SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1920. # THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 'Austin's Drug Store NEILSON'S ICE CREAM In bricks and at the Fouatais. It Is the kind that is | We will have\n fresh stock of esHuyitrpLhocotntes --~Page a Shaw's Chocolates w-Nellson's Chocolates c on Thursday morning of this week. #4 SPECIAL THIS WEEK ! NEILSON'S CAKE CHOCULATE ib. 87e. ! Take a Kodak with you on your Picnle 1st of July. The Kodak Store Corner King and Market Square Kingston - Prlhe 230 3 : - fifa AMEE ERIRE THE MARRISON STUDIO There is but ONE TIME to picture the children--AS | THEY ARE TO-DAY. Pbone 1818w. 92 Princess St. | ht WeHave In Stock | i i | Just Arrived ( Campbell's Tomato Soup Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup Qlark's Vegetable Soup Distribrtors for Red Ruse Tea--the Good Tea ! W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION License No, 6-543. -- FOR SALE An excellent farm of 150 acres, good building, splendid land. Another farm of 100 acres, seven miles from the city -- $4,600. W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Eetate and Insurance 89 Brock St. Phone 424 A A AA ttc ct It pays to save Your Newspapers, Magazines and tcrap material--we are paying good prices. YOU MAY NEED . Pipes for water or fencing or & tent for next summer. Call on ua. I Cohen & Co. OSTEOPATHY Phone 836.837. 267-278 ONTARIO STREEP Hollow Dg:ap- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, Sills, Lintles, and Drain Tile, Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamenta) Cemeht work. Factory: cor. of Charles ang Patrick streets. PHONE 730W. Mgr, H. F. NORMAN from. our Coal are satisfactory. A Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontario and West Sts. 5 Phone 67. y To & ¥ ] 2 We Invite Y © to consult us waen you wish to _ replace your old Mattress with & . ROW one, or have it renovated ots SF aLiy gute ou sa SuArantees You would like It. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS" Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft are now located at No. 204 King street, between Earl and Gore. Telephone 447 for appeintment. [ CARPENTERING Estimates Given. O. Aysroyd & don 21 Main street. Phone 1670 ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Ford Cars a specialty. Ford Truck for sale. 378 BROCK STREET Phones: Shep 1039. Rea. 1537). It Pays to Buy Your Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINE ST. Phone 1583 and Get Prompt Delivery Ae DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstafi's Ginger Marmalade, Wagstafi's Pimeappig Marmalade, Wagataf's -Bramble Jelly. We also have & full line of other reilable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale at: Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets. Mosmne Ne. BATL4R Fhone Lide on Thursday having expired some SEASONABLE FRUITS CHOICE VEGETABLES wifi fee FRIENDSHIP' 210 Division St. Phone 545, Watches and Clocks .Repaired --hy-- G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for ome year. Call or 'phone and your or- der will be promptly attended to. Note change of address: "Phono 1866. 267 Princess St. -- -- [ Kingston and Vicinity } Splendid F 2. | Excellent bass fishing is now re- | ported all along the lake. Limit cat- | ches are being taken on the shoals {off Cape Vincent, N.Y. Sydenham Woman Takes Flight. On Aug. 19th Mrs. J. M. Woodruff, Sydenham, took an air ride of 3,000 | | feet with Capt. Janney, Ottawa. Cheese Sales, St. Paschal, Que., 507 at 25c. Brockville, 420 at 26%ec. Campbellford, 565 at 26 Yc. Woodssock, 1,200 offered, 25%ec bid, no sales. / Stirling, 325 at 26%e. i County Levy Higher. The County of Lanark levy on the town of Almonte this year will be $6,800. Official notification' was. re- ceived by the town council on Tues- day. This'is an increase of $550 over last year. ' Old Portsmouth Bay. Thomas D. Fitzgerald, a former well-known resident of Portsmouah, now living in Chicago, is in the run- ning as representative on the