TIRES ON SHORT NOTICE. : GET GASOLINE from our latest and most-up-to-date VISIBLE Gasoline Pump. "To get the Miles per Gallon, get the Gallon First" SUDDABY'S TIRE SERVICE Phone 1988 3 $ Cor. Queen and Wellington Streets FENN AEE NNER NEN ANNE IL hig ul La a." The New Velie Six PERFORMANCE fis the basic requisite of a car, Appear- ance is a seconadry consideration. However, a Continental Mo- tor in the VELIE MODEL 48 meets the requirements of the most discriminating puréhaser. * Have you had an opportunity of inspecting both? If not, ~ phone-- KENDRICK & VANLUVEN (Distributors) Phones 1888 and 81. Satisfactory Repair Servi ce at 373 Brock Street. CAEENENRNR The NewCanadi Do not plan your tour so that you are CORBET to rush from point to | or battery solution. Roint at top car speed. You will not| 4. Release the bulb and draw up get the most out of your trip in that | Sufficient electrolyte into the glass way. It is too much like running on | tube to float the hydrometer. railroad schedule. Take time enough 5. See that the hydrometer floats to enjoy your trip, even if you have to | freely, touching neither top, bottom for emergency: shorten it." Your tour is supposedly | or sides. Set of ignition brushes, labeled; ! for vacation, recreation, pleasure; you 6. Move the hydrometer syringe so wrench for interrupter points; file for | get these things when you seek them. | that the level of the electrolyte in cleaning the points; hydrometer or | But, of course, if you are looking for | the glass tube is on the level of the volunteer for testing storage battery; | a speed record you will not heed this | eye. get of fuses if used. These priv A advice. But why not go on a race 7. Read the point on the hydrom- be wrapped together and marked track if jou want to make a record | eter scale which appears level with A e, bg his w: the top of the electrolyte. plainly "Ignition Repairs. this way 8. Then force the electrolyte back into the cell from which it was re- moved. It is advisable to rinse out the hy- drometer syringe with water, as the electrolyte will in time destroy the containing case. In somd cars the battery is so Placed that it is difficult or impos- | sible to hold the syringe in an up- / --, \ 3 1 right position. Under such cir- ; me - . 5 cumstances pinch rubber tube . with the left hand so that the bat- tery solution will not run out of the hydrometer. Then lift the hydrome- ter out and away from the car-and bold it upright and take the reading. Be careful not to. release the rubber tube until'it is againf placed over the hols in the top of the cell. Re -- AUTOMOTIVE BRIEFS FROM MANY CIRCLES ---- With fair treatment, the average motor truck should run 100,000 miles, "Road Trains" is a new name coined through extension of use of trucks with two or more trailers per truck. Over the modern roads in and near Foochow, China, there are 15 motor gars operated in addition to the 2,- 000 jinrikisha. Despite the high cost of gasoline, taxical Jares are cheaper in Buenos Alres, 8.A., than any other of the world's larger cities. More than 1,000 'automobile own- ers and mechanics have received training in motor courses at the Col- lege of the City of New York. The refrigerator motor truck, de- signed especially for handling of per- ishable foods, is the latest develop- ment in the automobile industry. By ingtalling minfature iaborator- ies on moter trucks, a series of tours is being organized in nce for anal- Ytically testing the 'water in wells throughout the old battle area. By a complete halt in state rail. road building in Venezuela, mator | roads are suppleuting rail lines in! i More Power Required to Ziz-Zag a Grade. When attempting to climb slippery hills, the speed should be kept up and the hill rushed, bearing in mind that owing to' the change in propulsive effort required, skidding is likely to occur at the foot of the grade. A good driver will also take advant- age of the partly dry spots and will climb the hills as straight as pos- sible. for he knows that it requires more power to negotiate a zigzag course than it does a straight one. In descending slippery hills, the lower gear should be e ged and the speed of the car reduced by the throttle rather than by the brakes.| If the brakes are used at all, they should be applied without disengag- ing the clutch, and just enough so that the wheels can be kept turning and the car under control. ------ A good customer won't change Lis shop, nor a good shop lose its cus- tomer once in three years.--Clinese Proverb. Benefits like flowers, please most when they are fresh.' The best always goes first.-- Italian Proverb, . Butter is gold in the morning, si). ver at noon and lead at night. { | VRE) Br % t (0 "ORY 2) MY Bel De CANADA, Limited Through the replacement of horse. | OSHAWA, ONTARIO power by motor power, wild horses | 3 are no longer found on ranges in New Mexico. The small Mexican cow pon- '_wocal Show Rooms : . STEWART MOTOR SALES, 207 Princess street, Phone 1818, Kingston, Ont. Several good {es are rapidly diminishing. Instead of the usual Tegistratfon territories stil open for wide- awake dealers. tax, on horse-power rating, mo- torists in Oregon are assessed one cent a gallon on distillation. It is es- timated that the 1920 Tevenue will | exceed $500,000,