SMURSDAY, AUGUST, 5, 1920. NSBURG, N.Y. BIG FAIR| 31, Sept. 1, 2, 3rd, 1920 NESS and running races each | AR | BASEBALL each day. Teams from. : Canada and New York, * i BUFF-DALAND Flying Boat carry-| ' ing passengers on flights daily. | THRILLING free attractions, including the famous de Phils. ~ A GREATER MIDWAY with Pistang's| gelebrated shows from Dominion in Premi 2 00 in race purs . regular program is what others FR eature and THEN SOME! [ Canadian | ADMISSION 50 CENTS, 1 money taken at paf. tand events start at 1.30 pm # Standard Time. ove's Repairs Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete, We ir work right and guarantee ELLINGTON sTREED . ; Baseball '#' | Cricket Field Saturday, August 7th At 3.15 p.m. PERTH VS. "TRIPLE LINKS |, Ee | & % & 5 Robinson & Wiltshire | Automobile Repair Shop | We have a Ford Car and a Motorcycle for sale. Call and look them over, Prices right. 405 Princess St. pease | | "\ ® . agazines Gosmopolitan, Classic, Everybodys, Romance, Oute.s' Recreation, Keep- ing Up With the Joneses, Ladies' ' Home Journal, etc. =~OLD COUNTRY PAPERS-- JACK F. ELDER $60 Princess Street. Phone 1283F. ------ jamond Diamon Engagement . Rings 'We shall be pleased to have you view our stock of Diamond Rings in our private diamond room. 'We have made a specialty of diamonds for over half a cen- tury. 2 _'R. J. RODGER Diameénd Merchant 182 Princess Street. MWhere the Clock is on the Walk." es FOR SALE-SPECIAL Well-loeated, co: ifortable hot water heating; gas for lighting and cooking; grate in liv. ing room and a garage. : can give immediate possession. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY. : Phone 68 and 874w. THE ROYAL CAFE H, K. LEE, Proprietor. 157 PRINCESS STREET begins on Th , consists of beg Pinaehiiny. one - t N.B.~--Our 50c. meal, which Soup, one Fish or one sert, Tea, Coffee or . EXTRA FISH ORDER .. Dinner from 11 to 2.80. wif We offer PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 6% BONDS--DUE 1930--T0 YIELD % _ CITY OF WINNIPEG 6% BONDS--DUE 1940--TO YIELD 6K % DOMINION OF CANADA WAR LOANS--VARIOUS MATURITIES--YIELDING . 5.40% TO 6%. orge Bawden & Co. Property will be vacated in a couple of days, so that we Fe, N Ladies and gentlemen are invited to try these popular meals. CENSUS SHON INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF SEALS NOW | IN CUSTODY ------ | Report of Bureau of Fisheries Is Ex. pected To Show Abcut 600,000 of | The Animals. (Canadian Press Despateh) Washington, Aug. 5. he annual census of the Seals, now being taken by the Bureau of Fisheries, is ex- pected to show about 690,000 of the animals, or three times as many as when the government Umdertook the custody of them a half score years ago. Although the seal spends much of | its life at sea, its habits make the census-taking comparatively easy. | Hugh M. Smith, commissioner of the | Bureau of Fisheries, explains the! "count of noses" is of importance | to prevent "blind killing" of the ani-| mals for their furs, possibly result- | ing in their extinction. | Under present government control; | Mr. Smith asserts that the seals are | increasing about ten or 12 per cent. | of their number annually. Last rear's | count showed 550,000 of which it 000 were killed for their pelts. In the middle of Bering sea, lying | 40 miles apart, are two islan St. | George and St. Paul---the only land to which the seals ever resort, Every | spring they visit the islands to raise | their young, leaving in the fall to winter the north Pacific and it is] | during the summér that the census | is taken, | The killing of the animals is also | done in the summer, this under law | being confined to the surplus males. | Last year, lack of labor resulted in| 10,000 fewer animals being killed | than government officials had plan- | ned. Japan and Great Britain, along | with the United States, share the re- | venue produced from. the seal-kill a | tareaty giving