TUESDAY, JUNE, 20, 1920, SCOTT'S GARA washing and sterage, 1915 Ford Touring for cheap; first class condition, 298 BAGOT STREET Phone 1884w, CAILI DKl111Ddn1 WHIG SAVE THAT OLD CASING PUT A MAXOTIRE IN IT AND WEAR IT OUT Tires still going up. Maxotirves the same price as usual, The Home of MAXOTIRES - 384 ONTARIO STREET. Phone 30050. PAGE FOUR TIRES GROOVED TIRES STANDARD TIRES GUIDE TIRES, black . NON-SKID TIRES ... NON-SKID TIRES 8.40 COCKBURN & CO. JOBS FOR SOLDIERS. TIRES Ada Ar OSAALLL VOVPVIoT D.S.C.R. Have Remarkable System of | Handpicking Men. { TIRES Regular Sale Price 25.00 $19.50 23.00 20.50 25.00 19.50 27.00 24.50 00 * 22.50 2.49 | k The soldiers' 'employment offices Hage. have raised employment tactics from | a mere signing of application cards . Our Foreign Trade to a scientific service undreamed of | in those crowded days of a year ago. | ATISFACTION may be .drawn| f he knowledge that the 'Do you want a blond carpenter FOI. the LNowiecs | with blue eyes and a friendly dis- foreign trade of Canada.in the position? year ended March 31 last was| The Information gnd Service TUBES, RED . 2 | the second largest récorded for a like} Prager of the D.S.C.R. will get him | | for you. ve d-witbin. eighs per cent. of (OTT ET ua "Wei amd-Pr Street: f-Deriad,-and- Within el Ehh DEL. CON 0M gaping 16= te ting THEY Tange ®! | the maximum yet reached, despite the | pick your man for you now.. | fact that some markets are still in-| Do you require six toolmakers at | accessible. The less favorable feature | once, and there isn't one to Qe had n town? | of the figures is a reduction in od That's all Hight. The DSCR. | excess of exports. That phase 1s aot | will get them for you by telephone however, in itself alarming, since in| from Brantford or Windsor or else- | s from 1898 to/ where ih a few hours. i the Beries ot Jean one in which we! _ Employers are not yet aware of 1916 there was no lue than | {Dis remarkable employment service. | sold abroad to a greater val Ne | It has grown up out of army efciency | we purchased, and in several years an re need of return soldiers. | i . il | the adverse balance was quite for-! The Department of Soldiers' Civ midable. In that period of seventeen Re-establishment organized a branch | years the debt piled up against Can-| called Information and Service for | ada amounted to huge sum of the purpose of organizing employ- $1,446,500,000, yer throughout it all | ment for the returned men. trade flourished, people grew rich,| To-day this branch has offices in | no monetary difficulties were met, every city and town in Canada, It | prosperity abounded. How did we, has a dally and weekly clearance re- pay. this heavy balance of trade? In Port from each office showing the | various ways, two in particular. It number and kind of men available | was a period of large immigration and the number wanted." It bas its and incomers brought much capital; | finger right on the pulse of the labor it was a period of extensive railway suphiy and demand of the whole construction out of borrowed mopey, minion. | which money by the nice and dell-| The Ontario~branch is under Capt. | cate operation of exchange was used | C. W. Meath, whose head office is at in the payment of imported mer 287 Queen street west, Toronto. | chandise. | Each morning, every district in the The last five years tell a different Province renders him a report of the tale. Canada now exports in larger | Vacancies, men and trades required, | value than she imports, the figures and of the number desiring work. based on domestic exports and goods |" These Jats are eousclidated, A407 tion being: | means of telephone an e » SHINY oF consumPHY % | the vacancies in one town are filled Imports. s Exo | and the suplus of Esother dows ate 1916. $ 507,817,000 741,610, transferred to wait obs. e 1917. 845,356,000 1,151,3875,000, consolidated lists, after being adjust- | 1918. 962,643,000 1,6540,027,000 ed, are sent out to the different repre- | 1019. 916,429,000 1,216,443,000 sentatives all over the province; and 1920. 