repub- lican ticket for the general assembly from the 19th and 20th division. Found Dead In Bed. Mrs: John Dalton, Belleville, an elderly lady, was found dead in bed time during the night from heart trouble. Deceased was seventy-eight years of age and had resided in this city many years. Shortage of Domestics. The shortage of hotel and restaur- ant help, which at times has been acute at Watertown, N.Y, and is now unequal to the demand, will disap- pear with the closing of summer ho- tels in the great Thousand Island and Adirondack resorts. An Order Issued. ° Judge Lennox has issued an order to the Oddfellows' Relief Associa- tion of Kingston, declaring presump- tion of death of George F.,Blamey, and for payment of insurance money. G. D. Conant (Oshawa) for benefi- ciaries. Bullet Hit Wrong Person. Mrs. Walter W. Carter, Toronto, sister-in-law of T. N. Carter, Belle- ville, was accidentally wounded in Vancouver on Tuesday night, a bul- let 'meant for another hitting her. Mrs. Carter has been with her hus- band on a holiday trip in the west. To Be Buried in Belleville. The body of Leon Goyer, electro- cuted in a garage in 'Windsor was brought to Belleville, for burial. The victim was twenty-two years of age. His father passed away a few weeks ago. He was a brother of Fred Goyer, the pitcher of the Belleville, G.T.R. baseball team. ] Bishop Going To Rome, Rt. Rev. M. F. Fallon, D.D., and party, will leave on Aug. 25th for Rome and Patestine. The bishop-will be accompanied "by Philip Pocock | and Mrs. Pocock, London, and Mrs. Geo. H. O'Neil, Toronto. It is expect- ed that the tour will require three months. Think It Over. How is it that we can sell made- to-measure clothing from $5.00 to $15.00 less than other clothing h will be pl d to show you PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 849 Princess St. Who's Your Doctor? Do you choose your drug store as carefully as you do your doctor? We specialize on our prescription work. Qualified dispensers handle the doc- tor's order, and our filing system is thing to you? We are right here, centrally located, fresh stock, and our guarantee is your safeguard. "Quality and Service is our Motto." Prouse's Drug Store Opposite St. Andrew's Church. Neilson's Ice Cream Bricks always an hn NLL ATE AEPTERTY F you're on your way to Healthland stop at the *T store and buy a loaf of our bread. It will speed your journey. When you order bread don't just say "bread" --mention the name of our bread. You'll be rewarded. perfect. Does this not mean some. | * are lines of tweed and worsted clota at $40.00 to $60 .a suit and blue and black serges at $50 to.$65 a suit. Prevost Clothing House, Brock street. White Lead Substitute. The discovery of a valuable paint pigment near Bancroft district re- cently, by Roy Marks, Oshawa and Toronto, is reported. The ore is with a small percentage of white lead. The material is known as crys- taline dolomite, and this is stated to be in all probability the first de- posit that has been found in Canada. Bond Issue Sold. A bond issue of $200,000 by the united countjes of Prescott and Rus- {sell was bought by R. C. Matthews & Co., Toronto. - The bonds bear 5% per cent. and are payable in thirty equal annual instalments, The mon- ey is to be used for good roads. Rochester Man to Build Home. Mrs. Mary Yott, Clayton, N.Y., has sold her estate of five acres lying between the upper state road and the St. Lawrence, about twe and one half miles above Clayton, to Harris I. Williams, Rochester, who will er- ect a summer home there. Increase in Rates. It has been announced here that commencing on August 26th, there will be an increase in railway pas- senger fares from Canadian points to American points of twenty per cent. Sleeping car rates are to be increas- ed fifty per cent, in addition to war tax. New Button Factory. Equipment for the new button fac- tory to be established at Smith's Falls is being unloaded and it is ex- pected that the factory will be ope- rated in less -than a month. Mayor Murphy is president