| Markets Reports 4 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 4, 1920. ' TT ETT GRAIN MARKETS. Toronto. - Toronto, August 3.-- Manitoba Wheat: No. 1 Northern, $3.15; No. Northérn $3.12; No. 3 Northern, .08, in store Fort William. Manitoba oats: No. 2 QW. 94%¢; No. 3 C.W., 91%¢c; extra No. 1 feed, 91%c; No. 1 feed 89 7c; No. 2 feed, 88%¢, in store Fort William, Manitoba barley: No. 3 C/'W., $1.- 43; No. 4 CW, $1,244; rejected, 93%c; feed, 993% ec, in store Fort William. 'American corn: No. 3 yellow, $3.- 30; nominal track, Torogto; prompt shipment. Ontario oats: No. 3, white, nomin~ Ontario Wheat: No. 1 Winter, per oar lot, $2.00 to: $2.01; No. 3, do, $1.98 to $2.01; No. 3, do., $1.92 to $1.93, f.0.b. shipping points, accord- ing to freights. Ontario Wheat: Ng. 1 Spring, per car lot, $2.02 to $2.03; No. 2 do, $1.98 to $2.01; No. 3 -do., $1.95 to $2.01, f.0.b. shipping points, accord- ing to freights Peas: No. 2, nominal. Barley: $1.84 to. $1.86, according to freights outside. Buckwheat: No, 2, nominal. Rye: No. 3, $2.20 to $2.25, accord- ing to freights outside. Manitoba flour: Government stan- dard, $14.44, Toronto. Ontario flour: government dard $13.90 nominal. Millfeed: Car lots; delivered Mont- real frejghts, bag included; bran, per ton, $52; shorts, per ton, $61; good fed flour, $3.75 to $4.00. stan. . Hay: No. 1, per ton, $31.00; mixed | per ton '$27.00, track. Straw: Car lots, per ton, $18.00, track, Toronto. $15.00 to Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 2.--Wheat: No. 2 red, $2.33 to $2.35; No. 3 red, $2.30 to $2.32. Corn: No. 2 mixed, §1.40; No. 2 yellow, $1.41. Oats: Ng. 2 on ° 4 KINGSTON AUTO SALES CO. Limited Automobile Repairing : Automobile Accessories Tires and Tubes of all kinds Gasoline and Oils. Car Storage. "For Good Service Call Here" CORNER BROCK and MONTREAL STS. Telephone 600. * "ALL IN Al SHAPE. One 1916 Reo, in Al shape. One One 1917' Ford Touring, with seat covers. 1917 Ford Touring, with seat covers and bumper. One One One Light Delivery. One Ford Roadster. 1916 Ford Touring. 1916 Ford Touring. One Light Delivery, open body. Ford Service Station and Sales Rooms VanLuvenBros. 34-38 PRINCESS STREET » THE . DAILY BRITISH WHIG white, 74e to 76¢c; No. 3 white, Tlc to 76¢c. Rye: Nao. 2, $1.89. Barley: 90¢ to 95c. Tmothy seed: $8.50 to $11.00. - Clover seed: $27.30 to $32.- 50. Pérk: nominal. Lard: $18.05. Ribs: $25.45 to $26.15. | Minneapolis. {| + Minneapolis, Aug. 3.--Flour: (lower, in carload lots, family patents, {quoted at $12.85 to $13.25 a barrel {in 98-pound cotton sacks, Bran: $45.00... Wheat: cash, No. 1 North- lern, $2.35 to $2.40. Corn: $1.32 to 131.34. |703%¢c; No. 1 flax, $3.17 to $3.19. Montreal. Montreal, Aug. 3.--Oats: No. 2 C. W., 94%e¢; No. 1 feed, 897c; No. 2 feed, $6%¢c; No. 3 C.W,, 91 Tec; lextra feed 917%ec. Barley: No. 3 CW. 4 CW, $1.24% ;rejected, (feed, 99 %c. 128 C.W., $3:36%; No.-3 CW. $2.- {85% ; condemned, $2.55.%. New York. New York, Aug. S3.--Flour-- {Spring patents, $12 to $13; spring i clears, $10 to $11; winter straights, 1811 to $11.25; Kansas straights, {$11.50 to $12.50. Hay--Quiet; No. {1/ $2 to $2.10; No. 2,.81.90 to $2; No. 3, $1.75 to $1.85; shiping, $1.45 to $1.70. Hops--Steady,; 'state and | Pacific coast, 1919, 9bc vo 95¢;-1918, | 85¢ to 90c. LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Montreal. : Montreal, Aug. 3.