ES: SUFFERED DAY IND NIGHT The Tortures of Dyspepsia Relleved By "Froft-a-tives" Lorrie Bras D'or, C. B." | Dyspepsia and Constipation for years. I bad pain after eating, belching gas, constant headaches and did aotslecp , well at night. Finally, a fvend fold me lo bry' Fruit-o-fives", In a week, the Constipation was corrected and soon Iwas free of pain, headaches and that miserable feeling thas accompanies Dyspepsia. I continued to take this splendid fruit medicine and now I am well, strong and vigorous'. ROBERT NEWTON. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. will and . FES the most te tissues. It is a vegetable a that des- oa i does notitaime - ---at 1.28 a Settle « Te ® W. F. YOUNG, Ine., Lr RUN in. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THE SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PAGE 1 D Alone: 8 The Junior Police CAROLYN ' SHERWIN BAILXY a Vacation, Nothipg. much. to. do. but on the street, with no special plans for play. That was My Town about the begmning of July. But the policeman on our block seemed to have more to do than at any other season. , "Going away for a vacation, Mr. Ryan?" ove of us asked him. He didn't answer, but hurried after a peddler, who was trying to sell stale vegetables, and found he had no li- | cense. - When he came back to his post, he answered, "No, 'm not figurin' on any vaca- tion. There are more runaways, an' accidents, an' burglar alarms, an fights an'--look out!" he shouted, but | our Tom was there first. He pulled | a little girl from in front of a motor | car just in time. "If you fellows would enly keep . pre The Eagle-Taught Lion And the Memory-Mon send : Lion, King of the Forest, had a He couM not make up his mind the royal cub's tutor. liar, the Panther could emper, the Python in- sogurned. dislike; even--the.: failed to meet the monarch's demands. Then the Eagle, King of the Birds, offered to be the cub's tutor. seemed good to the Lion. Who so fit to teach a King's son as a king? So the cub went to live with the Eagle for : On his return, the young Lion an- nounced himself ready to take com- mand of the forest < y "The animals are ignorant," he said. *Y can teach each one how to build a nest instead of a den." "Ah," said the Old Lion, "now I see where I was wrong. You would have learned more if you had stayed at home ard kept your eyes open." Valueless information is a burden rather than a help.--R.-W, a year. Summer Sandals "Have you hurt your foot, Julia? You are limping!" "I have a very painful corn on my little toe, which keeps on growing again and again, in spite of removing . it in all sorts of ways." . \ your eyes open like that all summer!" he exclaimed. Well, we did. We organized the Junior Police that day. We let the girls help, too, and once a week we met at the Police Station for instruc tions. We learned how to save work for the Police Department. We_watch out for children crossing crowded streets ; teach foreign children, who do not know English, how to use the park, the library and the museum; we stop boys fighting in the streets: watch for danger spots like loose coal bin covers, or broken sidewalks; tell the DOTTY DISCOVERS A FAIRY NECKLACE, Dotty gave a cry of delight as she spied the chain of fairy-like beads floating © on the water among the golden cowslips. "I do believe some fairy must have lost it!" she cried, trying to reach it from the bank with a long cat- tail. | "Lost what?" asked'a merry voice, | and Happy Giggles, Dotty's little el- | police about smelly garbage heaps, or rubbish that is a fire trap, or any- one selling candy or food uncovered. Perhaps you have heard about us, but you don't know what has just happened. Badges! Big, silver-plated police badges marked "Junior Police" and given by My Town's Police De- partment. What do think | There is need for To Police in your town, too. (Tomorrow--Our Dogs--St. Ben nard Rescuers. How can two-thirds of 8 be 9? (Ans.) Take away the first third of erella of Fairyland. "In that case, Julia, there is only one thing to do. Remove the cause of the corn--the shoe." "But I can't go barefooted!" "Not exactly, but nearly. Wear sandals. Buy an ordinary pair. Cut away the leather on both sides so as to leave a strip over the toes from the point of the sandal to the junction with the ankle strap, and also to leave a cross-piece for the strap over the in- step. Leave the counter of the heel uncut. You'll! have a very pretty and comfortable sandal, with toes almost free, but with the sole and heel pro- tected, which will not hinder you from making long hiking trips. If you wear sandals all swimmer, every corn and bunion will disappear, and next win- ter you'll be able to dance again in your tiny ball slippers." BEURET. Daily 'Twelve-Syllable Rhyme Better far To be plain, Than a belle And be vain, Now that shoes are so costly, a bright boy who can imitate. the cater- wauling of cats, might keep his whole family supplied with footwear by ex- ercising his talents under folks' win- dows o' nights, Only those who have nothing to do look upon life as a burden. Temper is a good thing to have, but a bad thing