of: the company and H. F. Shearer setretary-treasu- rer. To 'Answer Sick Calls, + During the week) of the retreat In Kingston priests 'will be stationed for the purpose of attending sick calls, as follows: Brockville, Rev. Father Byrne; Belleville, Rev. Fa- ther Whelan; Smith's Falls, Rev. Fa- ther Coyle.. : A New Renfrew Company. A report from Ottawa states that among the joint stock companies in- corporated during the past week is the British-Canadian Export Com- pany Limited, Renfrew, Ont., with a capitalization of $500,000. Resigned His Office. William W. Sherman, who for the past twenty-nine years has been con- rected with the Cape Vincent, N.Y., customs office, has devered his 'con- nection and returned to his home in Watertown, N.Y. His duties were ge- neral office work and the keeping of records for the bureau of statistics. Engagement Announced. Mrs. John A. D. Vicers, 5222 Blackstone avenue, Chicago, an- nounces the engagement of daughter, Miss Margaret Dunbar, to Frederick Finlay MacDermid, Saska- toon, Sask. The marriage will take place in the early autumn. Martintown, Ont. Train Hit Auto. A sad fatality urred Wednes- day morning at a adian National Railway crossing in the west end of Trenton, when Grand Trunk train No. 10 struck a car driven by L. A. Darling, Trenton, killing two child- ren named Woodbeck and severely injuring their mother. The car was badly smashed and Darling was bad- ly shaken up. Gave a Fine Contribution. Among Prince Edward's old fam- ilies and their heads, there has been none that has commanded greater re- spect than the late Stewart Brown, Bloomfield and his family. And their is no Prince Edward Old Boy that has made a greater mark in the United States, than his son, Dr. Sanger Brown, who is proprietor of the Kenelworth Sanitarium and also vice- president of the American Medico Psychological Association. That Dr. sald to contain about forty per cent. lead, and it can be used to advantage Brown is heartily in sympathy with the erecting of a Prince Edward Old Sunday Services in Churches PEPPRRRL PREIS TSLSY + + * * <> HOLY WRIT. + > -- * @® All things whatsoever ye # (4% would that men should do to % "+ you, do ye even s0 to them: for *# this is the law and the prophets # --Matt, 7-13. #| + * PEPE PPPPP PRE S200 t Truth Tent, corner Prin- cess and' Division--Sunday night at 8:15 p.m. $1,000 offered. Subject "Who Changed the Sabbath." 9 § ] St. Andrew's Church--Services 11 p.m. and 7 p.m. Minister at both ser- vices, Rev. Alexander M. Gordon. Strangers cordially welcome. The Gospel Hall, Princess street 'near Barrie--Mrs. Carr-Harris will speak at the evening meeting at se- ven o'clock. Subject, "Twice-born Officers in the British Imperial Ser- vice." Calvary Congregational Church-- Charles and Bagot streets. Seryices 11 am. ha 3 p.m. PS andar. 8 pm. mesting, A 8 p.m. All are we x Rey. A. F, Brown, pastor. St. Paul's--Canon FitzGerald, M. A., T.C.D,, rector. Morning prayer, 11 o'clock. Evening prayer, 7 o'clock. Holy Communion first Sunday in month at 11 am.; last Sunday in month at 8 am. Union Street Baptist Church. Corner Union and Collingwood streets--Rev. J. K. pastor. Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school and Bible classes 3 p.m. Ev- erybody welcome. : cher, Rev. in Cooke's church at 11 am; in|C.E. St. Luke's church, Nelson street-- Rev. J. de P. Wright, M.A., B.D. rec- tor. 12th Sunday after Trinity. 11 a.m., morning prayer; 4 p.m. holy baptism; 7 p.m, evening prayer. Music : Anthem, "Now the Day is Over," (Marks), Mrs. T. J. Morris and choir; solo, Mrs. L. J. Foster, a ne Princess Street Methodist Church --Rev. J. A. Waddell, minister. Ser- vices 11 am. and 7 p.m., morning, C. Neville; evening song service, Mr. Wilson, secretary Y.M.C.A. Soloist, Mr. Alexander. Epworth League, Monday, 8 p.m., Prayer meeting, Wednesday 8 p.m. Strangers and vi- sitors welcome. St. James' church, cor. Union and Arch streets--T. W. Savary, rector, the rectory, 152 Barrie street. 