WEDNESDAY, JULY, 21, 1920. ¥ LONDON WOMAN PICKED RIGHT UP FROM START Mrs. . Elizabeth Gray Was ' could hardly get home. I.was very | Amazed at the Way Tanlac ...Overcame Her Trouble -- : eops Like a Child All Night Now. According to the testimony of the multiplied fuousaids who have used it, there is nothing more invigorating than Tanlac to persons suffering m the after-effects of influenza, grippe, typhoid, pneumonia, or a Serious aperation, or who are in a Fun-down 'condition. Another strik- instance of this is the cass of rs. Elizabeth Gray, of 12 Elmwood &venue, London, Ont., Canada, who Made the following statement : "For two years I was in a very bad state of health and my appetite Was 80 poor that I<had no' interest Whatever in mealtimes. I was con- Stipated most of the time; and suf- fered from the/most dreadful head- 8ches, which so affected my nerves t I could not stand the children &round me. At such times too I would have spells of dizziness when I would nearly topple over. I had rheumatism badly sa my knees and ankles, which pained me so badly that sometimes when down town I EA wt rt weak and it was only by frequently | resting that I wag able to do the] housework. - k-just: feit tired and | languid, all the time sud tt was | misery to t and get around, an i was ERT otras to know what | to do. vo "I had read so much in the London papers of the great good thatpeople were deriving from Tanlac that I} decided to try. it too, and I must con- | fess that, I was amazed at the good: kresults which I got from .even the tirst bottle. I began to-pick up right from the start and soon had an appe- | tite such as 1 had not known "for | years. I was able to take good gour- | ishing food and I put on flesh rapidly. I am never troubled with headaches or dizziness now. The | rheumatism seems to 'have left me entirely, -so that I haven't an. ache | or a pain left in my body. I sleep | like a child all night, and get up in| the mornings feeling fully rested and | strong enough for any task. Tanlac | $s a most wonderful medicine and I| am delighted to have the chance to | recommend ijt." */Tanlac is sold in Kingston by A. re P. Chown and by the leading drug: | gists in every town. --Advt. | ---- -SOWARDS Until further advised, and subject to change without notice, the price for COAL will be: Stove ............ Ege ....i... 0a... $1500 Nut \5...i.. Pea .... "ew sen Carrying Leonard NE ° Relieves Deafnefn, 3 tops 'Head Noises / It is not put in the ears, 1 Back For sale in Kingston, Ont,, by Mahood Drug Co. and Austin's Drug Store. cess will be given you 'by the above drug- sists. 4 THIS SIGNATURE ON YELLOW BOX AND ON BOTTLE. The Serbian Relief Committee Appeals Te To Pay Your Tribute To the memory of the many thousands of- heroic _Serblan men who died that Liberty Might'Live. They 600,000 HELPLESS, STARVING LITTLE ONES For humanity's sake will you not answer the call from these desti- vice. ~--Don't walk home after the Boat Trip-- store your car at our Garage--the near- est Garage to the Dock. : Cars washed at night. | Tourists' needs a specialty. 50c. extra. PHONE 155. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone orders C.0.D: ~--We beg to inform the publje that we are 'now supplying a Twenty-four Hour Ser- COAL CO. | C... $15.00 ® o oe a a a Ear Oil but is "Rubbed of Ears" and "Inserted in the Nos- Has had a successful sale since 1907. Proof of suc- A Manufacturer 10 Fifth Ave. New Ybrk City. To You To-Day have left behind them ------n on | sorts of striking Jewelry has passed |, | the stage| where it may merely be re | | wis absolutely nude to the walstline. | | No other jewels were worn, not even | | a finger ring, but the marvelous bril- | Hancy of her throat latch and earrings | was the more pronounced because of | the severity of the remainder of the i is a double bracelet of onyx set with | the fact that the prices of these stones | IN JEWELRY FADS Decorations Sensational Rather | ~ Than Extravagant. 1 Throat. Latch and Pendant With | 'Matching Earrings Brings Forth | the. Mest Comment. [- | The present mode of wearing all | ferred. to extravagant; now it has ; become positively sensational, accord- | Ing to a Paris fashion writer: Quan- | tities of remarkable jewelry were seen | everywhere during the season In the south of France, _ . The jewel which created the most comment was a throat latch and pendant with matching earrings. These were vi large and were made of | platinum and diamonds. The earrings ' and the pendant were the same size and of the same design, the delicate | chain which held the three together ' being of platinum and brilllants to match the three pendants. A famous Parisian beauty wore this raordinary ornament . with the simplest possible colffure, the hair be- A ing brushed straight back and twisted Into a low knot at the nape of the neck. Her dress gas an extreme decollete in black and she kept a sable coat on most of the time, as her back tollette, 1 Another striking novelty in Jewelry rows of pearls with little chains of pearls holding the two together, This, llke many of the new bracelets, 1s worn above the elbow. Very large earrings are much in vogue. They, like other present-day Jewelry, are usually in combinations of black and white or white ahd one | colored stone, green and white being | the combinations most often chosen. | The preference for/ green and whife | Jewplry has brought the =[Terald Into even greater prominence and; despite | have become almost fabulous, quanti- | ties of them are worn. | Watches are quite as elaborate in | thelr design as earrings and brace lets. *- FEMININE FANCIES Scotch heather sweaters are promi- nent. The new Balkan blouse has a high collar, \ » Real laces are used on