Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Aug 1920, p. 10

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' PAGE TEN ree THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SNNNENNRNSNRNERRRENRNEERSEEEEEEE -- 8 0-Look and | World of Sport ; a ANNES THE "BATTING EYE" | course, but' far-enough out to give | EON : SA THE BIG THING IN complete freedom. | J NN : ow OOKXAAXY | Strength is absolutely necessary to | HZ \ 4 ANOOOAY k MAKING HOME RUNS hit home runs consistently. And asl | : ; N L) N) rh (XX) AX : | am out for a home run every time I NS AD Babe Ruth describes how he makes | get up to bat, I always swing at the , 4 home runs. He says: ball with all my might. I hit big or First of all I get my feet in the ex-| miss big and when I miss I know it | sEFyrevTsaly. act position, the right one a little in| Jong before the umpire calls a strike | § Nl () AAA - advance of the left. My right leg is| on me, for every muscle in my back, | § pT \ DS, AM bent just a little at the knee, and as | shoulders and arms is groaning, | fi . ANY ; UAE Mi I stand this way the pitcher gets| "yoy missed it." 5 ; INNER Eos ECT | more view of my back and right hip{ * The big boys have a natural ad- : J : than of my chest or side. The weight | vantage .in this respect, but would | $= of my body is at the beginning, on | you think that there was such a » N KED This is ideal bicycHMng weather and we my left leg. When the ball comes up thing as being too muscular? There FINE GAMES BOO > knoWhmou'll enjoy It. It's cool in the evening I shift my weight to my right foot. | fs. I know a batter in the American Stanley Trotter On the Hop All the and after a hot. day's work, there's nothing which steps out directly toward the | league who is not much better than Time. nicer than to fly along 'with scarcely an effort on pitcher ¢s my bat, my arms and mY an ordinary hitter, although he had| ° Dozens of good games have been your part, hat and coat off, and enjoy the cool | whole body swings forward for the| a good eye, weight, stanch and fine| oi, 04 at the Cricket Field this sum- evening breezes. blow. ; g | development. His trouble is that he er and still they come, Teams from Thut's what's possible if you own a good At the start of my swing I reach | is muscle-bound--too strong to get a Perth, Belleyille, Brockville, Deloro, Bicycle. No gas, no ofl, or other worries, and back with my bat as far as I can, al-| good, easy swing at the ball. Gananoque, Watertown, Clayton, Al. much more handier than a car. most turning my back on the pitcher. | --_-- LAA ri | exandria Bay, Deferiet, Glen Park, We have a big stock of glality Bicycles, {As my bat comes forward the move. and-other places have competed with | and rather than carry them ove] the winter, we | ment with which I throw my weight G 1 S t the two local teams on the baseball! are offering them at reduced prices. { against the ball often carries my enera por: field. Two more cities will be added | It's up to you to buy now. j Font foot heron oe alk ine of to the list when Ogdensburg plays Easy terms if desired. | - ; ~ here tonight and St. Andrew's of . . - «Don't fail to call in--we'll be expecting wer in the stroke tomes Whey the | Shamrock IV's rheing suit of sails | Toronto, Friday and Saturday the! |} Fumed Oak Finished; Upholster ~ 'n Chintz and Tapestry 3 all you, and don't forget that for pleasure and | bat is hait Way through the SY cost $35,000. 27th and 28th, Belleville is here on! | latest styles--TABLES, DESKS AND LAMPS TO MATCH. exercise, you can't do better than ; | I mean directly in front of my body, | , and that is where it. meets the ball | the Z1st, which is next Saturday, and oi J : ° 3 : - the| Boston city high schools have dis-| the following Saturday our old il oR ea) REN cn Mp sch pa ate| E sng iansot? . J. Rei . o " y e, ~1| trate on football, baseball and track | scene once more. ® one used in either of the leagues. I i The Leading Undertaker wad Furniture have them made especially for me, | SPOTts. | bo pose eames have been and will --- | be appreciated by more fans than| Hl Ambulance Phone 577. 