--Cattle--Butch- |er steers, good, $11.50 to $13.50; 'medium, $9 to $11; common, $7 to { $9; butcher heifers, choice," $10.50 Ito $12; medium, $8.50 to $10; com- | mon, $6 to $8.50; butcher cows, choice, $9.25 to $11.50; mediums, 1$6 to $9; canners, $3 to $4; cutters, $4 to $5.60; butcher bulls, good, $9 to $10.50; common, $5.60 to $7. Calves--Gopd veal, $13.60 to $14.60; medium, $9 to $12; grass, $7. Sheep--Ewes, $6 to $9; lambs, good, $14 to $14.50; common, $11 to $12.50. Hogs--Off car weight, selects, $21.60 to $21.75; sows, $16.50 to $17.50. Winnipeg. Winnipeg, August 3. -- Best fender steers ~ sold from $8 to $9; stocker steers and heifers, $5 to $6.50. Veal calves scarce, few changing hands at $18.50 for selects fed and watered. Buffalo. Buffalo, N.Y., Aug 3.--Cattle-- Heavy, steady; others, 26¢c to 50c lower, yearlings, $15.60 to $16.50; heifers, $6 to $9.50; stockers and feeders, $8 to $10; fresh cows and spnngers, $65 to $150. Calves--50c lower; $6 to-$9. Hogs--Heavy, slow; light, 15c to | 26¢ lower; heavy, $16.60 to $16.75; mixed, $17 to $17.25; yorkers, light do,. and pigs, $17.25; roughs, $13; stags, $8 to $10. | Sheep and , (lambs Lambs, 25c¢ higher; lambs, $8 to $15.25; yearl-| ings, $7 to, $12; wethers, $9.50 to | $10; ewes, $3 to $9; mixed sheep, $9 to $9.50. | Toronto, | Toronto, Aug. 3.--Choice heavy steers, $14.50 to $15; good 'heavy steers, $14 to $14.25; butchers' cat- tle, chofce, $13.75 to $14; do., good, $13 to $13.60; do., medium, $12 to $12.60; do., common, $7.50 to $9; bulls, choice, $11.15 to $12.20; do., good, $10.75%0 $11.25; do., rough, $6 to $8; butchers' cows, choice, $11.60 to $12; do., good $10.75 to | $11; do., common, $6.60 to $7.50; | stockers, $9 to $11; feeders, $11 to { $12.50; canners and cutters, $5 to | $6.25 milkers, good to choice, $100 | $75; lambs, yearlings, $10.50 to $12.50; do., spring, $12 to $17; cal- ves, good to choice, $16.50 to $19; | sheep, $6.50 to $9.50; hogs, fed and { watered, $21.50; do., weighed off cars, $21.76; do., f.0.b.,, $20.50; do., do., country points, $20.25. Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 3.--Choice steers steady to strong; top, $17.25; bulk, Cures Catarrh, Bronchitis Without Any Drugs If you suffer from a cold, sneez- ing or eatarrh--don"t use a snuff-- use a sensible treatment like Ca- tarrhozone. It heals and soothes, brings relief at once, cures thor- oughly. In bronchitis and throat trouble no doctor can do better than prescribe Catarrhozone. Try it-- see what wonders it works--what power it possesses. Different from the old way---you inhale Catarrh- ozone. Get the dollar outfit which includes the inhaler and is guaran- teed. Smaller size 50¢, sample size, 25¢, at all dealers. ON THE ROAD, NOT ON PAPER Many a dealer honestly thinks that he sells wonderful cars and Says so, glowingly. But after all, that's only what he thinks, and his idea may not be yours. Brain is again being generally I A car is valuable to you, not for what a dealer says about it, but be- cause of what it will do for you on the road. That's where your car will make you happy or We have never been able to do justice to the Reo Six on and pictures fall short. - But on the road, where the o y counts is the merit of the car itself -- know, first hand and for yourself, that after your own heart. appy-. there is per. Words thing that where you certainly this amazing Reo Six is a car OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. . Boyd's Garage Brock and Bagot Streets. ~ We want a new Hotel in Kingston. Everybody should help, PHONE 203. 