to lose. Only instead of! elfin, leaning over the bank and gaz- fin friend from Joyland, hopped up| losing her shoe as she did in the|ing at the string of pretty beads. beside her. ' "That dear little chain of beads| floating on the water," laughed Dotty | after shaking Happy Giggles's hand in greeting. "Maybe it's the Cind- | book, she lost her necklace. Isn't it a dear?" And Dotty almost fell into the water trying to secure the fairy chain. e "Fairy necklace!" exclaimed the "Fairy necklace, nothing! don't you know what that is?" Dotty shook her head and laugh- d. Why, "Not unless it's -a fairy chain," or False Claims. WE hope there is no Mother who thinks she oan treat her sick baby without - calling in a Physician, or with remedies that she uses for herself. Most Mothers know that Baby requires remedies especially prepared for babies, yet there are some who think that what is good enough for them is good enough for Baby, and it is to these Mothers we appeal to give nothing to their babies that is not specially prepared for babies or recommended by their Physician. False claims may kill, but false claims can never restore your child. For over thirty years Fletcher's Castoria has been aiding in the reduction of the deaths among infants as Mothers have become more and more acquainted with it. Always keep it in the house. ~ Children Cry For -_ = TLR LIAS iE 4 yourself. : MOTHERS SHOULD READ'THE BOOKLET THAT 16 AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA eenuine CASTORIA wars Bears the Signature of o THE CENPAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK - BUD DOES THINGS ! He Drives An Automobile. I drove a car yesterday. The fel- = OW that owned it was.a.half. cyliider Speedmobile bgt it looked to me just like 'an ordinary flivver of the dusty type. I soon knew how to start it, then start it more, and stop it. The most of the ride was listening to hime telling me what every driver of anything from a wheel-barrow to a_ steam-roller should know. He said that every man should have danger signals painted all over his car, and that the car itself should be a bright red. His was. He says that no cars should have speedomet- ters because people go crazy wonder- ing if they are right. He said that cars are innocent and nice in their extreme youth but they soon begin to sow wild oats. He told me a lot of other stuff too. For instance he said that there was no danger driv- ing automobiles, so long as you were not doing the driving. I did not know.what he meant by that so did not say anything. Well, finally we came to the end of our trip and he said that the only thing that all cars had in common was that they would all stop, some- time. All he said made me think that cars are not to be trusted, but I guess he was just fond of listening to himself. ---- 3 Never Touch Your Face "Have you noticed, Evelyn, that pretty girl just leaving her seat in front A us in the car?" "Certainly, Mother. She had such an attractive look, but, all the 34me, there was sonfething in her which don't know why--spoiled one's plea~ sure in looking at her." "It is a good thing, Evelyn, you noticed that, because sometimes the same thing happens to you, uncon- sciously." - "What can that be? I did not know!" "That pretty girl simply could not keep her hands off her face, always pressing about her hair, or the cor- ner of the mouth, or rubbing her eyes, or touching her nose, till it made one quite nervous to look at 'her. It is really a most distressing habit, for a girl, especially, because it can easily degenerate into a mania. I hope that your observation will open your own eyes, and help you. Evelyn said nothing, but decided to bear it in mind. ~--GEORGETTE REURET. a ------ But few men ever live long en- ough to realize their own unimport ance, she replied. "But Happy Giggles, can't I have it? 'Finders keeders; losers weepers,' you know. But wait, maybe we can find the owner and return it. Let's try." "Well, then," sighed Happy Gig- gles, "I'm afraid the owner of that pretty chain wouldn't thank you if you did return them. You see, it belongs to Mama Perch. It isn't a real-for-sure necklace.' Those tiny beads in that chain are Mama Perch's eggs." "Then I'm sure she would want them back!" exclaimed Dotty. "Why, they'll hatch out "into her baby perch! Of course she'll want them. Probably they floated away from her house. Surely, Happy Giggles, you'll find her and tell her where they are. She must feel dreadfully. Why, they're her children! I mean, they will be when they hatch out. How dreadfully she'll feel when she finds the eggs have floated away." "Maybe if they were Mama Bass's eggs she'd worry," laughed Happy Giggles. "But Mama Perch doesn't worry. She's one of the most neg- lectful mothers in the water world Slig goes around leaving these fairy- like charms lying all over the grasses "Don't You Know?" and water plants near the shores of the ponds. It seems too bad that a mother should be so careless. But then, perhaps it's the best way to make her children independent. You know, a great many children do de- pend on their mamas for every- thing." "But how will they