¥ PAGE FOUR THE DA IL Y BRITISH W HIG MONDAY, JULY 19, 1020. E-- FORCED T0 TAKE | SON FROM SCHOOL ul Mother 'Telis ' How Tanlac Brought Back Her Boy's Health. ] am more grateful i ll you for what Tanlac has doe for LAL for it has completely Pestored his pf a Ti up Wondepfully,' was the statement é by Mrs. Florence Mulines, of 3 Peter street, Toronto, the other "His illness : was' brought about B¥ the air raids. During the war we were in England, and you people here .ean't imagine what we went through when those terrible zeppeling and as. came govar, dropping their bs and adFial torpedos, and the meise of our guns trying to shoot « @own the German aircraft was as ter- #ifying as though one was actually @% the front. As the result of that SEpRrience, Arthur, who is just fify teen, got into a frighfully nervous dition, which affected his general th as well. We had the greatest culty to get him to eat, and his mach was all upset, for he had THE SCHOOL CHILDREN'S PAGE TTT gestion very bad and his food Bg formed gas and turned sour. ' He was always an of terrible head- es, and had spells of dizziness. got into such a badly run down ition at last $hat we had to keep away from ool. He lost all @is boyish activity and spirits, and at t would lay awake for hours. We | everything we could think of Xe try and build him up and make | well, but nothing seemed to meet | Bia case. . * "Then when the war was over we ame out here to Canada and heard | shout Tanlac, and got some for him. | Very soon we noticed that he was| eating much better, and sleeping dly at night. It wasn't very long re he was playing just like other Boys, 'and was full of life, and every- Dedy was remarking what a wonder- ful change had come over him. He Bas gained eleven pounds in weight oad is to-day a bright, healthy, happy ' Boy. How can I help praising Tan- Ine, and you may be sure that I shall always recommend it whenever I get the chance." Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown and by the leading drug- | @iats in every town. --Advt. Tol Doe hb fruit- sealed in "The ti has ice flavors glass is Jitfy-Jell No artificial flavor can take the of fruit. For Jiffy-Jell the » Cre in vials. A bottle of this essence comes in the pack- age. And sugar is used--not sac- i 0 sweeten Jiffy-Jell * Jiffy-Jell comes in ten flavors 8 paper and cut a piece at square. Warm t slig stove, near a lamp, or » it an 2 wooden table which | and dry. { Lift up the can lid by the | wax handle, and rub it briskly of | Ra real time, Lif rom the paper | 3 Im the paper and rise near the edge of the lid A spark will be seen to pass. between the id poo a aL Jami ranktin found 't! static ¢ » aplicted Dy vod ogee slcctriclty the, Same Wind of electricity as that | which produces lightni during Thder. Storia, yg . You can make paper dance with this, a tissue paper, lay them on charge the device ing-wax-handled $reg k fess ' "No, sir, it hes a staff™ Bismarck, N. Dak, H. 2 The Critical Wolf And the Memory-Mon said: A Sheep-Dog having, after many vain attempts, caught a Wolf, was about to kill: him when the Wolf com- ined s injustice. ised to set the Wolf free if he could prove his criticism. "Kinsman," said the Wolf, "you pursue me, at your master's orders because I kill a few sheep. Yet eat only when I am hungry. Your master, the shepherd, kills a hundred sheep to my ome, in order to sell them, and has nof even the excuse of being hungry. If you were really just, you would help me to protect the sheep against Man" ' A pretended friend is often worse than an open foe--R.-W. Prickly Heat "Have you got prickly heat, Hare riett? I see you rubbing your shoul ders as if they, itched." "Yes, I've a touch of it. I get it regularly in the very hot days" "You ought to try to avoid it. Nev- er use soap in your bath when the hot weather is coming on. If how- ever, you have caught it, and want to Set rid of it quickly, sponge your whole body, twice a day, with water containing all the boric acid that it will dissolve. For, you see, prickly heat is an irritation of the oil glands of the skin. Soap is apt to increase it, and Doric acid, becamse it dries the skin," will reduce the irritation, You'll be, amazed to find how much this simple trick will help." ------------ . A{woman goes to the well with