this country seventy | pe® cent. of the animals, with the | receiving | other two countries each 15 per cent. "In the old days,'"' says Mr. Smith, "when 100,000 seals were being kill- ed annually, the govérnment obtain- ed $10 per skin, while now we are getting $140, which nets us about $120 per skin. Increase in the value of furs and the different method of conducting the business explains this." Besides the sale of pelts, the gov- ernment is operating a fertilizer plant on the islands for disposing of the carcase, from which there also is extracted an oil used for dressing tops of automobiles. --~ NOTES FROM McLEAN'S. A Grist of Visitors In The Village. McLean's, Aug. 4.--Service was held on Sunday evening by Eli Wa- gar. Mrs. George Alton, Tichborne, has returned to her home, after spending the past four week's help- ing to take care of her mother, Mrs. M. J. Cronk. Visitors: John Raycrop and fam- ily, and Albert Brown, were at Wil- lis Asseltines, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Milford Wagar, Mrs. Elli Wa- gar, Miss May Wagar and George Beverly, spent Sunday at George Wagar's, Firth Lake. David Kirk, Lorne and Victor, of Toronto, are spending a week 'or so at William Cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Sills and Sammy and Mra. Fred Simpkins were at Aaron Smiths' on Sunday. Miss Verna Clark, spent Sunday with Miss Zelda) Cousins. Allan Bot- ling and George.Beverly, are at Mil- ford Wagar's. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Cous= sins and Ross and Alva Keller, spent Sunday at Moscow. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Smith and family were at John Smith's Sunday. Harry Foster, Toronto, at his home here for'a few days, has returned to Toronto. Michael Donovan, Easton's Corn- ers, formerly a resident of the dis- trict, has purchased the property in Toledo, owned by Mrs. Sharkey. NN W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate, TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD QUEEN STREET. : I home, near Court House, with Price .....c00...0...84,800, - 56 Brock Street and one Des- EXTRA DESSERT ..10c. ¢ Supper from 5.80 to 8. General Insurance : - 111% BROCK STREET AD MUNG). v | Fo-night-- Friday -- Saturday The Tale That Has Thrilled the World + Treasure Island A roaring romance for boys and girls 'twixt nine and ninety! Played by a perfect cast, including SHIRLEY MASON and LON CHANEY, the man whose marvelous acting was one of the sensations of "The Miracle Man." POLLARD COMEDY BORDER RIVER R.N.W.P. COMING NEXT MONDAY ! "ROMANCE" 'CLIENRN PICTUREYJS. DIRECTION JOHN & DITIRT GRIFFIN TO-DAY The Dainty Screen Star --f Dl The Willow Tree A quaig? fantasy of old Japan, from the.Cohen and Harris stage success, by J. H. Benremo and Harrison Rhodes. MONKEY BUSINESS A Sunshine Comedy. 13th EPISODE of that great wild animal serial The Lost City M-- COMING ! MONDAY; TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY The World's Greatest Daredevil CHARLES HUTCHISON sa Pee The World's Greatest Serial The Whirlwind Peak Frean's SHORTCAKE IS DELICIOUS Ask your Grooer for it. ee eam EXCELLENT CROPS. Are To Be Found Around Junetown in Leeds County. Junetown, Aug. 3.-- Miss. Agnes Green is visiting friends in Water- town, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. W. Foley and children, Tilley, were recent visitors at Claud Purvis. Miss Keitha Burnham, Glen Elbe, spent a week recently with Mrs. J. D. Bigford. Claud Purvis was in Brockville Mon=- day. J. Wooding, Toront), has re- turned to his hore fore after a two weeks' visit with f'flends. Several from "hyjre attended - the funeral on Sunday/ last, at Yonge Mills, of the laté Thomas Hodge, of Brockville. 