Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jul 1920, p. 17

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CITY OF KINGSTON 10 YEAR 6% DEBENTURES FOR SALE AT PAR. Bends will be printed in amounts to suit purchaser. Apply nt omee to the undersigned and take dellvery at your convenience within .the next six months, RI 119K They planned n° entertaTh To celebrate the day; : bh erakd i p 9 that line, A safe and sane display. MACHINES Cosmopolitan, Pictoriak Review, Ain. "slee's, Photo Play, Motion Picture, ' Snappy Stories, Breezy Stories, Red Book, Blue Book, Romance, Literary | City Treasurer. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY THE COST Featuring- . - { al ha Mbt "pms a Ea = 3 \ Violet Heming | Whe made a sensation In "Every- woman"---a Paramount Arterdft Picture | A problem in real life--Can YOU { Write Answers ? i Marriage unfaithfulness | Two x A Third - .. awni | Shattered Hopes x Separation fA Little Child x A Home Total of a Romantic Girl's Mis- The Cont A Heart-Stirring Story of Love and Film Fun. JACK F. ELDER 209 PrNoEsY STREET And he was asked to make a speech That should all hearts inspire; He boldly leaped Into the breach And spoke with vocal fire: Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed to Aue Postmaster-General, will be received a Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 20th A 1920, for the conveyance of His Magents's Mails, on a proposed contract for four years, six times per week on route Elginburg Rural Mail Route No 3, from the Postmaster General's leasure. Printed notices containing further in- formation as conditions of proposed contract may seen and blank ma of tender may be obtained at the Post Ofliees of Eiginburg, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector. H. MERRICK, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, Kingston, July 6th, 1920. "1 raise my voice to warn the rash Unthinking ones who sit"-- The band broke In with sounding crash And drowned the rest of It. It ceased, he said, "And If We will all foes o'ercome-- Where at the flagstaff fell and whacked Him on the cranium. Diamond Rings It will repay you to ex- amine our selection of Diamond Rings. A choice stock of single stone, three stone and five stone rings of finest qual- ity, ranging in price from $50.00 to $1,000.00 each, He tried once more, "Our favored land E'en time cannot subdue-- And then the props that held the stand Gave way and let him through. 182 Princess Street. "Where the Clock is on the , Walk." They put him in his little bed, And while they eased his paly, "Deliver me," twixt groans, he said, "From Fourths called safe and anna Ar nrneenmr-------- Give some men a bonny bride and they care not who phys for the wed- ding trousseau. A DESIGNER "That young lady is an artist, so I'm told." "Yes and between you and me, she has designs on every eligible fel- low here." BEING CANNED DAILY "Chicago is too crowded--packing houses everywhere--they pack every thing" . : "Even the citizens, eh?" OVER THE BRIDGE Weary Fly. I've got to ge ; over this bridg: somehow. | TOO MONOTONOUS Mr. Dreery: When we are mar fled our life will be one grand, sweet son Miss Leery: One grand, sweet song! That would be deadly dull. Can't you make it a repertoire? Wall Street. PN AACN Be | TO-DAY ALICE JOYCE | Never appeared to better advantage nor handled a role in more magnificent manner than she does in the famous Drury Lame Melodrama-- " THE SPORTING DUCHESS HAROLD LLOYD --in-- "AN EASTERN 'WESTERNER" One of the better class Comedies. Py Peak Frean's SHORTCAKE IS DELICIOUS i { | f | Ask your Grocer for it. Baseball Cricket Field | Friday, July 16th At 6 