Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jun 1920, p. 7

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a PAGE SEVEN 'SATURDAY, JUNE, 26, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = -- - i % Se jcause the dollar does not get them NORA VIEWS OF DR EDWARDS ci cs 5a SRS E The Travelling Bears 15 1] ! everybody but ourselves, why should WITH REGARD TO INDEMNITY OF | we hesitate to ask the public to re- COMMONS MEMBERS cognize it in our case? So fares am concerned, if the indemnity is in- He Says He Has Played the Game creased, and it later on conditions f . | come back to normal, I am willing to Fairly With the People--Has Giv | So es to the Old Duss. We ave; en His Full Services To His Con- | oi. in this principle in other mat- | stituents. ters; we have been guided by it in| Ideal with the civil servants. 'We Dr. J. W. Edwards spoke as fol- | Sealing wie them a' bonus. What, lows on the indemnity question in for? Why did we not give them in- | ihe. House of Commons this. week. . bested OT & DOBLE KN aan "of I wag first honored with a seat in | twenty per cent. or ten per cent to | this house in 1908. At that time the | their salaries? The reason is that if | indemnity was $2,600. T use the conditions in the country got back word "indemnity" advisedly in ap-| to normal then the bonus would be plying it to the amount of remuner- | dispensed with. We can surely be ation paid to th® members at that consistent and apply that principie to time. I have a right to assume that ourselves, and I do not see why we the people of the constituency I have |ghould have anything to apologize the honour to represent consider that | for or why we should fear to meet jy | 1 have given them good value for |our constituents if we adopted the | the money paid to mesdecause In game system so far as we ourselves | 1911 they again returned me to this! are concerned. If the Gevernment House with double the majority I|did not see fit to ix an increased in- { had on the former occasion. The demnity this session, I can see noth- | indemnity paid to the members of | ing wrong in their carrying out the | this House in 1911 was the same | principle we have adopted in regard == | a8 before, and again I use the word | to ethers and making a special grant R. Uglow & Co. "indemnity" advisedly. It was then |in recognition of the higher cost of A TREES ARNG, an indemnity. We continued to re-| living to us for this session. I see a Children's White ga Running Shoes Special $1.00 With Black Sg0c 58 10 Soles nearly human, as it is possible for bears to be. They love children and make playmates of them where- ERR ayer they go. ; . Their adventures are amusing, snappy, excit- ing tales--a laugh on every page ST a de es | E TEDDY B. and TEDDY G. are as | Buy one and read it to your children. 8 volumes now ready, at 50c. each. -- ) ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE ~~4 |celve an indemnity of $2,600 for |ne objection to that proposal, and I i | some years after 1911. But now, |am prepared to back it up before my | for some yearsa past, we have not re- | constituents or in any other part of { ceived an indemnity of $2,600. We | the country. | have not received an indemnity at Now, Mr. Speaker, I realize the "Gifts that Last" Let Us Supply the Ring | all; we have received a salary. What is the meaning of the word "indem- | | nity?" What does the word imply? | When I entered into the contract with the people of my constituency to come down here and do business for them I was to receive an amount of | money that would recompense me | for the losses I sustained--loss of | time, and so forth. I had to.use the | money I received for my services to | pay for my food and lodging and clothes, and so on. I have a right | to assume that if the people of my | constituency considered my services | were worth $2,600 then--what $2,- | 500 would purchase for me then-- fact that there are men in this House who may have conscientious scruples against an increased indemnity. There may be those who think that this is an inopportune time and ail that sort of thing, and that, as one hon. gentleman says, we cannot go on with public works in this country because of the scarcity of momey. Well, Sir, I did not understand when I came to Ottawa that it was part of my duty or privilege to have the gov- ernment take money out of my pock- et to build public works in this coun- try. I never regarded that as being part of the duties of a member of Parliament. I understood as a medi- WAS IN SAME When Latter Received Fatal | tings, has taken the position Of fore- man of the press room at the Whig office. Sth. Barriefield and went overseas with that unit. C.M.R in France. TRENCH i AS LT. HARRY UGLOW | Injuries--Frederick Hubbs Joins Whig StafV. Frederick Hubbs, formerly of Has- Mr. Hubbs trained with the Canadian Mounted Rifles at He transferred to the 4th Mr. Hubbs was wounded and taken prisoner by the Germans and remained in Switzer: land for eighteen months. He was returned to Canada and went to Sib- eria as transport officer with the Bri- cal man after having entered into politics that it was part of my politi- cal duties to attend the surrounding public free of charge. That, of | they consider that my services to- day are worth just as much in pur- | chasing power. Now it is an undoubt- | ed fact that the remuneration or sal- and Marriage OUR doctor will teli you Y that your Te should be examined by an expert optometrist. In nearly every case of eye trouble it is not a cataract or some malfor- mation that is interfering with the vision but a failure of the focusing machinery of the eye to perform its dut- jes. This is corrected by the proper lenses. We can serve you satisfactorily. The House of Better Glasses License Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS ST. ©. 8. KIRKPATRICK Issuer Marriage Licenses | 'ary received at present is not on the | basis of what we received in years | gone by, because it will not purchase | that amount. It will not recompense me to the extent of more than 50 | per cent of what it did formerly. | It had been argued by some that | we, as members of this House, should | not take any steps towards increas- | ing the amount which is paid to us. | Logically, I think we would be play- ing fair with our constituents if we said to them: You agreed to give us a certain amount of money when the cost of living was at a certain figure. I do not think the people could find much fault with us if we asked them to keep faith with us and give us an amount of money which would meet the conditions that obtain at the present time. We have to play fair with the pedple. eourse, went into the political game; but I did not know that I had to go |. down into my pocket; or that the Government had a right to expect that I should do so, in order to help build public works in the Dominion. Speaking for myself I must frankly confess that I do not subscribe to any such doctrine. There is another phase of the matter upon which 1 desire to touch while I am on my feet. There are certain things which we have r right to take into con- sideration as members of this House. The cost of living has increased for us as it has for eVerybody else, but in addition to that we have other expenses, some of which have been alluded to. There are the expenses of running elections. Some hon. Members: Oh, oh. Mr. Edwards: I have a reason for referring to that, and I shall make tish Mission. with the late Lieut. whem the w Gerinan military hospital in Belgium. He can remember seeing Maj. -Gen. | Willams being carried away after he | was wounded. - re, Lsondon, and transplanted all com- plete stops, '"General Post" one of Percy Hutdhison's greatest starring veh-| pride. at the Grand Opera House tonight: Mr. Hubbs was in the same trench Harry Uglow latter received injuries hich resulted 'in his death in a "GENERAL Last Appearance Tonight at The Grand. Taken from the Haymarket theat- to only a few In "Gereral Post" Mr. Hutchison | Every bride looks forward with real anticipation to the day when she shall intermediate | reign as mistress of her own home; she has planned on a home that | reflect charm and hospitality; a place she can invite her friends with The responsibility of choosing her Furniture should be approached icles, will be offered for the last time with care. We make a specialty of completely outfitting newly-weds so | perfectly that they become a life-long customer. will real will be seen in 'the roll he was born to--tihat of a light comedian, "The | Luck of the Navy" was Mr. Hutchi- son's first venture into melodrama, and Inls remarkable success in it can be talxen as further proof of his genius. His whole reputation, now rivalling that of anyone on the Lon- Some of us come to this House and do play fair with the people. Some | of us come to this House day after | day, and week after week, and ses- sion after session. We are in our Places attending to the business of the country. We are playing fair that reason plain before I get through. That is part of the ex- penses connected with our position here. There has always been one thing which has come up in con- nection with any question of increas- ed indemnity, and that is, that what- 36 Claremes Street Kingston, Ont. JAMES REID FOR REAL STORE SERVICE, PHONE 147. Opposite the Post Office Phone 699. KINGSTON. Ait NAAN | J. BARRETT rrr rr 1TnOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987 PLUMBER Repair Heating Plumblae AIS haley. Address SYDENHAM STREET i Phome 088, ' 1 he j- Wanting anyiding done in A harde ad _ Pan arders hop Kinde. A attention. | DOMINION TIRES with the people and we have a right tc ask the people to play fair with us But there are members whose names are on the roll as members of thi: House who are never seen here fron one week's end to another, who do not come within the walls of this Chamber from one, month's end to another. We who do come here are doing, not only the business of our own constituents but the business which these members ought to be doing. Why are they not present? Look over the list and see who are persistently abseut from their places in this House. Who are they? Not the men in the humbler walks of lite. Not men like myself, of limit- od means. We are attending to our duties in tails House and sacrificing ever ihcrease is granted to members of the House of Commons must of | necessity be granted to senators. want to say as one member of the House who has the utmost respect for the Senate, for their ability and all that sort of thing, that in my humble judgment it would not be a tair proposition at all, if the Govern- ment saw fit to increase the indem- nity of the House of Commons, to make it apply equally to the Senate and I trust that if there are any senators with.n the sound of my voice, they will, when they come to discuss the matter, show a disposit-| 2 ion to fair play. I need not ag®vance reasons which are patent to every hon. gentleman as to why the indem- den stuge, is based on his ability as a 1 comedian. Hutchison produced the two greatest | plays of the war, "The Luck of the Navy'* was one, "General Post" is| the other. the other of the army. War, but neither takes the audience | to battle. | ing room, and its theme, treated | whimisically, which resulted from the turning of soldiers. eral Post" | start to finish, and degorate what is | at bottom a charming remance. The British critics have it that Mr. One treats of the navy, | Each of the | "General Post" is laid in a draw- | is the social changes | peaceful Britain into a nation of | Flashes of wit keep "Gen- | brilliantly alight from | ICE CREAM Of the very Best Quality We make a specialty of serving, the best and purest Ice Cream. Call in and we feel sure you can prove this yourself. SAKELL'S nity of a senator should not be the same as that of a member of the House of Commons. There are many reasons which I could advance but they are so palpable to every one-- and they will be apparent to any senators who may be sitting in the gallery--that it would be unneces- sary for me to allude to them. If I were fixing the amount myself I would make a comparison like this: If the Government saw fit to increase the indemnity of the House of Com- mons to $4,000 I would suggest an increase for the Senate to $3.000. Mr. Finley: Too much. Look Over Our Stock. We Carry Every Size and Style TIRE SERVICE GET OUR TIRE SERVIOE--it is worth your while, and is free to every motorist. Free: Tire inflation, examination, delivery inspection, tire changes when new Tires or Tubes are purchased. The first act is a picture of Eng- fish social life in high circles just hatore the war. The second shows the upheaval of social values in pro- ceks of accomplishment after the out- | break of the war, and the third act, a post-armistice picture of the finish- ed pvoduct. Mr. Hutchison, will present the leadimz role, that of Edward Smith, a tailer, who, like the historic Gen- eral Grant and like thousands of men today, found himself in the war and rose to a high place through his own merit, returning from the battlefield the social equal of his erstwhile dollars every day by doing it. You will find that for years back the men who have been absenting them- selves from this House day after day are men of great wealth, who have found it, more to their in- terest to stay at home and attend to their own business, because it puts $100 in their pockets for every dollar they get here of so-called in- demnity. That is why they are ab- sent from this House. I feel very strongly on this question. The press of this country--and there never was a time when we had less respect from the prees of Canada than we NEXT TO GRAND OPERA HOUSE 1 "Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. BEDFORD, The Auctioneer Phone 1721 or 1428. Crescent Wire Works Fencing, Guards, Baskets, Fl borders, Wire Work sr factured by:-- of 811 kindy, us PARTRIDGE & sov, 62 King Street West. Phone 380. Residence 2:8w, ny GIVE YOUR POULTRY OUR OUR RE-BUILT TIRES 'Give wonderful mileage. Get one if you have not alréady dome so. If you have it is not necessary for us to tell you to get an- other--we know you will MOORE'S "THE TIRE SHOP WITHOUT EQUAL" We are showing White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords in a multiplicity of shapes and de- signs, superb in quality, moderate in price. Suitable Footwear for all out-door sports . and recreations. | | HH 1H | | ill Store Hours: 8 am. to 5 p.m. Saturdays excepted. Allan M. Reid, asx PRINCESS STREET have today--have repeatedly called attention to the 'small attendance of members in this House. How many times has the press of this country called attention to those who were absent, to the wealthy men who are absenting themselves from this House day after day and week after week and month after month? I have not seen any mention of them by the press of this ecoumtry. The press has too great an interest with these big moneyed men to say any- thing against them, or to hurt their feelings. They are never mentioned in the press. The press calls at- tention to the members who are