two jars, one of which holds 3 pints and the other 5 pints; how can she bring back exactly 4 pints of water? Daily Twelve-Syllable Rhyme Play is just or 2a rest, , It is work That's the test. Oratory sometimes leads to curioud mistakes. A war correspondent, tell- ing of his experiences in the World War, closed his description of a battle a he fa dank am e groans o e dyi and 'the shrieks of the dead." ---- It was an Irishman, accused of cowardice when running away from aj fight in which he was greatly over matched, who replied: d I'd rether be a coward for five minutes than a corpse for the rest of my, life A politician's idea of a fool is a man who affiliates with the other party. i FRONTENAC Try loganberry and p le for PP desserts. Try lime-fruit flavor for tart salad jell Try mint for a re- ' freshing mint jell. Men's, Women's or Children's. Wool or Cotton 75c. to $9.00 {| /a pleasant evening last week. | DESERT LAKE | July 17.---~Berry picking is the {order of the day here. A. Page is | laying out government money on the | road. Quite a pumbar attended the | celebration at Harrowsmith, and re- | port a good time. Mrs. A. B. Page is | visiting at E. Page's. Mrs, E. Page and Miss Collins are at J. Abrams'; |Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abrams are at jue father's, J. P. Abrams', GLENVALE, July 14.--Berry picking is the order of the day as wild raspberries are very plentiful.' Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey entertained a number of | the young people of the village to A 'aumber attended the Orange cele- | bration at Harrowsmtth on July | 12th. The many friends of Mrs. B. Gibson are glad to hear she is | steadily Improving jn the General Hospital. Mra. Ward and children are spending a few days at R. J. Ellerbeck's. R. J. Bushell is spar- ing no pains in advertising his mam- {|| moth fair for the coming fall and i}! a record crowd expect to attend from | this vicinity. W Saunders, Am- From the Countryside herst INand, ealled on friends here. Se ---- k 0 LAKE, July 8.--RBerry picking is the ord- er of the day. The recent rains have made every thing look geod; the potatoes looks as if they might be a good crop. Some of the farm- ers have commenced to cut their bay. Quite a number from here at- tended the circus in Kingston and said it was grand; and a good many are preparing for the Industrial Ex- hibition in September, which thay expect to be great. Mrs. Jacob Bab- cock, Tichborne, is visiting her daug- hter, Mrs. C. Cox, and old friends here. Miss B. Salsburry at 8. Surt- zer's; Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Surtzer at C. Cox's also Mrs. J. Cronk. GODFREY. July 13.--A number form here at- tended the Orange celebration at Harrowsmith on Monday last. James Goodfellow, Schrieber, is visiting his CASTORIA For Infants and Children InUse ForOver 30 Years Always bears ET ~ MASONS, The ot government . has de- _ ded to open the remaining sections of the Gillies out other than the Southerly end, order to permit : e British House of Commons ted by 130 to 39, the motion to the imperial preference clause i Le Ahance bill. ngton, of the Supreme Court, is to be the deputy of thie 7 Ed . 'fl Phone 237. i ' DOES IT PAY To Repair or Rebuild? Do the small repairs as it becomes neces sary, and don't let your building become dilapidated. We employ: -- PLUMBERS. TINSMITHS. CARPENTERS. "PAINTERS and DECORATORS. | ELECTRICIANS. | 'We do all kinds of Building.---- | : McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD : Plumbing Department : Brock Street. A Bheat of Sunbeams, Ome day there came to the clinic at a hospital a negress with a broken Jaw. The surgeon, intent om dis- covering the exact nature and extent of the injury, asked numerous ques- be tions toi --nf witch the negress----- returned evasive answers. Finally the admitted she was "hit with a object." Was it a large object?" asked the physician. ""Tol'able large." "Was It a hard object or a soft ob- ject?" "Tol'able hard." "Was it coming rapidly or slowly?" Tol'able fast." Then, her patience exhausted, she exclaimed : "To tell de truf, doec- tor, I was jest nach'ly kick' in de face by a gemman friend." > The governor of Maine was at the school and was telling the pupils what the people of different states were