24c |' Oats: white, No, 2 69% ¢ to! $1.34%; No. | 99%¢c; Flax: No. 1 NNW.C,, $3.42%; No. | sales bringing from $10 to $12, Hogs | Shipping steers, $15 to $16; few, $16.85; butchers', $9 to $14.75; | 42¢ to 45¢ per 1b.; fowls, 30¢ to 38c¢c; $9 to $12; cows, $3 to $10; bulls, | to $165; do., com, and med., $65 to | ¥ . choice, $16.25 to $17.00; good beev- ! es slow; other steers, 25 to 40c. low- | er; mostly, $9.00 to $14.50; best! {cows and canners steady; others weak; bulls strong, with bulk com- mon, $6.50 to $7.25; calves 50¢c. low- | | er; choice vealérs, $15.00 to $15.50; ! | stockers weak, 25¢. lower. | Hogs--Better light and light but- | | chers steady; others 10 to 25c. low-| | er; closing weak; top, $16.15; bulk, light and butchers, $14.85 to $186; | { bulk, packing sows, $13.50 to| $13.90; pigs steady, $14.50 to $15. | | Sheep--Native lambs steady; top, | $14.50; bulk, $13 to 4.25; west- | ern lambs slow, 25¢ ower; top, ! $15.15; bulk, $14.50 to $15; sheep, | | steady; top yearlings,' $12; native ewes, $8.25; feeder lambs slow, $12 ito $12.50. GENERAL TRADE. Toronto. Toronto, Aug. 3.--Butter, choice {datry; 65¢c to 60c;- do, ereamery, 65¢c ito 70c¢c; margarine, 1b, 27c to 40c; |eggs, new laid, ads, 55c to 65¢c; cheese 1b., 40c to 46¢c; chickens, spring, 1b., 55¢c to 65¢; fowl, 1b, 38¢ to 42c; chickens, roasting, 45¢ to | 80¢; ducks, spring, 1B, 40¢ to 60¢; | turkeys, 1b,, 65¢c to 60c; apples, bas- kat, 75¢ to $1.35; cantaloupes, each, 10, to "the; cherries, basket, 80c to $1.60; Blueberries, basket, $1.75 to [$2.50; currants, basket, red, $1.00 ito $1.75; do., black, basket, $1.75 to ($3.25; gooséberries, basket, $1.25 to {$3.00; Oranges, doz., 50c to 90c; | plums, basket $1.00; peaches, box, 1$1.25; lemons doz, 25¢ to. 35c; | grapefruit, eachis10¢ to 20¢; raspber- | ries, box, 28c to 30c; rhubarb, doz. |35¢c to 46c; watermelons, each, 75¢ to $1.25; beans, basket, 40¢c to 76¢c; beets, new, 6 for 15¢; carrots, new, 6 for 15¢c; corn, 1 doz., 60¢; cabbage, each, 10c to 16c; cauliflower, each, | 20¢c to 40c; cucumbets, each, 10c to 25¢; lettuce, leaf, 'doz, 26c to 30c; lettuce, head, each, 10¢ to 15¢; on- |ions, Bermudas, mea., 26¢; do. [ green, beh, 6 to 10¢; potatoes, bag, 1$5.00 to $6.00; do., peck, 76¢c to $1.- [003 radishes, bunch, 6c; spinach, | peck, 25¢; squash, each 25¢ to 45¢; | tomatoes, Ib., 20c to 265¢; vegetable | marrow, 10¢ to 15¢. Montreal. Montreal, Aug. 3.--Butter: No. 1 solids, 60c a lb.; prints, 61c 1b.; No. 2 solids, 58c.; prints, 59%c.; dairy, |69e. | Eggst No. 1, 58¢ per dozen; selects, |66¢c doz.; specials, T5c. | Lard: In prints, 30¢ per lb. Shortening: 28c per 1b. | Hams: Large sizs, 50c; cooked, | 66c 1b. { Cheese: Old, 33¢ per 1b.; new, 30c { 1b. | Bacon: Windsor, boneless, 60c 1b.; | breakfast 40c to. 57¢ per Ib. Dressed poultry: Smoked chickens, | geese, 30c; turkeys, 57; ducks, 40c. Honey: White clover, strained, 25¢ | per 1b. | Beans: Canadian hand-picked, $5 per bushel, $30 to $30.50. Cane sugar: Granulated, $24 per 1100 lbs. { Flour: Government spring wheat, $14.85 per lots; winter wheat flour, bbl., car lots. Mill feed: Bran, $54.26 ex-track; shorts, $61.25. Hay: Baled, per ton, in car lots, No. 2 Timothy, $29 to, $30; No. 3 Timothy, $27 to $27; dover mixed, $25 to $28, eX-track. : Potatoes: In bags of 80 Ibs.; No. 1, $3.60, ex-track. FEWER CATTLE TUBERCULAR. British Columbja Reduced Disease From Eighty Per Cent. Vancouver, B.C., Aug. 4.--"Ten years ago eighty per cent. of-the cat- tle in British Columbia were infected | with tuberculosis; last year only two | and a half and three per cent. were infected, and within a comparatively | short time the number will be nil," | W. W. Alton, of Cartier, provincial | government veterinarian, states. This | year four per cent. of the cattle in- spected were ordered destroyed, but this is not an indication that. tuber. culosis is gaiming ground again, as the whole province has not been in- spected yet, and the disease is more prevalent in some districts than in others, Dr. Alton said, Under an act passed ten years ago, every bovine in the province is to be inspected