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 11 a:m., morning player and Litany, sermon subject, "Turning the World Upside Down"; 3 p.m., Sunday school; 7 p.m., even- ing prayer and sermon, "Examining the Scriptures." First Church of Christ, Scien Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington streets--Sunday school at 9.45 a.m. Service 11 a.m,; subject "Mind." Public reading room, same address, open every afternoon, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. Al are cordially invited to the service and reading room. Sydenham street church, Metho- dist--Rev. W. T. G. Brown, minis- ter, Services 11 am. and 7 pm. The minister will preach at both ser- vices. Morning clase at 9.45 a.m. Bible school and classes, 2.45 p.m. Epworth league, Monday, 83 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Strangers and visitors welcome. Bethel Congregational church, cor Johnson and Barrie streets-- Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. At 11 am. Capt. J. K. Fairful will preach. At 7 p.m. Abraham Shaw. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, £ pm. Y.PS. Chalmers thurch at 7 p.m. and visitors welcome at all , Friday, 8 p.m.; Junior Y.PS, C.E. at 6.45 p.m., Friday. A cordial welcome is extended to all, Boys' Memorial is amply evidenced | by a letter to the editor of the Pie- | ton Gazette, which contained a.hun- | dred dollar cheque as a contribution | to the memorial fund, > Fifty-years ago, on Aug. 24th, an! army marched upon Winnipeg, crept | along the bank of the Red River and | arrived at Fort Garry just in time to | eat breakfast, left cooling by Louis | Riel and his Indian followers. Sir | Hugh John Macdonald, son of the] late Sir John Macdonald, and then | of Kingston, was with the victorious | force. They will celebrate the anni- versary in Winnipeg with a banquet. | ors, will attend from Ontario cities | and Vancouver. The event was known | as the Rer River Expedition of 1870. There are a few veterans of 1870 in Kingston. Old Coins at Stella. Much interest has been oysed over old coins, among the readers of the Whig, and some very rare spe- cimens have been exhibited. Mrs. Jane Glenn, Stella, Amherst Island, is the pogsessor of three coins of un- doubted value. They are copper coins about the size of the Canadian one cent. One bears the date 1852 and the head of Napoleon III "Em- pire Francais, ¢inq Centimes". An- other is an English half : penny of 1833 and' the third is a Swedish "skilling" of 1813, Mrs. Glenn is the oldest Whig subscriber on Amherst Island. - Had a Splendid Pack. Princes Edward Canning factories are just campleting one of the biggest packs of green peas for many years. And the peas have been of the very finest quality. The cool weather was exceedingly favorable for an unusual- ly lasge yield of the very best choic- est grade. The bean crop is now be- ing canned and it will also be a re- cord one. Tomatoes and corn are lookfig well. They have made good growth. A few weeks of warm weath- er with a fair amount of moisture will mean a bumper yield of these valuable canning crops. Engagements Announced. Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips, Toledo, announce the engagement of their niece, Miss Vera DeWpglfe, to Mor- den McEwen, Jasper, the wedding to take place the early part of Septem- ber. Mr. and Mrs. John Brister, Brock- ville, announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Hazel Christine Alice, to Jacob Withrow, Halifax, N. 8. the marriage to take place quietly August 25th. her | Mr. Mac- | Dermid is a son of F. H. MacDermid, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Frost, Frank- ford, Ont., announce the engagement |'of their daughter, Neva Millicent, to Edward Maurice Herrington, son of | Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Herrington, Hil- | ton, Ont., the marriage to take place at their home, '"Maple Lane," early in September. Convicted False Pretences. On Thursday Lyle Aubin, Toron- to, appeared before Judge Reynolds, of Brockville, charged with obtaining money under false