PAGE TWENTY THE DA ILY BRI TISH WHIG SATURDAY, JUNE, 26, 1920. T-- re | rie age Cee bat wave stare = Thera | FOR TO-NIGHT OFFERINGS Iv See Our 9 See Our Coming to the Grand, BigAd LIVINGSTON'S BigAd | .ioesensatomn made sych a success on the stage, | ag Ep ---- -P H- having: played. in-some efcthe biggest = ¢ age niusical productions of this season, [EI will sing a number of specially sel- ected songs, at the Grand Opera. House the first three days of the coming week, Alice Brady, the > e charming star of the Select pictures 1 OC who has won her way into the hearts | of thousands of picture fans through- | out the country, will appear at the | Grand, the same dates as tae Spores i in her lattest screen triumph, 'Re OF MEN'S AND BOYS' READY- Head." Miss Brady is her charming t self in this picture, and eritics all agree that this is the most delightful photoplay that she has ever appeared TO-WEAR CLOTHING in. The star is supported by an ex- cellent cast of Select artists. There { Is another big feature, "The Girl in | { No. 29" starring Frank Mayo. It] , is the story of an uninspired play- | IS FAITH HEALER wright whose friends arrange a real | glimes Moe Tickeon, the Doted 1 Aoi 5 1 ; i Lnglis a er who cures fill- : file melo-drama in order to furhiss nessiand infirmity by pracer ong the | him with a plot. This bill will be | laying on of hands. He conducted ser- {seen Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- ice in St. James' Anglican Cathedral, By, : oronto, | | day only.--Advt, Summer YF Underwear : TTR i At Griffin's. | A p: { To-night will be the last opportun- Ee j " S [ity to see the splendid programme 0 4 i | which has been pleasing the audi- " | {ences at Griffin's during the past two | days, and is headlined by that lik- For - | For Men Women 800 WOMEN'S FINE LISLE FINISHED COTTON VESTS { able actor, Charles Ray, in a brand | new picture, "Red Hot Dollars." It's 3 / All $30 Suits now $24 4 3! {a typical Ray picture--all about a mall town boy, who was just a grimy 600 MEN'S FINE PENMAN'S BAL- BRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS-- All sizes. in many ditrerent styles. TO-NIGHT .... TO-NIGHT 83c., 40c., 50c., 75¢c. EACH . N | cog in a big steel plant--till he risk- All $35 Suits now $28 ed his neck to save his employer's | p J life. After that he was the rich| . man's "son." But he tumbled into All $40 Suits now $32 love with the granddaughter of his! J patron's bitterest foe--and that's | . where he started something. Be sure All $45 Suits now $36 . and see "Red Hot Dollars" tonight, | and also the balance of a well se- lected programme, which includes the : seventh episode of the wonder ser- All $50 Suits now $40 { lal, "The Lost City," teeming with J [thrills and excitement, which will | 200 MEN'S. BEST PENMAN'S BAL- 150 WOMEN'S LOVELY SUMMER BRIGGAN COMBINATION SUITS COMBINATIONS To-night $1.90, $2.00 Suit In a great variety of styles. : To-night 90c. to $2.75 Suit Good Choosing TO-NIGHT IN WOMEN'S WHITE WASH Skirts Brand new, just unboxed, in lovely Gabardines. Yours to-night $3.00 up to $5.95 each . i | make you hold on to your seats. The All $55 Suits now $44 | death-defying chances that the hero Ao 2 takes, and the escapes of the heroine | | from the ferocious beasts of the (No tax on these) ' Jungle, will hold you spellbound. To | lend the right touch of variety to MAKES BRIBERY CHARGE | | this attractive programme, we have R. W. E. Burnaby, president of the . | an exceptional comedy picture also, | On declares that he Was nifeled $1,- BUY NOW | Your last chance to save | entitled "Training for Husbands, 3 Sprott an @pplioa or the po. | which is a