called. "Now," he said, "the people from Indiana are called 'Hoo- siers," the people from NortN Caro- lina 'Tar Heels,' the people from Michigan we know as *"Michiganders.' Now what little boy or girl can tell me what the people of Maine are called?" "I know," said a little girl. "Well, what are we called?" asked the governor. MManiaes."" | Knew Where It Was That Time. A man who was continually losing his collar button while dressing com- plained to his wife about it, accord- ing to a Western paper. With dan ingenuity born of tive use of hairpins, she told him to hold his collar but- ton in his mouth and he wouldn't lose it. This worked for several days when one morning she was startled by an unusual commation. 'What's the matter?" asked the wife anxiously. "I've swallowed the collar but. ton," gasped the man. "Well," responded his better half, "for once in your life you know where it is." Where He Drew 'the Line. ( alo Commereial) > The Prince of Wales is said to have come up smiling after that train wreck in Australia, but report has it that he didn't smile when eseaping from the Maori women who wanted to rub noses with him in the usual Maori manner. Was a Low Church Maiden. (London Morning Post) A little girl was taken to church by her nurse; on returning home she said to her mother, "Oh, mummy, we must never go to that church again; they are so cruel." Her mother na- turally asked her what they had been doing. She said: "They burn insects there, and it does make such a hor- rid smell." parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Goodfellow . '| Miss Mary Howes has returned home after visiting for the past year friends in the western provinces. James Giles, Medicine Hat, with his parents, Mr. end Mrs. G, W. Giles. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ball, at the former's par Mr. and Mrs. A. Kennedy. Ciiftoyd Hamilton is at- tending Queen's Summer School, Miss Mildred Redmond is visiting at C. G. Knight's. Mrs. George Gates, Westbrooke, spent a few days the guest of Mrs. 8. W, Giles. W, D. Black and daughter, Lillian, at C. D, Gedfrey's; iss Myrtle Storms, Verona, visited Miss Evelyn Hamil- ton recently. Rev. R, Blacklock at S. Goodfellow's, Little Miss Helen McKnight who underwent an opera- tion for tonsilitis is recovering nicely. B, Howes made a flying trip to King- ston last week-end, Mrs. D. J Goodfellow has returned hone after visiting inh Sydenham. LEEDS OAINTOWN. July 12.--~The Methodist ice cream social, held here.on Thursday even- ing last, was very successful, The proceeds amounted go $165. Some of the local farmers have commenced haying. Mrs. Burton Poole and children are visitors for a few days with relatives at Poole's Resort, Miss Pauline Dutton, Montreal, is the guest of her gaunt, Mrs. George Leeder. Fred Stevens spent the week-end with relatives near Charles town. A few from this vicinity at- tended the Orangemen's celebration at Prescott. CHAFFEY'S LOCKS. July 15.~--The frequent showersdo not hinder the many fisherman who are registered at the Opinicon Club |. House, from bringing in the number of bass they are allowed to catch each day, Mrs. Latchford and Mrs, Cromp, Cleveland, Ohio, are spend- ing a few days the guests of Mrs, P. Brady. Mrs. M., J. and Mrs. MoGarry, Elmira, N. Y,, are guests of Mrs, T. Simmons. Miss BE. Flem- ing,s Montreal, is spending _her boll- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs V. H. Fleming. Miss R. M. O'Brien Bas returned to Montreal. D. F. Anderson's cotiage is nearing com- pletion, J Sa-- o 2 . _ LYNHURST, s July 16.--Farmers are rejoicing oynr the prospects of erops. The outlook was never er than now for an abundance of potatoes. Walter Neal is doing a good business in his garage. Visitors: Mr. ang Mrs. C. E. Blackman and son Ernest and daughters, Florence and Hazel, Seesley's Bay, were Sunday vigitors at R. R. Tate's. and Constance Harvey are spending their vacation at their home haere. R. G. Harvey's condition is much the same. Mrs. J. Stewart, Morton, spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. R. R. Tate. Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Deale, Ottawa, are spending a few days with old friends here. Mr, ana rs. N. Gram and two sons, Port J28, | Spat Sunday with Mr. and July 13.