1,064,516,000 1,239,492,000| copies are also sent to Ottawa. At ee. eee feee | Ottawa the head office adjusts vacan- $4,296,661,000 $5,889,947,000 cies for all over the Dominion and | | then sends the consolidated lists to | Ls 510% 2 Temarkale reversal | every. province. | of the trend of trade, tp have more| Thus in Toronto, Capt. Meath can | | than gveItome in Je Jans the ade) see the requirements of Winnipes. | verse ance of the preceding vancouver or St. John; and if he seventeen years. In those five years, | hag the men to fit these vacancies he | | ingrecver, our loans Abroid were re can arrange to send them. Or he may | | atively insignificant, ndon - and | gpe that those cities have craftsmen | New York money markets were vir-| needed here. | tually closed to us, and immigration| Jt {s a labor clearance house in the | sharply . decreased. On the other | first degree of efficiency. When the | hand, there was an immense export| need of soldiers' re-establishment is | of manufactured munitions, a rapid | past, the Government can take over | rise in prices, and a substantial in-| 3 gystem for employment that will | Svake in She Production of ood: greatly alleviate unemployment ed stufls. e Anner trade year w ditions. | that ended March 31, 1918, the per- Expense of moving these men from | fod in which the largest shipments place to place? Not nearly as expen: | | of war supplies were made, and if| sive as paying unemployed men week- | a moral can be drawn it will be| Jy wages out of the Unemployment | found in the subsequent shrinkage of | Fund. And, of course, exchange of | excess of exports. . Since 1915, we| Jabor it done In the smallest moves | have not had so small a margin as| possible; long moves being authoris- | { last year, when the excess was| ed only in extreme cases. | | $175,000,000, as compargd with|" One of the feature departments of | $300,000,000 in the yreceding twelve | apt. Meath's work is the business | | mouths and J577,500.000 1a 1918. and professional branch under Mr. © volume of trade has not ex-| Arthur J. Monk. This department | panded in anything like the same | handles the- technical and business | ratio as value. Six years ago imports | men. It, too, is organised on a Dom- | and domestic exports aggregated injon-wide basis, A NEAL, -- | i = 2 | 'Right Here and Ready for Delivery. NEW CARS USED CARS K62 McLaughlin 4 Pass. Coupe | E45 Special McLaughlin. K62. McLaughlin 3 Pass. Road- | p45 Special McLaughlin. ster. . K49 McLaughlin 7 Pass. Tour- 2 E03 regular McLaughlin. i 2 Chevrolet 490 Touring. ing. Chevrolet F.B. Touring. 2 Ford Trucks, Blue (Garages, Limited Phone 567. AD KINGSTON MILLING COMPANY, Ltd. Foot of Brock Street, Kingston Our mill is equipped with modern machinery, driven by electric motors with current generated at Kingston Mills, WE MANUFACTURE: -- HUNGARIAN PATENT AND WHITE ROSE FLOUR, BUCK- WHEAT FLOUR, GRANULATED CORN MEAL, GROUND CORN, GROUND OATS, CRACKED CORN, GROUND FEED, BRAN, SHORTS, FEED, FLOUR. ; Our Procucts are good and freshly made FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS BUY HYSLOP BICYCLES from H. MILNE Phone 542 Total The New Velie Six PERFORMANCE is the basic. requisite of a car. Appear- ance is a seconadry consideration. However, a Continental Mo- tor in the VELIE MODEL 48 meets the requirements of the most discrimipating purchaser. Have you had an opportunity of inspecting both? "It not, phone-- KENDRICK & VANLUVEN (Distributors) , Phones 1888 and 81. Satisfactory Repair Servi ce at 8378 Brock Street. Remember the Days when You were a' $1,060,000, as against $2,304,000 in Federal lists come dp showing de- the year recently closed, the incre ment being 123 per cent., but in the same period prices have risen probe mands from coast to.coast for mech- | anical draughtsmen, a doctor, sales executives, mill superintendent, | Our Tires and Accessories GIVE SATISFACTION ' Why? "Because back of every success is a reason -- we're a ably one hundred per cent. over the whole range of commodities, so that in quantity the growth has been mod- erate. In the case of imports