FRIDAY, JULY, 2, 1920, »#THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE NINE__ 'Wholesome Coffee Seal Brand Coffee is 100%, whole some and delicious. SEALBRAND COFFEE is the most perfect and satisfying Cofee obtainable. Blended and roasted with infinite skill, its rich aroma and choice flavour sealed into the package. At good grocers, everywhere. In X, t and 20b. tins. Send for our free Booklet, "Perfect CoCee, Perfectly Made." CHASE & SANBORN, Re Se _ 4 SEAL BRAN 0) J&7 Money Loose is THE PORTSMOUTH PRISON The Federal Institution at the Tail End of the Procession in Progres. » Prison Reform. + the option "Let the Light { r Ww edi- mittee leaves if he tells a barrassing to the preser tion. Then, on the ot have the fact that the ¢ selves are not credible w | that much reliance cannot de on their tes(™hony. Yet vestigation at Kingston would disclose beyond peradv that the most antiquaded tentiary on the American cot and the one that\nas least influence of prison refo "The province of Ontar Fedntiment TH Hamanitarian e centre of antiquated and lines adopted necessary ha { the official visiting ¥ on this cont- the Kingston | es and insinuations that the guards with despotic power over the con- victs soja become despots of the most savage type. Stories leak out every now and them, but are gener- ally hushed up. Unfortunately, if they challenge public attention they are apt to be obscured by political personal and rel prejurices. For years Dr. } M.P., for Frontenac, called attention of the house to abusas at the Kingston penl- tentiary and he was corroborated to a considerable extent by W. F.'Nick- le, M.® "for Kingston. Unfortunat- instead of being { gressive rrison reform, while the fed- eral prison in Ontario is at the tall - | end of the procession; indeed is not in the precession at all, for modern methods of prison reform have never | been tried at the Kingston inmstitu- tion." AT CARRYING PLACE. Many American Tourists Fishing On The Lakes. Carrying Place, June 30.--N\Y. and Mrs. Nichols of New York, have taken possession of their new cottage recently built by S. Anglin and Com- pany, of Kingston. Many friends were sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Frank Campbell, at Hamilton. The romains were brought here for burial, and a memorial service was held at the . Battersea Methodist church, on Sunday. Mr. Campbell, upon his arrival here, took sick and has been under the doctor's care ever since. The home of Herbert Malien was brightened by the arrival of a baby girl Sohool has closed for the holidays, after a successful season under the management of Miss Pauline Anglin _ The scholars presented their teacher by an investigatidn into a prison for the reason that the convict fears that the officials will take it out of his hide as soon as the investigation com Money Spent If you hope to rise above the dependance on daily earnings, you must learn to save money. Saved money means capital, and capital means ability to take advantage of opportunities offering, until some day you become independent. The Bank of Nova Scotia will welcome your Savings Account and give you every possible service and attention. ---THE Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up Capital - -§ A700,000 Reserve Fund - - - 15000,000 Resources - - + - 330,000.000 " 0 A. N. LYSTER Manager Kingston Branch Collections For Business Houses The satisfactory service which Th Merchants Bank renders to Bote in the matter of collecting Notes, Drafts and other financial per, is due to the numberandstrategic location of its branches ughout Canad in force. a, and the efficient system Special attention is given to collections ; returns are promptly made and credited : are often prevented by th orouioses with which we do ths nd Head Office : Montreal. : 1 FARHAN, VERONA ---- THE MERCHANTS OF CANADA BANK Established 1864. - J. W MCL YMONT, Manager. Ce i Strawberry Time During Strawberry time we will have fresh berries arriving dally--at lowest market prices. Domestic and Imported Frul ts of all kinds. 848 Princess Street. rn Phone 904 Big With Comfort The Victory Corner Princess and Clergy. are the new low cut walking shees shown here. Put your feet into a pair and they will feel at home at once. Yet they are not clumsy looking or old fashioned. On the contrary they are as smart and stylish ex- amples of footwear as can be seen anywhere. Have a look at them and ask prices. They'll satisfy you all right Shoe Store "|| farmers in the vicinity. with a ten dollar gold piece. The Misses Theresa Mailen and Mary Hogan wrote on the entrance examin- ations at Battersea this week. Nir and Mrs. Hildebrand, New York, are spending the summer months at Samuel Keeler's. There ars quite a number of cases of measles in the vicinity. Willam Hogan is erecting a rew granary, Amos Knapp has the timber hewed for his mew bam. Miss Mary Mallen, nurse at Hotel | Dieu, Kingston, is-spending her holi- {days at Herbert Mallen's Master | Robbie Lake is the guest of Joseph Knapp. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Knapp of Joyceville, are at Whliam Knapp's. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lake spent a day visiting friends at Battersea. Mr. and | Mrs. Walter Birmingham spent Sun- day at Wallace Jackson's at Keeler- ville. Frank Campbell and children, and Mrs. Sills of Hamilton, are at Henry Campbell's. Miss Mae Lake of | Battersea is at Herbert Mallen's. |" Isaac Tuttle is digging a new well. {Sam Keeler went to Seeley"s Bay on Monday. Cattle buyers are quite plentiful. William, Gibson is draw- {ing lumber from Seeley's Bay for building purposes. Quite a number { of American tourists are on our lakes | these days fishlng. { SHARBOT LAKE BRIDGE Has Been For Traffic--Grist of Summer Visitors. Sharbot Lake, June 30.--One of our oldest residents passed away on Saturday, June 26th, in the person of | Mrs. Flynn. She was eighty years of ! age, and had lived in Sharbot Lake | for many years, with her daughter, | Mrs. M. Flanneny. The remains were | taken to Godfrey, on Monday, for in- terment at Bedford. Melville Weir is very ill at the home of his parents | here. Sphoel is closed for the sum- | class. Parties of summer visitors have been arriving for some days now, and the season is in full swing. The | new bridge was opened to traffic to- day. For some days the people living south of the village have been unable to drive to the stores and the merch- ants have been busy with boats and launches handling their supplies. There have been several dances late- | ly, some in aid of the baseball club, | all of which were much enjoyed. Mr. | Shaw, of Brockville, was in town over Sunday, visiting his wife and | baby who are staying at Mrs. M.| Pappa"s. Miss Edna Meighen has re- turned to Kingston. | The Misses Morriss, of Ottawa, are | visiting with their aunt, Mrs. A. W. | | Buell. Rev. and Mrs. P. C. Watson, | have been visiting at Plevna for a week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Avery are| away on a motor trip with their son, Fred, of Perth, E. B. Buell is paint | ing his store. At Christie's Lake. M. Kraft, Minor, of Buffalo, has rented May Bell Point cottage from R. W. Marks. Mrs. Kenneth Taylor | ot Belleville, will occupy "Sunrise" | for the summer. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. | Ballantyne of Ottawa were week-end visitors at Christie's Lake. May Bell Marks is visiting at Auburn, N.Y, i! with her daughter, Mrs. Elton Cran- | !dell, and her sister, Mrs Edward. | Hubbard. Tom Marks and Company | | played Westport one night. Mr. and | | Mrs. Al. Perrin occupy "Restmore," i rented from R. W. Marks. Mr. and | | Mrs. Joe Marks are at home at Ruby ! Island. ruth are at "Piney Ridge." George i| Marks, wife and baby, are expected | FRUITLAND | ALLAN MASO UD, PROP. at "Red Cedar Villa," in the near future. They are touring lowa at | the present writing. Word was re- {ceved that Kenneth Marks, youngest { son of Mrs. Laura Marks, died at Ot- itawa, Ont., suddenly. Rain was great- |ly needed and gladly received by Notes From Wolfe Island. Wolfe Island, June 30--The recent rain was much welcomed for the hay and grain crops and also for the gar- dens. The lawn social at A. McLar- en's on Monday evening, was a suc- cess. George LaFleur and John Mur- phy, had a dee on Tuesday, drawing | pressed hay to Boxen harbor. The Roman Catholic picaic will take | Place here on July Sth. Vinceat Mc- | Donald, and wife, Watertown, N.Y, | after a week's visit, with frieads here, returned to their home on Tues- | day. Miss Cecilia LaFleur, Chicago, is | visiting with her mother, Mrs, P. La- | Fleur. The several schools on the Is- | land closed on Friday for the sum- { mer holidays. Mrs. Frank Tracey, | Tweed, spent a couple of wesks with | friends here, and returned to her | home on Monday. At Bunker's Hill. | Bunkers' Hill, June 30.