p.m. Buffalo Prospects VS. | | . Triple Links | Excursion | TO PICTON AND BAKE-ON-THE- © MOUNTAIN STEAMER ST. LAWRENCE Leaves Ferry Dock | Friday, July 16th | | at 10 am. | | | $1.00 LUNCH COUNTER ON BOARD. -- eet wy | TEACHER WANTED FOR A he THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG UM |= THE PEOP LE'S FOR CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES | First ingertion, ic. a word. secutive insertion. thereafier, half- ent Minimy charge! g ARR 1z by aser cash only. uble. FB ] tes are for When the do _ [ MAIDS FOR LAUNDRY WORK. ply Kings: General Hospital CARPENTERS. APPLY PIGOTT Healey Construction Co, R.M.C AND BRIGHT Carnoveky fruit AP- rat tal A k= SMART YOUNG M boy wanted at store. | GIRL FOR LUNCH COUNTER. APPLY i Mrs | taurant | CHAMBERMAID AND A DINING i room girl Apply Anglo-American i Hotel WANTED, A CAPABLE MAID FOR gining noom. Apply at once to Sup- erintendent Y.W.C.A. A COOK, GENERAL; FAMILY OF two. Mrs. Cunningham, 3 St. Clare Apartments, corner Barrie and Wil- lam streets COMPETENT WOMAN TO ASSIST IN looking after two children at sum- Ap- mer cottage outs.de Kingston. ply 296 Princess street N FOR UPSTAIRS WORK, AS. t t 8, also girl fOr kitch- ages §25.00, room and Apply Dunham Hotel, Co- WOoMA sis board bourg NEAT YOUNG LADY FOR BOOK- Keeping and stenography; one cap- able of meeting public and help in professional office. Stata salary or wages, to Box J-13, Whig Office. ------ -- | HO KEEPER FOR KINGSTON General Hospital Apply, stating qualific Ss, experience and sal- ary required. Address' communi- cation to the Secretary of Hospi- tal. | LIVE MAN WANTED---SPARE TIMER or steadily --selllag our guaranteed trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib- erai commission. Brown Brothers Company, urserymen. Limited, Brown Nurseries P.O. Ontario. WE WANT RELIABLE AGENTS FOR unrepresented districts, to sell fruit i ornamental trees, roses Good pay weekly, exclusive stock and territory The demand trees for orchard and gar ceeds the supply. Our agen valuable Write Pelham Co. Toronto. JOIN THE NURSING PROFESSION The United States Needs ' 100,000 More Nurses TBNDING. THE SICK IS WOMAN'S WORK If you are an earnest, energetic young woman seeking vocation offering HAPPINESS and PROS- | PERITY. write to the DEPARTMENT OF HOSPITALS AXD DISPENSA :S V 482 Grider Street, Buffalo, N.Y. | Comprising - the BUFFALO CITY, MU NICEPAL AND ERNEST WENDE HOS- PITALS--Total Capacity, 851 beds. § ALTH - CENTRES--Recording over 0.000 Dispensary Treatments Annuai- ted with the UNIVERSITY ALO MEDICAL DEPART- Nursery BUF MENT. Three-Year, optional courses for Bed- i side Nurses (registered) or Public Health Nurses. { Salary: $20, $25 and $39 per month; Ist, re 2nd and 3rd years. Food, lodging, uniforms, layndry and | * books furnished free STRAIGHT $-HOUR DUTY. VO MENIAL LABOR. NO | TEACHER WANTED. i | QUALIFIED TEACHE section No. §, C¢ | stating salary to | Collin's Bay. FOR SCHOOL s Bay. rge F. Clark | PROFESSIONAL TEACHER FOR S§. S, { No. 4. South Crosby State salary Apply Jas. W. Simmons, Secretary, Chaffey's Locks, Ont. QUALIF 'ED PROTESTANT TEACHER for 8. 8 'No. 8, Bedford Salary $600; duties to commence Sept. 1st. Apply W. A. Steele, Tichborne, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED FOR 8. 8. No. 16, Portland; Protestant pteferred. For further particulars apply G. F. Storms, Verona, Secre- tary. | TEACHER FOR S. S. NO. 7, PALMERS Dut- Apply Umpah ton. les to comne:nce Se M. -Hermer, S P.O. Ont, Salary $500 per annum pt. ist. c.-treas., QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TE ACHER, experienced, for S. S No. 5, Olden Duties to commence Sept. gt. Sal- ary §600. Mrs. John Clark, Mou tain Grove, Ont. MALL Salary duties to start Joseph Ohl- 1a, Ont. school, 8S. 8. No. 14, Millar. 