Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Aug 1920, p. 16

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 4, 1920, . - 2 nso AUCTION SALE! TON FIR OIR REARS Furniture, 110 Clarence St. TMAAy, Aug. 30h, 10 a. { PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST Matogan fink 1 tte, on | a 2 Ea POSSIBLE FORM. 4 other wm , easy ohajrs, rockers, tap- and lace curiafms, fa oak dav- od ros The Whig's Daily Condensation of the News of the World From Tele- graphic Service and Newspaper Clippings. : A strike vote will be taken by the C.P.R. telegraphers. ouk buffet and mn, wudte, STAM ®, 40 recor table Bn, cutlery, aware and wilver- , dArop-h sewing machine, fron bedroom sulte, feather bed, mat- springs, beddings, odd dress- ors, Trnett Refrigerator, kditch- OR oAbinet, canned fruit, gas range and Beater, gwrdcn and other tools, etc, Sookiag yange. oc ALLEN, the Auctioneer Atenas Angrove's Repairs Talkifig Machines, NBicydles, Carriages, Lawn®Mowers, etc. We | } popair work right and guarantee ction. will tngpect Toronto harbor. Mrs. Sarah Hillis, Meaford, eighty- six years old, died while setting the table for tea. Irene Bosquet, Vancouver, was killed, and Mickey Peterson serious- ly hurt, when an auto struck their motorcycle. A suit of clothes for sixty cents and a new sult every week will be the latest fad in America "If Germany sends paper sults across. Helen Mitchell, "whose father; Dr; i 197 WELIANGTONX STRE®T W. H. STEVENSON HORSE S5TIOFR ead BLACKSMITH, Waggons ané Trucks Repaired. Priezs moderate, TEMPERANCE HOTKL YARD ' QUBEN STREET. Fort William, with a girl friends, Major-Gen. the Right Hon. J. E, B. Seeley, 'who commanded the Canadian Cavalry Brigade from 1916 to 1918, will visit the Dominion next month. Premier Meighen is wearing ban- RS ---- i Robinson & Wiltshire | || Automobile Repair Shop | Call and look them over. Prices right. 405 Princess St. were the handshakes he underwent lin his home town, Portage La Prairie, Man. Toronto street railway returns show that during July the company sold $530,438 worth of tickets, in comparison with $485,715 worth dur- ing July, 1919, CRP P PERE rrr treet * # ASK GOVERNMENT TO CHANGE DATE + -- £3 Toronto, Aug. 4.--The board + ferendum Committee have de- cided to ask the Dominion gov- ernment to receive a deputation at the earliest possible date to press for reconsideration of the government's decision to change the date of the taking of the vote in Ontario from October 25th to April 18th. PEIPE BLIP E02 2D D4 A VERY CLOSE CALL, * * Diamond Engagement Rings We shall be pleased to have you view our stock of Diamond Rings in our private diamond room. . We have made a specialty of diamonds for over half a cen- tury. R. J. RODGER Diamond Merchant 182 Princess Street. "Where the Clock is on the Walk." PPP FP d eter Accident. Ottawa, Aug. 4.--One person was seriously, perhaps fatally, injured, another badly shaken up, whilst a third escaped injury by jumping, as the result of a motor car, owned by J. Robinson, Morrisburg, backing over a twenty-five-foot cliff towards the St. Lawrence river, on the River Road, one mile east of Morrisburg, at nine o'clock Sunday morning. Mrs. Simon Hutt, aged sixty-seven years, of Berwick, 'was the most seri- ously injured, she having had two ribs and her collar bone broken, and suffered internal injuries. J. Robin son, driver of the motor car, and his wife, went over the cliff and were badly shaken up. Mrs. Gray, daugh- ter of Mrs. Hutt, jumped from the car before it shot backward over the cliff, Arn rn | "Storage Batteries" Maxim Heavy Duty Battery Agency THE PALMER USED CAR SALES / Cor. Bagot and Queen streets. Phone TO- dir GOD'S CARTOONS! What the Beasts of Daniel VII Mean? Come and hear Evangelist Richards, B.A., at the Present Truth Tent at 8 pun.