Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jul 1920, p. 5

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- MONDAY, JULY 19, 1930. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : PAGE FIVE -- . ee ------ ere, OSTEOPATHY 7 iin -- Austin's Drag Sore § 2x | Kingston and Vicinit Y ||| rv Kindling Wood and Fiard Cordwoodin NEILSON'S ICE CREAM between Earl and Gore. | p-- In bricks and at the Fountaia. Telephone 447 for appointment. | v : - tove lengths *', active as many persons not half her | county, who settled in the old 8 . In the kind that ig different. ---- ' i Under duspices of Y. W. C. A. club, 'age. ship of Marysburg in 1784. - -.-- ~ Sunset Excursion. We will have a fresh stock of 'a _ . ARPEN ERIN Monday, July 19th, 7.30 p.m. Steam. -- ---------- i smBuyler's Chocolates c T G er Broxkville foot of Brock Tickets Back in America. A Long Motor Trip. : Estimates Given. oT I ille, rock. Be ie A as eos Ns. a rg Ne Ts, on : ™ 3 - eer ---- a ---- a A ESE -------- A TCA a. xs soni op Ade AY KEOY A. OL: DOIN {imi i ---- sc i "ohargal the: British Cellulossd snd-daughter, "arrived in- eu hei - --Nellson's Chocolaten Vetaras Photographer Dead. { and Chemical Company's plant at|io visit John Hudson, after having i | Derby, England, since its erection | motored from thelr home at Van S. A NC . IN & ( 0. C B i Thursday morning of this 21 Main street. Phone 16870 | Geo. B. Murray, Brockville, a vet- Be =i - eran pbotbgrg her, who has been in|early in the war, has returned te] Nuis, Calilornia. The journey u SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1! . = | business here for upwards of half a | America and i§ now in charge of the [over 3,600 miles was complete : | century, bP ot Ww ae night at| American Cellulose Chemical Com- | about 26 days. Mr. Douglas form- Woodworking Fautury wad Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington NEILSON'S CAKE CHOCOLATE | | meri gr i : Douglas form LL I | y's plant at Cumberlan ary- | erly resided wit a 7c. 1b. E 0 & WILLIAMSON ike age of elzhtviwe Years, 2 {P25 Mr. Morden landed in New | ng to take up residence in Ha Streets, RINGSTON. Ont. Office Phone 60. Factory [York about July 1st and expects to| ord, Conn., and removing to Cali-} Phone 14.5. "ornia ten years ago. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Becomes A Traveller. Take a Kodak with you on your Ford Cora.8 sveeinity. Genuine | Lancelot -Devern,. Melv has | visit Picton during Old Boys, fair Weaie 10 01 July, 378 BROCK STREET accepted a position 3s traveller and | week. Mrs. Morden and her sister : . Phones: Shop 1039. Res. 1837J. | | salesman with headquarters at Otta-| Miss Georgie Daly, remain in Eng | . At Mexico City, Gen. Pablo Gon- { land until September and expect tc | 'ales was held incommunicado in the --------= ' wa. His entrance into the business | ; oa The Koda tore ~--y world is the occasion of congratula-| visit Paris before their return. ederal penitentiary awaiting court- e tions. martial op charges og led the Big Salmon Landed in Rideau. revolt against the De la Huerta gov-| s i ------------ ] t Corner King and Market Square It Pays to Buy Jour Are Working Overtime. The old saying "There are as good | ernment. The offence is punishable | SAVE THAT OLD CASING The factories of Dominion Can-| fish in the sea as ever were caught' | by death. PUT A MAXOTIRE IN IT AND wgar IT OUT Kingston | ners (Lakeside), McMahon Bros. and | was made applicable to the Ridea: Sir Thomas Lipton ina dy bis party | Tires still golng up. Maxotires the same price as usual oyal Can- | : The Home of MAXOTIRES . Groceries And Meat | A. A. Morden & Son, Wellington, are | when Herman L. Morris, Portland. | will be the guests of the [all working pvertithe this week can- | 1anded a beautiful salmon