the| Jewelers, teachers, accountants, lab- | oratory assistants. Mr. Monk sends in dally lists of men reporting to him | and men wanted, and. receives daily | Boy, Dad? increase in six years has been nearly | lists from within the-district of men | y 136 per cent. in value, and it is note-| required and men available. Once a | - worthy that the rise has not been | week he advises Ottawa of the men | . Remember those exhilara checked by cessation of imports of | he has and the men required (which ! ting 'bicycle rides in the coun- raw material for the manufacture of he cannot fill); and weekly he re- | ieni munitions. Canada never before ceives from Ottawa a Dominion- | try and the picnics under the bought so much foreign merchandise | wide list of applicants and vacancies. | trees ?-- as last year, a fact to which added | If a knitting mill superintendent calls . Those rides to the old fish- ing holes up the river?-- significance is given by the consider-| on him for a job he consults the list; able premium on United , States | sees that a knitting mill superinten- Those thrilling coasts down the hills?-- funds. We have brought 80 per cent. | dent is required in Winnipeg, and You were "bicycle crazy" ts from ' either by wire or letter (or by phone | at closer range) arranges the deal. | those days, dad--just as your boy is now. Some of the strikihg items on re- | money, which at one time were equi- | cent lists are: A doctor wanted for | . Remember how you pester- ed your dad for a bicycle?-- Success in the Tire and Accessory Business. THE REASON IS THAT FIRST---we sell only what we know to be the best obtainable. NEXT---we don't figure that*because a man owns a car he will stand for inferior Tires or Accessories, and we carry only the best. A Complete stock of CORDS, FABRICS and TRUCK TIRES. We can supply TRUCK TIRES ON SHORT NOTICE. GET GASOLINE from our latest and most-up-to-date VISIBLE Gasoline Pump. . "To get the Miles per Gallon, get the Gallon First" SUDDABY'S TIRE SERVICE n Phone 1088 : 3 Cor. Queen and Wellington Streets SusnnunnunnunsnnannnnnnnnnEnun wig ov 3 : a grown man. Don't overtax his strength. Buy him an EASY-running bicycle--a C. C. M. C. C. M. Bicycles run easily because they are built of the highest grade materials. All parts are accurately made. They fit together per- fectly. The machine runs trye, The bearings are case-hard- ened and highly polished.' They run with utmost smooth- ness. And they continue to | and upwards of our imp that cofntry, despite a falrly high | tariff and the premium on American | valent to a tax of 55 to 60 per cent.| a small Western Ontario town of 700 | on the goods and there is no indica-| inhabitants, wide practice, last doc- | tion at yet of recession, imports last ' tor made $3,500 or $4,000 a year; a month having been the largest in| sales executive to build up a big value in the history of the Dominion. i motor firm's district, salary to start, High prices have apparently ceased to | $2,400 and expenses; refrigerating retard trade. The people have money | expert, $176 a month; nineteen va- aplenty, spend it freely, and when it | cancies in all on the one list. But does not suffice demand more wages. | every man wanted must be a picked for Every Sport and Recreation UMMERTIME is Wig Foot on or. every sport recreation--ior everyday wear and holiday time--Fleet Foot shoes offer you a happy combination of style, ease, comfort and economy. The Fleet Foot line is complete in every detail--pumps, oxfords, high and low boots --for men, women and children. You can have several pairs of Fleet Foot for less than the price of one pair of leather shoes, so wear t Foot to the office and around the house as well as for golf, tennis, boating, motoring, baseball and lacrosse. Ask your dealer for Fleet Foot--the name is stamped on every shoe. Fleet Foot Shoes are 'Tis a fever that will run its course, | and that may unhappily find its cure in stagnant trade. Meanwhile, measured by money, Canada is doing a large foreign commerce, double | that of ten years ago, and has a tidy balance on the credit side