WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 4, 1920. FIX-A-TEAR Repairs a Hole or Tear Instantly ==in rubber and waterproof cloth --Hot Water Bottles ~--Bicycle or Mator Car Tires. --Garden Hose. . ~-- Rubbers. 3 --Footballs. ~--Umbrellas. -~Curtains. ' m=Canvas, --Shoe Linings, etc. Lingerie Clasps GOLD, GOLD-FILLED ay . SILVER A wonderful repair outfit, 35 CENTS. For sale at all Drug Stores, or at : Best's Drug Store 124 Princess St. are a hot weather priced. Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Wedding Rings Rings _ Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by eeley Jr, LODO, The optometrist of today to dn rood work must not only be equipped with the best mechan. feal apparatus but must have" that knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY TONG EXPERI. ENCY¥ CAN GIVE. JEWELERS Established 1840 . KING ST. ole | | THERAR) N Nis No. 1 E Bladder Catarrh. Blood and Skim Diseases. gy Chronic Weaknesses. Sold by le chemists. Price in | reraon Ses. Trade lon. ee FTHERAPION" is on Brit. Govt. affized to genuine packets. It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston. need. We have a splendid assortment; 'all very reasonably SMITH BROS. KINGSTON THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. England, 3s. Dr. Le- ck Rd., N.W. 5. | Cow Haveittock Ry tt Vor Stamp Three Days' Sale 2nd, 3rd, 4th TO THE HOUSEWIVES WE WILL OFFER FOR THE NEXT THREE DAYS, BIG VALUES IN ALUMINUM WARE, GRANITE WARE, AND TIN WARE. CANNING RACKS For preserving fruit a wire rack holds eight quart Jars; fits into an ordinary wash boiler. Sale price .... 89c. CLOTH WRINGERS Donnell"s reliable make -- warranted Rubber Rollers-- closed cogs: Sale Price $5.95 ' " DISH MOPS Cotton String Head--Special for Tuesday . WASH BOILERS Heavy IX Tin, with pit cop- per bottom; Tuesday and PRESERVING KETTLES First quality grey enamel. 12 quart size $ * ALUMINUM COVERED SAUCE PANS 4 quart size; Special $1 for Tuesday ..... a1 CORN BROOMS Special Sale Corn Brooms-- Extra quality. Sale Price Galvanized Wash Tubs -- Tuesday only, 10% discount Wednesday sale price $3.95 NOW, REMEMBER! THIS SALE LASTS FOR THREE DAYS ONLY. McKELVEY & BIRCH, LID. THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE We want a new Hotel in Kingston. Everybody should help. "UR LARGE STOCK OF "Out of Door" GOODS WILL ENABLE YOU TO ENJOY THE COMFORT AND I! (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, in common with uther papers all over ~ THE D | "Twilight | | Canada, wlll make a charge of $1 | | tor inserting an engagement, mar | | riage or reception announcement. * To get the Whig's society writer, | telephone No. 857w., 189 Earl street. * . . Mrs. H. E. Richardson, Johnson street, entertained at the tea hour] Ron Tuesday in honor of her guest, Mrs. Arthur Craig, Toronto, Mrs. Richardsof's pretty rooms, bright with flowers, fwere filled with guests, : glad to 'welcome Mrs. Craig back to i tained being some of the girls present. . A: her old home. At the tea table, Mrs. i Inglis poured coffee and Mrs. Ernest Dawson cut the ices, their assistants hy Miss Dwyer, Barrie street, enter- at luncheon, on Saturday, when her guests were some of the girl friends of her neice, whose mar- riage to Dr, Sheehy, Peterboro, took | place on Tuesday. i . * Miss Lilian and Miss Blanch Kent, Montreal, will come up to Kingston | shortly to spend several weeks in their old home where they will re- ceive a hearty welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Fane Sewell, Toron- | to, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Hopkins, West street, Miss Katherine McPhail, nurse-in- | | training at the Royal Victoria Hos- | pital, Montreal, came up to King- { Phail, | in Rochester, N.Y., | is expected in town shortly. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Waldron, King ston today to spend her holidays with her mother, Mrs. Donald Mec- King street west. { Miss Grace Martin, who has been | for some months | |'street, and Capt. and Mrs. Hamilton | | Roberts, | the week at Bob's Lake. I » . . Gore street, Miss Elizabeth Sise, who has been | viditing friends in Kingston, left for | the guest of the Misses Taylor, the | Principal's Residence, Queen's Uni-| | versity, returned to Montreal today, . Rayson, have gone down the Rideau | on a canoe trip. [| toria street, spent the week-end at { { | Princess street. | few weeks. Miss Lois Taylor went down with her for a short visit and will later | g0 on to Manitou, Que. Mrs. R. K. Kilborn and Miss Laura | Kilborn, King street, are going up| to Toronto this week. The Dean of Ontario and R. s.