0; ee eee A QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACH. er for school section No. 14, Pitts, burg. Salary $600. Duties to com- mence Sept. 2nd. Apply to Robert White, R. R. No. 1, Joyceville. To Contractors SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tend- | er for St. John's School," will be re-| | celved up to noon of 27th July, for | | the erection of a School in Gananoque | ! Plans and specifications may be seen at the offices of the Architacts, | and at St. John's Church Parsonage, Gananoque. Lowest or apy tender not necessar- ily ageepted. | POWER, SON & DREVER, Architects, Merchants Bank Chambers, Kingston, Ont. PERSONAL. The Latest thing in Insurance For Automobile Owners A low-priced Accident Policy, covering Automobile Ac- cidents only, providing Principal Sum Benefits and Weekly In- demnity to Assured, and generous Haspital . Operation Fees and medical attendance tg assured and MEMBERS OF AS- ' SURED'S FAMILY, if injured while riding with him. Premium $10.00 for $1,000. Principal sum and $35.00 Weekly ? SCOTTISH METROPOLITAN ASSURANCE COMPANY, For further information, apply to:-- George Bawden & Co. ers Generali : 111% BROCK STREET x ' Limited | NEY TO! MRS. W. FORW. h and the ARDED MoO . W., Hamilton, has been received. FURNITURE FINISHING OR DROP A CARD TO W, coll, 23 John Street! AGENTS WANTED, DRIS. -------- PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR SEN- ior reom, Moscow public school; duties to begin font. gt, 1920; Ap- ply. stating salary Snd qualifioa- tions, to C. A. Baker, Moscow, Ont TEACHER FOR S. s. No. 15, ELGIN- burg; Protestant; duties to com- mence at once. Salary $700 per an- num. Apply, stating qualifications, to C. H. Hughson, Secretary R. R. No. 1, Eiginburg, Ont. TEACHER FOR JUNIOR ROOM, §. S. No. 24, Enterprise. Apply, stating Qualifications and salary; Protes- tant preferred. Apply Chas A. Sranam, sec.-treas., Enterprice, NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER, FOR No. 1, Loughboro and 13 Portlan Duties to commence Sept. 1st. Ap ply, stati.g qualification and sa!- ary to allen Brown, Sécretary R. R. No. 3, Harrowsmith, Ont. TEACHER HOLDING THIRD CLASS certificate wanted for 8. § No. 9, Hinchinbrooke. Salary §750.00 per year; convenient to station and house. Duties to .com- mence t. lst. Apply to L. A. Cameron. Tichborne, Ont. FOR NO. 3. BEDFORD, A CA- tho teacher. holding second or third class certif ; duties to Fg) rt Jougays. Salary . PPiy to Mra os. Kiley, sec'y-treas, Glendower P.O. Bedford, Ont. POSITION WASTED. TXFANTY NURSE on housekeeper - piy Box A-10, Whis Ofte » ACCOUNTANT, CAPABLE OF JIAN- dilag extra set of books; seeks en- gagement. Can give time daily to Apply Bex C-34, Walz Otf- Each con- Elliott, at Lower Depot Res- A Apply | BEER Ronin BASIN DR cic SERVICE BUTTON, NO. CT2341, King street. Owner may have same at this office A SMALL PURSE, ON PRINCESS Street, containing aome change. Owner may have same at this office. TWO SMALL KEYS, ATTACH- ed with wire, at corner Gore and King. Owner may have same at Whig Office. THREE KEYS, TWO SMALL and one large. attached to two rings, on Cricket Field Owner may have same at the Whig Office FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE. | Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the Owner may ! do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in th.s column free of charge. "Found articles" aces not In- clude lost dogs. ,cattie, -h'orses, etc. These, if lost. may be vertised fur In the "Last" column. ! LOST. ON SUNDAY, GOLD HANDLED PEN aife with initials, "G. H"" Reward for return to this office. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, A YEL- Jow and green canary. Reward for return to 195 University Ave. ON RED COVERED LIBRARY BOOK, ON Sunday evening on Barrie sireet Finder kindly return to 233 Earl | street. . | KNAPP'S BOAT LIVERY, TUES- day evening, a lady's brown plush hand bag Reward for return to | government income taxation office, | $2 Princess street. { AT THE WAY Fly ruby. to Miss C 'JUNE BALL, OR ON from Alice Strest Brooch, turquoise if found please return Goodwin, 1 Alice street, WANTED GENERAL. RAG CARPET BALLS 140% York street SEWN Swain"s ' 3 SECOND-MHAND vePriGAT PIANO v ATED APARTMENT, OR THREE for cash or in part payment of new pianos and grafonoias, C. W. Ling- r four bright, airy rooms, iv good say Limited. 111 Princess street. AT Reality. Apply Box L-3. Whig Of: ce. | WANTED TO PURCHASE A TYPE- Underwood preferred; must first class condition. Write r one R. M. Van Luven, Ports- mouth | NTED----MEN AND BOYS TO PAT. | romize J. W. Curson. barber. Men's and boys' hair cut, 20¢c. Shave l0c. | Razors honed 26c. 236 Ontario 8, ! near Brock Street. F i | wa | | A 3-ROOM 'BUNGALOW OR FLAT; | must be modern; from Sept. 1ist;! 1 will take year's lease if necessary; | south side of Princess street pre- { ferred. . Careful tenant. Apply { Box Z-3, Whig Office. ! ber Std res - ' TO LET. { TWO BEDROOMS, GENTLEMEN ONLY, Apply 82 Queen street | THREE LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS With all conveniences. Apply 19] Neilson street. | i Ellerbeck street. Apply to J. S. McCann, 86 Brock street. R FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; cenirzily locat- ed. Apply 243 Brock street FART OF FURNISHED HOUSE; ALL conveniences; rent moderate; cen- tral; possession at any time. Ap- ply at 78 Division street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, air) rooms; your own luck and key Frost's City Storage, 29% Queen street. Phone 536; res. 353w. HOUSE TO LET, NEAR QU from Sept. Ist, 4 bedroums, bath, '.C., gas and electric light; no $20.00. Apply Box K-14, N . A HEATED FURNISHED FLAT OF 3 or 4 rooms; to let September 1st; private balcon gas; electric t; good lo lon. Apply Box Whig Office SIX OR FOUR UNFU RNISHED ROOMS on one flat. Gas for cooking; elec- tric light; hot and cold water in every room; suitable for light housekg#ping. Apply 408 Johnson | street, or phone 1131F. sm / TO RENT. AN UPRIGHT MENDELSOHN PIANO. Prone 1011, DRESSMAKING. PLAIN SEWING AND DRESSMAKING. Mrs. Alexander, 42 Ordnancé St. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS, FROM $500 up. First mortgage. No de- lay in securing money. Apply S. C. Snider, Seeley's Bay, Ont. STRANGE & STRANGE INSURANCE agents; established in 1360; only the most reliable companies repre- sented. Office 35 Clarence streec, opposite the post office. FRONTENAC LOAR AND INVEST. meat Sosinty: lacorported i881, President. W. F. Nickie, K.C.; vies resident, A. B. is liington Street. Hara: 1 tll 3.30 and 7 till 836 Phone 2163. ! DR. J. E. KANE WISMES TO AN. IIE Welln, Sheed offices at 138 W opposite Office. re 3-4 ~8.30 p. 1 3 HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES, CONSISTING | SOLID BRICK HOUSE ON' ALFRED | $150 COLUMBIA GRAFPHONOLA, | THE ¥F FURNISHED RESIDENCE; 7 wr p---- BORER FON SALE: campiffg. Apply at 316 Albert] E. E. Wathen, 143 Nelson Street. eet | SOLID BRICK HOUSKS, NUS. 380 AND 352. King Stree: Bart Avply ¥- H. Macnee. 