weighing | 2dian Yacht Club, Toronto, at the | I 294 ONTARIO STREET, Saunt 3060. A NEAL Mgr ? ning peas A py are a bumper crop | twenty pounds. Of unusually large | conclusion of the races for America's y o | this season. proportions, the fish has the ap-| Cup {Irene s of a thirty-pounder. It The Persian government has in- ' i - ¥ at a NNERER R J Shal & So I Lake Ontario Fish. showed great gameness and only Mr. | structed the Persian Minister at | = | * es gy n | Th Booth Fisheries . company, | Morris' clever handling enabled him '| Rome to open direct negotiations | H THE MARRISON STUDIO [cape vince is shipping lots of fish to:1and the prize after half an hour's | with the Soviet government. f IN + A FLA T? g i 71 PINE ST. | these days. Ti has hundreds of week- | effort. The bait used was the ordin- For the second time Poland has | x Mr. and Mrs. Morris are | asked Rumania to come to her res-| 5 NE TIME 583 Pro! ly customers who are supplied with | { ary spoon : € The Ro iy aug es pe [fish that AT6 taRen Teun a waters | Camping:at Fish Point anil have with | cue in her ever-growing, military [WN oo you cam have Flowers. Yes, reasénable! Let ws J! : to picture the children--AS Delivery {of Lake Ontario. them, as their guest Martin Feld- plight. Imiitediste. construction of "al contract for a month to keep your table really attractive. The THEY ARE TO-DAY. ® immediate cost is nothing In comparison with the pleasure derived. Call | | Aan. hic Wer 28,000,000 suspension bridge be- y sa) | we FOU This Merk 00 catie Death 'of S. O. Wright. Jas Windsor and Detroit, de being | ll. We usw: Phone 1318w. 92 Princess St. | [stock of boys' and youths' suits, biue | Samuel Colborne Wright, a res- Teviewed ne Bl A. D. HOLTON | --- {and black serges, greys, browns and | Pectable citizen of North Marysburg, i sini | DID YOU EVER TRY |colored worsteds. Special price $12 | departed this 1ifé on 28th June, after 280 PRINCESS STREET . FLORJST suit for $9; $15 for $12; $18 for | an iliness of about one year, caused Phone, 6061; Res. 2086W. | heim, Ottawa, Wagstaf's- Ginger Marmalade, 15. Fox serges suits, Sizes 29 to 35, | PY cancer of the throat. The late | Wagstail's Pineapple Marmalade, | 315 Fe wy Ls is, $12.50. Pre-| Mr. Wright was born at Northport Wagstafl's Bramble Jelly. vost Clothing House, Brock street. in' the county of Prince Edward on v 2 : the 4th January, 1845, and like his boner ntment free if yom mention this | We. also have : full line of || other reliable makes of Marma- et . ] e ave lades;, Jam and Jellies for 'sale | Pays the Lowest Salaries. father was a blacksmith by trade, {oper and send 2c. stamp dic point | at: | At Carleton Place request of the | and in his latter years became a suc- jul deniers man C ti cessful fruit grower as well. He was (i fl chief of police and the street com- gmbh doe TR he .® B M 'G | missioner for increased salaries was 18 grea AlLWAY BI i In Stock | n he Y | [discussed dy the council. It was| Wright, the ploneer of the large iW ND {Le SYSTEM Qa Qa e Went for Eczema lieves at once and gradu- #5 bg 3 Tee Sample box Dr. | Cor. King and Karl Streeta | pointed out that Carléton Place paid | Wright family in Prince Edward the Jowest salaries to the civic offi- License Ne. 8-37140 ' to 1 > I . ; * Just hrtived ow prog RY jelaia of uny town in the district of Prooping To Rear, A GENCY Womens' White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps Campbell's Vegetable Soup | Only One Change in Staff. Dop't give in to that depressed, | i played out, don't care sort of feeling. FOR Al I . 