'Mr. aad Mrs. J. A. Herb- ison, also Mr. and Mrs, J. Wooding enjoyed a trip tc; Cornwall canal on Monday. Maste' Byrce Sheffield, Athens, is visitirg at A. Warren's. E. Avery has retuymed home, after a week's visit wit) relatives at Sharbot e. Newton Scotf, also Misses Marion and Gertrude §cott spent » Saturday last in Brock fille. Masters Donald and Angus M Donald, Kingston, are here visiting fheir uncle, Alvin Av- ery. Several from here are planning to attend the Industrial Exhibition to 'be held at Kingston, from September 28th to October 2nd. The people from 'the country noted the unique adver- tising which Manager Bushell did during the recent visit of the Sparks circus 4p the city. The elephants carried large announcing the fit, Xhich racted considerable at- tention. > The grain crop in this section fs excellent, Hay crop is somewhat lighter than last year. ; + d A pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Francis Xavier, Brockville; on Wednesday, when Mrs. Dorothy Rita Clayten, daughter of Mrs. H. Nicol- son, was united in marriage to Wil- liam E. LeClair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward LeClair. The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Muir, Toronto, was the scene of the marriage of their eldest daughter, 'Helen Maud, to David Bruce Wilson, B.A, M.B., Raleigh, North Carolina, formerly of" Merrickville. The death took place on July 2nd, at St. James, Man., of Thomas Joseph McGuire; a native of Toledo, who had succeeded in business life in the 'west,' NE r~ VIOLA DANA CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, lc. a word. Each 9 Secutive insei tion theres cent ¢ word. Minfmum the insertion, 26c; three ge for insertions. cents. The abové rates are for cash only: when charged they are double. HELP WANTED, WAITRESS AND BELL BOY, at Frontenac Hotel. | WOMAN, FOR GENERAL KITCHEN | s work. Apply Albion Hotel MAIDS FOR LAUNDRY WORK. AP- ply as General Hospital A GENERAL SERVANT, APPLY Mrs. Harold Hughes, 115 Gore Y FIRST OF SEPTEMB A GOOD, plain cook, who is willing to as- sist in some general work in a small family. Apply Box B-4, Whig Office. APPLY BOOKKEEPER WANTED FOR | steady position, who is also a| | stenographer preferred. References | | required. Inquire in person at 265 Princesg street. EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID AND cook; good wages for good work; no laundry; eleven months in Chi- cago, ons month near ingston. Address Dr, Hewitt, Seeley"s Bay. E MAN WANTED----SPFARE TIME or steadily--selling our guaranteed trees and plants. Outfit free. Lib- eral commission. Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limited Brown Nurseries, P.O. Ontario. 4 LIV SALESMEN-CITY, TOWN OR COUN- jry---though nursery stock general- ly scarce, have full line whole root trees and plants. Big earnings guaranteed the year round.' Your orders delivered complete. "Kxperi- ence not necessary. We teach you. ILauke Bros, Limited, Mont- real * TEACHER WANTED. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR SCHOOL section No. 5, Collin's Bay. Apply stating salary to George F. Clark, Collin's Bay. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8. 8. No. 8, Storrington. Salary $700. Dut- ies to commence Sept. lst. Apply to D. B. Keeler, Sec.-Treasurer, Battersea, Ont. | | QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S, 8, NO, | | 8, Township of Wolfe Island. Dut-| jes to begin Sept.'1st. Salary $700. Apply to John W. Niles, R. R. No. 1, Wolfe Island. SECOND - CLASS PROFESSIONAL teacher for S. 8. No. 4, Amherst Island; duties to commence Sept. 1st; salary $760; state religion. R. D. McDonald, Sec.-Treas., R, R. No. 3, Stella, Ont, QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER for S. 8S. No. 3, Storrington. Salary $800. Duties to commence Sep- tember 1st. ADply to T. Campbell, Sec.-Treas., Sunbury, Ont. PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR 8S, S. No. 1, Portland. Duties to ocom- mence Sept. 2nd. Apply, stating qualifications and salary expected to ¥. C. Van Luven, sec.