of the account. i | Flax Workers Coming. { Canadian immigration officials have been communicated with _in connection with the projected entry into Canada of large numbers of flax workers from Ireland. The Canadian textile industry is growing too fast for the amount of labor available, and it is therefore proposed to bring over these Irish workers. They can be admitted under t\e present immi- gration policy, as the labor is of a kind unobtainable in the Dominion. Fighting Grasshopper. Development of a parasite which will ultimately exterminate the grass- hopper is being carried on at the University of "Saskatchewan by Dr. A. E. Cameror, Dominion Entomo- Jogist. The scientist states that or- dinary methods must again be used this year, but hopes that the spread of the parasite will be sufficient in 1921 to prevent any further grass- hopper plague. { Public Criticism. i Good, absent-minded, old Dr. Wild- er was greatly dependent upon his | practical wife. One morning Mrs. Wilder sent up an announcement after he had entered the pulpit with a foot-note interided to be private. "The Women's Missionary Socie- ty," he read aloud, "will meet Wed- neaday afternoon at three o'clock sharp. Your necktie is crooked; Please straighten toward the right." At Guelph, Mrs. Elizabeth Chad- wick, widow of J. Craven Chadwick and stepmother of Judge Chadwick, of that city, was killed instantly when she fell a distance of more than thirty feet down the elevator shaft in the Herald building on Douglas street, Some people seem to have no use for anything conmimon--not 'even | Peninsula. (of war no regular service has yet Sulphur Mine In Crater. In the crater'of a snow-capped vol- eanic mountain on Unalaska Island, one of the Aleutian group, is a large deposit of sulphur, believed to con- tain from 10,000 to 15,000 tons, says Popular Mechanics. A claim has been filed for the location, and mining | operations probably will start in the | near future. Subterranean heat and | a. hot vapor, the latter issuing from | cracks in the rocks keep the deposit free from ice and snow, though these permanently cover nearly all of the remainder of the peak, which is about 6,000 feet in height. Another sul- phur deposit has been discovered on Akun Island, in the/same group, and a third near Stepovak Bay, on the | southern shore of the Alaskan | | Strike Folly. The mine-workers' leader was pointing out the folly of further coal, strikes. "We must stop striking, boys," he said, "or the common people, the great consuming public won't listen to us when we talk to them about the idle rich. Instead of listening to us they'll yell: " 'The idle rich be durned! about the empty grate?' Aviation In Canada. In Canada it has been decided to make extensive use of aircraft for the purpose of forest surveys, locat- ing fiskeries, and combating forest fires. Several aerial transport com- panies are being formed, but, owing to the strain imposed by four years been inaugurated. A statement isn't necessary false because you disbelieve it. fezimi You sre 08 ex periment Do br. Eezema and Skin Irrita- s at onee and heals the sks. send 3c. just as your boy is doing now. You can't blame him, dad. It's in the blood. You might just as well get him a bike now as later. And while you are about it get him a good one--a bicycle that he will be proud of--not one that the other boys will guy him about. _ You wouldn't push a hard- running bike Jomsel. Don't inflict one on him. The boy is not as strong as run easily for years. That's the difference between a C. C. M. and an ordinary bicycle. C. C. M. Bicycles are also equipped, without extra charge, with the new Hercules Positive Drive Brake -- the Coaster Brake without x side arm. Take your boy to the C.C.M. dealer's. See the different models. There's one~--the 18- inch Curved Bar Model--that the boy won't outgrow, CCM Bicycles PERFECT -- MASSEY -- RED BIRD CLEVELAND -- COLUMBIA 90% Made in Canada --100% Value Canada Cycle & Motor Co., Limited Noatreal, Terente, WESTON, Treadgold Sporting Goods Co. ONT., Wiasipeg, Vancouver Agents for C.C.M. Bicycles