WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30. 1920. PAGE NINE With your next grocery RE ---- ------------ order ask your Grocer for a Glass Jar ve) foe KINNEY AND COLLIVER PURE Strawberry Jam Made From Pure Fruit and Granulated Sugar. SPRING TIME \ SH a "o --=USE -- "KLEAN ALL" JAVEL WATER IS CLEAN UP TIME A great Disinfectant for Toilets and , Sinks. Germs cannot live where it is used. Manufactured Specially for WHITENING AND TAKING OUT STAINS FROM WHITE LINEN AND COTTON WITHOUT BOILING. 12¢. PER BOTTLE For sale at all Grocers. vr i A woman is the patentee of a tub so formed that one end serves as #8 head rest when a bather reclines hd a seat when a foot bath is ta- bath vorably with the high gra material. Associated with the magnesite de- posits of Manchooria have been dis- covered deposits of tale sompaliag fa- e French R. Pe i "pours, yn sonliand, to hed with Riswfion. Spree Sy tea A New York vullding engineer has demonstrated that large structures can be safely built at seashore towns ly on the sand without sinking piling. -» Cold drinks for wr TH "GT Ey y X ~~. pr i, - Lime Fruit Juice everybody--satisfying and healthful --that's what a bottle of MONTSERRAT Lime Fruit Juice means on the picnic. " Don't bother with lemons. Most people prefer .limeade, and it's so easy to make. Sugar, cold water and "MONTSERRAT", and you have a drink that everyone enjoys. Best possible beverage for children, because it is pure and wholesome. "MONTSERRAT" is the snappy, fragrant ideal thirst quencher for hot days. keeps the liver i stomach right. MONTSERRAT and the whole system active sweet FOR THE PICNIC take along a bottle of - MONTSE juice of choice West Indian limes--the Keep a bottle always handy during the summer --take along a bottle on your automobile trips as well as on the holiday picnics. Sold Everywhere. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Al "» come out. . Soon the whole com will loosen and © \ Think what folly it is to keep corns, to 'I ended corns forever in this scientific way' * ff Millions have said that about Blusjay. pare or pad them, or te use the old harsh ELA Twn A e use sp until com is th A Dion ps uve las apes a a pr If you have a com you can settle it to- chemist in this world-famed laboratory. ight And God Se way 0 sud every coin. nt epdiug millions of coms' u touch. plaster. Ihe pain will dy . ny comply. . 8 "Try it tonight. Corns are utterly need- less, and this is the time to prove it Blue-jay Plaster or Liquid The Scientific Corn Ender BAUER & BLACK, Limited Toronto New Yorn haat alos Tue N | when snow drifts start to melt be- FAIRY AND HAIRY Spring and Summer Headgear Is | Abloom With Flora. Straw Hats Soon Cast Aside and Taf. feta, Tulle, Ribbon or Satin Win Favor, ~~ rie was #Nen We usd To tondly belleve the hat of straw denoted spring and summer! Surely no one | | could make such a sad mistake now- | adays. To be sure a few straw hats | do begin to appear atop chic heads | neath the urge of spring. By the time | the first pussy willows purr and rob- | ins twitter straw hats have been cast | | aside, however, and confections of taf by laying coneret folindations direct- | feta, tulle, ribbon or satin crown the | _colffures of the spring and summer | maids and matrens. The hats of hair so frail and airy of weave, abloom with gorgeous flora, are the most appropriate and season- | able summery hats on view, but the | majority of the close little turbans of | satin, taffeta and ribbon suggest fall and winter quite as much as spring. Feather trimmings, straggly glycerined ostrich, algrettes and paradise adern the spring chapeaux irrespective of | the seasons. Flowers do ornament | models, but raflia, beads, tassels and | ribbons give them a close rn for pop- | ularity. - Ribbons especially have come Into a | glorified success as a hat adornment | this season. Entire turbans and | | brimmed hats are made of narrow rib- | | bons woven together like those paper | | mats of kindergarten days. Wide | brimmed horse hair hats have im- mense sashes of wider pastel-tinted Hat of Milan Straw. | satin ribbon tied around their crowns | | and dropping soft wide ends and loops | almost to the walst line, 1 | Frayed rib- | bons offer a novel trimming that prom- ises many smart effects. | Tassels long, heavy and gay bob | from almost every form of head cover- ing, but seem most at home from little close, round Chinese hats of straw, | silk faced in contrasting tint. Beads | of gayly colored wood in shapes quaint and bizarre girdle crowns of tulle amidst a fluff of tulle for brim and swaying strands of varlcolored beads anchored to opposite sides of fan brimmed Cleopatraesque head dresses | hang in festive festoons beneath the | | chin or chins of ladies addicted to the oriental modes. | | CHINESE NOTE IN FEW SUITS | . -------- Neglect In Laundering Causes Delicate | | coat were ernamented in hand em- again In the back. Another trouser whiteness, .and now it's the small | Extreme Oriental Influence Is Evi. | denced In Seme of the Tall { ored Garments, i] | The extreme Chinese influence is evi | denced in a few tailored suits. These | have trousers of the suit fabric, ex- | tending a few inches below. the hem | of the straight, rather marrow, skirt. | In one of these the pony coat had the snug neck, narrow sheulders and tight | | sleeves featuring so many of the ultra models. The suit was of blue serge and the vestee and the skirts of the | broidery done in rafia in Bulgarian tones. _The design was repegted at intervals on he bottom of the skirt, Girectly In the Trent, at either side and sult was of tricotine. The skirt was embroidered all over in a deeper shade | of blue and In a heavy scroll design, | The coat was In Eton effect with | plaits In the back and the scroll em- broidery repented