-treay., Har- rowsmith, Ont. LADY TEACHER FOR JUNIOR-ROOM, Verona Public School; Protestant; limited third, or better. Salary $700.00. Stites experience and quallficat!dn clearly, to T. 8. Genge, secretary, 8. 8. No. 12, Portland, Verona, Ont. POSITION WANTED. GOOD PLAIN COOK WANTS WORK by day or week or would do house- work, Box Y-3, Whig Office, ACCOUNTANT, CAPABLE OF [JIAN- dling extra set of books; seeks en- gagement. Can give time daily to York Apply Box C-24, Whig Of- ce. - MUSIC. H. 8, PACKER, A.T.CoM:, TEACHER OF Piano and Theory; prepares for all rades. Special hours for pupils iving out of town. 65 Arch street. LAND SURVEYOR, ¥. F. MILLER, B.Ap. Sec, C.E., 0.L.S. D.L,8, M.E.LC,, Napanee, Ont. On- tario Land Surveyor. Kingston Of. fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- ence street. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS, FROM $500 up. First mortgage. No de- lay in securing money. Apply 8S. C. Snider, Seeley's Bay, Ont, STRANGE & STRANGE INSURANCE agents; established in 1860; only the most reMable companies repre- sented. Office 95 Clarence street, opposite the post office, FRONTENAU LOAR AND INVEST. ment Soclety; Incorported President, W. F. Nick ORey issu propersise, municipal and county ebentures; mortgages purchased: investment bonds for sale; deposits received and interest alowed, R. C. Sartwiishi, manager, 37 Clar- ence street, ingston. - LEGAL. CUKNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. Steer dxinguion "A. B. Cushing: ree 9 . ham. Cyril Smith & ny B SHEA, B.A, BARRI Solleitor. Law off) of King and "Brock. over Toya) Bank Money to loan. Ph PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers, scars, etc. ré- Jermansaliy. Satistactory furnished after t and Sihere have falled. Goitre removed. 36 years' experience. Dr, Lake, Eve, , Nose. Throat, CARPENTERING WHEN YOU WANT OCARPEN James Selby, University Avenue. Phone 1saw, Haying Nearing Completion, Ompah, Aug 3.~--Haying which was delayed very much by the heavy rains is now nearing, completion in this locality. The potato crop this year will be good. Mr. and Mrs. Bald- win and family of the United States are summer guests at the Hotel, at Trout e. Mr. and Mrs. John Arm- strong, evna, spent week-end at James McDougall's "Lake View Farm". Mr. and Mrs. John Vickers and Charles Birch, Montreal, -are summer guests at Mr, and Mrs. I. G. Burke's, i . The marriage of Adelaide Beatrice only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Se- ward Modeland, B le, to Stan- ley G. Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, Drayton, Ont., took place on August 3rd, at the home of the bride's parents, Belleville. TO | St. | BETWEEN VERONA AND =|T0 BUY AN OFFICE SAFE, THREE . i AUTOMOBILE, LICENSE NO. 10406, near Joyceville. Owner Hay have same by calling on G. W. Woods, Jayceville. PARCEL CONTAINING WHITE voile, Wednesday afternoon, on Division street. Owner may have same at Whig Of- fice. SMALL SILVER WATCH IN THE City Park, Thureday morn. ing. Owner may have same at 208 University Ave, CAP OFF GASOLINE TANK ON Sydenham road. Wednesday. Owner may have same at C.° Smith's, 394 Montreal street. ROSARY, IN PURSE, BETWEEN Sydenham and Bagot street, on William street. Owifer ray have same at this of- ce. LEATHER PURSE, CONTPAINING money, on York sireet, Tdes- day morning. Owner may have same at 183 Raglan Road. FOUND ARTICLES ADVRR. TISED FRED. : Anyone finding anything and Sisbing to reach thé owner may do so by reporting Lhe facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this column free of charge. "Found articles" aoes mot In- clude lost dogs, cattie, horses, etc. These, If lost, may be ad- vertised for in the "Lost" column, -- ---------- | Se LOST, 1920 MAR K bracket. Office, NO. 130329 AND Kindly return to Whig T™wO 5 LL oN BAGOT STREET, n onday. tewand for retur Whig Oftice. eum tol | A SILVER AND BLACK BROOCH, SET | with brildants, on Friday last. | Kinder please 1 : ig| * Office, Please leave at the Whig A COWBELL AT CRICKET FIBLD, on