for tuberculosis/once a year if possible, and those infected with it are to be destroyed. To part. ly compensate the owner for his loss the government allows him fifty per cent. of the value of the animal, grade cattle being valued at $100 and re- gistered cattle at $200. As additional protection all cattle imported into the province, whether from other pr standard bbl, car $14 per per ton, or other countries, are inspected be- fore they are admitted. British Co- lumbia is the only province in Can ada which has an act allowing cattle to be prohibited from entering from other provinces. - % ' RAIN IS NEEDED, Best Hay Crp Years Is Being i t. Regina, Aug. 4 --With a week of vinces in Canada, the UnitedStates | {hot and dry weather prevailing | throughout the province, the need # t. Local showers in some districts are mentioned in the report made by the provincial bureau of statistics. The best hay crop in is being cut in the Saskatoon ict. A great! improvement in the orop autlook is reported from the Vonda district, where farmers are having a fight | with grasshoppers. The reports from the various points show that the hail loss so far has been negligible. CASUALTIES ARE ENORMOUS Exceed Probortionately Those of Bloodiest Battle of World War. Paris, Aug. 4--A message receiv- ed through channels sta- tes that the Polish casualties, when published, will astonish the world. The proportion of killed and wound- | ed to the total number involved ex- ceeds that of the bloodiest battles of i the world war, which explains the! reluctance of the Poles to publish! their casualties, it was declared | Director of La Presse. Montreal, Aug. 4.--Sir Lomer | Gouin, former premier of the p: | vince of Quebec, has entered on his! mew duties as political director of Presse, i La Passefiger , rates in the United | ution will be increased on August \ * cAn Analysis of the "Road Speed" MAXWELL is a tribute to its special steels: Men driving larger cars have often wondered at the "road speed" of a Maxwell True, "in an open, straight stretch they have run away from a Maxwell. But ir any "piece of going" (and we have many such roads in Canada) in which hills, turns, curves or rough roads enter into the general average, they do not outrun a Maxwell. : The reason for this is the spe- cial steels in a Maxwell. They are made to Maxwell's own formulae, and make possible construction combining great strength with light weight. The lightness of the weight enables a Maxwell to take a turn with more ease and less slowing up, come down a hill under bet- ter control, ascend a hill as well, and make more time over a rough piece of roadway. The strength of its steels en: ables a Maxwell to stand equally as well, or better, side strains, road unevenness, etc. In other words, a Maxwell makes speed when a larger car cannot, and thus evens up to a high average its "road speed" without breaking the speed faws. This ability in a Maxwelf is one of many that is winning new friendships daily. Nearly 400,000 of them to date; in another year 500,000. MAXWELL MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, WINDSOR, ONT. KINGSTON AUTO SALES CO., LTD. CORNER BROCK AND MONTREAL STREETS McLAUGHLIN MOTOR CARS Quickest and best service in Kingston. Parts for Fords, Chevrolet and McLaughlin. Most complete line of tires, tubes and accessories. USED CAR BARGAINS TO-DAY Overland, 85 B4. Overland, 83 B. > Reo Roadster. D45 McLaughlin. E63 McLaughlin Special. 2 Ford Trucks. ~ OPEN DAY and NIGHT. Blue Garages, Limited Rone 567. All our Men's Oxfords in Dark Brown or Black Calf--to clear out we are giving you 20% Discount "ALL OUR MEN'S OXFORDS Se THE SAWYER SHOE STOR 184 Princess St.