| Mr. and Mrs. I'. P. Grass, St. Ca- tharines, are visiting the latter's sis- ter, Mrs. J. W. Martin, Nelson street. | Mr. and Mrs. T. Ashmore Kidd, spent the week-end at "Fettercairn." Lang Porter, Brock street, who has been spending a menth in Brockville returned to town this week. Prof and Mrs. Thure Hedman, Vic- '"Fettercairn®, Bhe guests of Miss Agnes Richardson. . . . v Le. Mary Wiskin, Watertown, N. ., and daughter, Lillian, Utica, N. r ., are spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gannon, Mrs. Bray and Miss Lassie Bray, Ottawa, are guests at Kingston for a Mr, and Mrs. Wilmot Oram, Mon- treal, "have been with their grand- | mother, Mrs. N. Wilmot, Clergy | street, for the past week, They are in Gananoque just now with Mr. and | Mrs. Clarke Taylor, | Miss Flo . Woodrow, 462 Brock | street, has returned home, after a| very enjoyable vacation, spent In| Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Buffalo, N. | Y., remaining in Toronto for a few days last week, with Mrs. V. Brad- shaw, 19 Bird avenue. Mrs. J. R. Henderson and Mrs. S. P. Smeeton, Ottawa, are spending a week at the "Y," Johnson street. Miss Bertha Smeeton is camping on Wolfe Island with Miss Lenore Bartells. Mrs. L. L. Burgess (nee Ethel De- puis), Wilmington, Deleware, is the guest of Mrs, James Crawford, Divi- sion street. Cadet R. Brooke Irvine, who is at Cohassett, is leaving next week to join his mother, Mrs. J. D. Irvine, at "Riverside," Bedford, before re- turning to the Royal Military Col- lege. Lawrence Doward, Toronto, will spend the month of August in King- ston, Mrs. John Sherman, Brock street, has returned after a month's enjoy- able visit in Toronto. Mrs. H. Keech, Stoney Mountain, Man., is visiting in Tamworth and will shortly come to Kingston. * * * Mr. and Mrs, G. Y. Chown, Miss Edna and Miss Dorothy Chown, who have been spending a month at the Lake of Bays, Muskoka, are expected home on Friday. - Miss Estelle Alexander, Toronto, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Clark, Brock street. Prof. Alfred A Mitchell, Virginia University, Mrs. Mitchell and Alan Mitchel, are at 72 Sydenham street. Miss Marjorie Harvey, Union street, returned on Sunday from Port Arthur, where she spent two weeks with Mrs. Hardy at her summer home. Mrs. Barrett, who has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs. James Rigney, George street, will return home on Thursday. Miss Edna Thackery has returned to Ottawa. "eo * Z The bridge tourpament at the Get and have a ispent several days in town at the | town for the | wedding, motored back to Guelph on | children, | motor trip, spent a few days in King |and Mrs. Joseph Power, Sydenham. {dian song writer, are spending | Hamilton, on Tuesday, to visit Mrs {i Davis, King street west. | Wolfe Island. | wedding. week: DAILY + | Yacht Club is the social event of this | afternoon. Mrs. Muirhead, Miss Fanny Chows | } land Miss Hattie Chown, Clergy street, left on Monday for Theusand Island Park, where they will spend {month of August. Miss J. R. Binks, Ottawa, guest of VBirs. Alexander Clergy street. . Miss Jean Mounsey, Woodbridge; will spend her two weeks' holiday with Mr. and Mrs. John Lemon; Earl street. Mrs. McGill and Miss Kahtleen Me- Gill, Toronto, are at '"'Queen's Resi- dence," Earl street. John IV. Hutcheson, New York, Mackie, Chateau Belvidere, and left on Mon- day for a cruise dowh the St. Law- rence, icin * 8 ) Mr. and Mrs. Sheehy and Michael Sheehy, Petérboro, and Dr. Doran, MoMntreal, who were in town for the Sheehy-Dwyer wedding on Tuesday, have returned home. Mrs. Charles Dunbar, Miss Dun- bar and Angus Dunbar, who were in Murchie-Kirkpatrick Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Miller, Chicago, who are motoring through Canada, were guests at the Chateau Belvidere during their stay in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis and their Virginia, who are en a ston at the Chateau Belvidere. Mrs. Charles Constantine, Earl the | is the 12 BRITISH WHIG a , Timely PROBS: --Thursday, fair; moderately warm. / : } Suggestions For Summer Wear street, who has spent several months | in Calgary and other western tities, | returned home on Tuesday. Mrs. Jack Morton, Winnipeg, and her little daughter, are visiting Mr. Clarence Brauscomb, an old R. M.