-- PAGE TWELVE: | SPORTING NEWS : * Tidings From All Over Told | } Bowling on Queen's Green | The result of the various games at the Queen's Bowling Club last night was as follows: D. A. Shaw W. Cook - Dr. A. Haffner JA. McFarlane J. C. Munsie W. R. Givens F. Crozier JSF. McMillan Skip--10 Skip--9 F. Conway W. Patterson W. Chapman J. Chatterton G. Vanhorne W. IL.- Wormwith M. Manahan F. 8. Evanson Skip--16 Skip--11 Dr. Knapp J. H. Hoppes R. H. Crooker E. Johnston €.Steeth R.URtEVenson R. 8. Graham J. J. Baker Skip--16 Skip--12 In series '"'B"" of the doubles, Dr. ' R.. Cartwright won from W. Linton by a score of 15 to 12; F. Crozier won from F. S. Evanson bv a score. "of 18 to 18 and J. M. Elliott won from H, Newman by score of 18 to 14. The first games in the new singles competition ere played: when, in series '"B" J. Singleston won from H. Price and then from G. Vanhorne "Teddy" In Great Demand, "Teddy Gallagher, the local twir- ler, has received a telegram from Carthage, N.Y. asking to come and pitch two baseball games in their championship contest. "Teddy" has been very loath to seek honors away from home, but he is considering the offer, I | New Yor | elation ithe first creditors to THE WORLD'S TIDINGS IN CONDENSED FORM in a Pointed and Pithy Way. © Gross Remary & Co., members of sek change failed, lia- bilities a give at approximately $350,000 with assets about $250,000. The Canadian Paper Export will divert in 1921 approxi- mately 70,0 ns of newsprint trom the America rarkel to English colo- nial ! Ww. re ir ras elected prest- dent of the Unite 3 Association, He is a native of Missouri, thirty- soven years old, and began his news- work ag a cu porter on the Springtield, Mo an, fs are at St meeting of iefs' Associa- n address of nknran. On Aper Thomas for the the Dominion F tian, which ope welcome by May behalf of the as fation, President Berthraume, Three Rivers, Quebec, accepted a gold key, emblematic of the city's freedom One hundred and seven million dollars per year is. now the estimate placed by the traffic experts of the Canadian Manufacturers association ands Boards of Trade as the aggregate amount of freight rate increases de- manded by the railways of thle do- minion Plans to fight the increases are under way. The Dominion Shipbuilding com- pany, Toronto, which reeently an- nounced the suspension of operations has made an assignment for the bene- { fit of its creditors under the new bankruptcy act. Eight hundred em- | ployees, who received no pay for two | weeks previous to shut down, are | the extent of | seventy-five thousand dollars. It is | THE DAILY BRITISH SCENES IN THE FIGHT BE TWEEN REV. J. 0. L. . =, TERESTS. SPRACKLIN AND THE LIQUOR IN- WHIG TUNPDAY, AUGUST, 8, 1920, -- TEL DELICIOpS WORLD FAMOUS ROOT BEER BEVERAGE, IN AT-- Nothing goes into Hires but the pure healthful juices of Roots, EXCLUSIVE -- HIRES BOTTLES FOR YQUR HOME. JAS. CRAWFORD. JAS. REDDEN & CO. JAS. HENDERSON. ._ W.V. WEBSTER. JOHN GILBERT. Herbs, Barks and Berrigs and Pure Cane Sugar. son Bottling Works DISTREBUTORS FOR "KINGSTON DISTRICT. 304. OFFICE: 294 PRINCESS ST. EPHONE From left to right 'the photographs are; top row: Rev. the north side of Sandwich street, Sandwich: Rev. the Sandwich Methodist Chure h, block east of the Sandwich €i v Hall. Mr. Spracklin's Mr. Spracklin himself, and his church, Lower row: Royal Oak Hotel, Hall; Police Chief Allois Mas 'er, as he left the City Hall af ter the attempting to hide his face fro u the photographer with his ¢ ap, and the Dominion House, a See = In the good, old, summer-time, everyone looks forward to the vacation period, Young and old, "Bathing" is always one of the important items om the pro- gramme, so don't go away without taking one of our Caps along. They will surely please you, has decreed an correct or even exclusive, it will be represented in the various lines we handle. > SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Montreal Streets. BATHING CAPS and now that the hot days are with us, both will be in their glory. ' for mo matter what Dame Fashion ) Telephone 41. t QUALITY--COUR TESY--SERVICE. residence on almost opposite the City recent investigation, Wednesday, August 4th--Str, St. Lawrence to Picton. Leave Kingston Friday, August 6th--Steamer Brock ville to Amherst in Back at 10 p.m. Round trip, 5Qe. Friday, August 6th--Str. St. Lawrence, 21st Battalion Clayton, leaving Kingston at 7.30 p.m. PLEASANT WATER TRIPS THIS WEEK 10 am. Fare round trip, 78c. Island, © pam. Excursion te expected that the eventual settle- | { ment will show a surplus of assets | {over liabilities. 