230 PRINC 8 They are of ash 'with a slender han- Prince Henry is a keen athlete, have ever before turned out in the dle. They are 40 inches long and | babs 2h hletic of King | interest or pursuit of any sport in B de weigh about 54 ounces--some wagon | pro anly the most athletic 2 SIDE | h 4 , 'e. sure of a good one by buying yours here. Most bats weigh 38 -4( | George's sons, and is particularly in-| the city of Kingston. They carry the Come in to-day. tongue. Most ba e's or terested in running and rowing. | name of Kingston and Kingston ita wallop ones Just at ro -- | sport to a wider field even than the you want to find 'where that is take | 3 Bob Crowell, who managed the | famous hockey _leams ut the OM ) it. | Charleston South Atlantic League | Limestone. They are good for the a bat in your hand and balance it, | Ey . is back in the | ¢ity at home, and good for the cit That is where every batter should ; eam several years ago, is back in t el abroad : y catch the ball, for there is the great- | league and playing with the Green- Naturally there is someone back est leverage and the heaviest weight | ville team. fot all this big boom and overflow of of the blow. bi y A free and easy swing is the one Pitcher Carrol Jones, who went; ot rere has marked He vies which I think conndbts most often | to the Portland Pacific Coast League o eons Toro. Tacre sor id with the ball. When I say free and team from Detroit last year, has been Voral Bon Wi Work Barc mie sesy don't think I mean slow. 1|S0ld by the Portland Club to the Sac- terests and foremost among them is . ' mean fast, with a great big F and |Famento Senators, | Staniy Trotter, who can book more . with every ounce of weight and : _-- ! { > Sirength that can be put into the| Eddie Roush has been putting. up Lames Tone yas Babe Ruth sun TREADGOLD SPORTING [iii a i dl vost ep Eh BS away ffom my body when I poke at | the Cincinnati champions. [ the job, and any team with a half 'the ball; they are not stuck out, of Dutch Hoffman, the wzlloping sec. | ©Uhce of pep that plays within 200 3 Bd TT rr -------- ond baseman of the Fort "Worth | miles of Kingston eventually lands . » Grand Complexion Panthers won the batting honors of OR the diamond at the Cricket Figld ' ! ! the Texas lea Ue for the first halt of 30d all due to Mr. Trotter's efforts. Improver! Better , the season, pre an average of .348, NO wonder the season has been a DES Do Than Cosmetics -- success. After it is all over and the i? ? e a ' . itivale = wise ones are reviewin the year ly.» x . ; - 88 PRINCESS STREET ; ; Telepnone 529. ne od 109 %u sas 40 og iid PRA LR 15% turn they might start to moms, the year W HEN after doing the course in loss thom ¥ » . . © bloom of youth to €d cheeks, | + 3 , . when skin disfigurements can be re | some authorities declare that it or- le¥ Trotter's batting. average as a "bogey' you drop Your score card some- SEN NNEEE NNN NNNANENESEREEEEER Coumeticgy | '* 10°Ish to plaster on itinuted hundreds of years betors | Norker for ee fie oy, 1 where between the last green and the club house a _- ry . . 3 ih Go to the root of the trouble--re- thousand. (sssssssnacse Well amt it disconcertin ? . . move the cause--correct the condi- 3 Fried Triple Winner. ily Few even among golf enthusiasts to other countries the real meaning |tion that keeps you from looking as oo riece a Triple Winner _ That's When A Fellow . " " I : Leo Friede, New York, interna A know the origin of the term "links.' of "links" was forgotten. you oucht. Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills | y "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" mama It reallly means a George Chapman of Philadelphia, |and very soon you'll have a complex-' L208, Sanos sulting, Shampion, wan Needs A Smoke © new American paced cycle cham- {ion to be proud of. How much hap-| ¥ 3 | plonships of the American Canoe As- y 8, between the high part} pion, has Just turned twenty-one and pier you'll feel--pimples gone, cheeks | | sociation being held at Sugar Island : y of the coast and "thé water in parts J is the youngest rider to ever win [rosy again, eyes.brigit, spirits good, | Friday afternoon, Friede captured : : of the Scottish seaboard. The early] the title. joyous health again returned. Never y J the first race for the national canoe ase 1th ho a2 EOlf courses were laid out in such Leland Stanford university athle-la failure with Dr. Hamilton's Pills; 3 | sailing trophy leading Dudley B. Eoary Senne. soull places, but when, thy sport spread" ties for 1919-20 cost $66,000. get a 25¢. box to-day. | : S-- 'Murphy of Lexington, Mass., over a s six mile triangular course by one mi- \ nute, 48 seconds. - Vi -- British Boys as Boxers, : Hero worship of such boxers as NAVY CUT ( TIGARETTES : Georges Carpentier among