--Corner of Princess and Division Streets, PLAIN--PRACTI CAL--PREACHING ALY, Makes Charged and Repaired 437w. TT - ~ FOR SALE--SPECIAL Well-located, corafortable h i Court House, with hot water heating; gas for ligh ting and cooking; grate in liv- ing room and a garage. Bedi Property will be vacated in a couplé of days, so that we can give immediate possession. Price .. +++ $4,800, THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. 56 Brock Street THE ROYAL CAFE H. K. LEB, Proprietor. . 187 PRINCESS STREET is ' N.B.~~Our 50c. meal, which begins on Thursday, consists of one Soup, ono Fish or one Meat Order, Vegetable Des. sert, Tea, Coffee or Milk. = and he EXTRA FISH ORDER ..200 EXTRA DESSERT + .10e, + Dinner from 11 to 2.80. Supper from 5.80 to 8. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to try thego popular meals. XY » We offer . PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 6% BONDS--DUR 1089--T0 YIELD 6% CITY OF WINNIPEG 6% BONDS--DUE 1940--T0 YIELD 6% % DOMINION OF CANADA WAR LOANS---VARIOUS MATURITIES--YIELDING 5.40% TO 6 George Bawden & Co. ; Investment Brokers General PHONE 400 : : 0B 111% BROCK STRRET Bb A ea akT ve On August 13th, Premier Meighen | D. M. Mitchell, formerly resided in | Miltcn, swam across Loon Lake, near | dages on his right hand, so cordial | { THE. DAILY BRITISH ! 8 hs Tt Thursday-- Friday - Saturday The Tale That Has Thrilled the World! Treasure | { | WHIG CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES 4irst ingertion, lc. & word. Each oon- | Secutive insei tion thereatiar, haik- | cent a word. Minimum charge for one Insertien, 2Gc; three 'inzertions | cents. he above rates are for cash only; | When charged they are double. 1 HELP WANTED, 'AITRESS AND ABLL BOY, APPLY at Frontenac Hotel | A GOOD, PLAIN COOK. APPLY MRS, | R. E. Kent, 85 King street. | WOMAN, FOR. GENERAL KITCHEN. work. Apply Alblen Hotel i | { ihn | A roaring romance for boys and girls { | { | *% | the sensations of "The Miracle Man." 1 of control of the Ontario- Re- * | | Women Perhaps Fatally Hurt in Auto |, '| this city, are iu either the Morcer | "twixt nine and ninety! Nugget Nell Played by a | perfect cast, including SHIRLEY MASON and LON CHANEY, the man | whosé marvelous acting was one of POLLARD COMEDY TWO REEL N.W.M. POLICE COMING NEXT MONDAY ! 'Romance' GRILLIN] PICTURES 3 LL IE LR RI (ERA TTA | TO-DAY The Inimitable --f A Burlesque Traversty on the Wild and Movie West -- FATTY ARBUCKLE a "THE GARAGE?" His Latest Laugh Maker. ~mmg Peak F wa SHORTCAKE IS DELICIOUS Ask your Grooer for it. REITERATES INTENTION TO RUN IN PRIMARIES | Wants Voters to Decide, He | Says, and He'll. Support Whoever Is Selected Watertown, N.Y., Aug. 4.--Fran- els M. Hugo, secretary of state and aspirant for the Republican guber- natorial nomination, adheres to his determination to carry his case to the primaries. Mr. Hugo was seen be- foro his departure for Albany. <I am going into the primaries,' he said. "There was a resolution ad- opted in the convention, that.anyone could enter the;primaries later with- out prejudice. My own Jefferson county delegation was opposed to any designation, favoring an open contest. One of the members was prepared to make an gddress against the plan Of designation, but had no opportunity to deliver it. = ¥ The Post-Standard's poll of favor- ed candidates, and the 4,000 names which were attached to my petitions, speak for themselves as to how the voters felt about my candidacy. Let the primaries decide, and whatever candidate is selected, I am for him heart and soul." -- -- Eleven/in Hospital. Trenton, N.J., Aug. 4.