THE DA ILY BRITISH MONDAY, JULY 19, 1920. PAGE TEN AT-- JAS. CRAWFORD. JAS. HENDERSON. Thom TELEPHONE 304. HIRES DELICIOUS WORLD FAMOUS ROOT BEER BEVERAGE IN BOTTLES FOR YOUR HOME. . JOHN GILBERT. Nothing goes intd Hires but the pure healthful juices of Roots, ...Herbs, Barks and Berries and Pure Cane Sugar. ison Bol EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS FOR KINGSTON DISTRICT. JAS. REDDEN & CO. W. V. WEBSTER. ing Works OFFICE: 294 PRINCESS ST. ---- We always yourself, ty. GARDEN COURT carry in stock a full lipe of these popular Toilet pre- nd will be pleased to demonstrate them to you. erior class of goods, steadl Words ca Handled ex clus vely in this city byi-- ARGENT'S DRUG STORE QUALITY---COUR TESY--SERVICE. Corner Princess and Montreal Streets. They @ out by themselves, and f thelr merit, Come in and ot tell you half as much ¢ Telephone 41. -- BE ( Incorporated ) During momwths July, August and September, meoglvign will be 'held on the 1st of each month, Next seneral meeting will be held on Friday, August 6th. Struck by a G.T.R. train near tne North Augustd xoad crossing, Brock- ' ville, two horses belonging to Walter A. Mott, carter, which wandered from their pasture, lost their liyes. One horse was instantly killed, while the other roceived such" saris in- juries that it was shot. John Mundem, Gananoque, has been appointed a justice of the peace for Leeds and Greaville, AN ORDER WAS GRANTED For the Seizure of Three Cases of Liquor at Express Office. . George Laniger received a special invitation (in the form of, a sum- mons), to appear before Magistrate Farrell, in the Blue Monday morning session of the Police Court. Laniger evidently was feeling blue enough over the loss of three cases of liquor, as he did not appear before the court. He had three cases. of liquor at a local express company's office, and as he belongs to Cape Vincent, N.Y., it was believed that he was going to have the liquor sent across the born der. License Inspector Willlam Mec- Cammon made application to have the liquor seized and the order was granted. The death occurred Thursday of Miss Alma Allen, Prescott. She had been a sufferer for the last year. Miss Alma was in her eighteenth year and was a pupil of the Prescott High School. Corner Princess and- Clergy. A MAN'S SHOE The Victory Shoe Store - We mean, a low shoe that has no trace of feminity absut the toe, last or heel, and yet abounds in style and finish: It is built for fit, comfort and everyday wear and still is dressy enough for any occasion. Made in tan and black. Reg. $10-and $11 values. This Week $8.95 | Phone 486. "The Bond Market" is the nam# of our latest publication. will prove of value to those interested in such current topics Bonds are Cheap', **Canada--a Creditor Nation" and *' Inflation". Let us mail you a capy. do so upon receipt of letter or postal card. Wood, Gundy & Company a a arrey Baldine NCE upon a time there was a peasant who said it was too cold to go out into the woods to chop logs for the fire, so he conceived the idea of chopping up the In a short time he had disposed of the chair ard table,--then being cold once more, he took out the window frames and and after the window frames, furniture. burned them, 'the doors. These being burned he was colder than ever, thereupon he started to tear down the house and burn it piece he had neither house nor heat. The folly of this peasant is not unlike that of the person who for frivolous reasons sells his Bonds which, by painstaking thrift rainy day. He is disposing sheltering Victory It as 'Why Victory We shall glad] | with the Toronto Conservatory THE WORLD AT HONE SHOWS EXHIBITING AT FAIR GROUNDS THIS WEEK» A Splendid Midway--Opening Mon- day Evening----Shows Under Aus- pices of the G.W.V.A. Arriving in three sect 3 from Ot- rtrwar the Wititer-Piyers { World At Home Exposi ! reactied Kingston Sunda first section reaching the C.P.R. sta- tion about '10.30 o'clock and the others closely following. Many local people saw the unloading of the first section, while some lingered to wit- | ness the arrival of the second. Un- | loading operations which were start- | od at the C.P.R. depot were trans- | terréd to the Fair Grounds, wheres | the immense' circus wagons were drawn immediately after being taken | from the flat cars and where this morning the work of érecting a mod- | ern amusement city was in progress. | The World At Home Exposition | Shows will present here, beginning | this evening, which is declared to be | the largest amusement organization | of the kind ever coming into Canada. | The midway, it is said, will be a mile in length, and will offer a great vari- ety of entertainment features. There will be tive riding devices, several | of them never before brought to this section of the country. Among the feature shows will be the following which are said to stand out in un- usual prominence among the en- semble of amusement attractions: The Wild West, offering a company of ropers, riders, sharpshooters, knife-throwers, expert horsemen ana women, Indians, Mexicans and other performers. The Garden of Allah, with the Princess Amorita, offering a farseastern revue of unusual enter- taining qualities and thoroughly high-class and clean throughout. The Water Circus with the diving girls, presenting an underwater vaudeville programme. The wall of Death, where fearless motorcycle and auto- mobile drivers ride on a perpendicu- lar wall 35 feet in height. Spring- timé, "the show beautiful," offering a novel programme of extraordinary numbers. The Midget, Village presents. a troupe of seven performing Lillipu- tians who offer. a complete vaudeville | programme of musical, athletic and | | feature numbers. The Athletic Show preserts champion athletes Who 'will | be s¢ in contests with local title claimants The Great War Veterans' Associa- | tion, undér the auspices of which the { exposition is being produced here, | | will have representatives at the fair ! grounds each