1 BASEBALL ON MONDAY. International Ieague. Rochester 4, Buffalo 2. Toronto 5,,Akron 1 (1st game). Toronto 9, Akron 8 (2nd game). Ce | | Aedeetedeoderteodnidrode od dodrtolodeod dddob ok ia, | * 7 + BUT THREE HEALTHY a OUT OF EVERY NINE (Canadian Press Despatch) St. John, N.B., Aug. 3.--The examination of returned sold- fers sows that there is only three healthy out of every none, said Dr. J. W. Robertson, of Ottawa. chairman of the Cana- dian 1. ' Cross, at a meeting here rday. He urged the formation of children's branch- es of the Red Cross. Dr. Fitz- gerald, Toronto University, urg- ed closer co-operation between the provincial departments of health and the Red Cross. American League, New York 7, Chicago 0. Cleveland, 2, Washington 0. St. Louis 10, Philadelphia. 8. Detroit 5, Boston 2 (lst game). Detroit 2, Boston 1 (2nd game). National League, Pittsburgh 3, Baston 2. Chicago 4, Philadelphia 2. St. Louis 4, Brooklyn 1. New York 5, Cincinnati 2 ble of oe ole oe de le oe ode fo oe oe oe ob ol THE L.Y.R.A. REGATTA "OPENS AT COEDURG Nirvana Beat Vivia In First Race For the George Cup. Cobourg, Aug. 2.--The annual re- gatta of the Lake Yacht Racing Assq- ciation commenced Monday morning The /first day's meet was a remark- able success. A light but cold south- west wind prevailed. Owing to the buoys being carried away the yachts Detroit river, between Canada and ent around the triangular course |the United States. At least one thou- /only once instead of twice, The | sand cases of Canadian! liquor are [Judges were: A. PF. Matthews, |taken across the river to the United R.C.Y.C.; George W. Reeves, C.Y.C.; | States every night, according to spe- A. A. MacDonald, R.C.Y.C. cial United States attorney at De- The following were the results of troit, as expressed in an interview the day: with the Toronto Star correspondent. The correspondent declares that more liquor is being shipped | across the river from Amherstburg than ever before. < dhbbb bbb bbb edd opp 3 ONE HUNDRED BOATS. {| Are Busy in the Rum-Running Traf- fic in West... . (Canadian Press Despatch) Toronto, Aug. 3.-- One hundred boats of various kinds are engaged in the rum-running traffic, across the "M" Class. Start Finish 11.52 58.50 01. . Strathcona pe . Hagwell "PY Class, TARRED THE KAISER. Students Effaced the Hun's Effigy In Switzerland. Geneva, Switzerland, Aug. 3. Four students charged with tarring and feathering a statue of the former German Emperor have been sentenc- fed by a Bonn court, according to a Basel dispatch, to terms of two years Imprisonment and ordered to pay the costs of their trials. . Patricia . Caramia . Seneca .- Italia "R" Class. 10.40 10.40 . 10.40 14. 4. 10.40 12.24.20 With the exception of the Nirwana, R/H.Y.C., and the Hoyden, C.Y.C., all the above boats are R.C.Y.C. 14.45 52 Here on a Visit. Vice-President Mead, of the Chal- mers Motor Company, accompanied by Mrs. Mead and party, New York, visited Kingston, Tuesday afternoon, In his private yaoht Salthaven. They left New York on July 25th, after watching three of the America's Cup races ahd proceeded to Montreal by way of Lake Ohamplain. From Mon- treal they came to Kingston and af- ter a cruise among the Islands will return to New York by way of Mont- real. The yacht' Salthaven is one of the finest see here this season. She is eighty feet long with a fourteen foot beam and beautifully fitted through- out. George Cup: - Start Finish 1. Nirwana, R. H. 4 ¥. C. 3.10.1¢ 2. Vivia, R.C.Y.C. 3.10.1 3. Watertown, C. 1.30 3.14.50 'A street car strike at Denver has completely tied up the traffic. France has a bill pending provid- ing assistance for expectant mothers Ancient Greeks extended virtual Independence to all their colonies. Ban - AtHome or Overseas there is one ready-cooked cereal food that is always dependable for staunch nourishment combined with pleasing flavor, and in convenient form. Grape-Nuts is always ready to eat. It is compact. There is no waste, for every atom is ~ food. And Grape-Nuts in | its wax- pack=- age keeps indefinitely in any climate. : "There's a