Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Aug 1920, p. 14

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- PAGE FOURTEEN : ii 'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC rr : e MONDAY, AUGUST, te, 1020. HE a EO ------ ET -- -- BEATS IN VAIN ~~ |&9 Th : | Against the Thick Walls of the Cana- . eatrica dian' Penitentiaries. - Farmerg' Sun, Toronto. It is to be hoped that the charges made by Brig-General Ross regard- Coming to the Grand. Ing abuses in the penitentiary at | McIntyre and Heath, the real mon- | Kingston may lead to the complete | archs of minstrelsy, are coming to | transformation of that anarchronis- Kingston. They have as their vehicle | tic institution. Serious as his accusa- "Hello, Alexander," one pf the most | tions are of insanitary cells and bru- sumptuous extravaganzad over pres-| tal practices, they are of less mom- ented along the Gay White Way, and | ent than the question of the whole | which since early autumn has been | spirit and punpose of the place. playing to very large business at the A -penitentiary~is always liable to | 44th Street Theatre, where it was| be a theatre of brutality. There is presented by the Messrs. Lee and J. | no public opinion in it protecting the J. Shubert, and whence it comes to| weaker members of the community the Grand Opera House on Wednes- | hidden by its walls. Its inmates are day evening, Aug. 18th. Aside from | of two classes--criminals and jailers, the elaborateness of the production, | The criminal class is weak, impul- which is in two acts and six.gorge- | sive, furtive,. turbulent, dangerous ous scenes, there is a cast number-| and resentful. The jailer class, by na- | ing nearly one hundred people/ in- | ture and training, is strict, unsynipay cluding some of the most populat en- | thetic, suspicious and masterful. If a tertainers in the musical comedy | dislike should arise between a war- world. der and a felon, the warder is almost | The stars of the production, James | unchecked in venting his spite, while Mcintyre and Thomas Heath, have | his victim is almost helpless in his | been provided with an unusually | hands. So penitentiaries, which are funny vehicle. As in their former | meant to be monuments to justice, great success, "The Ham Tree," In| frequently become the abodes of rank which they appeared for several sea- | injustice. |-sons, the partners in mirth imperso- | It is impossible, until further in- | nate two darkey characters, Henry | vestigation has been made and the | | Jones and Alexander. The Misses | results published, to pronounce upon | Vivian Holt and Lillian Rosedale, as | the charges made by General Ross. It | | colored '"mammies," sing several | can safely be said, however, that | | southern melodies while the chorus | such things are more likely to have | done up as plantation lads and las- occurred inside a penitentiary thin | | sies, lend much color and charm to | outside it. . | the picture, Prominent in the cast But the larger question is that of | are, Homer Dickinson, and Gracie | the organization and discipline cur- | Deagon, Vivian Holt. Lillian Rose- | rent there; not the abuses, but the | dale, Mabel Elaine, Betty Lewis, Do- uses; not the infractions, but the pre- | | rothy Moore, Dan Quinlan, Edward valences of the customary of ward- | | Scanlon, Dan McNeil, Earl Richard, | ens and warders to tie social policy | | Phyllis Ray, Newport and Strik, | they are obligated to employ, but | Chic Barrymore and others. 'Alfred the nature of that social policy. This | Bryan has written the lyrics of |is not a questiqn for a commission "Hello, Alexander" and Jean Sch-| of investigation, but for the Parlia- ® wartz composed the music, of which | ment and the people of Canada. there are more than. twenty num- The humanitarian wave which dur- 3 | bers, most of them staged in sump- | Ing the last generation has asserted | tious fashion and utilizing tne larg- | the essential humanity of prisoners | est 'singing and step-dancing chorus | the world over has not failed to reach . {on tour this season.