143 King Street 8 : -- A T-ROOM FRAME HOUS closet and gas: 19% Stu Apply J. R. Laldlaw, 248 Street. Whig Office | MeLAUGHLIN Di, IN vuon CONDI» = Ts _ ARGE | nu. Ford taken in trade ppRly SHALL FRAME HOUSE AXS LARGE 30 Plum street, or phone 2126J. af- tion. Apply 141 Hickson Ave, | ter 4 p.m. Station NELSON STREET, i bungalow; all im completed. $5000 Carroll Agency, §6 Brock street. SOLID STONE HOUSE ON VICTORIA near Johnson; all rovements; large lot and stable. rice $8500. J. K. Carroll Agency, §6 Brock St. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND oiens: erms, cash, Lindsay, Limi; E SALE OF HOUSEHOLD | iture, 159 Queen street; start-| ing 14th. WHITE FOX NECK PIECE AND HUD- | son Seal melon shape muff with! cuffs. Both new. Apply Box Y-7 } BATH, Street. ivision SOLID BRICK provements; Just of one cock stove, one heater,| sofa, writing desk, rug and other articles. Apply 13 Stephen street. improvements; place. Agency, street; all water heatin $5800. J. K. «Brock street. BE; fire Carrell 8 | | per week. C. W, MA-| i31 Princess St. hogany cabinet, and twenty-five re-| cords; practically new; a bargain | Apply evenings, 5 to 8. 115 a | rick street. . I | REV. 8. SHIBLEY DESIRES el } THREE FAMILY FRAME ON MARK. land street; large lot; some im- Jievements. Income $458 per yeak. rice $3500. J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock street. » ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX @creg of land in the clay belt of North Ontario; might exchange for a goud car. Enquire of Dr. Lake, 357 Johnson street. FARM FOR SALE--128 GOOD, DAIRY farms in St. Lawrence, Jefferson and Lewis counties: in northern New York State, for le. Send for new catalogue just published. H. C. Rogers, Gouverneur, N.Y. sell his brick residence at 419 Al- bert street, adjacent Victoria Park Enquire at oncé on the premises for particulars { MOTOR BOAT, DISAPPEARING PRO- | peiler; in (good running order; life! saving cusnions; to be 'sold at af bargain. Apply Frank Blake, boat builder, Cataraqui Bridge SOLID BRICK ON PINE STREET; HOT | water heating; electric light; oak | s; large lot, barn and stable. | $5200 2500 cash. J. K. Carroll} Agency, 56 Brock street. PANTASOTE TRUCK FUSHIONS, - springs 4% inches high; MEN AND WOMENS = CLOTHING, | rhiing and durable rashio men house furniture, speclalize tn mill- rice $5.00. Sta tary boots; buy all kinds Second. price & te size of seat. Jud- son's A hand goods: highest prices paid. fs Auto Tops, Brockville. Routbard. Phone 1723. 28% Pria- | MOTOR BOAT, COMPLETELY cess Street. hauled; 16% 'x4'; doubl Pg ouble righ through; 4 hp. engine; fine ant ning order; also duck punt. Apply Frank Blake, boatbulider, foot of Ontarjo street. AND ' TAPESTRY top writing - desk, Happy | Thought Range, Champion Oak H ter, large British plate mirror, | Victor Vietrola and records, side-| WE HAVE ard, Cleveland bicycle, nearly | ¢, one full set of dishes, Singer | ng machine. Apply 143 York WILTON RUGS, FOR SALE ALL XAVDS 0 &00od second hand furniture Pict Sloves. Any person having stoves and furniture to of, we wil} pay highest prices. J. Thom on, 333 Princess Street. Phone 600m, be SED CAR BARGAINS f not get your full share of enjoy- ment out of life? t enjoy the pleasure of MOTORING Y cars are overhauled and, reliable have sbme bargains last list are all sold 0 buys another Touring Car. iray Dort Touring. Foryg Sedan Chevrolet Tourings. Maxwell Touring Ford Tourings Two hight frucks. Also many' others. PALMER'S EXC! CAR Ss Y FARM, 130 ACRES; 7 MILES WEST OF Kingston; buildings practiogily - new; two never-failing wells: one mile from cheese factory, church and school. Apply to Archie Howte, oy Premises, or Westbrooke Post Mice. A FEW THOUSAND L thousand; aiso two barrels of tar, about $0¢ Ibs. cheap, and a six h.p.