TUESDAY, JULY, 6, 1920. . THE WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, PAGE ELEVEN Countryside | : 725 your © < [li{ FRONTENAC = Philip Morris Navy Cut. = _ as . v LF Touts. 1015 ; ee PrTTSFERRY = ol ; between your finger and thumbs. wo-- -] rangemen s vi . . . or ouring, > held at Wesley church Sunday even- | "2 The Tobacco 1S spring,, Ing, was well attended by the breth- | @ s ~ ren and others. The church was | AY I Chevrolet Touring, 1919. crowded, as it was the pastor's fe : --not sodden, service on this circuit. The service . Was conducted by Rev. W. E. Long, | . assisted by Rev. J. D. McLean. Rev. --nor brittle, 1 Ford I ton truck, 1918. Mr. Maxwell will preach on Sunday A on Pittsburg South circuit. Owing = 2 . 2 to the wet weather, the Epworth j --but bright and ot alive." 2 Ford Touring, 1914. League social was not very well at- . a tended. The leagye is to meet Wed- + il £4 . Te. . nesday evening, under the Christian : " ! The pure Virginia Leaf was All cars in good shape, at reasonable prices. fl. Endeavor department. - Mrs. R. Barclay returned home on Sil : Saturday, after spending a week with aN 2 ) . S d friends in Kingston and Amherst I1s% Co al x 2% un-cure land. Mr. and Mrs. William Graham . returned from their honeymoon on 57 . . Yr Tuesday to the home of the bride's £ 5 The best of its kind. Aven OS. parents, Mr. and Mrs. B: Orr. Mrs. I : W. E. Mosier, Wolfe Island, and little A daughter, Ella, and son, Glen, are d - . . : visiting with her parents, Mr. and Compare it with other Cigarettes ' Mrs. B. Orr. Irwin Orr motored Mr. N : Show Rooms and Garage: and Mrs. Willlam Graham, of Ean- {terprise, to their home on Wednes- day. Mrs. B. Orr accompanied the 34-38 PRINCESS STREET party. : Many people were looking forward a to the circus which, rumors said, : was going to visit Kingston in July, i] but it is not going to come. cw] Cheer up, we are going to have something bigger and better in the fcity in R. Bushell's fair. {Lemox & Addington MABERLY. July 1.--The recent rains are im- proving the growing crops. A gang of | men and several teams of horses are engaged in grading the roads be-' tween Maberly and the eleventh ling of South Sherbrooke. W. D. Kirk- I ham, of Mississippi, {s sawing lumber | for Mr. Wcods. Rufus Wisely and | Thomas Palmer motored to Perth, Wednesday. Mr. Knoles, of Lanark, passed through = Maberly yeste-day, en route for J. A. Conboy's, Zealand, where he placed a new Ford car. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Conboy and daughter, Mildred, accompanied by Mr. Knoles and William Garrett, visited friends in Perth to-day. On June 26th, a - s - LiKe cushions BL NTL Rivaride, the . f i fl d ; | on 1noors an ODESSA. : . June 30.-- Visitors: Mrs. Elliott i t and children, Syracuse, and Mrs. pavemen S . George Ettinger, Kingston, with Mr. | f and Mrs. George Watts; Albert Tim- J . merman, Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. Have you ever stopped to think Charles Timmerman; Miss Margaret . . Breden Hamm, Los Angeles, with why tiled floors tire your feet, or Mrs. Gardiner and her aunt, Mrs. ." . James Dawson. Mrs. Hamm recently . how easy itis to walk on linoleum- returned from Madrid, Spain, where } she had been spending the past six | covered floors ? months, with her daughter, Mrs. Pal- i " mer. Mr. and Mrs. Abbee, Perth, < 4 Y i » The principle of applying Cat's were guests at the Dominion last | ] d Rij S ] Sunday, ys. Andy Gordon and son, | =~ enneth, Dollisville, who have b Nis 2 take . Paw Heels and Rinex Soles to your Be yiotlseitle, who Rave buen | Philip Maris ¢ Co. Limited-London New York Mantreal, Cairo shoes is identical to the cushion returned to their home last Saturday | E . accompanied by Miss Lulu Gordon. | CGapyrighted 'obacoo Products Corporation, Limited provided by rubber matting, The public school closed Monday and | NT a" the teachers left for home. Miss | somme -- ---- bs i : f G V : 55 MeKone:. | e linoleum, and other heavy floor Sra McClinchy. Son. | EASY FOR THE SPEAKERS AT THE DEMOCRAT i . forth, Mr. Mrs. ath and | . coverings 1 ea ia day foam Hench and CONVENTION | SAVE THAT OLD CASING | Leeman, Bedf Mi 'n socials | man, Bedford Mills. Lawn socials | Tires still going up. Masotires the same price a8 Waa The Home of MAXOTIRES ~ 284 ONTARIO STREET. Phone 2050. A NEAL, Mgr, Friday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. | dm - | PUT A MAXOTIRE IN IT AND WEAR IT OUT fin | I ti N . and camp meetings in nearby vil- | | i | i ( at 5 aw Heels lages seem to be the attraction at | iH | i a present. However, the people are | ii | / i i 2 ! nm TATION HT] : looking forward to the Kingston In- and Rinex Soles i bition, Musas Bush | EE ON Rm: 2 | TTT -- ER aR ar The Serb lief Committ not only cushion each step on hard ays cirtied large posters = = e croian elie m ee announcing the Fair, which attracted considerable attention. pavements and wood floors, but - they give to your step a springiness tm bbe bn | [| re Bar| Fay a a. | Appeals To You -- If Cat's Paw and Rinex added SELBY OTR 1 ki f July 1.--A large crowd attended lk only to your walking comfort, you the lawn social here last Friday even- ws -- | rk =I would have excellent reason for TE I wo al Jongsiers 7 i: BARRIO To P ay Your - tions at Napanee this week. The .~ A » wearing them constantly, but there sad news reached hore on Wednes- J=ri=f=] vv - Fo - th isk ti f th . day of the drowning of Sidney Wake- ' " : 1s the satis ac 10n of their economy. i, dormeny of this rs ue | The sound-magnifying device suspended over the | ri Uu e O= ay They, last twiee as long as leather. at Newburgh on Tuesday evening. | speakers' platform al the San Kranciseo SopYentiol is a Series] : . . . isses Farnsworth and Denison are |g gganuc megaphones, carrying the speakers' voiecs to a ' They prevent slipping; arc water- spending their holidays at home. J. parts of the auditorium. { To the memory of the many thousands of heroic Serbian men who : Gunn has improved his residences . : proof and noiseless. with a new cement walk. Miss Elsie -- (died that Liberty Might Live. They have left behind them ' When you buy new shoes insist [| | ests sc Fi Amey ese aad ie ONLY TABLETS MARKED = | Paul spent a few days recently with i mem "braking in || | mma "BAER" ARE ASPRIN £1600,000 RELPLESS, STARVING You can save many dollars by Weaire, the present legece. ; ; = | telling your cobbler to put Cat's Not Aspirin at All without the **Bayer Cross" | LITTLE ONES : | Paw and Rinex on all shoes with see a : good uppers Nn N ro or humanity's sake will you not answer the eall from these desti- osm salle ye! % [F~I™®) | BUY HYSLOP keene y | MWY X= | BICYCLES the Good Tires The name "Bayer" is th thiimb-| of "Bayer Tablets of Aspiria" which from of genuime Aspirin. It posi-| contains proper directions for Colds, : ively identifies the only ine} Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu- Aspirin, --~the Aspirin prescribes by | ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuri- physicians for over nineteen years and! tis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally. Totally Bald. @ it ts Mos a flue were im-] Guide--" I could tell you things | Row made in Hin bates of 12 ta at H M I LN E uld they do? |about thie cave that would make| © en | Always buy an usbroken package) a few atger "Bayer . S ug dy!" your hair stand on end, sir." ra SAN] Rel Ney, cele. There is only one Aspiria~"Bayer"--You must say "Bayer" 9 Tourist--"I don't think so." _brate the h com- mark in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture 62 Mono Guide--""You are very brave?" » n Palestine, by granting 4d. While it Is weil known that Aspirin means Bayer Tourist--"No. I am tot lly bald." + Sener Meuty » all Jerson coa- | " a : aeainst imitations, the Tablets of Bayer