know where to find her when they do hatch out?" asked Dotty, who would hardly be- lieve her ears. "How will they live?" "Live!" laughed the elfin. "Baby perch don't need any one to tell them how to live. Before they are any larger than your finger nail they hunt their own food. they don't know the care of a mother, but I think they get along pretty well. Now, Mother Bass makes a nest for her eggs, and either she or her friends keep watch all the time to see that no harm comes to them. I can't see that they are any better off than the perch. Mama Perch feels she's done her duty by laying the eggs, but she doesn't like to care for them. So, you see, she wouldn't thank you for returning the necklace!" Dotty glanced out at the fairy- like necklace ,and when she turned | | to Happy Giggles again the little | effin had disappeared. May. Catch the J New York, July 14 --The cost of living and the consequent idle- ness of the ene-cent key on a restaur- A of the Automatic Light in camp, the talk naturally ran and, next day ed to show his fancy swimmer" he said diffidently, "out where I live, near Cape Fear, the waves run pretty high. 1 can stay in the water all day, if J have to, but when it comes to speed. I'm not there." He had a powerful stroke, though, | a WO ETT - A 000 WEDNESDAY, JULY, 14, 1920 I White Pine White Pine stocks are scarce, but we have secured a good supply and our prices are right. : : SO SHR Allan Lumber Co. Phone1042. : : : : Victoria Street PERT AT EA HOT ~---- SOR OEEAE > s and when he dived into the sw g pool, "Captain" Will explained to the onlookers how the lad's snappy action would work to advantage in a heavy sea. In the water, Croft's confidence re turned and he accepted the challenge of a race, though he seemed a little hurt when he found his rival was a gir J "Don't take on" said "Captain® Will, laughing. "Minnie's the best swimmer in camp, except for Lars, and he's so much older that the com- parison isn't far. Show him some fancy dives, Minnie." And the young hero of the Auto- matic Light swim nearly had his eyes out watching the somersault and somersault, the Porpoise, the Swan and all the rest of Minoic's feats. Then, to wind up, Will organized a life-saving drill, showing all the meth- ods of getting hold of a drowning felldw in water, breaking death and strangle grips, and bringing a victim to shore. After that, came a drill in i chal ie irption and Croth admit- te ad pi up many point- ers from the inland 3 5 (Tomorrow--The a Bee.) It was a mathematician's son who, in class, when asked what a fortifica- tion was, answered: - "Two tentifica- tions," ant cash register may result in the |! apprehension of two men who recent- ly walked into a local restaurant and carried out thé cash register while the waiter was giving an order. They emptied it around the corner by pressing the one-cent key, which was || dusty from constant d{dleness, and || police took an impression of the fin- {| ger print found oh it. 4 Drink Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages Only GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited ~ er ---- SOWARDS COAL CO. Until further advised, and subject t. change without : 'the Femi _ gh be: ne Holes, $15.00 Steve ...., . oe Fea ............. $15.00 Nut ........ $15.00 $13.50 seer nee * ee ei oielin sintle] $78 4 2 000000004000 Pea * eee ss eee ee Sees eee ele] Carrying 50c. extra. PHONE 155. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone orders 0.0.D. See | PURITY BRAND FREE RUNNING TABLE SALT THE SALT THAT SATISFIES------ MADE IN CANADA om BUY NOW TO MAKE SURE OF YOUR HOUSE FOR FALL Alfred Street--brick; hot wa ter. Johnston Street--brick; Not water, 3 Wellington Street---not water. 3 Mack Street--brick; hot air. Beverly Street--Concrete Block: hot air, Wellington Street--brick; no furnace. Wellington Street-- brick; no furnace. Wellington street--brick; no furnace. 84% Collingwood Street--frame; no furnace. Finest semi-furnished summer home on Wolfe Island. Also a few good farms. Furnish:d houses to rent. Apply to:-- J. 0. HUTTON « 67 CLARENCE STREET Phone 703. "KIDNEY up "tired as a dog" and sleep is full of ugly dreams you need BEECHAMS PILLS Fatigue is the result of poisons produced by exercise or failure to digest food proper- ly, and eliminate it promptly with the aid CONTAIN NO NARCOTICS ---- Strawberry Time During Strawberry time we will have fresh berries arriving dally--at lowest market prices. Domestic and imported Frults of all kinds. - FRUITLAND ALLAN MASOUD, PROP. 848 Princess Street. $ : : : Phone 904 | | tr, A MAN'S SHOE We mean, a low shoe that has no.trace of feminity about the toe, last or heel, and yet abounds in style and finish. It is built for fit, comfort and everyday wear and still is dressy enough for any occasion. Made in tan and black. Reg. $10 and $11 values, This Week $8.95 The Victory Shoe Store Corner Princess and Clergy. Phone 480. mA ee Ny. ----_ -- er -------- eee W. P. PETERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Flour: Feed and 'Seeds Wholesale Warehouse, foot of Princess St. Phone 5]. Retail Store . ...117 Brock St. Phone 217