afternoon and night who will act as ticket takers and in | other official capacities. During the week the shows and the veterans will | be hosts tothe inmates of the local Orphans' Home and several other | special days also will be arranged There wil be no charge for admis- | sion to the fair gtounds or midway. Class of Twelve Successful. The following pupils of L. Floy | Guess, A. T, C. M., Sydenham, pasg- | ed. their examinations in connection of Primary school piano, pass: Nor- ine Koen, Isobel Brawley. pass: Helen Elementary piano, Leéman. Elementary school piano, honors: Dorothy Young, Nettie Velma Lindsay, Loretta pass: Mabel Koen. Introductory school piano, honors: Caramel Roushorn, Monica Grooms, Maud Roushorn, Vera Freeman. Lawrence, Johnston; Music held at Kingston: | | | | { { | Cut Down the Weeds. There is a city by-law which says that noxious weeds must be cut down by the 15th of July. Sanitary Inspec- tor Carson is notifying owners of lots to obey the by-law or they will be summoned to the police court. He has also notified the board of works | to get busy and cut the weeds on city boulevards and other places | owned by the city. When this city department does not carry out fits! own 'by-law, how can citizens be ex-| WHIG NAVY -- ' | W 3 = a CUT CICARETTES Player' Navy Cut Cigarettes Satisfy Fastidious Smokers Everywhere. That is why men prefer PLAYERS GANANOQUE | pected to do so? | Accused of Assault, charge of assault. on taken in charge by Constable Thomas Mullinger and the case will by piece, until at the end roof and knecking out the door that migh serve later to keep away the wolf. 'Wood, Gundy & Company | Canadian Pacific Railwey Building . A Victory - Bond is * Capital | No prudent man or firm ever dissipates Capital, for it is the foundation on which prosperity is based. Anyone who dips in- to Capital for run- | ning expenses courting trouble and possibly eventual ruin. your Victory Bonds. To do wo it is like burning down the house to keep warm. Hold and come before Magistrate Farrell on | Tuesday morning. or co in, | red at Gananoque cemetery. Don't spend Buy More 2 A _. | Saturday afternoon, the local Pros- With his head bandaged, David | pects .baseball team met the team Wishart was at the police station on | trom Watertown, N.Y., in a friendly Monday forenoon, and had a warrant | game. The locals won easily by 12 issued for one, Clitford McKane, on a | 15 4. The locals also won a twilight McKane was later | game from the Triple Links of King- ston on Friday evening by a score of | beth, Slack was held from the family | residence King street, on Saturday afternoon, !| The Thousand Islands orchestra fur- | to summer visitors and guests, twi- | light ball game, Fancy dress parade (Canadian Press Despatch) July 19.--At the driving park on 4 to 3. The funeral of the late Miss Eliza- to Grace church, where Rev. Daniel Mick conducted service, after which the remains were inter- On Friday evening at the course in front of the Gananoque Cance and Motor Boat Associations, club house another series of their schedula of races was held and were all keenly contested. The Ladies Aid of St. Andrew's church served ic~ cream and cake on the church lawn on Saturday even- ing and were liberally patronized nished a fine programme. Mayor Wilson has proclaimed Wed) nesday Aug-4th as Gananoque's ci- vic holiday. This will be in the mid- dle of the summer carnival which is set for Aug. 3rd, 4th and 5th. The following programme has been ar- ranged by the committee. Tuesday afternoon reception at the town park on King street 8.30 to 9.30. Dance, park 10 to 12. Wednesday civic holi- day, calathumpian parade, 10 a.m. Afternoon at driving park; baseball, horse races, marathon race, baby show. Hon. Nelson Parliament, spea- ker of the Ontario legislature, will give an address during the afternoon, Major Gray and A. M. Rankin are also expected to be present. Thurs- day, aquatic sports at the river front jn the morning. Afternoon Ladies Auxiliary of the G.W.V.A. will open their bazaar, Twilight ball game, band concert at Inn, band serenads of cottage¥. in Admiralty Group. Dance, town park 10 to 12. Rain again interfered with the Sunday evening service at Halt Moon Bay which was to have been conducted by Rev. W. R. Spencer, rector of Christ church. Reports from this district. state that the crop of wild raspberries gives every indication of being the largest for many a year. The rain in this section having come just at the Sper age Tyo Lor35 mann the united counties of Leeds and Grenville. There will be a special meeting-of the local Union Lodge No. 4 to con- sider the state of affairs between the management of the Ontario Steel Products Co., Ltd., and the employ- ees of their shovel department. Miss Fletcher, who has been spend- ing a couple of weeks here with her brother, 'F. J. Fletcher, First street, on right time. : John Munden has been duly ap- ---- | pointed as a justice of the peace for left the latter part of the weekefor her home at Woolwich, Eng. Zebia Slack, Brockville, spent the past few days in town with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Slack, King street, having been called home by the sudden death of his sister, Miss Elizabeth Slack. W. E. Cramp has been transferred from the Elgin branch of the Merch- ants Bank to the Athens branch. A Piano in your home will undoubtedly exers cise a strong influence over the refine- ment of your children's characters. A Lindsay Piano will surely prove a sound investment because its high quality ensures long and satisfactory service at low cost. Write for Illus trated Catalogue. Cheese Sales. Perth, 1,018 at 28 1-16 to 28 3-8¢. - Picton, 1,250 at 28 1-2. Napanee, 1,845; 28 5-16 sales. bid, no Iroquois, $00; 28 1-2 bid; no sales. Victonaville, Que, 1,800; no bid. The next annual convention of the National Shoe Retailers' Association, now in convention here, will be held in Winnipeg. AISA ------ £ fay EEA AT eh S PNET RY A