THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE THREE FIX-A-TEAR - Repairs a Hole or Tear Instantly sin rubber and waterproof cloth ~rHot Water Battles. =~Bicycle or Motor Car'Tires. ~--Garden Hoge. Rubbers. We have not Advertised Cl for some months, as they have been very hard to obtain. hand sinners "Umbrellas. Curtains. --~Canvas. --8hoe Linings, etc. ocks A wonderful repair outfit, 35 CENTS, For sale at all Drug Stores, or at Best's Drug Store 124 Princess St. We now have on a splendid agsortment of:-- BLACKWOODS MAHOGANYS OAKS and other designs. {xNo- GIFT 1S MORE APPRECIATED. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. ' Rings SMITHBROS. Marriage Licenses Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, fl! . There ll: dates' to be elected. il! Labor THREE LESSONS ARE DRAWN FROM WINNIPEG'S TEST OF PRO- PORTIONAL REPRESENTATION ll 1t Is Dangerous to Risk An Election | ll! Deposit Unless Candidates Are | Sure of Reasonable Support. i are three lessons to be! drawn from Winnipeg's recer: test| | of proportional representation, in the! ff optntonr--ot AE Parxer, editor of | Canadian Finance and himseif an | authority on "P.R." They are: (1) | | Candidates now know that it 1s | dangerous to risk an election deposit | | under P.R. system if they are not sure of reasonable support from the electors. (2) Voters know that the | figure 1 is not sufficient on a ballot and realize that their choices should | be equal under ordinary conditions | to atleast the number of the candi- | (3) Voters { is practicabls and know that P.R. | produces equitable results. | Mr. Parker in his journal analyzes | | carefully the features of the elect-! ion, and decla:es that it was "an- | absolute triumph for the advocates | of proportional representation.'* He | proceeds to set out in detail the method of counting the 'ballots and draws his conclusions. P.R. was used in Winnipeg only" in the provincial election, the con-< tests in the remainder of the prov-1{ {ince being conducted under the old | system. The wiole of the Winnipeg ! area was grouped into one consiitu- ency and ten seats in the legislature were allotted to it. Forty-one can- | didates were nominated, consisting | of 10 Liberals, 10 Conservatives, 10 nominees and 11 Indepen- | | dents. This super-abundance of | | candidates was the cause of consider- | | able trouble to the election officials | and the counting (staff, and turned | out to be somewhat costly to those | | candidates who lost their deposits. | The Manitoba Election act provides | | that any defeated candidate who re- | ler; | Dixon, total vote and elected 20 per ent of the members Advocates of proportional repre- sentation declare that P.R. gives ab- solute freedom of ch { that it encour on the part of standing instance of this was given in the transfer of the surplus of the labor candidate. Dixon 11,586 votes, being 7,274 he needed, As a result, re re-examined te choices m +f received more than Dixon's ballots w ascertain the Sal] "thereon. The result was as follow 2nd choices for . Labor candidates; 10,075; 2nd choices for Liberal can~ didates, 386; 2nd choices for Con- servative candidates, 310; 2nd choices for Independent candidates, 766; Non-transferable, 67. This clearly shows that over 1,400 voters who originally voted labor marked their second choices for non-labor candidates. Another instance is found in the result of the elimination of Jacob, a Liberal candidate, Jacob's votes totalled 2,347, and they were distrib- uted as follows: 91 votes went to Labor candidates; 147 votes to Con- servative candidates; 1,770 votes to | Liberal candidates; 188 votes to In- dependent candidates and 151 votes | were non-transferable. The foregoing shows that over 18 per cent. of Jacob's votes went to candidates other than Liberal can- | didates. The transfer of votes credited to Christie, Conservative candidate, at the time of his elimination, resulted as follows: 33 votes went to Labor candidates; 145 to Liberal candi- dates; 1,354 to Conservative candi- dates; 157 to Indepgndent and 37 were non-transferable, From the foregoing it will be seen that nearly 20 per cent. of the Cofi- servative votes left the -party when the transfer was made. . In the last. count 1,867 ballots were non-transferable, or in other words, exhausted. This means that 1,867 voters lost their votes because they did not mark sufficiint choice TT arked 5 s 0 STEACY'S SENS, 20% DISCOUNT SALE! Yes, it's time--one-fifth off every purchase' you make at Steacy's this week with absolutely no restrictions. PROBS: --Tuesday, mostly fair and cool. [Hm The time to take advantage [SNOW I Made and Fitted by | ceived first choices .less in number | cn their ballots. Many of them were | 9 : § JEWELERS | | | iose his or her deposit of $200. than 25 per cent of the quota shall { content with just marking the figure Un-| 1. With 41 candidates it was neces- | der this regulation 25 candidates lost | sary to mark at least 10 choices on | Get all the clothing