PAGE SIX -- THE DAILY BRITISH WHI i wt. Avatar. + ye [HE BRITISH WHIG 87th YEAR. Published Dally and Semi-Weeikl THE BRITISH WHIG PU Cu. LIMITED J» @. Elliott bemun A. Gulld ... by ¢ vesesess President evens Rditor and Managing-Diretor ters to the editor. Therein He would | find that the year of jubilee was an | ancient Hebrew institution, and like allhather ancient institutions was founded ypon wisdom atethe time, i Every fittieth year all of the land | | was reapportioned among the people, | | or to the original owners. All debts | were remitted, all persons who: had | { been enslaved because of debt, and they were many, were set free. It was devised to prevent the land from | being monopolized by. a few families" into whose hands it was likely to be | found at the end of fifty years, | Then, there was no sowing and | reaping during jubilee year. Not | orf were the grapes gathered from | thé vines. 'The lands and orchards | were permitted io rest, ag It wa] termed, the theory-being that the | owners could manage to get along | after a fashion for a year while the | land was recuperating. Naturally, | the year of jubilee was a tremendous | ~ TELEPHONES: Business Oftice ... » . {torial Rooms Job Office -- SUBSURIPTION RATES (Lally Edition One year, delivered In One year, by mall, 'cash ........}1. Soe year, it not Bala in advance, $1. @ YeAr, to nl a vaio ns Bh Bx and three months pro rata. OUT-OF-TOW REPRESENTATIVES ids. N ¥. Calder, 33 St. Johan St, Moa ¥. M. Thompson, 403 Lumsden Toronto eventdn the lives of the Hebrews, but | as soclety 1s now organized, and'as it | now lives from hand to mouth, a year of idleness would be the undoing of the world. \ S------------------ PSYCHOLOGY AND PRICES. The recent slump in the prices of wheat in the pit at Chicago is re- garded by some business men and economists as an index of a condit- jon which will become quite general within the next few months. Already Letters to the Editur are only over the actual nam writer. - Attached 1s one of the 'The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is. authenticated by the A Audit Bureau of Oirculations. published e of; the best Job printing offices ia Canada wool, hides, cotton, 'silk and other tendency towards reduction -in price | and other commodities are wavering in the face of depressing factors. The continued 1% pressure by the Federal Reserve Board upon the member banks in the United States to reduce loans granted for the If Turkey isn't done to & sizzled brown it won't be for lack of Greece. SE | An elastic currency is the kind the part of business men and wide- that will stretch from one pay-day | spread refusals to grant loans to to another, Hg If there is any 'harmony in your | of raw materials is not always im- system, Paderewski, now is the time | mediately felt, but when the impres- to let it out, e------ This is the logical time for two | Ohio publishers to raise their adver- | tising rates. eet And once in a while you will find | a reformer who is as faultless as he | pretends to be. ---------- a -- Any Kingston girl knows that one can accomplish more with a dimple than with a ballot. Physicians have discovered that! the tight collar causes unhappiness. So does the tightwad. ------------ At any rate Poland can't say that her when she Russia jumped on wasn't looking for it, A great man in a bathing suit seems no more awe-inspiring than something the cat brought in, It Germany should let the Reds in, She will soon be asking her enemies - to save her from her friends. The father who Is afraid his boy won't turn out well, forgets how worthless he was at that age. The appearance of your front yard is reputation. Character determines ghe appearance of your back alley. it the sugar trust should. charge the government might get desperate and actually a dollar a pound, scold. A printer is level-headed sort of chap. Let us hope the next president of the United States will remain true to type, The Made-in-Germany mark will hardly regain its popularity until the world forgets who invented Bolshev- ism. PA aid on The old town has faults enough, but praises he Kingston girls have complexions that don't come off when | they wash. ~ Better not get into the habit of calling that other one the Great War until we see what becomes of this affair in Poland. And to think that in the old days take ninety-eight cents and spend a delightful after- a woman ,could "moon shopping. If there is anything in this law of supply and demand, the price of { characteristic that carried the Anglo- furtherance of non-essential enter- prises as well as the enhancement of the interest rate on rediscounts have resulted in a general caution on certain commercial enterprises. | The effect of reductions in prices sion becomes common-that prices are on the downward grade the psycholo: gical impulses towards a continuance of the slumping movement become powerful. Merchants 'will no longer hold supplies of goods on their shelves when banks refuse further loans to carry their high inventories and future purchases and when raw materials are being reduced in price. Before the crash comes these men endeavor to sell out at lower prices in order that they may at least real- ize something on the goods which were bouglit at high prices. Such a movement impelled by psychological causes was seen recent- ly in the many bargain sales of goods in different centres and it is alto- gether probable that a combination of factors will have a strong inflyé' ence. in the further reduction bt prices, both wholesale and retail. The days before us are dangerous because widespread - prosperity in times of raphdly falling prices is practically impossible. Visions 'of bread lines and unemployment, of violence and bloodshed are not pipe dreams to those men who regard with alarm the present tendencies in the commodity markets. b. THE BRITISH LABOR PARTY "The English-speaking nations of the world are the guardians of tha world's peace, they have always béen in the van of the world's progress, and nothing we who represent Lgbor will do will ever effect the desire or the efforts of men who lead all parties. We desire to make the pros. perity of the Empire as great as we can make i, and to restrain those forces whieh would make for disinte- gration and revolution." ( Such wal the statement of T. E. Naylor, chairman of the London Labor Party at the civic luncheon to the Empire Press Delegates at St. John. Mr. Naylor is representative in the conference of the printing trades, and he was discussing the status of the overseas dominions, which he declared would, suffer no change with the increasing power of the Labor Party in England. We can well believe the statement ¢ this speaker, for the Labor Party the British Parliament won the confidence of all of the people dur- ing the world crisis. It won that confidence, in the army, in the navy, in shipyards, factories and in mines, no less than in the House of Com- mons, because the British are British first wherever they are. It is this {does take to support one, anyway. raw materials have shown a decided | | gress on September 13th. | would save the writing 'of such' let. {place in the council than many whose |} pames are found in the pages of the past, | The safety of the British Empire | lies in the fact that while it has al- ways had its aristocracy, it has nearly always had its~Hoiuse of Commons, which represented democracy, ana | has been the responsibly legislative body, and no government {in the world has been' more responsible to thé will of the people. Here Labor found a voice while the "fanatacism of the Socialist and Bolshevist, like the French Revolution, will pass harmlessly by, carrying destruction only to countries unlearned in tae science of government. ---------- PUBLIC OPINION No Chance to Remember. (Bay City Times Repu) Wheat may drop in price, but by the time it gets into bread and is epread with butter, the eater forgets about ft, A Short, Complete Sermon. (Guelph Herald) : The late W. K. Vanderbilt left" | an estate of $100,000,000. There's a whole sermon in the fact that he couldn't take his wealth with him. Costly Wives. (Buffalo News) Woman Marries Three Men -- Headline. § That's just about the number it Caused for Wonder. (Guelph Herald) The wonder is that the impulses | towards generosity are so rarely | obeyed that a public bequest elicits comment, - | In Need of Education. ¥ (Columbia (8. C.) Record) ? De Valera says he is going to spend $16,000,000 educating Ameri- ca about Ireland. The fact that he collected that much over here proves that we need educating. Only Patience Needed. (Exchange) A society in 'England would have veople discard clothing and return to nature. All there is needed to ac- complish that result with present] prices, is a little patience. | erent The World Needs Him. (New York Evening Sun) i Americans will trust that the in- disposition of the British premier will cot prove serious, and that he may continue actively in office. At the present critical juncture Great Britain ang the world can {ll afford to lose the benefit of his experience and his statesmanlike leadership. Value Lost Sight Of. (Stratford Beacon) The man who buys a cigar or goes to a "movie" pays the equivalent of a goodly number of newspapers, yet because the ncwspaper has always been cheap, its proportional value has been lost sight of in many cases. FIRST VERDICT . DUE SEPT. 13TH "Solemn Referendum?" Wilson Covenant to Get Early Decision. Bangor, Me. Aug..4.