PAGE FOUR From The Countryside FRONTENAC WEDNESDAY, JULY, 14, 1020 o machine can do what this new eghiter. does Men's, Women's or Children's. Wool or Cotton 75c¢. to $9.00 THE CL 112 Princess Phone 1372] do People Take Monkey Glands? Rejuvenation, both physically and mental, can be acquired, much easier and more pleasantly than by taking or eating the glands from monkeys. The French have invented a Medi- cine, in tablet form, that does away with all other means of rejuvenation. | These Tablets are now universally sold throughout Canada, and are known as VITAL Tablets. They sup- ply the necessary Vigor and Youth. There is no need to import chimpanz- ees from Africa to take thelr glands to inject into people. Why go to all this trouble; and expense, when | VITAL Tablets can now be procured right in your own town, from your drug store? VITAL Tablets taken | for a short period, disease of every | description, old age with all its aches and pains, will be a thing of the past. Young| men and women with their pale faces, thin blood, impure | slood, blotches on the skin, run down, worn out, tired people can be placed in a state of good health, with pure blood, strong nerves, a strong stom-' ach, a healthy body, full of youth and rigor. Every Tablet of this new med- icine contains the elements to make .you feel as nature intended yoy to feel, no matter what your trouble is, | §0 to your druggist and procure a box of VITAL Tablets. If they do not do you good, go back and get your money. Get on your feet, away with that pale, worn out look on the face. | VITAL will bring back the rose of youth. Price fifty cants per box at all drug stares. Oollins Bay Notes. Collins Bay, July 12.-- Quite a number from here attended the cele- bration in Napanee on the 12th. Miss Annie Vanluvea spent Sunday in Moscow. Mrs. George Ellerbeck is quite ill. Miss H. Ellerbeck. of the Kingston General Hospital, is home for her holidays. Mrs A. Rana and daughter Marion, motored to To- Tonto with Mrs. R. E. Grass, on Fri- day. Mr. P. Greenwood spent the week-end with his wife at Mrs. G. ¥. Clark's. Miss Margaruite Hen- Jerson, after visiting friends here," returned to Belleville on Monday. Richard Ellerbeck had the misfor- june to sprain his ankle and will be d up for some time. W. McFar- e and family, Joyceville, spent Bunday at D. Baker's. The Misses Poland, of Boston, are with their randparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. airfield. Dr. A. J. Horsey and Miss Amey Horsey, Ottawa, were at L. A. Wartman's on Monday. Becatise of the United States legis, lation which prohibits the manufac- ture of beer stronger than one-half of one per cent., breweries of Onta- rio are obtaining a large share of the orders which formerly went to the United States breweries from Everything comes to the man who Pays cash, \}| who was a resident of 1 LELAND. ' | | | Raymond, spent Sunday at J. Mil- July 9.--The late showers have im- | {proved the appearance of crops in | i general. John McCaréy's raspberry | | patch is attracting large numbers of | young and old. Great sorrow was felt | | here by some of the old residents | | over the death of Mrs. John Ryder, | this place | some years ago. Amongst recent | callers were Joseph O'Brien, Cuba, | and sons, George and Hugh; Mr. and | Mrs. P. Kelly, Glenburnie; Mr. and | Mrs. T. Shortell, Achison; Mr. and | | Mrs. Scrool, Toronto; Mrs, L. J.q | Joyce, and daughter, Cora, Kingston. | | July 10. --The frequent showers| | have 'greatly igwroved the outlook | | for hay and crops in' general J.| | Youngs has 2 gang of men and teams { busy. He i» vtilizing the government } road grant between here and sect 1 | Road. Sidney and David Walker, | | witah their wives and famili es, are | camping on the beautiful shore of | Loughboro Lake during the hclidaye. | iew from herp attended the Free | Methodist camp meeting at Elgin-| burg on Suaday last. A number from | here are anticipating a good time, while attending the Kingston indus. | trial fair that takes place the last | three days in September .and first two in October. R. J. Bushell should be congratulated for the unique way he is advertising the fair. Mrs. Frank Kellar is home after visiting her mo- | ther at Gananoque. Mellville and | Willie Youngs spent the week-end in Brockville and were accompanied home by Miss Bernice Young. Mrs i R. Ferguson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Adam Ritchie, Wilmur. PERTH ROAD. July 10.--~Farmers have begun { haying. The baies promise to be a good crop, since the recent fine rains. J.B. Henpigar and children, of Mont- real, weré the guests of J. Guthrie. Mrs. B. Wallace and little daughter, Ashmont, Alta., arrived at William Wallace's, last Manday, and will spend some weeks. Donald Guth- rie and Edward Roberts are employ- ed in the lead mines. Mrs. R. Stokes is still very ill. A garden party will bé held in the school grounds, Ray- mond"s Corners, on Thursday even- | ing, July 22nd, under the auspices of the young people of Perth Road. A good programme is being prépared Mrs. R. Smith is ill. R. G. Stoness 'has purchased a car. Rev. Duffield, the new 'minister, rendered a fine sermon Sunday evening in the Met- hodist church. Frank Smeaton, of Kingston, is the guest of Mrs. K. Clough. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ghthrie, Elgin, made a short visit with rela- j tives here. Mr. and Mrs. William | | lions', atwrs OAK FLA" FLATS July 9.--A. very distressing acci- dent occurred a few days ago, when the youngest daughter of Mr. and ! Mrs. Nioholas Bush was killed by lightning. One of the older children received a slight shock. Quite a num- ber have been picking blue berries already and report an abundant crop. Measles are very prevalent in the neighborhood, a number of familie being quarantined. Haying is going to be late this season. There will be no cutting until after the twelfth. Farmers are spending their spare time peeling: pulp. Mrs. King, of Syracuse, N.Y., has returned home after spending a few days with her 'aunt, Mrs. A. C. Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson, Watertown, N.Y. is at"D. Bush's. Miss Sarah Drader, nurse-intraining at Rockwood, is {spending her holidays at home. Miss IM. Moore, Toronto, is visiting rela- tives here. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rey- Inolds made a trip to Napanee yester- day. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Snyder are at B. QGenge's, Colebrook. Miss Miriam Genge spent a few days at Verona recentl:r, | PARHAM |__ July 10.--The Ladies' Aid met on | Wednesday at the home of Mrs. M. {Wagar. Although it wag very wet several of the members were present and were entertained with music by Mr. and Miss Brown. They also ac- complished considérable work They are getting ready for a bazaar in the near future. The campers are still arriving at the lake. J. E. Davidson came home from Chaffey's Locks to- day, as his brother and wife arrived here the day he went away. He has Pot seen his brother for several years. Mr. "Hunter, Tamworth, at M. Cronk's; Mrs. G. A. Smith at DN gars, Long Lake; Mr. and Mrs. J. Loucks at J. N. Smith's. Harry 'Clow, who has been in the military hospital for some time, is home for a few days much improved in health. Percy Oronk, Mrs. D. Cronk and Mrs. J. Clogg at J. N. Smith's. Miss Winnie Clow held a birthday 'party on Thureday evening. Mrs. Wesley Wagar, Wagarville, at Mrs. Wagar's; A. C. Wagar is visiting at Napanee and Deseronto; Mrs. Wright, King- L JOYCEVILLE. Fe Ww. | ston, at Mrs. A. C. Wagar's; Mr. and | fracture of the collar bone. Mrs. Minorgan and Mr. Grant at Bath; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davidson in thé city; Mrs. W. R. Wagar at G. A. Smith's. - a KEPLER July 9.--The recent rains have greatly improved the crops 'in the district. Potatoes are looking fine. The Sunday school held its annua. picnic last Tuesday in Cranston's grove. Mrs. J. Redmond is in the General Hospital suffering from, a She 1s doing as well as can be expected. J. Wood's car was badly wrecked las, Sunday. The driver lost control and the car turned over in the ditch. Fortunately no one was injured. W. H. Horning has purchased a new Chevrolet car. The W.M.S. conten plate having a picnic in Mr. Smita s grove next Tuesday alternon. .'re. H. Lindsay is moving to Sydennam. Arthur Smith is doing a good busi- nesy with his boat livery. 'The fish in Loughboro Lake have been biting well. Mrs. John Fowler is having a sale of farm stock to-day, Mrs. F. Parmer left for her new home In Fulton, N.¥., yesterday. Miss Effie Townse: has been visiting her . Miss Gladys Orser is visii- ing friends in Baldwinsville, N.Y ~T. Asselstine, Kingston, is ding a Cow days with J. Lindsay. cinda Asseistine has gone to visit Friends at Gleavale.; Kilborn Upten, city, is the guest of Harold Horning iss Helen Wartman, Elgin, spent « receipt-printing cash re It prints the merchant's name, -------- It prints the price of each article. It adds the items. It prints the total of all items,---- . It retains an added and printed record. We make cash NATIO CASH REGISTER CO. ov days with her parents here Te) pron pai oman: smn pe - RE A ------------ Copy of receipt printed for each Sustomer also does other important things for merchants, clerks, and customers. - Qld registers bought, sold, repaired, and exchanged. Easy payments, _ Liberal allowance for old registers. Write or telephone to our office W. A. Harston, 419. Palmerston Blvd., Toronto, Ont. registers for every line of business AL OF CANADA LIMITED wr The Serbian Relief Commi peals To You To Pay Your Tribute To-Day To the memory of the many thousands of heroic Serbian men whe 3 died that Liberty Might Live. They have left behind them 600,000 HELPLESS, STAR LITTLE ONES For humanity's sake will Jou not answer the call from these- Rely on Cuticural To Clear Away Skin Troubles fgg ey gg Ly Ay Nuxated Iron will Increase, | Strength of Delicate People In Two Weeks Time the expense of your fife later on. No mat- ter what any you, if are | SCOTT'S GARAGE and Storage. aan ote A eS Tour- ing ear for sale cheap for quick b . 298 BAGOT STREET Phone 1gpdw. tire E oF Q ~ a 3 i fils t f it i R £ I i £ E § 2 i ] # i T i : 3 is it L1H i : | I it il Hit