Home Made Candy } CANDY LOVERS will be de- 'lighted to know that these pop- » ular, delicious Chocolates have 'made their first appearance in Kingston, and that they are to be had fresh each week, at:-- une Moa WITH HER Weddings AtBest's [I .. .... The Popular Drug Store. Prescription Specialist is filled with DAINTY ARTICLES Suitable for Gifts. OUR WINDOWS Can offer many SUGGESTIONS All reasonably priced. Wedding Rings Rings SMITH BROS. JEWELERS Established 1840 KING ST. | Keeley I " M.0.D.0. tus but must have Ah, 1 fn its. use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI. ' ENCF CAN GIVE. E NEW FRENCH REMEDY. FHERAERAN Neo. 1 for Bladder Omtarrh. Ne Bloed and Skin Diseases. Chronic Weaknesses. chemists. Price in England, Clerc Med. Fos Haverstock Rd, o See Tr naar JON" is on Brit. Govt. affixed to genuine packets. 'It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeloy's service unique in Kingston. St McKELVEY. & BIRCH, LTD WILL HOLD IN KINGSTON Public Sale OF SECOND HAND COOK STOVES, COMMENCING MONDAY MORNING 9 0'CLOCK $10,000 worth of highest grade Stoves takem in exchange--re- paired and made new----to be closed out at a loss and a four-fold saving to the public. WE MUST HAVE THE ROOM. 20% Reduction ALL 'GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES-- Stove Department--Second Floor. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. Plumbing Dept. BROCK STREET. Phone 25. No. Sold by Jendlng Ss. Dr, Lo- N.W. 5, ade Marked 'Word ~~ Beds and Bedding You will find our stock very complete and prices very rea- sonable. We have been carrying a large stock for some time and j 3% able to give you the advantage of low prices compared with the prices of goods purchased to-day. HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR HOOVER SUCTION SWEEPER ? If not, arrange for demonstration at Phone 90 T. F. Harrison Co., Ltd. Told In Twilight | (Notice--Hersafter, the Whig, in common with uthetr papers all over [Canadd," will make a charge of $1 {tor inserting an engagement, mar: | riage or Teception announcement. * One of the BHghtast of June teas was that which claimed Mrs. Charles | Kirkpatrick, Victoria street, as host- | ess, on Friday afternoon. A hand- | some silver basket filled with lovely pink peonies made a graceful centre for the tea table, where Miss Louise Kirkpatrick made tea and Miss Kath- {leen Daly cut the ices.. Their daint- ily frocked assistants being Miss | Phyllis Spencer, Miss Ruth Martin and Miss Betty White (Toronto). Some of the guests were Mrs. E. F. Torrance, Mrs. Arthur Gildersleeve, Miss Dorothy Gildersleeve, Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, Mrs. P. G C. Campbell, Mrs. Cuthbert Gummer, Mrs. W. Kent Macnee, Mrs. Harold Davis, Mrs. 'H. B. Richardson, Mrs, Jack Inglis, Mrs. Garnett Greer, Miss Millie Ferris, Miss Jean Craig, Mrs. Ernest Dawson, Mrs. H. Lafferty, Miss Eva Martin, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Phyllis Gay (England), Miss May Rogers, Miss Mary Strange, Miss Des Brisey s ° " A great many people wended their way out to "Ayr House" yesterday afternon to call on Mrs. J. C. Connell, in her attractive new home. Quanti- ties of June blossoms from the beau- tiful garden were everywhere and filled the air with their fragrance. In the dining-room, whieh looks out upon the lake, and a wonderful view is to be had of the somtimes placid and oft times turbulent waters of Lake Ontario and the opposite shore, lovely flowers were much in evi- dence, The handsome polished tea table had an artistic centre of the queen of flowers, roses, of red, white and pink. Mrs. G. F. Emery made tea, while Mrs. James Minnes poured coffee. Arrayed in the prettiest of summer frocks, the delicious refresh. ments were passed by Miss May Mc- Phail, Miss Norah Minnes, Mrs. Hen- dry Connell, Miss Doris Folger and Miss Elsie Sutcliffe (Lindsay). Dr. Connell came in time to add his wel- come dnd receive the many expres- sions of admiration for their beauti- ful new home. . = \ The Red Cross Society has arrang- ed to give the soldiers receiving treatment in the hospitals here. an outing every Saturday afternoon. Last week a very happy afternoon was spent by twelve of the patients on the