--Roy Finsley, Toronto, Was a recent visitor at J. 8. Purvis". Miss Mary Avery left on Wednesday last for Estevan, Sask., where she will be assistant matron in a howpi- tal. Mrs, J , Warren and Arden Warren spent a day last week af Po, © ' 1 * WB 2 = TT A | liz oS y » - White Pine White Pine stocks ares@icarce, but ve have secured a good supply and our prices are right. SE Bnei a AEE a ATA Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042. Victoria Street qn = Drink Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages Only GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited s revolt were sucopes ; others Lett follow, | 4, Lars broke in bluntly. "You'll in the water because I say so" ordered. "Dirt i ickness. A , I'm a sharpe of The boss of cam. dy - "And if T won't?" queried Letty trucubently, © Tc ° es SOWARDS COAL CO. Until further advised, and sub ect to change wi i the price tor DOAL will be: ou autice, . $15.00 Stdve .. iin. + $15.00 . $15.00 Nut-........ Pea $1950 "PHONE 155. \® % se 0,0 00 eo ooo 0 ev ees os 0'a S200 asa e tates ain els a's Carrying 50c. extra. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone to the great number. You've not "talking Adwriganion the last five min- u you've talking anarchy, You've been saying that you'll do as Ln please and be ged 10 the rest "We'll have to back up Lars, "Bathe or be de- AS PLEASANT TO TAKE AND PROMPT TO ACT won't! Not here " said | Director Pierre. ported I" Before the end of the sumefier, Let- ty had become an enthusiastic swim- (Tomorrow---The Entombed Miners.) In spite of what Solomon said, a patch on a boy's trousers is something new under the son. : Robert Tennant's, Lyn. Mr. and Mrs. James Foley, Toronto, visited on Thursday with their niece, Mrs. Claud Purvis. Misss Mary Purvis, Ottawa, 'spent last week with ker narents here, Mr, and Mrs. R. THE SALT THAT SATISFIES ~--ree MADE IN CANADA "TABLE SALT 2 Fortune, Glen Elbe, visited at Fran- sis Fortune's on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. John Summers and sons Ernest and Jack, Ottawa, were week-end visitors at J. A. Herbison's. Miss || Myrtle Purvis returned lon Baturday from spending the past week in Brockville. Mrs. Jacob Warren is|, visiting relatives in Lyn and Brock- || ville. Mr, Newton and Miss Gert- rude Scott spent the waek-end with friends in Newboro. Beveral from here attended the celebration held || yesterday at Prescott. Mr.\and Mrs. N. Ferguson and Miss free. spent || Tuesday last with friends jn Brock- ville. Grant McDonald, Kingston, is sending bis holidays at W. W. Pur- vis'. Ha BUY NOW TO MAKE SURE OF YOUR HOUSE FOR PALL ] 377 Alfred Street--brick; hot wa ter. ! 415 Johnston BStreet--brick; hot water, 93 Wellington Street--net water. 23 Mack Street--brick; hot air. 131 Beverly Street--Concrete Block; hot air, 87 Wellington Street--brick; no furnace. 89 Wellington Street--brick; no furnace. 91 Wellington street--brick; no furnace. 84% Collingwood Street--frame; no furnace. Finest semi-furnished summer home on Wolfe Island. Also a few good farms. Furnisbad houses to rent. | Apply to:-- ~ J. O. HUTTON: « cransvon ermuer . . ) Phone 703. FALL RIVER, July 14.--~The steady rains are improving the crops which are ex- pected to be a great success, Archie Gray made a business trip to Oso, Many from aroynd here attended the Orange walk on the 12th of July at Mountain Grove. It was a very good success although it was a rainy day. Visitors: Joseph Lynn is visit- ing friends in this vicinity; Master Harold Palmer is spending his holi- days at his uncle's. More Bargains FOR ONE WEEK ONLY we will sell a high grade Electric Iron --fully guaranteed--for $6.00. Worth $7.50. Get your order in early. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC C0. In a memorandum gealing with the sugar situation, issued by the Board of Commerce, little hope is held out that there is likely to be a reduction in price in the near future, The Turkish Nationalists have be- gul an attack upon Greek shipping in the Black Sea. KINGSTON AUTO SALES CO. Limited Dealers in Studebaker and Maxwell Cars Used Cars Studebaker Roadster. McLaughlin 4, Cleveland Six. Overland Delivery Van. Maxwell 1} ton Truck. Corner Brock and Montreal Sts. Phone 600 We want a new Hotel in Kingston. : Everybody should help.