--Once.more rugged Maine is the outpost of pre- sidential conflict. The only member of the Union family to hold on elec- tion .in advance of the November contest, it will choose its state offi- cers and four representatives in con- Before other states have nominat- ed Maine will have elected. Already candidates are on the stump from Kittery to Fort Kent. The two na- tional committees, conscious of the supposed effect on outside minds of victory or defeat "here, will send their heaviest artillery to Maine for the last three weeks of the cam- paign. There are no state issues to speak of. It is agreed by all hands that the battle will .be fought on national iines, with the league of nations as the main object of assault and de- fense. It will be the Wilson league against a league with America pro- tected, the league of the national De- mocratic platform against the league of the national Republican platform. The president's "solemn referen- dum' appears to be welcomed by both sides. Favor Grey-haired Drivers. Grey-haired men as drivers are preferred by a big American motor transport firm, while another firm chooses married men, since these two classes are supposed to possess more judgment and sense of respon- sibility than the young and unmanr ried. ' Wholesale Price of Beef Down. Chicago, Aug. 4--IThe wholesale price of beef declined throughout the east an average of ten to fifteen per a MUSINGS OF THE KHAN| EEE GG br Bm OO BBO A Fast But Faltering Age. Many people in the land have been shocked and saddened, and more than them, alas' have been vastly amused by a recent occurrence in Chicago. Of course it was staged in Chicago. Where else could it hap- pen? Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that many things were first staged and rehearsed in Chicago that are now perfectly at home and quite familiar in every - cocksrobin little town. in the country. A vast gathering shepherded. from: every hole and corner of the country that won the war largely with its fluent face, convened in a great hall to bring out a new party, and the proceedings were opened with prayer, It wag an'extempore prayer. This continent hath provided many famous warriors and statesmen, poets and | doctors, and of recent years quite a few horny-handed sons of teil who bore most of the work; but no other part of the universe can approach us for thrilling, dramatic and eloquent prayers. The prayer of this particu- lar prayer at Chicago.was punctuated with '"'applause," "renewed ap- plause," '"'cheers," and loud and con- tinued cheering." The reading of the description of this fearful United States scene filled many good people with humiliation nd shame, and distressed thousands of reverent folk, who wondered what the world was coming to. The. ehances are that two-thirds of the delegates af that convention never heard a prayer before. They had never been inside a church, and here was a new thing. They had a nebulous idea that the prayer was laying down the law to some Divine Trotzky who had failed to make good. He wag addressing himself to some Celestial Boss who was too thick with Big Interests, and it tickled the crowd all to pieces. They weren't high church, and didn't know how to chant Amen, but they did the best thing they could; they gave him three cheers and a tiger. Reverent and plous people need not be distressed about all this. That event in Chicago was quite spontane- ous and human. They knew so little about religion and were so ignorant of ritual they thought the <= é 0 fabrics are good 38 to 44. f THE RITZ $37.50. $45.00 harangue wag the best electioneering stuff they had heard for years. When the first white men landed on this somineut the first thing they did was to fdll upon their knees and pray, and althought these were the so-called "Dark Ages, they knew how to pray and Whom they were praying to. Then they all chanted the Te Deum Laudamus. To-day there are seventy millions of people on this continent who never heard a Te Deum! They don't know whéiher it is a temperance drink, a scenario, a disease, or a race horse. There must be sixty millions of people in this part of the earth who thank God daily that they are not as other men, and don't have to carry a prayer book to church! : It is to be hoped that the custom of applauding prayers will not spread. Fancy the effect it would have upon the Litany! "From lightning and tempest, from plague, pestilence and famine, from battle and murder, and from sudden death----Good Lord deliver us!" (Tremendous cheering,). "We sinners do beseech thee to free Ireland" -- (frantic cheering and ginging "There's Nothing Too Good for the Ifish" and "Down Went Mo- Ginty.") - "That it may please Thee to make Quebec bone dry"--terrific cheering, with the congregation singing "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes.") +gome of our=divines- are -always asking for a "hearty" service. Cheer up, brother, she's a-coming this way! THE KHAN. The Wigwam, Rushdale Farm, Rockton, Ont. MID-SUMMER. Helen Minturn ur. When the grainfield lieg like @& lake of glass, ~ When the strawberries in the longest grass, When black-eyed Susans are all ablaze, : When hosts of the Yirewood flush the clearing, The height of summer, the fierce blue days, When the night breathes deep, like a worn-out' sleeper When shadows of great white clouds tall deeper, . DN A sharper foil for the glaring sun, When out of the hush @ bird sings \ rarely, When winds blow fitfully, brooks run sparely, You may know that the youth ol the year is done. tacts A Hero. London Ideas. "Who was the bravest ever met, colonel?" "Phil Miggs, $hey "And what was hi ous action?" "He married a widow whose first three husbands had each committed suicide." man you called him." s most courag- "Shoeing an anchor' means cover- cent. between June 26th and July 24th, the American Institute of Meat Packers announces. . ing its flukes or points with wood to make them grip better in soft ground. a SS sugar should be affected by the Jarge number of Americans who now _80 to Cuba to raise Cain. There will be everlasting ce 'when all countries have a nf re _ quiring statesmen to lead the armies in person and march three paces in ont of the advance guard. 