Wednesday evening. Finder kindly return to Mrs. Isaac Simp- son, Elginburg, GOLD CUFF LINK, INITIALS H.G.W, win finder kindly return to H. G. Wolfe, 62 Colborne street and re- | ceive a reward. { July 25th, ld watch, ""R.G. on back, ward call at Whig Office. SATURDAY, JULY 31st, ON PORT-! land Rohd, between Gibson's Hilll and Glenvale, lady's silver wrist| watch. Reward for return to J. | Cramer, Glenvale, Ont. AT FOLGER'S WHARF, BLACK SILK | bag, steel trimmings; contains let- | ters with owner's address and] small sum of money. Finder | please leave at Whig Office, Re-| ward. with ini. For re- DROPPED BETWEEN KINGSTON and Coldns Bay, July 27th, mixed tweed brown overcoat, Finder kindly communicate with J. J. Car- Loss 65 Glenely street East, Lind- | E-------- WANTED GENERAL. LADY TANTS FURNISHED SINGLE room with housekeeping privileges. Phone 1711F. - EP 5 SU WANTED AT ONCE, A LIGHT DELAV- ery rse. J. Cullen, corner Alfred and Princess streets. WANTED TO. RENT, BAKESHOP IN a large village, or small town. Ap- ply Box U-31, Whig Office. to four ft. size. Canada Cutlery Co., Ltd, foot of Gore Street. ---- . : - FOR SALE, FOR SALE. almost new.. Apply 361 Brock st Sh tsi { | THIRTY YEARLING HENS IN GOOD | Apply 66 Upper Charles | > | condition. Street. |'A 7-ROOM FRAME HOUSE; BATH! $; 198 Stuart Street closet and } Stre Laidlaw, 248 Division | 2 | 8 Apply J. R. Street. FA WHITE WICKER BABY CARRIAGE, FORD TOURING ©AR. APPLY CENTe ral Garage. 30 HI E 335 King stredt. BOILER FOR sALE. APPLY 2. Wathen, 143 Nelson street. = BRICK; DOUBLE; 6 ROOMS EACH; 'toilet; gas; price $3500.00; e terms. J. K. Carroll Agency, bi Brock street." Phone 68. DRESS SUIT, ALSO TUXEDO SUIT; both in splendid condition; size 37. | For sale cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ply Box C-4, hig Office. TWO PIANO CASE ORGANS; USED a short time, at half the original price. R. J. Rodger, Jeweler, 133 Princess street. : FRAME HOUSE, 8 ROOMS, HARD- ; wood flgors;wetectric lights and wa- ter; aiso good barn. Apply 29 Hickson avenue. FRAME HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS; on Upper Charles Street. Price $2,700.00. J. K. Carroll Agency, 66 Brock street. Phone 68 FORD TRUCK IN Al CONDITION; suitable for -baker or light deliv- very truck. A snap for quick sale. Apply 254 Division street, | 2,000 FE YARKER |) FT OF 1 1-4 AND 1% INCH pipe; in good condition. Also a quantity of all kinds of valves, Ap- ply E. E. Wathen, 143 Nelson st. FRAME HOUSE ON REDAN STREET; near Frontenac Park; some Im- provements; $2,100.00. Half cash. J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock st, Phone 68. FORD, SELF-STARTER AND LIGHT- ing equipment, with storage bat- tery and speedometer in good run- ning order--3$756.00. F. Simpson, 163 Princess MEN AND WOM CLOTHING, house furniture, eclalize in mili- tary boots; buy all kifids second- hand goods; highest prices paid. Routbard. Phone 1733. 2&9 Prin- cess Street. . TWO BAY MARES, 7 YEAR OLD; weight 2,400; one black horse; 9 year old, weight 1,400; will work single or double; top buggy. Apply 171 Raglan Road, CHEESE FACTORY AND GOOD house; can be bought for $2,300.00; Keelerville. Possession January 1st, 1921. For further'\particulars, ap- ply to E. Anderson, Battersea, Ri R. No. 2. FORD WITH | t. A FIVE PASSENGER electric starter and lighting sys-| tem; all in good condition. Also Ford Roadster. A snap for quick sale. 'Apply P. H. Watchorn, 44 Main street, or phone 1995F. FIRST CLASS USED CARS JUST ready to g've you a good summer's "outing. You can have one for as little as $175.00 cash, and ten months to pay the balance-- Ford Touring, Ford roadster, Chevrolet 1918, Chevrolet 1919, ete, See our daily add. Blue Garages Limited, corner Queen and Bagot streets. Telephone 567. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE Cash--offers from nine thousand dollars upwards, will be received by letter, by the undersigned, un- til August th inst, for that de- sirable city-assessed property at Kingscon Junction, between rlick- "son Avenue, C.P.R, G.T.R., and Cleary properties, comprising about three acres of land; three flat, substantial stone and brick, (outside plastered) dwelling; ten- anted 1% storey frame house; out- buildings; best manufactory or other industrial site in Kingston district; no tracks to cross; city water and electricity near-by. For funther particulars, apply Michael B. Lambert, 141 Hickson Avenue, Kingston Station, Ontario. UPHOLSTERING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO Gavine, upholster, 316 Bagot St. HEATED APARTMENT, OR THREE or four bright, airy' rooms, in good locality, Apply Box L-3, Whig Of- e. . 10 TO 25 ACRES WITH DWELLING and barn, near the city. Apply to McCaun's Beal Estaie Agency, 86 Brock st, t. SECOND-HAND UPRIGAT PIANO for cash or In part payment of new pianos and grefonolas, C. W. Lina say Limited, 121 Princess street. WANTED--MEN AND BOYS TO PAT. ronize J. W. Curzon, barber. Men's and boys' hair out, 20c. Shave 10¢ Razors honed 26c. '236 Ontario 8. near Brock Street. TO LET. THREE OR FOUR UNFUR) rooms for light houseke Phone 2070w. FURNISHED BOOMS; SUITABLE FOR light housekeeping. Apply te 311 # Montreal Street. STORE ON PRINCESS STREET. AP- ply J. K. Carroll Agency, 56 Brock street. Phone 68, ¥IREL CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improvements; centrally locat- ed. Apply 348 Brock street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE for light housekeeping; use ot Jos And yard, Apply 202 Willian reel SHED ing. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping; gas and elec- trically lighted; also garage end storage room; at No. 8 Garrett St. BARN AND SPABLE, CENTRAL LO- cation; suitable for auto or horse and carriage; rent reasonable. Ap- ply Box T-30, Whig Office. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN ~ dry, airy rooms; Jour owy lock and key. t's City Btorage, 99 Queen street. Phone 536; res. 939 w. 0 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping; gas and elec- trically lighted; also garage and storage room; at No. § Garrett St. T™WO FRONY nhArARTMENTS, ciall ished for light keeping; gas for cookin at the Pioneer A tments, 212 a 214 Division street. Phone 144m. ey 3 The Farmers Are Busy, Desert Lake, Aug. 3.--Farmers are busy in their hay and report a poor crop. Many are finding fault with the mail service, as some weeks the rural mail carrier only makes his appearance once, Unless he makes his regular trips, there is sure to be trouble. All are pleased to hear that Mrs. Robert Freeman is improving after a lengthy illness. Mrs. E. Snook has left to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. C. N. Abrams, ESPE. ouse- Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert} Bauder are moving in the house at Deyo's corner, Master Lawrence Page Ty wa 'the Sieg Mat Visitors: Mrs. R. Wagar at her daughter's Mrs. E. Page'; Mr. and Mrs. V. Abrams and family, Kingston, at J. N. Ab- rams'; Mrs. FF. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP holsering and general repairing. Leave orders at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street. FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROF A CARD TO W, DRS: coll, 28 John Street. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging dofie, drop a card to A. Mounteer, 84 Arch Street. IF YOU REQUIRE ANY PAINTING OR aporhanging done, just drop a line o H. Scott, 53 Beverly Street. MEDICAL DOCTOR E. L. STONE, 233 BROCK ST. Office hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 6 p.m, 7 to 830 pm. Phone 2066w. DR. H. S. ANGROVE WISHES TO AN. nounce that he has resumed his ractice. at 83 Wellington Street. fours: 1 till 3.30 and 7 till 8.30, Phone 2163. DENTAL E. KNAPP, office 2 e512. Ad B.A, L.D.S, D.D.S,, 68 Princess Street. > Phone ORS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DREN. tists, 159 Wellington stree!. over Carnovsky's. Phone 346. . ARCHITECT POWER, SON AND DREVE ARCHI. tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington ® <4 GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your owa choice, $43.50, Terms, $5 cash, §1 per week. C. W, Lindsay, Limited. 