tailored lingerie. Figured net is the latest lingerie material. { Figured voile is used for children's 4 play frocks. | The' entire hat today is expressed in the crown. » Shot taffetas are printed. in pompa- dour patterns. . ia Eccentric trimmings are features of the overblouse. Colored cotton embroideries are very charming. The new up-and-down trimmipg 1s much in vogue. s Some tailored and Irish-trimmed negligees are of heavy; lustrous silk. Black satin, draped with hiack tulle, i» a wise choice for an evening gown. A smart accessory is a dressy scarf of slik tissue, bordered in printed silk. An all-white evening dress for sec ond mourning is made of rag det siik net. Angora cloths 'in Scotch plaids, or with blazer stripes, ate used for sport coats, Batire capes of gray squirrel fur are among the most luxurious gar ments, : Bulgarian embroidery, in bright cel. | ors, is seen 'on some ef 'the spring blouses. It is reduced ynvarying tich Tt is sterilized safety and puri anything else is THE. DAILY BRITISH WHIG _ bright new containers in the very heart of the dairy counties. : Every can of Carastion Milk is absolutely uniform in quality. "From ow dos 00 weight It keeps its high quality and its. purity: because it is inspected, Sealed and Sterilized. BOOKLET TELLS THE WHOLE STORY No greater precautions to insure purity could be taken than are taken at Car- nation condenseries. by evaporation to ness and sealed in oa Custa: se Salads to insure absolute ; ty. Use Carnation Milk for Table Use Children's Drink Baby's Bottle Coffee; Tea ls dings s Cream Sauce « Gravies Ice Cream Welsh Rarebit y --For every milk know your physician): t . , Not a particle of preservative--sugar or added toCarnation Milk: - Carnation Contented Cows' ® ~ \ ; / Baby demands UNIFORMITY -- uniform richness--uniform purity OTHERS, nurses, phy- sicians, all agree that babies show the steadi- est gains in health and from milk that never varies-- in richness and purity. Milk distributed by the Carna- tion method is, therefore, very desirable for Infant Feeding. It is gathered daily. In baby's interest you should how Carnation is made SAFE for Infant Feeding. you can do by reading the of Carnation Milk." The book also explains how to use Carnation for Infant Feedin (For individual cases consult It corftains, as well, 100 tested recipes for making puddings, custards, candies, etc. Write for a copy FREE. The Carnation Milk Products Co., Limited Aylmer, Ont. Condenseries at Aylmer and Springfield, Ond' | Milk The label is red and white This "Story ~ HAT MADE OF WOOD SHAVINGS Ae HOUSEWIVES PUT DOWN FRUIT WITHOUT SUGAR Cherry Trees All Through Niagara District Loaded, But Pickers Few. 8t. Catharihes, July 21;--Owing to the high price of sugar, not tie' usual quantity of fruit is being put down this summer, either by the canning factoried or the housewives. Some of the latter, however, are puft- ing down unsweetened fruit. The raw fruit is put into the bottle and then the bottle of fruit is boiled in a boil- er of water. This is said to be suc- cessful. ~ +. Cherry pickers are not increasing +. MOTHER "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative ® Western Npwepaper | ° g i #3E% 28 a) ebzeei 3 in number, and all through the dis- trict can still be seen trees loaded down "with their.deep red treasure, and not yet touched. It is'said, some | srowers are practically giving away the cherries for the picking, rather than have them wasted. ; GREAT CUNARD TERMINAL To Be Erectéd By Company at Wee- . . Hawken, N. J. > Trenton, N.J., July 21.--The Cun- ard Terminal Company will shortly erect for the Cunard line what it is declared will 'be one of the great- ) est steamship terminals in the world alorig the Hudson river, near the West Shore Railroad ferry, at Wee- wken, following the approval to- ay by the New Jersey Board of Commerce and Navigation of a grant of eleven hundred feet of riparian land in the stream at $50 per 'foot, or $55,000, , HAS NEW IRISH BILL. Goyernment Preparing to Strength- en Court Martial Daily London, July 21.--The Ohronicle's political correspondent 4 | | | | ------ says a Rew jin bill which the gow ernment h#ve in preparation 1s exe pected to strengthen' the court-mare Ual and give further protection against criminal outrage in Ireland, The cabinet have had under com~ sideration the establishment of & trial by three judges instead of by jury in Ireland. Of late there have been several cases of failure to get a grand jury and even a corner cane not sometimes get a jury. The jur- ors, if impanelled, are intimidated, It's the early worm that catches the fish----hook and all, DG NOT MISS CALLING TO'SEE A' DEMONSTRATION "OF | THE WONDERFUL "DECO ll This tiny pocket tank will inflate a big 37" x 5" tire or will put out a | fire.* You certainly ought to have one in your car. - Call and see it. | jumped from the abuttment at the 3% American end of the upper bridge, J A process has been invented for extracting the moisture from sugar | ~ beets where they are grown, saving | in shipping weight and drying them 80 they can be held for Bains sanvartad inis To imitate daylight for color com- parisons an English artist has invent- ed a concave reflettor covered with a checkerboard arrangement of blue, months be-| &reen and purple squares tg be plac- suas | isd above ar alsetiic ligh:. - ' attempt to regain' the shore, Laank batora aid. xaach him. was Fred Lehman, Pittsburg, who had reported to them that he had been robbed of $600. After leap- ing from the "bridge 'the 'man was seen at in the water im an but Accept "California" Syrup'of Figs only--look for 'the name California gn the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and Phone 567. Blue Garages, Lizaited il