Wolfe Islander, and tea was given them on board. Col. Gordon, Miss Isabel Ross and a Nursing Sis- ter were untiring in their efforts to malie the jaunt a very enjoyable one. This afternoon the trip is being made by twelve more men and the same helpens. Mrs. H. E. Day, Alfred street, en- tertained the children of Miss Eng- lish's claws, Victoria school, to a most delightful picnic at their summer home, "Lake Shore," Friday. Coming away the children gave three cheers for Dr. and Mrs. Day as evidence of their appreciation of the splendid time given ghen, . » C. P. Borland thas arrived to take over his new duties as manager of the Bank of Toronto, and is at 63 West street, . . Mrs. M. E. Nicholls and children, Ottawa, will occupy a cottage at Portland on the Rideau for the sum- mer, Mr. and Mrs. 'Stephen Roughton, and family, King street, are enjoying a motor trip through New York state. C. B. F. Jones, {'anadian Bank of Commerce, Torontd, is spending the week-end with Dr. and Mrs Leon- ard W. Jones, Rochgster, N. Y. Mrs. A, D. Cartwiight, her son, and her mother, Mrs. Hart, Ottawa, will leave next week for Prince Ea- ward Island, where they will remain for a couple of month They will be accompanied by Mi Katherine Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W Whalley, Pembroke, announce the emgagement of their daughter, Annetta Rosalind Whalley, M.A., to W. Arthul Gayton, late lieutenant, C.E.F., of Vibank, Bask., the marriage to take place at the end of the month. Dr. Thilo Derbyshire, Chicago, visited his brother, Herbert Werby- i shire, Collingwood street, on Wed- nesday and ThursCay. A gon of F. Lemieux, K.C., Ottawa, fs holidaying at Mrs. S. HawMins, Centre street. $ : - . . . Miss Masie Madole, Napanee, 1s spending a few days in Kingston, tho guest of Mise Marjorie Fair. D. Campbell, who has been Bona in the States for the past twd weeks, is home again. Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Boyes and fam- fly, Napanee, have left for Bartlett's Landing, where they have taken a cottage for the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Dumbar, Napanee, are spending a day or two in King- ston. . * . Mrs. David MoGill, and children, came up from Montreal on Wednes- day, for a visit with George King and Miss Alice King, Alice street. Mr. and Mrs. Balson Carr-Harris, who were the guests of Col. and Mrs. J. Norman Stuart Leslie, Emily street, returned to Toronto on Thurs je visiting her sister, Mrs. H. C. Upton, Toronto. * Prof. L. Nourry, wife and family, are spending their summer holidays at Brockville and vieinity. Miss Kay Gray, Toronto, who was n town for the Military College ball, s returned home. : iss Jean McLaughlin, who was the/guest of Mrs. L. T, Best, Albert street, has Tetyrned to Toronto. Miss Phyllis Stayner, Toronto, is visiting her uncle, E Geonge street. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd, Kingston, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jas, A. Wilson, Napanee. | | delegate to Mrs. Bruce Taylor was chosen a the International da Tiss Toate Hoag, Alfred street, | of E. Newman, | w, Women's Council by "the Dominfon | | Council. Mrs. W. E. Kidd win receive for pe first time on Tuesdy afternoon, | June 29th, at her home, 7 Wena | | ton street. . . . Charles Green, Torontc, * is the guest of his son, Vernon Green, and | Mrs. Green, Frontenac streat. Mrs. Fred B. Pense, who is visit- ing her parents in Toronto, will re- turn home next week. J. J. Bhortell motored frdm New FY orto spend-the-sumfmer-with-his- sisters, Mrs. James Murphy and Mrs. P. Jayce, Joyceville. Mrs. Hal Dougall and small son, Ronald, have arrived in town, from Montreal, to spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson, Bagot street. Mrs. Hicks Hawltins, who has been with her parents, for the past month, has returned to her home in Toronto. . eo Mrs. George M. Hazlett, Fron- tenac street, left to-day for Toronto, taking home her little grandaughter, who has been visiting her. Mrs. W T. Connell, Miss Nora Connel, Ford Connell, Art street, and Miss Norah Scott, left to-day for Spencerville, to spend a couple of weeks with Miss Connell. Mrs. A. Maxam and her sister, Mrs. Moore, Detroit, who has been her guest, left on Saturday by water for that city. Mrs. Maxam expects to be gone about a month. * . Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Calvin and Miss Hilda Calvin have arrived from Toronto to spend the summer at Gar- den Island. Miss Dorothy Merritt, Mrs. H. W. Richardson's guest, Al- wington street, for the June festivi- ties, has returned to her home in St Catharines. Col. and Mrs. Norman Nissen and Miss Betty Nissen went down to Gan- anoque on Friday to spend some time with the Misses Richmond at thelr summer home on Bostwick Is- and. who was Mrs. Russel Forster and family have gone to Stella Point, Amherst Island, to spend the summer months. Mrs. George Hanson and little Miss Betty have gone to Stella Point, Am- herst Island; to spend the summer. Ciarence Rogers who haa been at- tending Biat.op's Coilegs Senso. 1s now with his parents, M:. and Mrs Lorne Rogers, Clergy s.r:et Mrs. "George Rosuey, Travers Rooney and Miss Alma Graham, who spent the winter in Kingston, are returning to Lyndhurst. . . . Paul Scammell, Ottawa, in town for the Scammell-Berwick wed- ding next Wednesday, is the guest of his parents, Rev. E. and Mrs. Scam- mell, Pembroke street. Other out- | of<town guests who are coming tor | the wedding are Mr. Barwick, Angus | Barwick and Miss Phyllis Barwick, Ottawa. Mrs. 8. J. Horsey, Toronto, is vis- iting her mother, Mrs. T. Conley, Aberdeen street. Miss Susie Werte, teacher in Vic- toria public school, leaves to-morrow for her home in Iroquois. * - - Mrs. Quail, Newburgh, formerly of | Kingston, is spending a few days in Rochester attending the graduation of her daughter, who has been in training as a nurse in that city. Lady Falconer motored from To- ronto to visit her parents, Rev, and Mrs. Grandier, Newburgh. She was accompanied by her som, Gilbert and Miss Lillieth Gandier. Lieut.-Gen. Sir George Kirkpat- rick and Lady Kirkpatrick have left | for Winnipeg, to visit Lady Kirkpat- | rick's brother, J. NM. Dennistoun. RR mo Lady Markham, widow of the late Admiral Sir Albert Hastings Mark- ham, who has been visiting her brother in Saskatchewan, has also been the guest of Mrs. W. L. Parrish Winnipeg. She will return to Eng- land in July. Mrs. James H. Moxley, who has, been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wellace Dunlop, Stuart street, leaves on Sunday for her new home in Ham- ilton .where Dr, Moxley will practice having just completed a year's post graduate course. . - - Mrs. D'Arcy Sneath and her guest Miss Reoney (England), who were the guests of Mrs. H. R. Duff, Prin- cess street, returned to-day to Nap- anee. . Mrs. Ray Farley, Kin spending a few days with ley's parents at Newburgh. Mrs. George Robertson, Crescent Street, Montreal, who came to at- tend the ball at Royal Military Col- lege, where her son is fa training, and wis the guest of Miss Suther- land, Johnson street, returned tq her home yesterday. * Miss Phyllis Spencer, Alice street, left today for Atlantic City, N. Y., where she will spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. Stadler and Mr. Stadler. ETH ton, is r. Far- »* . » Mrs. A. N. Lyster and children, Gore street, moved out to-day to Sydenham Lake, where they have taken a cottage for July and August J. Farquharson, who spent a few days in the city, returned on Thurs- day to his home in Toronto. Miss May Ford, Arch street, fis nding a couple of weeks with her er, Mrs. H. W. Richardson, "Al- ton." br. and Mrs. William G. Anglin and" Miss Ruth Anglin, Earl street, have moved over to their summer home on Wolfe Island. Mid Marion Kirkpatrick, who was Mrs. §. W. Garrett's guest for the June vities, returned on Thurs- day to (ttawa. - Miss a Hague returned on Tuesday Northampton, Mass , where she gras doing secretarial work w Hague for Pekin, Cina, where she has ac- principal of the University of kin. «ce Mrs. John B, pson (nee Miss Hilda M. Mullin} will receive on Monday, June 28th, from 8 to 6 p.m, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ed- ward W. Mullin, 27% Johanson street, before leaving for hyr new home in 'elland. (Continued on Page 8) The R. M. C. June bal photograph is on sale at Marrison's studio 92 TTT RAR Princess street. Come 13 and see it. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PROBS:--Sunday, fair and warm. ES RE TO-NIGHT AND _MONDAY AT STEACY'S Greatest June Sale! Without Parallel Surpassing "All Previous Events. The greatest values ever offered to the people of this commun- ity at sensational savings. Just threejmore days to share in the long list of bargains--it means money saved on every purchase. : : : : : Hosiery Sale Price Hosiery At Worth While Savings. Black and White Fibre Silk Hose; excellent quality; all sizes and special at $1.00 a pair. 200 pairs Ladies' Sale Price . . .. 300 pairs of Art Silk Hose in colors of White, Navy, Grey, Black, Tan; excel- lent wearing qualities and sold regular at $1.50 a pair. ~ Sale Price 250 pair of Monarch Silk Hose in Pearl, Navy, Black, White; reinforced at points of wear; all sizes and sold special at $1.50. Sale Price ..... cee dines . 1,000 pairs Ladies' Black and White Cotton Lisle Hose; in sizes 8} to 10; worth to- dey 50c. a pair. Cates in dine 3129 Hosiery . $1.09 .3 pairs for $1.00 300 to choose from, MEN'S SILK NECKWEAR Regular $1.25 and $1.50 each Sale Price, 85c. combinations, dotted effects; all colors; a bargain at the price. in stripes, CHILDREN'S SOX Wonderful variety of colors to choose from; and white; fine mercerized Lisle and sold special at 50 cents. Sale Price . . also plain black -- : nw = E =] Li = B = E = i = - : = Es © eines sein S50 PRIF Summer Underwear At Special Prices 100 Ladies' Cumfy Cut Vests; fine ribbed Cotton and sold reg- ular at 00c. each ivi. os ivi mienneninrns wenn Sale Price 43c. 150 Ladies' Summer weight Combinations; fine Cotton Lisle, Lace kneé; no sleeve and short sleeve ..... 200 Children's Cotton Vests in every size, from 2 up to 11, and worth33¢c.each ...........c...... .Sale Price 69c. . . Sale Price 25c. Sale Price ................... American Voiles Wonderful selection, 35 patterns to choose from, big range of colorings; full 40 inches wide; regular $1.25 to $1.75 a yard. iain 436, on Bh Eg ul = == be uo i = a Steacy's - KO TEETER TARR OO Limited] NAPANEE WON OUT. In a Ball Game With the Adolphus- From ie C dent) ( Our Own or responds le Napenee, June 26. Th Napanee ball team journeyed to Adolphustown on Wednesday afternoon and played their fest league game. Napanee was the win- ner by a score of fifteen to five. One of the prettiest of June wed- dings took place on Wednesday, June 16th at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. BE. Cummings, Morven, when their youngest daughter, / Corinne Myra, Was united in marriake to Charles E. Burt, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burt. Only the immediate families wers presents After a dainty buffet luncheon the happy couple left by motor fer a short honeymoon. They will reside in Morven. Mrs. J. E. Corkill left on Friday mother. for Hariston to visit her Mrs. Robert Foster, Renfrew, is spending a few days with her moth- |. or, Mrs. Webster. Miss Jean Daly returned from Bos- ton on Friday, where she acted as maid of honor at the marriage of -- friend, Miss Marion Kemdail. Mrs. F. Riches and little som, Lindsay, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. of Bosten, at- of his sister, the Phone 231) so seriously burned by gasoline ex: plosive in Boyles Hardware store on Thursday, is in quite a critical con- dition. Harry Davy, who has been spend- H.|ing a week with his sisters, Mra. C. leaves Shorey and Miss Louise Davy, for his home in Victoria to-day. Mss Alma Thompson leaves to-day a two months' visit with frieads in the west. ATTENTION! You all know that Phillip s' Military Soles and Heels are the best Rubber obtainable, bu t you may not realize the neces- sity of having them properly at tached. We have an expert to do the work. Try. a set now. (50c. per set e xtra for attaching). JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 Brock St A happy function took place at the home of Mr.'and Mrs. Dorland Shorey, second concession of &id- ney, when their daughter, Eva Mae, was united in marriage to Murney Fdwdrd Hick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hick, Belleville. A qulet wedding took.place June 23rd at Belleville, when Percy Sprackett and Grace Chionard, were united in marriage.