Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Aug 1920, p. 12

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'PAGE TWELVE ___ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG . Y | from Kingston made excellent show- S S ing under the conditions, especially y las eleven members were tyros and | were well placed in each match. KINGSTON AT THE TARGET THE LOCAL MARKSMEN Dib WELL AT OTTAWA. Se -------- SUNDAY GAMES, International League. ings). Akron 4, Jersey City 3, ---- Buffalo 2, Baltimore 1 (11 inn. Eleven Were Tyros--The Scores | ings). Made in the Various Maiches at the Week-end., . Macdonald-Brier Match, Place Name 7 Sergt. A. Middleton .. L. Sergt, W. Parkes .. Carp. J. H. Barrett .... Maj. J, Jeftery .',....: Capt. W. BE. Swaine Sergt. Maj, 8. G. L. Mayer Sergt. F. Smith $. "Cadet Capt. J, R. Emery .. Cadet Lt. Col, W. R. Sawyer Sergt. Maj. F. J. Ceoldham. American League, Detroit 11, New York 9. Chicago 8, Washington 4. i National League. New York 4, Chicago 1. Brooklyn 6, Cincinnati 3. Prize St, game), Louis 11, Boston 2 (2nd ---------------- Close Game at Perth. Perth defeated Triple Links by a score of 3 to 2 at Perth on Saturday afternoon. Punch Derry was on the mound for the local team and pitch- ed a fine game. Although the local boys left town at ten o'clock in the morning they had several car accidents and the game did not begin until six o'clock in the evening. rm e-- Took the Race. Amardale, 2.051, owhed by Oliver Hawkins, Wolfe Island, won the 2.09 pace at the Simcoe, Ont., race meeting last week, taking the race | in three straight heats the track record. the free-for-all at meeting. ---- AT EASTVIEW CAMP Steps Have Been Taken to Form a Yacht Club There, The Caron Cup. Royal Military College .... Whitney Cadet Ag, . Cadet Capt; J. R. Emery . .. Cadet Lt. Col. W. R. Sawyer. City of Ottawa Match. . Sergt. A. Middleton C.Q.M.8. G. Rolffe Capt. W. E: Swaine Sergt. W. Parkes Sergt. F. Smith Sergt. Maj. F. J. Coldham Corp. J. H. Barrett Q.M.8.1. F. Temple Cadet Capt, J. R Emery . Sergt. Maj. 8. G. L. Mayer Cadet L. Col, W. R. Sawyer Maj. J. Jeffery vend ---- Amardale also won the Wingham race : Grand Ag, te.. 17 Sergt. A. Middleton 20 Capt. W. E. Swaine .e 22 Sergt. A. Middleton 46 C.Q.M.8. G. Rolfe 66 Capt. W. E. Swaine 106 Cadet Lt.-Col. W. R. 127 QMS.I F, Temple 143 Cadet Cap J. R. Emery ,, 152 Maj. J, Jeffrey 164 Bergt. F. Smith 172 B.-Sergt. W. Parkes 190 Lt.-Col, G. H. Gillespie . . 201 Sgt.Maj. F. J. Coldham .. 202 Sgt-Maj. S. G. L. Mayer .. 210 _Corpl. J. H. Barrett form a yacht club among the sum- mer cottagers at Eastview camp, and Some interesting races are being looked forward to, Yesterday a pre- liminary race as held, when yachts owned by H. J. Bongard, Capt. Roy Clark, Ross Livingston, J. E. Davy and Gordon Holland were entered. The course was from the Eastview camp wharf to the Speck island and return. 'Mr. Bongard's yacht finish- ed first, with a lead of twelve minutes, with Capt. Clark second, due to the dropping out of Living- ston, who had ben holding second place. Arrangements have been made for some races on the 29th inst, When the Kingston Yacht Club will be represented. ---- