ete ee PAGE EIGHT naa : . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, JUNE, 26, 1020. GIRLS! USE LEMONS FOR SUNBURN, TAN Try RI Make this lemon lotion to whiten your tanned or freckled akin. JOHN IS HAPPY. answered." "Well, are you going to be able to 'Oh! they were just simply the Bqueeze the juice of twp lemons In-| o 45 o motor ride with me this | erdinary post cards, or letters of to a bottle containing three ounces! ng nine Mme. Gordon," he asked. travel?" said John. of Orchard White, shade well, and | .p'm afraid net, Mr. Gordon," the I did not answer, as I did not want you have a quarter pint' of the best | ;.,,.q0 angwered for me, ""but I think | to show John Karl's letteys yet. Im freckle, sunburn and tam lotion, and | she may take a little ride tomorrow fact, I was not sure that I would complexion whitener, at, very, very | ariernoon." ever show them to him. small cost. "I won't be here tomorrow after- "Funny, wasn't it," be said, "that Your grocer has the lemons and | noon; I have got to return." he should give up his business and any drug store or tolldt counter will "Oh, I am so sorry." I said. start travelling all 4y his 'lonely? Supply three ounces 'of .Orchard| Well, the sooner I returm, prob-| However, I could do & easy, if I had White for a few cents. Massage this ably the sooner you will come back | plenty of money and I don't know Sweetly fragrant lotidn into the face, home yourself. We haven't been | that I blame him. When I am rich neck, arms and hands and see how | much together in the last year, have | enough, I shall try to take it easy, Quickly the freckles, gunburn, wind- | we Katharine? We will have to be- | too." burn and tan disap and how gin all over again. Shall I move This morning John seemed per clear, soft and whiyé the skin 'be-|into the new house before you re- | fectly happy. The world was using comes. Yes! It is harmless. turn, or would you rather do that |him as he would wish it to. I had yourself?' not only given him a Yukgiter, bu "You certainly are beginning all | she had brought in her little han A Week of Sunny uskng. ri. | Over again, John," 1 sald. "In ord-|a $25,000 check. Just try for a eo y \ Sxpare inary circumstanges you would have ment. Try keeping ou miu hts. | DOVer asked my desires on this sub- Never Will Change. from all dark and § oom: t oughta. ject, but moved or not as you I suppose I must get over the fact Refuse anxiety $4stission aout thought best." of wanting John to think less of heart. Replace distike by ess: "Te tell the truth, I would rather | money than he does, because I am and irritatability hy slut. not move until you come home." sure he never will change in this Jou have made blunders, forget about | "oo anyway, I am pleased that | direction. I lost Justy with him . A you have gone about the matter dip- | when my father died and he foumd The week's experiment hg Pins lomatically, and In this case I want to | that I had given up my small perso- enough to settle certain t RE -- say to you that your ideas and mine | nal income to my mother. I gained it you. It would teaéh you that 3 are In perfect accord. I would rath-| back again when he thought I w difference between happy lives an er do the moving." an heiress to some splendid ofl wells. unhappy ones is not so much a ques- Again my stock was below par when | tion of possession or environment, Letters From Karl. he found that these wells were mot @s of thinking. If Sur thoughts ate "By the way, have you heard | paying and now that Charles had glad and kind, = eg Ww mbre | from Karl Shepard lately?" Johm | given little Mary $25.000 he agadn full of sunshine. 2t they are 0MOTS asked unsuspectingly. "He was so [thought that possibly his life might and biter, their shadow » t sunny | devoted, sending you flowers and [be worth something after all, all our days. Try a week o By sat» | Dauling me over the coals for my lit- I had just begun to think that the thinking, and you will Jerer tle derelictions that he supposed were | world was very beautiful after all. isfied with any other kind. mine, that I thought he must have [and deciding within myself that all at least written to you." that had aided John, all that had A fat belly did not ot EWN" | "«Yes," 1 answered, "I have re-| made our marriage so unsuccessful powder.--Greek Proverb. ceived two or three from him.' was the fact that we had had 'no Best to bend it while a twig. John looked up In surprise. | children, when John abruptly said. "Where is he?" he asked. "Do you know when we leave for "In India, now," I answered. the new house Elizabeth Moreland "Have you writtea to him?" is going to come and live with "No, I have not; in fact, I don't | mother?" | think he expected his letters to be (To Be Continued.) Sms ~-- Crothers, Mrs. Vernon Crothers, Mrs. H. Welch, Mrs. Winch, Mrs. Hetbert Ryan, Mrs. Harold Hughes, Mrs. Told in Price, Mrs. W., G. Gibson, Mrs. 213 D'Arcy Sneath (Napanee), Miss Twilight Rooney (England), Mrs. Camning Stephens, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Jack Inglis (Montreal), Mrs. C. B. Taylor, ' 8. Mrs. G. B. McKay, Miss Eleanor (Continued fiom Page 3.) Phelan, Miss Cavere, Miss Afleen Owing to counter-attractions the Fos ilisy Jean Duff, Miss Bossie attendance at the Yacht Club tea on | Y%® Mrs. Harold Davis and Miss Wednesday afternoon was not as | Mildred Jones. large as on the opening day. How- $$ ss ever, those who went spent a very General and Mrs. Willams, Miss enjoyable afternoon and the bridge [Phyllis Williams and Victor Willams, enthusiasts had many interesting [ Toronto, who have been at the West- rubbers. The verandah was deserted | minster Hotel, have moved inko an owing to the cool weather, the |8Partment at the Alexandra players preferring the geclusion and | Miss Lois Saunders, Queen's Uni- warmth of indoors, where a beauti- | Yersity, Montreal, is staying at the ful view of the lake is always to be | Ritz-Carlton, Montreal. had. The tea table, where lovely | Charles E. Miller, Kingston, is\ a pink peonies were much admired, wag ' SUest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. resided ove Mrs. J. G. Elliot, Alex. Miller, Brockville. Iluiace aver Ky Mrs. "Herberc, Miss Myrtle Dickey, nurse-instrain- » ing at Kingston General Hospital, is Robertson and Mrs. G. F. Emery. hy Kill them all, and the Among the members and out-of-town | Pending a holiday under the par- germs too. 10¢c a ef |suests present were Mrs. Mason, | ®Btal roof, Rockport, * Mrs. Finkle, Mrs. Palumbo (Boston), Dr{ Wallace McKay, a Queen's at Drugeists TOCETS |Mrs. Macitilian, Mrs. "Bernard | Dr( Wallace McKay, a Queen's and Brown, Miss Dorls Brown, Mrs. R. tor in the Water Street Hospital, has Sgssworth (Toronto), Miss Minnie left Ottawa for his home in Pem- broke. Miss Madeleine Greemawood, Wolfe . % Island, is visiting friends in Rosiere and Clayton, N.Y. Mrs. H. H. Henderson and Miss Valliers Henderson, Deseronto, are spending a few days in the city. . » . Mrs. N, C. Polson, Jr., and liztle daughter, Virginia, Montreal, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Givens, Maitland House. We grow It-- We blend it Mrs. Bellhouss, and Miss Agnes Bellhouse, Bagot street, moved over We pack it to Wolfe d on Wednesday, where they have thken a cottage for Your Grocer Sells It eer ea has returned from Canadian Chief OHices 24 Front St. West, Toronto Sa for the past week been 3 Patient in' Kingston General Hospital, has suf- -------- Toronto, where he is a master at . Upper Canada Sollege, and wil spend the summer with his mother, Mrs. | JA COFFEE. 2uTeR ;| Rayson, University avenue. we . ss LON. Mrs. Gerald Potts, Toronto, who fs summering near Gananoque, and has Out on the mountain slopes of South America) bedded in rich soils, and nurtured by sun, rain and wind, the best and most fragrant coffee is grown "here is a mountain air flavor in Rideau Hall smen.cor COFf@@ crirmsss because it is blended from the choicest 'beans of the mountain-side coffee plants.' There is nothing added to it or nothing taken away. Selected, roasted and ground al sa Pn pe by experts who have had years of training and experience. Rideau Hall Coffee is a healthful beverage' of trustworthy excellence, GORMAN, ECKERT & CO. Limited i eg ET £ SUR PRY Meine a LH IE YY 2 Snr yr "Walter Lawson, Barrie, and Miss St. Thomas church, Toronto, accom- panied her. Misses Hester and. Helen Lawson, Strathy, Toronto, === were in Major and Mrs. Horace Lawson's house- party for the June ball, left on Thurs- | day by boat for Toronto. . . * Miss Dorothy Russel, Miss Mar- Jorie Rutherford and Miss Cecile Harwood, who were the guests of the Misses Taylor, Queen's Resi- dence, for the June gaieties, return- ed to Montreal on Thursday. Dr. and Mrs, James Cappon, Barrie street, left on Thursday for their summer home in Metis. Misses Eleanor and Katherine Evans, who attended the Royal Mili- tary College June ball, left immedi- ately for their home in Winnipeg. Mrs. Henry Joseph, Montreal, en- tertained on Wednesday at lunch, in honor of Mrs. Ingham, of Hamil- ton, Bermuda. » . . Mr. and Mrs. J. 8, Coey, Newark, N.J., arrived in the city to-day, to visit their daughter, Mrs. Ross Liv- ingston, Johnston street, and also to spend some time at Loughbore Lake. . » » Mrs. BE. Wright, Johnson street, announces the engagement of her daughter, Lillian, to Aliner C. Mick, Detroit, Mich., the marriage to take Place quietly the sixth of July. THY CHILDREN ARE HAPPY CHILDREN The well child is always a happy child--it 1s a baby's nature to be happy--and contented. Mothers, it your little ones are cross and peevish and cry a great deal they are not well--they are in need of