121 Princess Bt. ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX acres of land in the slay belt of a North, Ontario; might ex nge for a good car. Inquire of Range for 387 Johnson street. PANTASOTE TRUCK CUSHIONS, springs 4% inches high; most easy riding and durable cushion made; price $5.00. State size of seat. Jude son's Auto Tops. Brockville. MOTOR SKIFF, IN PERFECT RY ning order; carry six per 3 be sold at a bargain. A G , Officers' Mess, Ma ua M Section, Barriefleld. 41M rot WC ronats CEDAR ROWBOAT, 18x43, SQUARE: stern; roomny and safe; easy io row; and Bell tent in tion. $75.00, for url quire Bunt's hardware storezioM & WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KIND! o good second hand furalture > sloves. Any person having stoves and furniture to dispose of, we wil} pay highest Prides. J. SOD +. ireet. Phone } 333 Princess ow, Ala USED CARS AND TRUCKS OF ALL kinds, Ford roadsters and touring Chevrolets, Overlands, Gray Dort, Studebaker, Saxon Six, also 1 ton truck and bt Aelivery trucks. Apply Bert bury, 169 Raglan Road. Phone 1874w, : FARM, CONTAINING 100 ACRES good work land, in the township o Pittsburgh; Concession 6, , West half of Jot 35% House and barn: a never-failing well. Not far from church and school Price reasons able. Apply on premises to Fred Root, R. R. No. 1, Joyceville, Ont. J TWO FARMS, ONE CONTAINING 100 acres, 3 miles from the city; up-to= date buildings; running water; wel] fenced; second, 12 miles from the city on county road; every conveni~ ence; excellent camping grounds and good fishing. Apply Box A-7, Whig Office. : PERFECT, .. Princeton 50 a used COLUMBIA, DAYTON, and Victory Bicycles, als umber of ladies' and gents' icycles and motorcycles, at reduced prices. Special attention - glven to all bicycle and baby car= riage repair work. Muller's Bicycle Yorke, 371-373 King street. Phong 2w, MOTORS FOR SALE UNITED States Government Electric Mo« tors, 50 h.p. and 75 h.p., 25 cycle, 3 phase, 550 volt, 720 to 750 r.p.m. consisting of Westinghouse, Crocks. er-Wheeler and C.G.E. makes. Nine ty per cent. of the above were in- stalled 'and never turned over. Cheap. Apply L. 8. Tarshis & Sons, 400 Front street East, Toronto. W. 31° USED MOTOR CARS I am installing a battery service de partment and must make room. Carg will be sold at a sacrifice. ' Fords. "Chevrolets. Maxwells. Ford Sedan. Ford Roadster. One Truck. PALMER'S EXCLUSIVE USED CAR SALES Corner of Bagot and Queen St. ~~ \-- BATEMAN'S RENAL ESTATE. FOR GALE $1,600--SEMI-DETACHED rooms; Rideau Street. $2,000--FRAME HOUSE 6 rooms; toilet and lights; large lot. FRAME; ¢ NORTH EN sink; eleoctr| : $10,300--FARM, OVER 200 ACRES; 13 miles from Kingston; 140 acres plough land; good buildings; well Watered; one mile from P. O., fag- tory and school. THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY the corner of Princess and y bon streets, store and three dwellings. and gore lot on Princess street and dwelling, 308 Albert street. A bar gain for quick sale, to wind up an estate, $4200-DOUBLE BRICK; VENEER; 8 #ooms each. - \ $850--RBUIL JING LOT; CONVENIE) location. } ¥ ~r To LET $60.00--HOUSE; 16 ROOMS; 1 provements; central; rooms alr rented for more than monthly er 169 Wellington St. - VICTORY BONDS FOR SALE. MONEY to Loan. G. A. BATEMAN, 150. Wellington Stront Kingston pf livery. All cash.' Order Coal now for June and July de- ; \ } Coal and Wood sales strictly spot Jas. Swift & Co., - Limi Foot of Johnson Street. GEO. A. MACHINIST ° 40 PRINCESS STREET All kinds of repair work prompt. ly attended to. 'Phone 1264. Res. 1298. Hay Jover ia said 0 bo shams "he wind-borne of plants, by