3 THE YEAR OF JUBILEE. A correspondent wants to know what is meant by "the year of jubi- Jee." He says he recently read where 'somebody sald the people of this __gountry were acting as if they ought this was "the year of jubilee, 'Put it isn't," and he doesn't under- _ 'stand what was meant. - 5 'We recommend the reading of the Bible to our correspondent: It con- ains a great deal of information, as wa (¥oll as inspiration, and its reading 1 Saxon race to the foremost place in the world, a place that has been achieved by industry, fidelity to the highest principles of honor and {alr dealing no less than by the heroism that go enriches the pages of history, The British Labor Party has had Rippling Rhymes men who ranked with the foremost men of other parties, and they may be called. upon to assume greater re- sponsibilities in the future. It is when we think of this that we are assured by the gradual process of evolution that has always marked the progress of British political institutions and government, that the men to whom the destiny of te Empire is entrust- ed will be fitted for the task. No man can attain to the pdsition of leadership of any party without a period of apprenticeship that tests his right to be there, but having ar- th tained it, he is more worthy of a THE CHANGEFUL SEA. _ One day the sed's a brilliant blue, and skidding; the next it has a sombre hue, it's mo- n slow, forbidding. One day I camp -and watch it as it * its roar I feel like croo sage is so glad it asks no mortals pity, a pen and pad, and spring a buoyant ditty. waters run like wine. in froth a boiling; the next they have a dismal Ww! hy they needed piling. 'One day they're where the note of mirth's prevailing; the darker than despair, and every wave is walling. _ Neptune has a wondrous lyre, that touches all emo- tions, and om it, like a house afire, am Now sweeter than the lullabys of . gloaming} and now the notes like thunder the octaves roaming. his mighty harp is moods, & note for every passion. gayly it upon the shore ges, and there's such pathos in dirges. Next its mes- and 1 produce One day foam they're 8 hough green, avery- Best theyre ridge, along Old Neptune, in his solitudes, ': he has a song for all our his oceans. |. ers, in the MEN'S SUITS, $30.00° Neat three button style coat; mestic Tweeds; in rich, plain shades; Brown or Grey. Sizes The HARTLEY [BIBBY'S HZ The Store That Keeps the Prices Down. quality; do- BIBBY"S YOUNG MEN'S BETTER CLOTHES Hand-tailored by experts; newest colorings; smart models; the very last in real niftiness. . The PRINCETON $37.50 The BENTON $45.00 - BIBBY'S YOUNG MEN'S SUITS First longs; sizes 34 to 39-- $25.00. New Form-fit model --with or without belt--new colorings and designs ~The CARLING - boa The CLAUDE $37.50 $45.00 McCLARY'S "The Finest Finished Ranges "FLORENCE AUTOMAT IC" OIL STOVES indorsed by Geod House keeping Magazine, Sold ati-- BUNT'S OE EECA GAS RANGES Sold im Canada" King St. Phone 388 Gourdier's For FURS Nuff Said nnn am" =m eer a f ( SUMMER DRINKS --~LIME JICB ~GRAPE JUICE ~LOGANBERRY JUICER ~--ORANGEADE ~LEMONADE --RASPBERRIADE ~+GURD'S GINGER ALE --GURD'S SODA WATER ~GURD"S DRY GINGER ALE +~ADANAC DRY GINGER ALB DAVID SCOTT Plumber Plumbing 145 Frontenac street. and Gas Work a special ty. All work suarantesd, Address | WE ARE PLEASED NAMER is back again in charge of our Repairing Department, Agent for: \ Excelsior Life Assurance Toronto Stock Exchanges. 568 & 1087 281 KING Phones « - spring stock; no pum food fences; No low or swamp A farmer 'with ordinary telligence k should and willing to 'worl be able to pay for this farm in Price $1 six or seven years. 1,000.00. For further particulars apply to: T. J. LOCKHART Real Estate and Insurance Clareasce Street - - Kingston ~WALT MASON. os ¥ G Hunter Ogilvie 'e . Royal Exchange (Fire and Auto- mobile. "Casual. In close touch with Montreal and and trust we can give you the old time eth that hag made "ours a busy shop. Work amd prices will be right. McNAMEE & SLACK PHONE 1317TW. 54 QUEEN STREET Caps I Dainty and serviceable; new shapes | and color combinations; 25¢ to $2.00 DIVING CAPS Plain extra heavy ....85c. to $1.00 WATER WINGS With new Valve ... we: ww eee: 78¢ EAR STOPPLES Prevent water entering ears ...35¢c. DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE CHOICE MEATS Spring Lamb, ' ~--Spare Ribs. --Tenderloins. --Pork Sausages a Choice Western Beef Daniel Hogan Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut and Cod Dominion Fish Co. Canada Food Board License No. 9.8248 4 Coal That Suits The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad's : Celebrated Scranton | 2 Coal 1 The Standard Anthracite The only Coal handled by Crawford Phone ®. Foot of "ueen B& "It's a black busines. but'we treat you white."