medicine-- something that will set their howels and stomach in order, for nine-tenths of all childhood ailments arise from a | disordered state of the bowels and stomach.' Such a medicine is Baby's Own Tablets. They are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, and thus drive out constipation, colie, in- digastion, break up colds and simple [fevers and make the baby healthy' and happy. Concerning, them, Mrs. Albert Hamel, Pierreville, Que., writes:--*"Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine I know of for little ones, They relieved my little girl from constipation when nothing else would and I can strongly recommend them to other mothers." The Tab- lets are shld by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Willams Medicina Co., Brock- ville, Ont. PRETTY RUSTIC FLOWER VASE Small Log of Weod May Be Converted Inte Attractive Decoration for : the Heme. * A quaint and pretty Httle rustic flower vase can be made from a small log of wood. The bark should be left in its natural condition, and one end of the log hollowed out with a gouge and a hammer until a sufficient space has been cut away to admit of insert ing a small glass bowl or basin, In which the flowers may be arranged. In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features zEmazs) EARLY HAT MODES Crowns: Both--High--and Low; Brims Are of AN Widths. Premature Display of Headgear Con- stitutes Trying Out Process for the Different Styles. Millinery shops are putting forth , bats of summery aspect--and numbers . : Ae Dig Dingle Sr oar HNEY The Children love it. folk and stay-at-homes as well. This It's so tasty, even by itself, but premature display for the spring and | with Fruit, Pies and i pig Snatituies 3 trying got pres it is dehightful. ess for the erent styles which milliners see fit to launch at this time Iu Tia and Packets fume 48 Stores. of year. The unusual shapes which are be coming to the few take their proper place, and the shapes which are pre- destined te extinction en account of their absolute hopelessness om any Woman are cast into the discard. As the procession passes the pru- dent woman whe gets the last minute of wear out of her winter hat and does not put on her mew hat until spring has really arrived can, if she has good judgment, make her choice of spring millinery before purchas- Ing. She can do a sort of mental trying on which will save har from making mistakes In the burry and com- fusion, of the actual buying. There is an unusual variety of mod- els for the early showing. There are turbans Big and low, flaring and nar The brand "PRIMUS" ia your guarantee of purity. and quality, row; tall crowned, broad-brimmed CHAPUT, FILS Limite, MONTREAL bats; shapes flaring up at the froat, Ta : 4 OR, " at the back, or at the sides; pokes a and tricarnes. Somewhat newer and smarter than the hat with its brim turned wp at the front is the model turned up sharply at both front amd back. One model of this type showed the crown covered witlf heavy flowers and straw brim In matching henna shade. Another model on these same lines had a crown of satin of the new brown tint. The straw brim was of = a shade t tech. The bri fold- er I ie an was fo To look your best, * large yellow-toned rose. your corset must be a H by th A) f the 3 tt hater ome mnie | BY perfect fic. One lovely large broad-brimmed : La Diva corsets, fitted on living mushroom shape showed a crown and Canadian Models,; and made in Upper Part of brim in henna red straw Canada's most successful and with facing In oyster white or border 1 f roduced in Ing on light tan--just off white. The est factory, are p M ial smart medinirsized crown was encl styles to suit every figure. Materials cled by a heana-colored fancy feather are of the best. , or algrette. Sold and recommended a by leading corsctiéres. French womea wore very shor sleeves last season, sometimes wity gloves long enough to cover the ana often with short gloves so that a gen erous expanse of bare arm was visi- ble. Just what American women will decide to do in the matter of gisresr remains to be seen. These hort sleeved dresses are now to be offered to the consumer for spring. and there can be little doubt that they will he accepted and the glove gnestipn met- tled according te the taste of the in dividus! woman. I "Jrresistible Lemon Die! : The EASIFIRST way J aar dainty, crispy, deli- A Lemon Pie Recipe cious pie crust you have Worth Keeping always wanted will be yours if you use EASIFIRST. EASIFIRST is the ideal short- ening -- pure, always of the same high quality--economical to use and to buy. Cuts easilyinto flour. Makes every- thing you bake or fry more tempting and more easily di- gested. Try a carton to-day. But, re- member, use much less of it than butter or lard. Your grocer will supply you with EASIPIRST. I: In cartons and pails.