's Tomato Sou, | 5 | There will be only one change in Clarks » the teaching staff of Picton Coile-|Better days arp ahead. Cheer up, do White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords--regular price $4.00 Clark's Vegetable Soup { giate this midsummer. All of the|as the othér fellow is doing, tone and | ! apd $4.55. Now $2.08 ine teach return except the |strengthen your blood, and you'll ' : Distriby tors top Bs Bed wee Toa~the TEA J Drei S2cor E. L.|feel like new again. You'll dance STEAMSHIP White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords--regular price $4.00 with new found energy once you use aud $3.50. Now $2.49 - Reld who goes to Perth at a salary | § Tr our Special Black Buik Tes, 1 Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They will Special Jot of Women's White Pumps and Oxfords ..... $1.98 ! exceptional value for 60c. a 1b. of- $1,800. She has 'been receiving quickly fill your system with energy, «ie Ww R McRae & Co. | Wo recemmena this to you, tug} § | $1,600 in Picton. Suickiy I Your vst Aith restore | LINES All sizes 2% to 7. GOLDEN LION fled and repeat your order. Won the Scholarships. that long lost complexion, make you | At the recent entrance examina- feel like a kid again. A wonderful | For 1 License No. 6-543. { 1 tions held in Frontenac County, tha |Mmedicine, chucked full of health ? \turmstios S24 Sue apply. tv / : " Shea | Jamilton's Pills. Get a 25¢ box to- | ---- ROR. Harrowemitn; the sacond may|day at any dealers. | way. Kingston, Ontario. | THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES 210 Division St. Phone 545, won by Fred Alexander, Arden and oi a. w. winner | | EES EY CANADIAN PACIFIC We wgita oy Hote Kei DENTAL SURGEON | "Watches and Clocks ||. tress Dewars, he fouseroa| Trans-Canada Vancouver ------------------------------------------ a er of Ald. J..H. DeMarsh, ha ° - ¥ ; | Repaired | the misfortune to break her left leg Exp : --by-- The little girl had followed a netgh-| § | - A<AINAR ress Begs to announce that he 3 bor's kitten into-the barn and up- has resumed his practice, '| stairs into the loft. Unluckily the 3 Ti \ corner Joknsou and Welling: | G. W LYONS child stepped on some straw over a h ; y ton Streets, Kingston. Te's . | hole in the floor and fell through. re oy phone 36%. ne Surautend lor Se ear. | Her thigh Was fractured. { | ' { retro on---- y i { S| der will be promptly attended || Made Big Catch of Fish. G0 BINA St ttn aan | to. "Billy" Simmons, Michael Flani- ) 4 ; 2 \ . { . Note change of address: gan, Michael Dolan and D. P. Brani- X Y OF THE FINER QUALITY; { Phono 1866. 267 Princess St, | gan, four local followers of Isaac p fi | Walton, were fishing at Buck Lake, and each of She yeterans succeeded fo : i . > For Men And . Yo Men It pays to save » in nookKing one Your Newspapers, Magazines and N il 4 finay' tribe They 1 . y formed a fine iotap metseimlnye. Are wring el Son # quartette for the outing, and have good prices. some great fish stories to tell. ne nm [Chocolates RoTor TR Z tent for next summer. Call on ua. " he family witha bez ot The building in Deseronto, known rr a SMART NEW MODELS IN SPRING posts at the family a the old D to House has b ! | Neiloo's Chocaluter Tor the | onsets be Tous 3 oie wen | SUITS AND TOP COATS Cohen Co. - tear it dows. At present this old ® ® : L Phone n& Wek wl. th wal landmark of a busy town is occupied Double Daily Train Service sn RE mame [| ret oo nt eget (15 Le $2 00 to $50.00 A and style are rig pool roomi. © demolition of this | Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks property will leave a Top in Main Toronto-Winnipeg - Vancouver are beiter than ever. Take a street that may not be filled for "Trans-Canada Limited" "Vancouver Bxress™ ~ ArRiGT between) brick home with you and leave [**"% 0 From Toronto From re "BEST! Wha G S CLOTHES VALUES your order for Sunday. A Very "Sad" Affhir. Every day at 9 pm. ~ Every Day at 10.00. g%h. ingston Cement "wr - Some time Saturday night burg- "The Fastest Transcontinental King WE TRY TO SERVE" Train in America Between = Stops at and connects for prin- lars entered George Saad's confec- Products Factory ' | tionery store at the corner of Vie- Terminals" cipal cities. " Louisa streets, Twead, and F th First a a | Mak ¢ Hollo ¥ Prouse Drug St toria and For Standard Sleeping Car or Bo rst and Secon Proof Tat Blocks Dun ; $ ore SL ava) with Jetuien Jog 2nd 10. Passengers Only Class Passengers. 