you will need for yourself and family for Established 1840 , KING ST. KINGSTON Keeley Jr., 11.0.D.0, The optometrist of today to de good work mast not only be equipped with the best mechan. fecal apparatus but must have that knowlefige in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI. ENCF CAN GIVE. their deposits, and the government | the ballot, and those who did not do { profited to the extent of $5,000. The | that ran fthe risk of having their | candidates affected consisted of. the | ballots used up, each of the candi- | following: Independents, 8; Liberals, | dates marked thereon having possib- | 5; Labor nominees, 5; Conservat-{ly been either elected or defeated. [ ives, 7. | --_-- ystem the voter | F FEE bd bb bbb db bbb * + present and future use. Get your House Furnishings at our well-known low prices less { \ oF /0. 2 Under the P. R. & has only one vote, "but that vote is | transferalle. When marking the ballot the voter places the figure 1] opposite the name of the candidate whom he wishes to see elected. That figure '1 is cdlled his first choice. He continues to place numbers opposite the names of candidates he favors, the figure 2 against one, the figure 3 against another, and so on. The figure 2 denotes his second choice, the figure 3 his third choice, ete. The first task of the counting staff was to tabulate the number of first choices given to the respective can-1 didates, and to segregate the ballot papers in separate bundles accord-| ing to the candidates for whom they were given. GERMANY RESTORES LOOT GOT IN CHINA # | + HE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. | ot T . = T N No. 1 THERARIGN AS i ) 3 t Bi i Mase Soh X02 122 Chronic Weaknesses. Sold by leading chemists. Price In Eaglasa. is Dr Deo 5 my te Marked Word »"PHRERAPION" is on Brit. Govt. Stamp affixed to genuine packets. Get your Bedding, your Cottons, Linens, and 'the staples you Pekin, July 19. -- The Chi- «| nese government learns that Germany is returning 19 fa- + mous astronomical instruments + removed from the Pekin Obser-+# | vatory in 1900 and placed in + |! Berlin. They have been sent # | to Holland on their way to + | China, Officials are perturbed + lest acceptance of the instru- + ments be construed as recogni- + tion of the German peace treaty + | which Ctina refused to sign. | + PEPPER E EPP EP SPE e HE LIKES GOVERNMENT It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique {in Kingston. PEPER Er rr rrr br td are always in continual need of. Get your present and future requirements of Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, Whitewear, Corsets, Neckwear, Sweaters, Scarfs and the other hundred and one things that plete. OO go to make your toilet com- Mid Summer Sale TT Get the choice of our entire stock of high grade Summer Frocks, Silk and Palm Beach Suits, Afternoon and Evening Dresses, Novelty Skirts and Waists; Silk Underwear and Millinery. Get your Men's Furnishings at our well-known "low When the first count was complet- | ed it was found that 47,427 good bal-| lots had been cast. The quoto was | There Was Never Dissension then ascertained by dividing this | Caucus, number by one more than the numb- Regina, Sask., July 19.--There is er of seats to be filled, adding one | one member of the Union govern- to the result. This meant that to | ment satisfied with conditions at secure election at this stage of the | Ottawa and the record of the govern- proceedings, a candidate had to have | ment. He is Dr. W. D. Cowan. M.P., at least 4,312 votes. Two candi-| for Regina. On his return from the dates were elected on the first count capital he said: "Nothing could be and a third candidate was elected | more harmonious , than the.condi- | tions that existed during the sesston: didate was not elected until the 31st | There was practically no dissension count, the fifth was elected on the|in any caucus held. Mr. Rowell was 32nd count, the sixth and seventh | much admired and received with ap- on the 33rd count and the remain- | plause every time he spoke in cau- ing three on the 37th count. | cus. There is no probability of an el- The Independent candidates were | ection in the near future. The gov- entirely eliminated from the contest | ernment's position at the present before it ended, plainly demonstrat-| time is stronger than at the begin- ing that a candidate must be sup- | ning of the session." ported by a fairly strong group of | y : voters before his election can be secured. There were 6,362 votes | cast. for the 11 Independent candi-! || dates on the first Hy but not one | Notified of Elevation to be a Protho- of these candidates benbfited suf-| notary Apostolic. ficiently from the subsequent counts Cobourg, July 19.