« gasoline engine, = $40.00, and power saw bench, suitable for builder. A. Cawson, Concession Street, near Victoria street. ATH AT 813 PER LUSIVE USED PERFECT, COLUMBIA, PRINCETON and Crown Bicycles. Tires from . '; Also baby carriage tires put on while you wait. Special at- tention given to all repair work, Muller's Blcyele Works, 371-373 ¢ King street. Phone 1032w. NGHAM & sMITH, and Solicitors, 79 Clarence ! Swept, Kingston. A. B. Cunning. | ham. Cyril M. Smith. { | $ AMBROSE SHEA, B.A. BARRISTH USED CARS AND TRUCKS ALL and Solicitor. Law office, corner kinds, Ford roadsters and hi : of King and Brock. over Royal Chevroiets, Overiands, Gray t n Money to loan. 19 Studebaker, Saxon Six, alse 1 tom ! --e ee pn---- truck and light Aellvery trucks. Arey Bert Stansbury, 169 Raglan oad. Phone 1674w. TWO FARMS, ONE CONTAINING 100 acres, 3 miles from the city; up-to= date buildings; running water; well fenced; second, 12 miles from the cly on county road; every conveni- ence; excellent camping grounds and good fishing. Apply Box AT, Whig Office. CUND BARRIST. | DENTAL KNAPP, B.A, LDS, .D.DSY, A. 288 Princess Street. Phone E. office 652. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 169 Wellington stree'. over 4 Carnovsky¥'s. Phone 346, a | LAND SURVEYOR, | F. MILLER. B.Ap., Sc, C.E. O.L.S,' D.LS, M.E1C., Napanee, Ont. Oa. tario Land Surveyor. Kingston Of- fice: "Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- ence street. . CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPEATER see James Selby, Contractor, 21? University Avenue. Phone 1398w. FIRST CLASS USED CARS JUST ready to g've you a good summer's outing You can have one for as Iittle as $175.00 cash, and ten months to pay the balance-- touring, Ford roadster, Chevrolet 1918, Ohevrolet 1919, etc. See our daily add. Blue Garages Limited, corner Queen and Bagot streets. Telephone 567. BATEMAN'S Rmaz, ESTATE. FOR SALE UPHOLSTERING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO WwW. Gavine, upholster, 216 Bagot St W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. holstering and general repairing Leave orders at or drop 2 card to 104 Clergy street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING $2100---FRAME; ¢ ROOMS ments; large lot $3200--BRICK VENEER; and stable; north end; improvements. -- $10,500---FARM, OVER 200 ACRES; 13 miles from Kingston; 140 at fag. oN } IMPROVE. J. ¢ ROOMS hy large lot; plough land; good buildings; Watered; one mile from P. O, tory and school. THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY the corner of Princess and Al streets, store and three dwellings. and gore lot on Princess street and dwelling, 308 Albert street. A bare San for quick sale, to wind up an estate. WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done, drop a card to A. Mounteer, 84 Arch Street. IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PAINTING OR paperhanging done st drop a line to H. Scott, 33 B y Street on = EE $4200---DOUBLE BRICK; V rooms each ENEER; ¢ BUSINESS CHANCES. $850--RBUILDING LOT; CONVENIENT location. FREE TEXAS OIL MAP-IF INTER- ested in oll leases, send for map showing Texas Oil Field i , free. Lease Salesmen wanted. loway Company, 303 Main street, Fort Worth, Texas. ~~ VICTORY BONDS FOR SALE. MONRY to Loan. » G. A. BATEMAN, -_ 158 Wellington Street. Kingston x a Order Coal now for June and July de- livery. All Coal cash. Jas. Swift & Co., - Limited Foot of Johnson Street. and Wood sales strictly spot MACHINIST 1 eA f a k prompt Al repair ir - . attended to. Phone 1264. Res. 1203. Occasionally man gets rid of a bad 3abit by swapping it fer a worse one. J + # >

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