Reason" . side over the ear. CHIFFON FOR DAYS TO COME iT. H | | | | 1 | | | | | 1 Flowered chiffon bids fair to play Important part in milady's summer. wardrobe. Here is a puff-and-frill | combination of the most exquisite dain. | tiness, In this fetching gown for the young miss. HATS VERY SMALL OR LARGE Advance Models of Season Show Well. | Marked Tendencies and Some Novelties. The advance hats for spring show many indications of the coming fash- ions, some well-marked tendzacies and some novelties. These novelties, from the very fact of their entire newness, are apt to remain novelties and to lack definite Influence on the mode. Many of the first spring hats of the Season are made up rather to inter est and attract the foreign buyer. Later a mere conser itive charm marks the millinery fashion both .in France and America, after they have been modified by the influence of well- dressed women. . Several general tendencies may 'be noted. 'Hats are either very small or of quite large proportions. This does not mean that the emormous "Merry Widow" headgear is in any danger of returning. The Frenchwoman does not look well in a very large hat, though it Is often becoming to her tall and slender American tousin. If the hat is small it is almost sure to have a tuft of something sticking out sharply at one side. Swathed eff defining the shape of the head, are shown In' Vogue. They are popular, especially with a bow of stiff ribbon, or a short broom of algrettes set at right angles to the head at the right FASHION NOTES OF INTEREST Qrverskirts fall below the founda- tion skirt. Black satin and gold tace is a good combination. : Vanity cases are of brocaded velvet, leather or suede. Leather is much used for a miill- nery decoration. Moccasin brown is 3 uwew 'color Handkerchiefs are of printed lin- eng in vivid colors. Lace 'collars finish the collarless necks of simple serge dresses. Chestnut brown straw; witn pink quills is a receat Pans idea for a xat. A dominant pote mn color schemes and designs is of oriental inspiration. Tallored 4imity olouses and the latest tailored nets sre iso favored. | The, refreshments consisted of AN INTERESTING WEDDING. AMUNDSEN'S SHIP READY | Explorer to Start for North Again in Few Days. Nome, Alaska, Aug, 3.-®Captain toad Amundsen's schooner, the Maud, on which the explorer intends to leave in a few days on a try for the North Pole, arrived here Satur- day from Sledge Island, near Nome, wher for two weeks she has been riding out a storm. Amundsen, who arrived here a few days ago, plans Daughter of Former Resident of Odessa Married, : 'Odessa, July 31.--A wedding of much interest recently appeared in the social column of the Medicine Hat Daily News. Miss Gladys Myrtle Sproule, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Sproule ,and Robert F. B. Don- ald, Moosomin, Sask., were married by Rev. Thomas Wilson. The cere- mony took place in St. John's Presby- terian church. Miss Audrey Sproule to spend the next few days provision. sister of the bride acted as little ing the sec 1 r flower fairy, who looked very dainty 2 . hooner for 3 polar trip, in a gown of blue silk crepe de chene 5 { embroidered in shell pink. Miss Nel- Wheat-cutting commenced son, bridesmaid, wore a pretty gown | Stonewall, Man., Saturday. of coral georgette, hand-embroidered. Allen Sutherland, Winnipeg, support- ed the.groom. After the ceremony the guests adjourned to the home of | Mr. and Mrs. Sproule ,when a dainty | buffet lunch was served to over one hundred. Mr. and Mrs. Donald took the evening train for Vancouyer and other coast points, On their return the young couple will reside in Ester- hazy, Sask., where Mr. Donald is one of the firm of Donald & Grant, bar- risters. F. H. Sproule is a brother of Sydney Sproule, Mrs. A. Baker and.Mrs. George Hamm, and was one of Odessa's boys before going west. The bride visited here about seven years ago and made many friends. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Byron Caton | and Mr. and Mrs. Farrow, Toronto, with relatives; Mr. and Mrs, Herbert | Clark, Kingston, with Mr. 