--Right Rev. to secure election. In the ordinary | Monsignor E. H. Murray, pastor of form of election those who voted for | St. Michael's church here, received these Independents would have wast- | this. week 5 commuynic or as atjon ! ed . their, votes but wnder P.R. the Bishop O'Brien, Peterbor ! recently been in Romé, tel im of : yotes were simply transfer hi . ry halerred to t ° | his elevation as a prothonotary next choices marked th. . - | : SI%0H. AS 4 Te apostolic, which' is the highest dig- THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE sult of the various transfers the Lib- eral candidates received approximat- | nity conferred upon any one in the W. A. MITCHELL, Manager Hardware Department. BROCK STREET prices, less 20%. There's no mark up then a discount at this store, because we don't run those sort of sales. 20% DISCOUNT | ¥ \ ON EVERYTHING IN OUR ENTIRE STOOK--WE GUARAN- TEE SATISFACTION ON ALL GOODS PURCHASED IN OUR STORE. { on the second count, the fourth can- Before buying your Oil Stove come and see our large display on Second Floor. NOW ......$17.50 NOW w. w. . .$21.50 NOW .......$27.50 ceiens $4.99 Perfection Oil Stoves (2 burners), $22.00. Perfection !0il Stoves (3 burners), $27.00. Perfection Oil Stoves (4 burners), $35.00. MGR. MURRAY HONORED seen» Buccess Ovens NOW .... cccveceees vans All roads will lead. to economical woman can afford 30 x 3% Maltese Cross Tires ....... On every article you buy thisweek. Steacy's great sale all this week. No Now. don't go and buy before you see our complete stock. ! rom to pass it up. ely 2,500 votes and the Conservatives | Priesthood. The ceremony of in- gained approximately 1,400 votes| vestiture will take place on the re- and labor received over 500 votes turn of Bishop O'Brien to this coun- more than was shown in the original | !f¥.. Monsignor Murray has been in | count. It will be noted that the In- | the ministry for fi*ty-four years, and | dependents vote went principally to| fOr forty-one years has been parish the 'Liberal and Conservative can-| Priest'at Cobourg. E didates when it was distributed. The final result demonstrates the | r wv CHURCH fairness of proportional representa- 70 PAY FOR BURNED or tion as a method of elections, says Who Sts i Mr. Parker. The labor vote repre- Sudbury Meh Jo Started Fire Ofer sented a little more than 40 per cent. Sudbury, July 19 -- Ferdinand of the total vote and labor elected | Rgenon and Felix Courchesne, charg- | 40 per cent of the members. The | od with setting fire to the Roman i| Liberal vote represented nearly 40 | catholic church at Bigwood, pleaded ver cent. of the total vote and the guilty before Judge Kehoe here, and Liberals elected 40 per cent, of the | gaid that they were willing to make members. The Conservatives Were | restitution for the damage. In order | supported by voters representing a that this may be arranged, Judge little less than 20 per cent of the ehoe postponed imposition of sen- ; | tence until July 26th. The church A rt arnt] | dest id. Th had bee COLDS, CATARRH portion Te 8 opts over the site. © RELIEVED Must From Unions. IN FIVE Mail orders filled same day as received Steacy's - Limited 0 ee | a SO They Must Go All our Men's Oxfords in Dark Brown or Black Calf--to clear them - out we are giving you " OUR LARGE STOCK OF "Out of Door" GOODS WILL ENABLE YOU TO ENJOY THE COMFORT AND PLEASURE OF YOUR PORCH, LAWN 'QR COTTAGE. CHAIRS IN WICKER, RATTAN, SEA GRASS and OLD HICK- - ORY, GRASS RUGS, SUITABLE FOR FLOOR COVERINGS; BRIGHT AND AIRY CHINTZES IN' ALL THE POPULAR SHADES. @ 20% Discount Se ve THE SAWYER SHOE STORE the $1.00 outfit of Ca- Great, foireen ours od or Gra = VE 184 P rincess St. : tarrhozone, it lasts! The Brantford Independent Labor | . small | party will place a candidate in Brant- |= - All dealers. | ford iu the next dominion Slection. st Resign Ottawa, July 19.--Renfrew coun- - cil, on the recommendation of the | MINUTES Power and Light Committee, has Consumption can be | given 'the employees of the power traced back in most in- | house a month's notice to resign | stances to a bad cold | from any nlon with other employ- ees or the employees of any other or catarrh that ns concern. Labor men look on the neglected. Don't 'court | 4ction of the Renfrew council as a this white plague-- | drive direct 'against unionism of civic ensure yourself at| employees. once against it by in-- meee i haling Catarrhozone, a Ex-Convict in Tolls, pleasant antiseptic Ottawa, July 19. --Believed to be | medication that is in-| responsible for a recent series of | haled into the lungs, | burglaries here, Robert Clifford, ex- | passages, throat, | convict, was ¢auglit red-handed at and bronchial ' tubes, Deschanes, where he was attempting where it kills disease to rob the grocery store of S. Os- germs and prevents goode. He was sent for trial to-day their development. Ca-| after admitting being concerned in tarrhozone heals in-| one robbery here this week. flamed purfaces, re- Heves congestion, Dynamite Causes Death, : clears the head and| Glens Falls, N.Y. July 19--An ex- plosion of dynamite which he was carrying in his hip pocket to use in VICTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS A Complete Stock. 2 Phone 0 T.F. Harison Cn, Li eed, Get A ee ---- A --