3 Blin Linton, snd Draia Tile, Opposite St. Andrew's Church. through the basement, and carried Leave Kingston at 9.50 am. Leave Kingston at 12.05 p.m. One Door Below Randolph Mosel, : And ol kinds of Ornamental Phone 82. The cay Josie, Whieh was oot Particulars and tickets from F. Conway, C.P.A., City .Ticket Cement wor 3 : ice, 239 B Factory: cor, of Charles and _- ransacked it. | Office, 23 agot Street. Phone 1197. Patrick streets. p-- El A the OM PHONE WW. Lake Ontario Trout || At the annual meeting of the Mgr, H. F. NORMAN = N : . : = -- and Whitefish, Fresh (he tollowing oicers were sisted: | Sea Salmon, Had- yo Tice president, rs. Walter i ® . ock, Halibut and (Rug sod ieegmen: | earl ng { ; \ dent, Mrs. Daniel R. Simpson; sec- | retary, Mrs. Charles Armsuong: D . wh Co. treasurer, Mrs. Leon L. Ped. | FORD SERVICE Active At Advanced Age, : needs, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Anthony and! 3 | : | Canada vood Board License daughter, Celia, Watertown, N..,| W to inf a blid th » | . ' * and Mrs. F. Angell, Albany, N.Y -- Wwe beg O 1Inrorm e (8 i r Joie ens of Mis Catia Forsyth, | o PHOTIC at we are (1 | . - ape Vincent, on Sunday, the : HH New location: occasion being the eighty-ninth | | now supplying a Twenty-four Hour Ser- 'AH " > biarthday of Miss Forsyth. At this . ; L Hl t Corner Ontario and West Sts. h,) advanced age. Miss Forsyth is re- vice. Phone : or. markably well preserved, both ment- ally and physically; in fact she is as ORY --Don't walk home after the Boat Trip-- il Women's White Pumps--all sizes in SR ad ae Fa cianTy ih, to store your car at our Garage--the near- [fi the lot. To clear'out at ...yie, Sprague, a son. ¢ : ta | : Ne Invite Vor: > est Garage to the Dock. | Women's White Pumps and Colon- t jus when you wish to . HEAD--GOOLEY--On Jupe 3rd, ot the s Ry a old Mattress with a 1 bride's parents, Lucie Agn . Goo- new' one. wi bave it renovated 3 ley, Arnstel Ont., = "Wiltrid, --Cars washedat night. ial--a better line ®% se so eiaie nie a-31.79 ang ren Lewis Head, Picton. oi Sim Serkman nip NLY the quality of our . | » 3 on to a DIED. * ' - - sil, Sen and our repre- Ores and pasty ls HERMON-_I~ Detroit. July eh. Mary. «9 . Women's White Boots--high or low J Sentative a call and offer a gh--not the price. We wife of he ate Hermon, --Tourists needs a specialty. h 1 5 24 7 f $2.99 ! Cy eels; sizes to /, for... sugsest] --and don't use. only the finest materials R lle, aged sevemty-nine Bree to ask us about | our In our bakery. We employ years. WN» RRISON--In Bay City, Mich, Ju (COMFY DO only master bakers and the HA Sth. Benjamin H. Harrison, fried THE SILK FLOSS MATTRESS pleasing result is high-type North MEr et on. # " i ; Fou would like ft ; food. Order our pure bak- re ponte Tysburg., age of | - . ery foods by name. COOK--At Ellendale. North Dakota, on A uven ro | \ June 8th. Eva Anna Graham, wife | of M. M. Cook, and daughter of the Se late B. Graham, W. | : I KingstonMattressCo, eS ecdrous. | aC | { GRAHAM--At Avondale, July ' . i ETT | fi ~ KING STREET : : Mary Adeline Oraham. wif of 856 PRINCESS STREET SEE re |. Francis Graham. formerly of big $ Isian A seventy-one Years. CLE & PASTR LLIAMS--In Pictoh, July Tth. Ann! lijams. wife of Crrem Wi liams, aged seventy-cight years

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