'and Mrs. Thomas Kenny; Mrs. Willlam Hager- man and children, Kingston, with Mrs. A. Hagerman; Miss Georgle Ettinger and Russel Ettinger, King- | ston, with their grandparents, Mr. | and Mrs. George Watts; Mrs. Camp | Carton, Kingstcn, and Mrs. Hamilton and little daughter, Irene, Toronto, at | the Dominion; Miss Florence Clyde, | Kingston, i{s spending "her vacation | with her mother, Mrs, T. Clyde; Mrs. | William Frink is visiting her parents | in Sydenham; Mrs. Elwell Emmons left last Thursday to visit her par- | ents, Mr. and Mrs. McLaren, Toronto; Glen Ramon is spending his holidays with his aunt, Mrs: Atkins, Niagara Falls; Misses Gillett, who were guests at the Dominion for the past week left last Thursday for their home in Syracuse; Mrs. William Jenkins, who has been' visiting her sister, Mts. George Ettinger, Kingston, returned home last Thursday. Last Tuesday evening about one hundred friends of Mr. and Mrs. R. Marcus Fraser met at their home (by indirect invitation) and were wel- | comed by the bride and groom. A | very enjoyable time was spent. | A = ae' proposition for all. astonishing values. ¥ i HH ica and Their much | by Tontrumsental and veo) mlecrions 0 A cream and cake in abundance many other dainty edibles. many friends wished them happiness. ELOQUENT APPEAL FOR 0O-OPERATION Premier Urges Better Under= | standing Between Races, | Religion and Classes.. Portage-La-Prairie, Man., Aug. 3.--""Cheer up and get together." This, said Premier Meighen, in an address to people of Portage La Prairie yesterday afternoon, is what Canadians should do if they are to eliminate existing differences and unrest. It was the duty of the hour, said the premier, to vigilantly redress all just causes for complaint in Canada and to back this with the "united moral force of right thinking people." The premier appealed for a better understanding between English-Can- adians and French-Canadians. Mrs. Thomas G. Gillespie Dead. Mary E. McCaw/ wife of the late Thomas G. Gillespie, died quite unex- pectedly at her home in Picton Mon- day afternoon. Mrs. Gillespie had not been enjoying good health recent: ly but there was nothing. to indigate that thé end was so near. She had been about the house and had con- versed with the neighbors who were frequéntly in to look after her wel- fare. She was apparently taking a rest on a couch, her usual custom, when death came. Mrs. Gillespie was the only sister of Messrs, W. W. Me- Caw, Picton, Leslie McCaw and Ed. McCaw, Greenbush. et A man may be a hopeless idiot, but no woman will admit it after he has proposed to her. g The success of a nurse girl de- pends upon her attention to little things. An average spruce tree makes five huhdred pounds weight of . paper pulp. The ow! is regarded as a oird of » Shen by the Maoris of New Zea- nd. : - Our Over-loading Sale is in full swing. It is a money-saving Those who have visited our store were fully convinced of our Be one of those and convince yourself. A full range of Men's and Boys' Suits, Gents' Boots and Shoes, etc., etc., all greatly reduced. L. Abramson Look for the BigGreenSign - - - . . . 336 Princess Streat - Q. R. 8S. PLAYER ROLLS will humanize your Player-Piano, Saturday, August 7Tth--Steamer St. Lawrence to Alexandria Bay, 2 p.m, Sunday, August Sth--Steame} St. La wrence to Alexandria Bay, 2 p.m. Monday, August 9th--Steamer Broe kville, Y.P.S. Bethel Church, Even ing sail, leaving Kingston at 7.30 p.m. Monday, August ith--Steamer St. La wrence, St. James Sunday Scheel, Bropiry's Point, 1.30 p.m, ~ -- FP sn. ~ CITIZENSHIP LOST TA A A i aint) vote, according to an opinion hand- ded down Saturday by Attorney Gen- eral G. Weston, at the request of Secretary of State Langtry. They can regain their citizenship by tak- ing 'the oath of allegiance. Decision Regarding Massachusetts Ex-British Soldicrs, Boston, Aug. 3.--Men who, when citizens of Massachusetts, enlisted in the Canadian and other Allied forces prior to the entry of the United States into the war, have lost their citizenship and cannot At Boonah, Australia, the Prince of Wales unveiled a war memortal bearing three hundred names. SI AE A --_-- Ss UK £. / . Furnishings, e No. "Yet a truly wonderful thing is the LINDSAY PLAYER PIANO since it will make an accomplish musician out of you, whoever or what- ever you are. With it you can play Beethoven's masterpieces or the latest popular fox-trots, accompany a singer or the orchestra. Write for free copy of "Home Sweet Home" booklet, show- ing what can be done with a LINDSAY Player-Piano. "If LINDSAY'S Sell It, It's All Right" ZT IIIT, EAT 3