here regularly, who sit here, as we did this morning until three o'clock at- tending not ouly to our owa duties but to the duties of these wealthy gentlemen who find it to their in- terest to remain at home attending to their finances rather than to the busi- mess of the country. I eay that we who have attended to our dutdes in this House have played fair with the people, and I would have no hesitation in going to the people and asking them to play fair with me. There is a great deal to de said for the position taken by the Prime Minister. After all, he is the man who would be held responsible, and not the leader of the Upposition or the leader of the Third party group across the way. - There is no doubt in anybody's mind that the cost of living has increased for us as it has for everybody else. We as members of this House, have recognized the increased cost of living by a bonus to the members of the Civil Service. We recognized it last year in dealing with the soldier protilem by giving a bonus of 20 per cent. on the basic amount granted them earlier. This year we recognized it again, and the House has just approved legislation increasing bonus from 20 to 50 por cent. y have we done this? Because we recognise that the cost of living has increased to these peo- ple and that we have to make pro- vision accordingly, We know that the figure we originally set as a fair amount to is' equivalent only to a fraction of amount today, de: Mr. Edwards: Well, so far as that is concerned, I do not think I have ever been afraid to express my view on the floor of the House. Whether I have expressed them plainly or not I will net say, but I do not think that any one will charge me with having been afraid to state my mind, and I am not going to re- frain from saying on the floor of the House what I would be willing to say to my electors. That is 'the position I take. I know that since -1 entered this House I have endeav- ored honestly and conscientiously to do my duty by the people who sent me to Parliament. I believe that this is true of mest hon. gentlemen in this House. There are some memb- ers of Parliament who have not dis- charged their duties with this de- gree of fidelity but who have found it to their interest financially to ab- sent themselves from the House and attend to their own private busin- ness, for ne other reason under the canopy of Heaven than there was more money in their being absent from the House. I want to say that titled patrons. on prices of many important hard- ware lines. dor immediate lower quotations and tne price tendency is still upwards; especially fe it true of commmodities. manufactured from iron or steel. is the advance in the price pf sugar. The ruling of the Board of Com- merce in regards to sugar is bring- ing complaints from both retalers and wholesalers. so in a healthy condition. ulation of United Stags, under the 1920 census enumeratiory, is approximately 105,.- 000,000, worked out by Dr. Joseph A. Hill, chief statistician of the Bureau of Census. TRADE REPORTS Sharp advances have been made There scems little hope The feature of the grocery markets Collections are al- The continental aclording to an estimate against that I protest as strongly as I can. [I have played the game fairly with my people. I believe I have given the people of my constituency fair service and have discharged the KINGSTON EVENTS 23 YEARS AGO. duties which belong to the bh that they have c 'upon me. So long as I remain @ member of the House I shall continue to #0 so as conscientiously and as ably as I can, and I would have no hesitation in uency and asking them to play thé game fairly with me. And I know what their answer would be if I did that. I said a moment ago, Mr. Speaker, and your permission 1 repeat now, that if the Government does not see its way clear at this time, for certain reasons which will occur to many, why a definite and fixed imcrease in the indemnity should lie made, we can at least ad- vance vary strong, and reasomable, and just grounds to support the con- tention that some consideration should be given to members for this session in view of the increased cost of living. X the district plant at Lake Ontario Park. B : bi Ghing to the people of my comstit: Loe rr Ortommare, 7 [hes to be yacht Jeanette to Chicago. Ainsley an v minion day at Picton. E. Hertrick will have charge of || George B. McKay is among the Malcolm McMillan will ot the Lord party are George The P. 0. W. Rifles will spend Do- You are Bos CZEMA &- heals . SPECIAL FEED and get results In the egx basket and in thriving chicks. This feed is One of our specialties snd those who use it are its enthusiastic admirers. Try some and note the Improvement in laying hens and growing chicks, W. F. McBroom 43-44 Princess Street. Phone 1686. SPRING CLOTHES OF THE FINER QUALITY For Men And Young Men SMART NEW MODELS IN SPRING SUITS AND TOP COATS $25.00 to $50.00 | (All between) BEST WEARING CLOTHES VALUES rices ~at-- TWEDDELL'S One Door Below Hotel.

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