English ANEAY, schoolboys has resulted in a mania ' for boxing in the schools of Great 10 for 15 cents Britain. Many old-time professionals are now engaged in teaching boxing in tHe schools. The amateur and pub- : lic school championships in London a " have been entered by hundreds of boys since the war ended. FOR SALE ---------- . Johnny Wilson, the lad who knocked off Mike O'Dowd"s crown, is Large dwelling, well-planted artistic grounds, ideal surround out 'after the tough feMows. He | tugs, water front. doesn't look like a Stanley Ketchel, Store with twe flats, King st reet. but he's good. Large summer cottage, \semi- furnished, Wolfe Island. Houses and lots, highest &Tade in the city; reasonable terms, Old Folks' Coughs, § tact Fire, Accident, Sickness and Automobile Insurance ef Catarrh, Bronchitis Victory and other Bonds bought, sold, and exchanged. : | Quickly Cured | J, 0, HUTTON = cana srs Only for ladies who it | ; This Tells of a Method That Cures : Without Using Drugs. | : 1 Elderly people take cold easily.| o= i " cho " Unlike young folks, they recover en corns | slowly. That is why so many peo- i NOTED GOLFERS ON TOUR. ple past nriddle life die of pneumonia. Harry Vardon and Ted Y. RS. J | of Sacanee ther "upant sheen il ~~ Maxim Storage Battery English golfers, who are now touring 7 eep them | good because they upset digestion. ll 8 Dainty shoes are only for those who pare corns and k th Or they pad 1) Canada 80d the United States. Any doctor knows that a much more Heavy Duty---Longest Life--Leas t Trouble--Wohdertul 'Endurance end corns.' Shem. Or they use a treatment an WILLARD SEEKS ANOTHERBOUT | effective treatment is "CATARRH- MADE IN' CANADA, : Sa ab . ineffecti i | ------ OZONE," which heals and soothes The way is simple, quick and easy, and m ve. \ . ; Ne : inet tba : | Dempsey Willing Accommodate [the irritated surfaces of the throat. is sure. Millions of people employ it. Blue-jay is scientific. This world-famed f a Foy. _ In using Catarrhozone you do not PALMER AND QUEEN Apply Bluejay, the liquid or the plas. ~~ 12bOratory created it. f A bout with Georges Carpentier 'ake medicine into the stomach. AT or * . 3 ole Pag, Year after year, it is keeping millions ! 'and a return match with Jess Wil-|you simply breathe into the throat, : g makes tested, charged and repaired. ter. That touch will stop the pain. tirely free from coms if lard are included in the tentative |nose and lungs rich piney balsamic Th ait )a little and the com will on ; program of Jack Dempsey, heavy- | vapor, so full ai vhagling power that ; -n We Perhaps half the corns that start are l/ Jelght champion, it is announced by |colds, catarrh and bronchitis disap-| ome out, now ended by it. ' Jack Kearns. pear almost Jagtanuly. 2 I | The germ- balsamic - vapor Then why does anybody suffer corns? ist for Blue-jay. fi Carpentier is expected to arrive in Ask your the United States in October, and mixes with the breath, descends : ; -- Just because they don't know. They tonight how much it means to you, A Kearns declared he hoped to have through the throat, down the bron- The Hot Ww i r is ' i e at { : the Frenchman matched with Demp- |chial tubes, and finally reaches the ! sey within three weeks after he ar- |deepest air cells in the lungs. All "|rives. Willard, according to state- |parts are soothed with rich, pure, > u 4 erm ey Kearns, went into secret | medicinal essences, whereas with & WE HAVE A FEW FANS LEFT WHICH WE WILL SELL e "» a > training six months ago, and already [syrup the affected parts could mot : AT COST has asked Tex. Rickard to promote | be reached and harm would result \ Plaster or Liquid a match that would give him suother | through benumbing, - the stomach 2 lqy ! chance at the title. 4 with drugs. The Scientific Corn Ender \ After his bout with Miske, Demp-| A Catarrhosone Inhaler in your : sey's next engagement will be with | pocket or purse enables you to stop BAUER & BLACK, Limited Chicago Torente New York | "Gunboat" Smith at Boston, Sep- | a cold with the first sneeze. Large Makers of Sterile Surgical Dressings and Allied Product, tember 19th. A bout with "Bill" | size costs $1.00 and supplies treat. : : Brennan at New. York on October | ment for two months, small size 50¢; 12th is next on the champion's sche. | trial size, 25c¢; all storekeepers and dule. TERE \ druggists. Wala } BOUGHT HIM HE 15 A VERY FINE "WATCH DOG:

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