on the jacket fronts with jet and jade buttons as a further ornamentation. SHOULD RINSE CLOTHES WELL White Fabrics te Acquire Yel. lowish Tinge. It clothes are not rinsed carefully after washing, white fabrics soon will acquire a faint yellowish tinge. This | yellow cast is bronght out when heat iz applied in the form of an iron. The discolor is much like a scorch In ap- pearance, but not in habit. A slight scorch Is easily removed, but clothes yellowed by soap never regain snowy The mission of laundry soap !s to remove dirt by a process of disin. tegration. When the dirt is dtssolfed the action continues on the threads of the marerial., The life of cotton or linen is shortened by allowing soap to stay in the meshes of cloth. "g Vastly Feathery Season, Ostrich feathers are strewn over pew modes in clothes and In hats-- According te an English scientist's theory, if the radium in the interior of the earth equals in guantity that which is in surface rocks, the world will grow hotter la time, instead of colder, . A lawn sprinkler with four auto. matically operated valves throws | water in four different directions in | Some More Truths. OULD you use a steam shovel to move a pebble ?. Certainly not. Implements are built according to the work they have to do. Would you use a grown-up's remedy for your baby's ills? Certainly not. Remedies are prepared according to the work THEY have todo. All this is preliminary to re tn et et AAP EP AAS ARABS minding you that Fletcher's Castoria was sought! out, found and is prepared solely as a remedy for Infants and Children. And let this be a warning against' Substitutes, Counterfeits and the Just-as-good stuff that may be all right for you in all your strength, but dangerous for the little babe. All the mother-love that lies within your heart cries out to you : Be true to Baby. And being true to Baby you will keep in the house remedies specially prepared for babies as you would a baby's food, hairbrush. toothbrush or sponge. Chilaren [CRTC iN 33 IIT 2 2 Your Friend, the Physician." : The history of all medicines carries ith t ho wi) of Tuition) against popular beliefs: fights against prejudice : even of Cry For RR D ANNAN LY | opinion among scientists and men devoting their lives to research 3: laboring always for the betterment of mankind. This information| is at the band of all physicians. He or great. He is your friend, counselor. He is the one to whom you can always even though it might not be a case of sickness. He doctor. He is a student to his last and final call. be the trouble is with you at-a moments call] household: for advice; is not justa' His patients are' his family and to lose one is little less than losing one of his own' flesh and blood. Believe him when he tells you--as he will--that' Fletcher littlest babe, and that it is a good Castoria bas never harmed the 's thing to keep in the house. He knows. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA aENUINE CAS TORIA Awwars : Bears the Signature of AG 70 Zi mS LT TIT IT gS heb LI TIT TTT TIT IL IIIT 8 CF be LL TT TT TIT TTT TIT TIT « Waltham Grandfather Hall Clocks, Mantel and Leather {us coing) Desh Cla i= " your jeweler, III IIIT - - XC Hon Of European invention is an auto- '| matic transmitter key for radio tel- egraphy by which a ship can call up a shore station equipped with a eor- responding selective receiver relay even if no operator be on duty. By crossing African bezu bulls with American pure bred cows a Venezuelan stock raiser has produced hybrid cows that yield more milk than northern cows raised in the wraples, and Detter beal S Like any other good machine a Watch deserves some. care WALTHAM Watch is a wonderful piece of meche anism. Everyone of its many tiny screws, plate wheels, pinions, jewels and springs is fashioae \ with 'marvellous accuracy. This is accomplished very largely by the use of special automatic machinery developed by Waltham experts and used exclusively in the Waltham factories. And then there is the assembling of all the parts into the perfectly adjusted movement, : These machines do their work with a precision and : speed that no human hands could equal. ) The result is a piece of mechanism that measures time with unfailing accuracy. And machine deserves your care. To assure the mainten- ance of its quality have your Waltham overhauled, cleaned and oiled at least every second year by a - competent watchmaker, THE WQRLR'S WATCH OVE] | WALTHAM WATCH.COMPANY, LIMITED ONTREAL Makers and Distributors of W aitham Product. in Canada Factories: Montreal, Consds; Waltham, U.S.A. -~ - . A Nokwegian experimenter has perfected a new combined electroly- tic and evaporation process for obtaining salt from sea 'water and the government will foster the estab- lishment of plants in that country. For persons who like to read lying down a Californian has patented a book rack to be suspended from the shoulders and waist and an electric light that concentrates its rays on seading matter. "TYME ORNTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK OITY, The Walthat "Vanguard" model. Preferred by railroadmen. Priced Jrom $54.00 upwards Many other Waltham medels-Ask your jeweler to shew you. OVER. TIME rr oy ran J fy TI-- gy --_ nT AEE AETRRREI IRR RRR this wonderful little Ty TT TTY TT TT Ty TT ETT TL TE TT TT LT TT TT TT TT TL YT I LTT TTT LT TY ITY : v frst Seal. Seton Sre-- protest, CF For children who sleep in the opes air in winter a Woman has Dunst 8 heavy garment that completely en. velops them and is featured by a face mask that leaves only an opening for vision and breathing. Nailless detachable heels have been invented that can be shifted from one to the other of a pair of shoes to pre-. vent uneven wear and heels of dif« ferent styles can be worn on a single | palr. BE -- SG i ni