--The rain 'has been a great help to the crops. Quite a number of men are working {at McLean's mines. The mew road has been laid out to draw the rock 'on. A. Hopkins is erecting a new drive house. Work on the road has i been. completed. T. Babcogk is vis- ting at his home. mer holidays, except for the entrance | THIS WEEK ONLY At the Store Named Below . A 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent La Way to Dainty Teeth To Safer, Whiter, Filmless Teeth All Statements Approved by High Dental Authorities See How Teeth Glisten When the Film is Gone The results of Pepsodent show clearly in white, glis- tening teeth. You can sec them everywhere, for a million folks now employ it. You can see them on your own teeth when you remove the film. And that's the purpose of this ten-day test. Based on Pepsin Pepsodent is based on pepsin, the digestant of albumin. The film is albuminous matter. The purpose of Pepsodent is to dissolve it, then to constantly combat it. But pepsin must be activated, and the usual agent is an acid harmful to the teeth. So pepsin long seemed impossible. What science has now done is to invent a harmless activatingmethod. That method is employed in Pepso- dent. The result is a tooth paste which will do what nothing else has done. And five years of tests seem to clearly prove that it opens a new dental era. Pepsodent has been submitted to every form of clinical and laboratory test. Dentists everywhere have watched its effects and now urge its daily use. This week we offer a test to you, and we ask you to accept it. Film on Teeth Is What Wrecks Them Dental science has found that most tooth troubles are due to a slimy film. You can feel it with your tongue. That film clings to the teeth. It gets be- tween the teeth, enters crevices and stays. The tooth brush doesn't end it. The ordinary dentifrice cannot dissolve it. So its damage is unceasing. That film is what discolors -- not the teeth. It is the basis of tartar. It holds food sib- stance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Also of many other troubles, local and internal. That is why brushed teeth discolor and de- cay. Why tartar forms and pyorrhea starts. You may remove the debris, but the real cause of tooth troubles--the clinging filmis largely left to do its damage. Now dental science has found a way to com- bat that film, after years of searching. We ask you to accept a ten-day test and see the results for yourself. REG. IN A Look in Ten Dave We urge this test for your sake and your children's sake. Children have most to gain from cleaner, safer teeth. Try to avoid the troubles we have had. Present this coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Use like any tooth paste. Note how clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the slimy film. See how teeth whiten as the fixed film disappears. A book comes with the sample tube, explaining the results. Learn the reason for them. Compare them with the 'results of old methods. Then let your own good sense dee cide what method to employ. . This test is of lifetime fiportance, ! both to you and yours. It has shown at least a million way to whiter, safer - one in your home should make it, Cut out the coupon so you won't forget, Papsadeni The New-Day i Co by leading dentists everywhere, after years of tests The Store Named Below Will Supply the Free Tube on This Coupon 110.DAY TUBE FREE] i Present this cornea. with your gimme and address filled MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Bagot Streets. THE "BEST" DRUG STORE 124 Princess Street. i i Out-of-town i re .~2 Slores named. i Your Name....isevsestsssssssnnsessccnas ts should y, 1104 So. be sent by mail. It is good for a 10-Day Tube of ssbavbsbacsnncen i § Address .....cciciciirnitiititasesirtesassassasiesised 4 mail this coupon to The i Wabash Avenue, Chicago, firitish Whig, Mr. and Mrs. George Oar- |! -- SAVE THAT OLD CASING PUT A MAXOTIRE IN IT AND WEAR IT OUT Tires still going up. Maxotires the same price as usual, The Home of MAXOTIRES 284 ONTARIO STREET. Phone 2050. Tm A NEAL, Mgr. a Screen Windows and Doors If you require Screen Windows or Doors you would do well to see our stock. We have all sizes and styles and our prices are right. LEMMON & SONS 187 PRINCESS STREET 3 : "KLEAN s, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, ooping Cough, Asthma, Etc. MATHIEU'S SYRUP is a sovereign tonic combining the Cuntive propertics of TAR the virtues of COD LIVER OIL. ; : > Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise to / consequences of such a grave character that you should not risk using inferior preparations. ' , "wo MATHIFU'S SYRUP is the whose putstion an he aul a or erie: s Cen SPRING TIME IS CLEAN UP --USE-- : ALL" JAVEL WATER A great Disinfectant for Tollets and. Sinks. Germs cannot lve where It is used.' Manufactured Specially for WHITENING AND TAKING OUT STAINS FROM WHITE LINEN AND COTTON WITHOUT BOILING. 12¢c. PER BOTTLE . ~ - For sale at all Grocers.