Sunshine brand, and every- | tario Government an body knows how good they are -- ------ four days more only--Saturday, Monday, IA oy y Pr iv | The marriage of Lieut. Alfred Tuesday and Wednesday. At the Strand. George Fisher of the Canadian Ma- | Ethel Clayton's new picture, "More | chine Gun Corps, and Miss Marion { Deadly Than The Male," is said to | l.eavitt Wetmore, took place in | have all the earmarks of a grim melo- | Fourth avenue Baptist church, Ot- |'drama ugtil just before the finale |tawa, on Wednesday afternoon, Rev, | . | when a few revelations turn it ab- | Dr. Charles R. Duncan officiating. ® ® . y { ruptly into a delightful comedy dra-| Both the bridegroom and his best { ma. The central figure is a capable, | man, W. A. Liddell, of Cornwall, | high-spirited girl in love with a weal- | were in uniform. The bride wore a | . | thy clubmen who is used to search- Uavelling Juit of jiikd-colored jersey | Inge in queer corners of the globe cloth embroidered in silks, a cream 75-77-79 BROCK STREET. oS a and adventure. iy Jor aga sand-colored flowered georgette | | urges him to settle down to useful oc- | blouse, and smal] mohair hat with | cupation, he retorts that there are no | burnt orange flowers. Miss Ida Mills | | thrills in modern civilization: Where- | 88 bridesmaid wore a white serge upon she sets out to prove him mis- | ress and white taffeta hat. Lieut- taken. {enant and Mrs. Fisher are spending All sorts of hair-raising incidents | their honeymoon on a boat trip. in a mountain camp follow. The con- | They will reside in Kingston. | servatory, has been transformed into A RY | an African jungle, he fights a taal | JANSON, CROZIER & EDGA | duel with the girl's supposed hus- : . band, a dam bursts, with nearly dis- ; astrous results, and finally there is a rip-snorting setto with the harbor po- lice, at the end of which the harras- id [ sed hero is brought to, informed of Market Square, Kingston | the real state of affairs, and agrees | *"~-- . IMORARRIRNE ® | to stay close to the family fireside DAILY MEMORANDUM. | "General Post," Grand, $8.15, | thereafter. Sydenham street moonlight, July 2nd | The story was adapted from a no- Bee top o\ Page Three, righ: hang | Yelletie appearing in a popular fic-| corner for nrobabllities | TT Nn on, J I tion magazine recently, 'More Dead- ly Than The Male," will be the at- MARRIED. traction at the Strand Theatre for BVES--SUDDS--On Wolfe Island. Wea- | three days beginning Monday. It is a nesday, June 16th, 1920 at Trinity | Paramount-Artcraft picture directed Shure, Lilian Janreia, via by Robert G. Vignola.--Advt. Bodin ro Robert Es Eon of Mr. : and Mrs. George Eves, both of Sim- Saturda STR AWBERRIES COMPANY AN EXCELLENT ONE. pg y | The Verdict Given By Toronto Satur- i day Night. DIED. | Raygmto Saturday Night. MeCABE In Kingston, at the family i gary, Alta., (To the Kditor): residence, : 81 ne street, Annie SPECIAL SMOKED AND PICKLED [Would you kindly favor me with a] : Jar.Lawior Beloved wife'of John report on the Dominion Life Assur-| Funeral (private) from above address HAMS ance Co. Waterloo, Ontario. Is the oN Sonaay motning al eat on 3 oCcK, to - a ry . company in your opinion sound, well where a solemn requiem mass wili| managed, and safe to insure with? be sung at 8 o'clock for the happy | Handy cuts, 3 to 7 Ibs. R. B. B. repose of her awl The company is an excellent one Prisnds ond acquiiifantes are kindly nv 0 atten e mass. In every way, sound, well-managed | (Log Angeles Rorperrer oss Walla |and safe to insure with. Its report Walla papers please py. » '1: | for the year 1919 showed the assets Ol 1n or {at December 31st to be $5,464.457, IN MEMORIAM. {the liabilities, excluding paid-up cap- In sad and loving memory of dear! ital, $4,821,015, surplus $666,668, | husband and father. Thomas McLear Limited ; To-night To-night TNUIUAL ig GIVING IN WOMEN'S HIGH GRADE 200 SMART, NEW WAISTS - or snes vor Stockings BLACK SILK They are cool and summery, in a host of dainty designs, To-night we offer them at At | 50 I 75 2 00 d $2.25, $2.50, $3.00,43.25,| 3!" A ut lia IORI HN ) 1 1 . { which, with the reserves which the | Connor 287 Withrow Avenue, Toronto, Choice meaty cuts, weighing 3 to 6 'lbs.: hoi Tdi spine hing Eve Tg Bl so adian government requirements, | Two years have passed, since that sad nicely mixed, fat and lean . ......35¢. Ib. a ST mment wo Liuirements, | Tue Ju $4.25 and up. of $1,016,745. The company has on | The Cem asa dod aalied away, 80 io wi John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. Local grown Cabbage, crisp, firm heads insurances totalling $35,472.313. I For a"Gmory to fade from our life lke E cerernneennneneens 8e db, [RSet vee aividends en par | Pot tht Toe vend mot spot, when he SA ss ee ea | ticipating policies. For grief often dwells, where it sel- -------- J. K. Carroll Agency, district dom ls seen. f ; Ns ME mame mn, a Ag ew arrots LATE SOCIAL NEWS. IN MEMORIAM. = 3 - ss = In loving memory of Mrs. Thomas - Feeney, who depa ted this lif. the Miss Olga Symes, Sault Ste. Marie, | 361, day of Tene 1950. 8 fife on Very choice from Niagara district. Ont., who has been visiting her aunt, $ missed by son, daughter and | 3 Mrs. Mitchell, 28 Frontenac street, | 4 left for her home yesterday. She was | 4 precious fro h a guest at the R. M. C. ball. A voice we Joved tn ating Fone COOKED, ROAST and JELLIED MEATS H. A. McGrath, Baltimore, Md., is Apacs ls taoam J Sur home, a visitor in the city. He will leave --Thomas Feeney. i 1 next week for Winnipeg accompanied In great vanety, by his sister, Miss Anne McGrath, Brock street. CARD 0 TH NK Mrs. J. B. Carruthers and Miss Mrs. John OF and IAN} S Kathleen Carruthers, Earl street, left | to thank thesr many friends and neigh- to-day for Montreal, where they will | bora who showed so much kindness and . i ympathy to them in their recent sad 'be joined by Major and Mrs. Charles | }. ' Spring [Lamb Hanson and' children, and go on to bana and Taine Yam oF @ dens Hus : ? Prince Edward Island. They have | =~ ~~ taken a house at Holland Cove for ; Chops, Legs, Loins, Fronts, Stewing cuts. a Miss Goldsmith, Toronto, is the guest of Miss Agnes Richardson, at CANNED PEAS, 300 tins her summer home, Scott's Island, - ROBERT J. REID Sh The Undertaker HH NT TT Our Three Dollar White Oxfords WE HAVE NEVER SHOWN BETTER SHOES OR NICER SHOES THAN THIS SEASON. THESE - $8.00 SHOES ARE SPLENDID, . Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords-- Military Heel, Toe Cap. Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords-- Cuban Heel, plain. Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords--Spool heel, plain. We also have Pumps at the same price. Lockett' near Chaffey's 'Locks: . Sir George Kirkpatrick, K.C.B., Leading K C81, and Lady Kirkpatrick, who 7. 230 Princess Stre ¢ | 4c. tin were Miss Macaulay's guests tor | Phone 57 Royal Military College week, left on Thursday for Winnipeg. ; Mrs. Edward Ryan, Rockwood Phones: Wholesale Department 1767 House, has Ferri Bo Toronto. where she was the guest of Dr. and : Mrs. Neil Black. - Retail Meats, 458. Grocery Dept., 459. + Alexander Ramsay, Donala etn-| JOHN CORNELIUS { une, Toronto; and Jack Birkett, Ot- Embalmer 'awa, who were guests at Rockwood Eo a EEE House, coming hers tor the Royal Pl hone . & 4