--Advt, our shores. The administration of ' § . Atom Justice has been conspicuously alter- for your new Suit? t Griffin's ed in many ways in the Dominion About how much would you like to pay 3 : Another of those country boy | during the last twenty years. Juve- Name your price and we'll show you a Suit that will "more types, which Charles Ray knows so nile courts have been set up. Police- - . tations." well how to portray is furnished him women and police matrons have been than meet your expec . in his new picture, "Alarm Clock | engaged. The Dominion parole offi- Sudye which heads a bright' pro- | cer has done notable things in the Whether rigid economy compels you to make the most of a gra me at Grifin's for to-d8y, Tues- experimental release of prisoners. ay and Wednesday. Andy Is a bash-| Several of the provinces have moder- $26.00 Suit or a handsome income justifies the wearing of a ful, stuttering motor truck salesman, | nized and Eom: their prisons, luxurious $50.00 outfit, we'll give you the best Suit your money Straight from the "stfcks". He has a replacing stone calls with open fields. hard time to get along, even when he | That humanitarian + wave beats in can buy anywhere. patterns after Blinker, the firm's | vain against the thick walls of the HARRI 0 Tra T . = | Dainty, Desireable Undergarments Our Whitewear Department has without doubt the largest and best selected stock-in the city, and the fact that our large stock was contracted for before the re- cent great advance in price, enables us to sell many lines at less than it cost to produce these to-day. 7 FINE PORTORICAN | Hand Made Underwear ter a Nightgowns Women's fine Nainsook Hand-made and Hand-em- broidered Night Gowns in a good assortment of styles. ; $4.25 to $6.50. ENVELOPE COMBINATIONS Fine Nainsook Envelope Combination; hand-embroid- ered. $3.25, $3.75, $4.50, $6.50. ° 00 -~ ------ co A mn SPECIAL NIGHT GOWN Fine Nainsook, Kimona sleeve, trimmed back and front with fillet lace and insertion; beading with rib. bon, square neck, short sleeves. SPECIAL ......$3.00, : . crack salesman. But he meets and Dominion penitentiaries. . We insure you satisfaction at any price. + falls in love with the boss's daughter r-------- and folows her on his vacation to a Our Clothes are perfect, summer resort. Here chance puts | . St. Mary's Choir Picnic. Andy in the way of a big buyer of The St. Mary's choir club held its / trucks and, suddenly coming to life. | 8nnual picnic at Collins Lake on 3 he puts over a bit of deception and | Sunday afternoon, making the trip sells a big bill of goods that puts | PY Motor cars. The picnic was a him on the way to fortune 'and hap- | Breat. success. -Among the guests p piness with the girl. The second epi- | Were Rev. Fathers Nicholson and \ {Sode of that most startling of all| Casey. In $he evening addresses serials, "The Whirlwind," is also in | Were made by Prof. Nourry, organ- -- the same programme. Charles | I8t, and officers of the ciub. A vote \ Hutchison, the great daredevil, ig | Of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs, 4 » seen to wonderful advantage in this | T- J. O'Connor, who made the picnie ne Off Your Route It Pays To Walk? chapter of the story and his amazing | 8TTangements and looked after the feats of daring will hold, you spel] | catering. hound thioughout the entire picture Sr ------ othing like it has ever been screen- ot Think It Over. scenic inlets wang comedy and How is it that we can sell made- making the b) WD. |to-measure clothing from $5.00 to Sho Programme one of ex- $15.00 less than other clothing Sevtional Corit, which cannot fail to houses will be pleased to show you lease lve most critical of Griffin's are lines of tweed and worsted cloth | : . at $40.00 to $60 a suit and blue | At The Strand. ° and black serges at $50 to $65 a suit. [ What is "The Thirteenth Come Prevost Clothing House, be mandment"? The motion picture by |S'Teeh io that ame starring Ethel Clayton, { ¥hich is being shown at the" Strand | to-day, answers the question Motored Through. @ "Thon shalt not spend more| MT and Mrs. John Lewandowsky : than thou earnest." It advanbes a motored from Detroit to visit Mrs. i Tather stern theory of living, /which | eWandowsky's mother, Mra Jamies ° ° Is especially applicable to idle ang |Clark., 111 Bay street. e here Limited extravagant wives whose husbands |theY caught. several good-sized bass Are continually = making financia] | in Loborough Lake. They left Tues- sacrifices in order to satisty their day morning on the return trip. avery whim. In a strikingly dramat- iC manner. "The Thirteenth Com- A mandment" shows what is liable to One Dollar For the Best, FRUITS IN ABUNDANCE happen when a wife 'thinks it is her| BIg basket of peaches, plums or sole duty to look pretty, dress lavish- | Pears, none higher, many lower. Al ! ly and spend her husband's money. | this week, at Carnovsky's, : ; Bae by Misy Clann | io 0 soc acai at work Ja . . : ' 3 Sees the light just in time and after uto ves are aga From Niagara District, Canada's Fruit Belt BoB rr ohms and afer | Atte thitves a temptation is able to go to the man Ch 3 ye sbe lpves with a clean slate. The DAILY MEMORANDUM. : picture was adapted from Rupert t Pa haps: Hight band Hughes' novel and is interpreted by | copper for probabilities Tian han a good cast, which, besides Miss Clay- ton, includes Monte Blue, Charles HANSON, CROZIER & Pe aches INTE -- Cm Envelope Combinations | Night Gowns Fine Nainsook with lace | Fine Nainsook with ~embroidery and ribbon | round neck, daintily trimming $1.50 to $6.0 | trimmed with lace and trimming. A embroidery. _ $1.50 to $6.00. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 CORSET COVERS NIGHTGOWNS Dainty Nainsook Corcet Fine Nainsook in a varie- Covers, in a great variety 1 ot Styles, Youd Cr of styles, with lace em- quare neclc an neck, ; 2 trimmed with lace em- broidery and ribbon. broidery and ribbon. on 50c. up to $3.00 $2.00, $2.50 up to $9.00 DRAWERS Fine Nainsook in a variety of styles . $1.50 up to $5.00 PINK MULL KNICKERS .......... .$1.25. $1.50 John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. SAA Ae rete! A SHOW IN TOWN, It Came in Without Flourish---At Market Square, Kingston Fair Grounds, Seldom if ever has a thirty car amusement enterprise come into a BORN. o -; TRANKLIN--At the Santa Filomena = I lums board and Bewspuper" advesising| HEEL Sah brats RHEE 4 g nid, U.8.A., (ug us! y , to = ; heralding the event, but the Polack Mr. and Mrs. O. Albert Franklin, a | > Bros, twenty Big Shows on their son, Robert Fraser Franklin. way to furnish the midway attrac-|" <1 tions at the Eastern Canadian fair MARRIED. civeult arrived in this city thls morn- | PAVIDSON -- GODWIN -- On August 16th, 1920, by the Rev. E. F. ag and will exhibit.at Fair Grounds rance, Bmily May Godwin, eldest this week under the auspices of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Army and Navy Veterans. RR win. Pern Ome vot " Kingston was not upon the itiner- ay or Aone, as the lack Bros' DIED : ** orld~-Home-Show exhibited in this é . city about a month ago, but owing to LAR on. Battdrmen on 2ngust 15th, raijroad difficulties Kingston was Funeral in Shar, e of the as. Rela nym, booked at the eleventh hour to fill dant take place from his late resi- In.a week previous to the oncning of dee Tatorasy, Soda a the Three Rivers fair, Amusement Friends and acquaintances respectfully seekers will profit by the engage- invited to attend. (Motors). ! ' ment as the midway attractions will SIRNON at Inverdsy, tu J ust, 16¢K . be the same that are to feature the the lane roe I Gloare ageq 0 Three Rivers, Sherbrooke, Quebec years. : and Ottawa fairs. Funeral ill take place in Sharge o g The work of unloading the circus ae Arm, from De ae | k wagons began this morning and the I o'clock (standard time). Same 0. toc ' . elaborate painted vehicles were soon Will be held in the church to Sand! ; eo 25 p.c. Discount swinging their way to the exhibi- Pricpda an scauaintances are respects} : atten tion grounds. . Workingmen were fully invited to : soon busily engaged in constructing Ph------ Especially nice assortment of hi ; th . : - hy »" », » DUCHESS, ASTRACHAN, TRANS; [lll tne icon torte "tna: convesuins JAMES REID ° |= Men's and Boys' Boots tor Fal j booths and by sunset the show- The Old Firm of Undertakers. 25% a big reduction, and fall not o : grounds will be converted inte a 254 and 256 § . ; tented city of wonders. . Phone 147 for Ambulance far away. Choice of any Regal, . The Polack shows while new In - ey P ARENT , YELLOW BANT. AMS this city, are well ey the pro- Slater, :Mldeo and other som . a vince of Ontario as they were big fa- makes. vorites last season in Hamilton, Ot- Nias : tawa, Brantford, Torontgeand Peter- GREEN CORN. boro where they furnished the mid- : way attractions for Veterans' Sum- mer carnivals. In fact the Pol ack enterprises Impressed the ai- | rectors of the ern:Canadian Fair circuit that they were awarded con- | tracts for the 1920 Fairs and will be | ~" the feature this year. The midway. will open tomorrow afternoon. Admittance to fair ground free, Tews. . 5 \ I =A i S-- an, SAT -- = = -- -- = -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --_-- --_-- -- = -- --_-- -- a -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- = -- ns -_-- -- -- -- So -- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- = = = -- = -- -- -- = = --_-- ---- --_-- -- = == --_-- -- == = _-- -- = --] = = --_-- = -- = --] = -- --_-- --_-- =] = _-- = -- --] = -- -- -- --] = -- -- _-- -- = = -- = = -- a -- -- -- -- -- -- -- = = = -- _-- _ -- _-- = = = = i NN a---- 00000000 OO: | Last Week Of Our €

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