pretenses. In company with another man named Chris Thomas he was arrested near Delta for obtaining subscriptions for the magazines KEverywoman and Needlecraft, and in pursuit of the work engaged the attention of Wo- men's Institutes by proposing to give a flag to the institute with the Names of soldiers engraved on the me, the soldiers to be from the pargjc lar districts. They took also prigate subscriptions for the same periodi- cals. A number of charges were aga- inst them, but only three were tried, | viz., of obtaining subscription rates | from O. Brown, C. Lafleche and C. Carr, all of Delta. Aubin was prev- iously out on bail. He asked to be tried summarily and on being found gullty was sentenced tp two months in jail. The other mgn Thomas is slated to come up at the general sessions in September. nt Vilna Evacuated by Bolsheviki. London, Aug. 21.--Evacuation of Vilna by the Bolsheviki, under the terms of the recent Russo-Lithuan- ian agréement,.ig reported in official despatches. Troops are-being slowly withdrawn to Grodno, where the mil- itary staff has also moved, the des- patches say, and schools, hospitals | and waterworks have been returned to the Lithuanians, A 4-strand broom for 60 cents, at. Lemmon & Sons. Remember youne man, it costs nothing to be courteous. False pride stands at the head of the class as a fool maker. Ford front springs, $3.00 éach, at Lemmon & Sons. ' They Say in Newfoundland That a Seal Grows From the Time it is Born to Full Size in Forty- Eight Hours. People will not believe this, but the fishermen say that you can stand on the ice and see them grow. Do you want to see yourself grow strong and | healthy? Do you want to feel the vig- our of youth tingling through your veins? Do you want to feel disease moving out, and your nerves being fortified and made strong? Do you want to feel young in body, mind and looks, despite your years? Do you want mi as you did at twenty? Are you\depressed easily? Are you low spiri at times? Are you nerv- ous? Do you want to feel ambitious, and be able to carry out your ambi- tions? : You cannot do this unless you are strong and healthy. Your nerves must be strong, you must have a strong will power. You must have the strength. Do you know what will make you strong, your nerves-and will power so strong that you will be able to get at it as you did in your younger days? It has been proven that, PHOSPHONOL . contains just the elements to make one strong and B ) box or two for $5.00, or we will mail it to you, on receipt of price. Phosphonol has twenty years reputation. Thousands In America have taken re 0., ou uare, Mont- . Ate Riel's Breakfast. ° Fifty men, who are the sole surviv-| | i "Brantford Red or Green | Slate Shingles make a handsome roof and pleasing to the eye. They can be laid very quickly and last for a long time ,.% They can be seen on some of the best roofs in this district. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON. Ont. Office Phone G8. Factory Nr Phone 14.5 ee | WHY NOT FOLLOW THE OWL'S ADVICE AND USE MAXOTIRES BE FORE TIRES BLOW OUT. "The Home of the Maxotires" : 284 ONTARIO STREET - - - - " PHONE 2050 As a special to have this flower of superb excellence better known. Finest quality flowers. Regular GLADIOLI Saturday Only i'We Strive to Serve." A. D. HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET - Phone, 661; Res., 2036W, Two Good Specials 'ery smart; worth $7.00. Now Women's Grey Kid Oxfords--Turn sole, Louis $3.95 covered heel; one of the best makes; $4 95 worth $10.00. All sizes. . I. I Sutherland &" Bro: THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES OF THE FINER QUALITY, For Men And Young Men SMART NEW MODELS IN SPRING SUITS AND TOP COATS | ° $25.00 to $50.00 BEST WEARRE SLSTHE VAL TWEDDELL'S One Door Below Randolph Hotel. a Summer Shoe Sale ~~ \ EE -------------- We are going to clear out all our summer goods at ..........25% We are going to clonir out all Run- ning Shoes, from Men's to In- fants' at .......0.. 0... i200 H. JENNINGS | KING STREET