| C. graduate, who is one of the g ernment engineers in the United | States, is spending the summer in his old home in Picton with his brother, Dr. Morley Brauscomb. He is a brother of Gene Brauscomb (Mrs. John Teing), New York, the Cana- | . ke "Mrs BMwell Way came down from, Miss Anne Filson, who has been Montréal on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fa Craig, Miss Bessie Smythe, and Bartlett Dalton, are taking a motor trip through the | Adriondack's. Miss Lilian and Miss Ethelwyn Mowat have returned from a visit to Brantford and Port Dover. Miss Eleanor Creighton is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Newlands, at Mrs. William Kirkpatrick and Miss Louise Kirkpatrick, Barrie street, | who spent some time at The Lake | of Bays, , Muskoka, returned to town in time for the Murchie-Kirkpatrick Miss Etta Lane who has been the guest of Mrs. William McFedridge, Bath Road, has returned to Toronto. Miss Carrie O'Meara and Miss Tes- sie Walsh, Ottawa, are leaving on a boat trip to Kingston and the Thou- sand Islands, to be absent two weeks. Mrs. Malcolm Shaw, Stuart street, is visiting with relatives and friends at Trenton, Brighton and Colborne. Miss Reta Green and Miss Norma McFedridge have left for Kingsmere up the Gateneau river; after spend- ing the week-end in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. James Schofield. Dr. and Mrs, Dennis Jordan will be guests at the Lake Huron hotel, Sarnia Beach, during August. They have been at Strathroy for the past Mrs. Frank Jones, Kingston, Rolidaying at Gananoque.. Mrs. Cornett, Kingston, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Hugh Wil- son, Gananoque. Misses Elva and Reta Penwarden Kingston, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Blair, Westport. Miss Gertrude Botting, Kingston, is visiting her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. James Botting, Westport. Mr. and: Mrs. Manley Martin, Kingston, have been spending a few days with friends in Gananoque. Mrs. J. O, Elliott has returned to Kingston after spending a pleasant week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, Gananoque. Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Publow, Kings- | ton, are guests of Mrs, Gorsline. Main street east, Picton. Mrs. Alfred Dulmage and her mo- ther, Mrs. M. Green, arrived at Car- leton| Place, from Kingston, for a week in the atmosphere created by the Old Boys' Reunion at Almonte. Miss Daisy 'Huntington and Miss Marjorie McKennee, Ney York, are visiting Miss Masoud, Princess street. Miss Florence Emery, West street, is visitng Mrs. McDonnough, Wood- stock, Ont. Miss Esther Briceland, Barrie street, Jone on Friday to visit friends in Torgmto and Buffalo N.Y Mr. and Mrs. H. E, Seymour, Phil- | adelphia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Jackson, King street. is, Miss Mabel Vaughan, Ann Arbor, Mich., is visiting Miss . Melville Thompson, Long Island Park. Mr. Brownlee, wife and family, have gone to spend a few weeks va- cation at Prescott. Mr. Brownlee will visit Ottawa before returning. Dr. and Mrs. Dpugal have return- ed to Brilliant, Ohio, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Aykroyd, Fron- tenac stheet. Ja Stewart 'and wife, Colling- wood 'street, spent this week-end at Howe Island, the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Henna. Misses Florence and Bessie Stew- art, Collingwood 'street, are the guests of Mrs. M. E. Dunn at Howe Island. Mrs. Robert Montgomery, 354 Albert street; is visiting her brother, James Moon, Conway. Mrs. Andrew McLean, King street, ------------ FL 5 Ss PLEASURE OF YOUR PORCH, bottle of Par-ol LAWN OR COTTAGE. CHAIRS IN WICKER, RATTAN, SEA GRASS and OLD HICK- ORY, GRASS RUGS, SUITABLE FOR FLOOR COVERINGS; BRIGHT AND AIRY CHINTZES IN ALL THE POPULAR 'SHADES. i \ VIOTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS A Complete Stock.' Phone 90 TF. Hamison Go, oy always handy in the house. It's great use is to pre- week. vent or sEipation bat it hes hosts of other family remedy uses. $1.00 #s the guest of Mrs. J. Russell Fors- ter, at her cottage on Stella Point. Mrs. Roy Allan, Collingwood street, spent the week-énd with Mrs. George Sargent, at Willow Dale Cot- | tage, Garden Island. Miss Frances Ferguson, street, will sail for England King this A. E. Gilbert, Alfred, NW.M.P., COM | loft for Regina on Saturday. Mrs. Woolley, who has been the guest of Rev. W. T. G. Brown and Mrs. Brown, Sydenham parsonage, returned to Montreal on Tuesday. Women $6.00 up. SMART Bathing Suits for Bathing Suits in all the wanted colors and materials, sizes, etc. : an excellent range to select from. Cotton Jersey Bathing Suits $2.00 Special Pure Wool Bathing Suits With, many other, values. SUMMER BLOUSES Smart Silk and Wool Sweaters A very complete stock to select from--all the most popular styles and novelty effects -- at popular prices. Silk Sweaters $13.50 up to $35.00. Fillet Knit Sweaters $12.50 up. Sweater Coats $8.50 up. Other values $6.50 up. AND DAINTY NEW ' Nothing quite so cool looking--they are of every imaginable style -- long or short sleeves--ruffled, tucked, stitched or very plain, as well as stunning overblouse styles. * Materials are:-- Voile, Marquisette, Georgette, Crepe de Chene. Priced ............. 0. i\( i $398 nip, Special $1.09. Special 85c. _ Children' s Sox-- 35c¢.; 45¢., 50c. Men's Black Sox-- Special 35c. {2 their cousin, George Gibson, and Miss Marguerita Bain, which took place at the home of the bride's parents at 8.30 p.m, - * . Miss Mary Taylor, the Principal's Residence, Queen's University, re- turned from a visit to Montreal on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wendling Anglin, Philadelphia, and their children, came up on Monday to visit Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Anglin at their cottage on Wolfe Island. Miss Nora Martin and Miss Veta Minnes are the guests of Irving Mar- tin, at the St. Regis Apartments, To- ronto. Prof. and Mrs. P, G. C. Campbell and the two sons returned from Bob's Lake on Tuesday. : Misses Brown, Toronto, are the guests of Adolphus W. Brown, Barrie street. - - . ~ Clergy street, returned on Tuesday from Beach Bluff, Maine. Mrs. R. Uglow and Miss Helen and Miss Marjorie Uglow, Barrie street, went down to Echo Lodge, to- day, for a few weeks. Mrs. Ray Putman, Boston, is vis- iting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Penhale, - Mr. end Mrs. E. Ronald Van Lu- Bagot | yen motored to Sutunoqie on Tues- | St. Lawrence on a camping trip. olay be Juesta ot the . XY ataa ui street, have gone down the Mrs, RB. J. Rodger, Ear] street, and Black and White Fibre Silk Hose - Steacy's - "The Woman's Sto re of Kingston." S00 EE ------------------ HOT WEATHER BARGAINS $139. HOSIERY AT POPULAR PRICES | Ladies' Colored Silk Hose Black and White Lisle Hose -- Special 39¢, ° Italian Silk Lisie Hose-- Special 59c. Children's White Ribbed Hose-- Special 39c. Men's Silk Sox-- $1.00 a pair up. Limited J A few pairs Men's Oxfords and Pumps, Goodyear Welts; to clearat ...... See the style and sizes in our window. Men's White Canvas Shoes, heavy rubber sole and heel; $3.00 value for .... Sizes 6 to 85. $1.99 "reser vesssnmes ~--------SEE OUR WINDOW FOR OTHER SNAPS---- JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE < 0000 aT | Mr. and Mrs. John L. Whiting, | Phone 231) 0 Brock 3 ber children, are speding a few weaks at Turcotte's Farm, Boswick Island. Mrs. Robert T. Brymner, West street, who spent the week-end in Consecon, returned on Monday, bringing Miss Jean and Miss Grace Brymner home with her. - F . ® Announcement has been made of the engagement of Viscount Stuart, M.C., eldest son of the Earl of Cas- tlestewart, to Eleanor May, daugh- ter of 8. R. Guggenheim, New York: . . Mr. and Mrs. George Turcott, No. 8 Sixth street, announce the engage: 2 ment of their eldest son, Harry { Jares, to Helen, daughter of Mr. andl | Mrs Marshall, Queen street, the {wedding to take place quietly on August 16th, 1920. (Continued On Page 3)