--The eleven members of the Haring family, of Hospital or the McKinley Hospital ag the result of an accident in which a jollay Ser Ay the New Jersey and 'enngylvan tion Company sige their automobile, near Yard- Alonzo Haring, the father, who has a fractured skull, and his son, Russell, who is suffering from com- cussion of the brain, are in a critical i | eight children have minor injuries. | The accident ha . The wife and mother and ppened at the close of a day's outing, $4002 2420 84422000 8 * ° 4 FALLIN EXCHANGE. # - + -- # "New York, Aug. 4.--Acute- & % weakness continued in sterling @ $exchange at the outset to-day, the # + demand bills Secuamgas cents ¢ % to $3.56%. The weakness was # 4% due to the uafavorable Polish # situation and large offerings of #1 +bills, * |*BOO DOROTHY GISH | MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP MAIDS FOR LAUNDRY WORK. AP. ply Kingston General Hospital A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY TO | Mrs. Harold Hughes, 115 Gore St. BY FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, A GOOD, plain cook, who is willing to as- sist in some general work in a! , Whig | | { | t small family. .Apply Box B-4 Office. { KKEEPER WANTED FOR steady position, who is also a stenographer preferred. References | required. Inquire in person at 265 Princess street. [ | SALESMAN WANTED; GOOD OPPOR-| tunity for live, energetic solicitor | and collector; must have ability and satisfactory credentials, ply Box A-3, Whig. EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID AND cook; good wages for good work; | no laundry; eleven months in Chi | cago, one month near Kingston. | Address Dr. Hewitt, Seeley's Bay. LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARE TIME or steadily--selling our guaranteed treeg and plants. Outfit free. Lib- eral commission. Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limited, Brown Nurseries, P.Q., Ontarlo. | Ap- | f YOUNTY wanted DISTRIBUTOR for Frontenac County, to handle non-competitive motor necessity. - Must be live wire, with emall capital to carry spot stock. Splendid opportunity. Apply Dom- indon Accessories, 256 Manning Ar- cade Annex, Toronto. Phone Ade- laide 1865. SALESMEN--CITY, TOWN OR COUN- tr though nursery stock general- ly scarce, have full line whole root trees and plants. Big earnings guaranteed the year round. Your orders delivered complete. Experi- ence not necessary. We teach Luke Bros, Limited, Mont- TEACHER WANTED. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR SCHOOL \ 8egtion No. 5, Collin's Bay. Apply stating! salary to George F. Clark, Collin's- Bay. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER for 8. 8. No. 9, Bedford; salary $700. Duties to commence Sept. 1st. Apply to W. A. Steele, Tichborne, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8. 8. No. 8, Storrington. Salary $700. Dut- ies to commence Sept. Ist. Apply to D. B. Keeler, ec.-Treasurer, Battersea, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S. 8. NO. 2, Abinger. Duties t6 commence Sept. 1st, 1920. Salary $560 per annum. Apply to George E. Hughes, Sec.-Treas., Vennachar, Ontario. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER for 8. 8. No. 3, Storrington. Salary $800. Duties to commence Sep- tember 1st. ADply to T. Campbell, Sec.-Treas.,, Sunbury, Ont. NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER FOR Separate S. 8. No. 1, Howe Island. Duties to commence September 1st. State salary wanted. Apply to Jos. Reaublen, secretary, Howe Island, w Re 3. : No. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR BS. 8, No. 11, rear of Leeds and Lansdo 3 duties to commence September Ist Apply stating qualifications. salary and experience, to John W. 1920. Reed, sec.-treas., Outlet, Ont. TEACHER FOR 8. 8. NO. 8, 0 leg to comimence Sept. 1 State salary required; also qualificatipn. Boarding house close to school. Mrs. John Boles, Jr, secretary- 'treasurer, Clarendon Station, Ont. PROTESTANT TEACHER WANTED for 8. 8. No. 4, Bedford. Duties to commence Sept. 2nd. Salary offer- ed $550. For further information apply to Anson Timmerman, sec.- treas, R. R. No. 2, Hartington. PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR 8, S, No. 1, Portland. Duties to com- mence Sept. 2nd Apply, stating qualificationg and salary expected to F. C. Van Liven, sec -treas, Har- rowsmith, Ont. SECOND - CLASS PROFESSIONAL teacher for 8. S. No. 4, Amherst Island; duties to commence Sept. 1st; salary $750; state religion. ,) ndald, Sec.-Treas., R. R. No. 3, Btella, Ont. LADY TEACHER FOR JUNIOR ROOM, Verona Public School; Protestant; limited third or better. Salary $700.00. State experience and qualification clearly, to T. S. Genge, €ecretary, 8. No. 13, Portland, Verona, Ont. POSITION WANTED. HELIABLE WOMAN WANTS WORK by the day. Enquire 139 Pine St. THE PEOP ww > | LEATHER PURSE, CONTAINING money, on' York street, Tues- day morning. Owner may have same at 163 Raglan Road, FOUNTAIN PEN, FRIDAY morning, on the prison road. Owner may have same at No. 5, Pine Street. : SATURDAY, JULY 24th, IN City Park, a pair of specs tacles in case. Owner can have same by applying to 269 Alfred street. 1 p | | | FOUND ARTICLES ADVIS. TISED FRER. Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so ¥ reporting the facts The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this | column free of charge. { | FRAME HOUSE, FOR SALEy AW almost new. Apply 361 Brock st condition. street. LE'S FORUM | THIRTY YEARLING HENS IN GOOD | 400 CHEVROLET CAR, Al | Apply 66 Upper Charles HITE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE, 30 H.P. BOILER FOR SALE. APPLY E. E. Wathen, 143 Nelson street. SHAPE; cheap for cash. Apply Fred Shaw, British American Hotel. A 7-ROOM. FRAME HOUSE; BATH, A SECOND-H closet and gas; 198 Stuart Street. Apply J. R. Laldlaw, 248 Division street. | | { 4ND NO. 4. IMPROVED Daisy Hot"Water Furnace: in good condition. Apply White's Insure ance Office. DRESS SUIT, ALSO TUXEDO SUIT; both in splendid condition; size 37. For sale cheap to quick buyer. Ap- Riy. Box. Coed, fig Office. . . 8 ROOMS, HARD. wood floors; electric lights and wa- ter; also good barn. Apply 29 Hickson avenue. FRAME HOUSE OF SEVEN on Upper Charles Street. e $2,700.00. J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock street. Phone §8. FORD TRUCK IN Al1 CONDITION; suitable Lor baker or light deliv- truck, y € Apply 254 Divis street. "Found articles" aces not In. ! clude lost dogs. cattle, horses, etc. These, If lost, may be ad vertised for in the "Lost" column. SSIS | LOST. 1920 MARKER, NO. bracket. Kindl Office, 130329 AND y return to Whig ~ | SERVICE BUTTON, NO. 20200, ON | Sunday night. Finder kindly re- | turn to 290 Ontario street, and re-! celve reward. i MARKER, NO. 138641, BETWEEN | Kingston and Battersea, via Inver- | ary. Finder kindly return to the Whig Office. r~ IN STREET CAR OR PORTSMOUTH A 2,000 FEE | Pir T OF 1 1-4 AND 1% INCH ipe, in good condition. Also a quantity of all'kinds of valves. Ap- ply E. E Wathen, 143 Nelson st. FRAME HOUSE ON REDAN STREET; near Frontenac Park; im- provements; $2,100.00. H K. Carroll Agency, 58 Brock st. J. Phone 68. FORD, SELF-STARTER AND LIGHT-| ing 'equipment, with storage bat. tery and speedometer in good run- ning order---$§ i. Simpson, 183 Princess st + MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, house furniture, speclalize in mili- tary boots; buy all kinds second- hand goods; highest prices pald. L. Routbard. Phone 1723. 289 Prin- cess Street. park, Gold Brooch, blue enamel centre. Finder please leave at 495 Princess street. Reward. GOLD CUFF LINK, INITIALS H.G.W. TWO BAY MARES, 7. YEAR OLD; ®hvetght 2,400; one black hqrse; 9 year old, weight 1,400; will work single or double; top buggy. Apply 171 Raglan Road. Will finder kindly return to H. G.| Wolfe, 62 Colborne street and re- ceive a reward. BETWEEN VERON AND YARKER July 25th, BO. watch, with ini- "R.G.G. tials on back. For re-| ward call at Whig Office. | { SATURDAY, JULY 31st, ON PORT- | land Road, between Gibson's Hill | and Glenvale, lady's silver wrist| watch. Reward for return to J. Cramer, Glenvale, Ont. WANTED GENERAL. TO BUY, AN OFFICE SAFE, THREE to ur ft. size. Canada Cutlery Co, td, foot of Gore Street. LADY WANTS FURNISHED SINGLE room with housekeeping privileges. Phone 1711F. o_o eres ein WANTED TO RENT, BAKESHOP IN a large village, or small town. Ap- ply Box U-31, Whig Office. HEATED APARTMENT, OR THREE or fou right, airy rooms, in go d | of- | { | b locality. Apply Box L-3, Whig ce. 10 TO 25 ACRES WITH DWELLING | and barn, near the city. Apply tol McCann's Real Estate Agency, 86 | Brock street. | SECOND-HAND UPRIGAT PIANO for cash or in part payment of new planos and grafonolas, C. W. Lina- say Limited, 121 Princess street. WANTED-=MEN AXD BOYS TO PAT. ronize J. W. Curzon, barber. Men's abd boys' hair out, 20c. Shave 10o. CHEESE FACTORY AND GOON house; can be bought for $2,300.00; eelerville. Possession January 1st, "or further particulars, ap- . Anderson, Battersea, R. FORD WITH | starter and lighting sys-| 1] good condition. Also Ford Roadster. A snap for quick sale. Apply P. H. Watchorn, 44 Main street, or phone 1993, A FIVE PASSENGER el i] te r all in FIRST CLASS USED CARS JUST | ready to give you a good summer's outing You can have one for as little as $175.00 cash, and ten months to pay the balance-- Ford touring, Ford roadster, Chevrolet 1918, Chevrolet 1919, etc. See our dally add. Blue Garages Limited, oorner Queen and Bagot streets. Telephone 1. Ea UPHOLSTERING L OR DROP A CARD TO WwW, J. Gavine, upholster, 316 Bagot St. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP- holstering and genéral repairing. Leave orders at or drop & card to 104 Clergy street. CA F. FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, DRIS- coll, 23 John' Street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Razors honed 260. 236 Ontario 8, near Ernck Street. WANTED A SMALL HOUSE OR SELF contained flat of four rooms, with bath, by a young married couple; central location greletred, Apply to C. 8. 8, co. ritish Whig. ot dul Ene RS TO LET. STORE ON PRINCESS STREET. AP- ply J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock street. Phone 68. FURNISHED ROOM; CENTRAL LOCA. tion; suitable for one gentleman. Apply Box W-2, British Whig. ST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 243 Brock street. TOP FLAT, UNFURNISHED, SUIT. able for light house-keeping; also furnished rooms. street. ONE NEW FLAT; FOUR ROOMS and lavatory; heated, $50 per month, Apply White's Insurance Office. BARN AND STABLE, catjon; suitable fo and carriage; rent reasonable. ply Box T-30, Whig Office. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own luck and key. tost's City Storage, 9% Queen street. Phone 536; res. 989%w. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping; gas and elec- trically lighted; also garage anc storage room; at No. 8 Garrett St TWO ROOMS--KITCHEN AND LARGE room; clean, bright; gas for Cooking: partly furnished if de- P . CENTRAL LO- r auto or horse Ap- 4 sired. ply 139 Pine street, GOOD PLAIN COOK WANTS WORK by day or week or would do house- work. Box Y-3, Whig Office. ACCOUNTANT, CAPABLE OF JIAN- dling extra set of books; seeks en- gagement. Can give time daily to york, Apply Box C-24, Whig Of- ce. H. 8. PACKER, A.T.OM., TEACHER or Plano and Ory; prepares for all grades, Special hours for iving out of town. 65 Arch LAND SURVEYOR, Se, C.K. DES. MBLC, Napases Ont. Ba: tario aa Surveyor. Kin Of- fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 ence street. VOTERS' LIST, 1920 pupils street. ¥. F. OF WOLFE ISLAND, Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Seotion of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the coples required by 'the said Seotion <0 be so transmitt or delivered, of the list made pursuant 0 the said Act of all persons appear- ios by revised Assessment Roll of the said dn at elec- islative ections, ist was d my office at Wolfe Island on , August 3rd, 1920, and remains there for J And I ¥ ¢3ll upon all voters to take immediate ngs to - have ac- any errors or om ns corrected cording to law. J. D. coscrove. * d * C2000 000000000000 0 TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, sSUIT- able for light housekeeping; elec- ght, and gas for cooking; hot water heated. Apply 406 Johnson street, . BRIGHT FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS on bathroom flat; good location; suitable for gentlemen or business jadies, Apply Box X-2, Whig Of- ce. T™WO FRONT APARTMENTS, RESPE- clall rnished for light house- kee ; gas for cooking and light, at the Pioneer Apartments, 212 and 214 Division street. Phone 1434w. FURNISHED HOUSE, 24 FRONTENAC street south, Roar Unfon; § rooms; next. Rent, $75 per month. 2 fen! e e a be seen any time. 'Telephone 1706. CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT CARPENTER ames Belby, tractor, 219 Dever Avenue. Phone Taotw, =r Apply 247 Brock | WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Papernanging done, dgop a card to A. Mounteer, 84 Arch Street. - IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PAINTING OR pak rhanging gre. just drop a line to H. Scott, 53 erly Street. MEDICAL DOCTOR E. L. STONE, 233 BROCK ST. Office hours: 10 10.12; 2 to & pm, 7 to 8.30 pm. Phone 2066w. DR. H. S. ANGROVE WISHES TO AN. aounce that le has resumed his practice at 93 Wellington Street. Hours: 1 till 3.30 and 7 ull 8.30, Phone 2168. he FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS, FROM $500 up. First mortgage. No de- lay in securing money. Apply 8S. C. Snider, Seeley"s Bay, Ont. STRANGE & STRANGE INSURANCE agents; established in 1560; only the most reliable companies repre- » sented. Oilice 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office. FRONTENAU LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclely; lIancorported President, W. F. Nickle, K.C president, A. B. Cunal Moray lesued on city and properties, municipal and county debentures; morigages purchased; investment bonds for sale; deposits received and Interest allowed, R. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- ence street, Kingston. tm LEGAL. ~ sham, farm CUNNINGHAM & ®MITH, BARRIST. ers and_ Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. + A. B. Cunnlsg- ham. Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, B.A. BARRISTER and _bolloltor. Law office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1999. livery. cash ROOMS; | Price A snap for quick sale. ! | | « BRICK; DOUBLE; 6 ROOMS EACH; toilet; Sus; price $3500.00; e terms. .. J CRIroll Agepoy, Brock street. 8. Phone 6 LARGE PLATE GLASS MIRROR w= regular value $200; size Tit. x § ft. For a quick sale, we will take $78. Bibby"s Lad. TWO PIANO UASE ORGANS; USED a short time, at half the original price. R. J. Rodger, Jeweler, 132 Princess street. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND T selections; your own ohojce, $42 Terms, $6 cash, §1 per webk. C. . Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princesa St. ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX acreg of land in the clay belt of North Ontario; might exchange for & good car. Hnquire of Dr. Lake, 357 Johnson street. PANTASOTE TRUCK CUSHIONS, springs 4 inches high; most easy riding and durable cushien made; price 35.00. State size of seat. Jud son's Auto Tops, Brockville. THREE LOTS, NORTH VICTORIA pr 100 yards outside city ; fine building or gardenin land. I have lowered price for qui sale, Great snap. 94 William St. MOTOR SIFY, IN. PERFEOT RUN- ning order; carry six persons; to be sold at 'a bar ain. A ply Em ons, cers' Mess, oh Section, Barriefleld. le Gun WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF €00d second hand furniture and stoves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of, we wil} pay highest prices. J. ompson, 333 Princess Street. Phong 1600w. USED CARS AND TRUCKS OF ALL kinds, Ford roadsters and touring Chevrolets, Overlands, Gray Dort, Studebaker, Saxon Six, also 1 tom truck and light elivery trucks. Apply Bert Stansbury, 169. Raglan Road. Phone 1674w. | TWO FARMS, ONE CONTAINING 100 | acres, 3 miles from the city; up-to- date bulldings; running water; well fenced; second, 12 miles from the city on county road; every convenl- Site; exgeliont camping grounds and goo shing. Apply Box A Whig Office. Pry % PERFECT, COLUMBIA, DAYTON, Princeton and Victory Bicycles, al- 80 a number of ladles' and gents' used Bieycles and motorcycles, at reduced prices. Special attention given to all bicycle and baby cape riage repair work. Muller's Works, 371-373 King street. 1032w. icycle Phone A] MOTORS FOR SALE UNITED States Government Electric Mo= tors, 50 hp. and 75 h.p., 25 cycle, 8 phase, 550 volt, 720 to 760 r.p.m., consisting of Westinghouse, Crock- er-Wheeler and C.G.E. makes. Nin#- ty per cent. of the above were in- sialjeq and | never turned over. 'heap. Apply L. 8. Tarshis on. 400 Front street East, pss S ry Order Coal now for Jas. Swift & Co., Foot of Johnson S USED MOTOR CARS I am installing a battery service de partment and must,make room. are will be sold at a sderifice, Fords. Chevrolets. Maxwells, Ford Sedan. Ford Roadster. One Truck. PALMER'S EXCLUSIVE USED CAR SALES Corner of Bagot and Queen St. BATEMAN'S REAL méTATE. FOR GALE $1,600--SEMI-DETACHED FRAME rooms; Rideau Street. 'rs $2,000~FRAME HOUSE 6 rooms; toilet an lghts;- large lot.' NORTH END sink; electr $10,500--FARM, OVER 200 miles from Kingston; plough land; good bulldings; watered; one mil tory and school -- THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY the corner of Princess and Albe; streets, store and three dwelll and gore lot on Princess street dwelling, 308 Albert street. A bars gain for quick sale, to wind up an estate. ACRES) 12 a wall 0. $4200--DOUBLE BRICK; VENEER; § rooms each. LOT; CONVENIENT = $850----BUILDING location. provements; central; rooms al rented for more than monthly 0 LET $600.00~HOUSE; i¢ HOOMS; 4 chron ri 159 Wellington St. vi Y 80. S$ FOR L cron ND SALE. Mongy -- G. A. BATEMAN, 1590 Wellington Street, Kington mam x £ June and July de- All Coal and Wood sales strictly spot ~ Lied - PERSONAL. RAR, _woLES. WARTS, . DINTH. FE pre, Atay iE 15 Lake. Eye, , Nowe. MACHINIST All x of Sr prompt. Rago attended to. ' a DENTAL KNAPP, BA, JD, Re ghee" 108 Princess Street. "Bib.5 DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, - 1 , aay Svellington street over ARCHITECT \ 1225. NOTICE | Highest prices foe house hold effects will purchase all or part, L. LESSES Phone 1045w. SON AND DRE ARCHI. 507 Princess St. Cor. Chatham St.) POWER, tects. Bank Clerk. Dated at Wolfe Island on August 2ad, | corner of Brook aad Welllagion Ancestor worship is still observed among the Chinese, ~

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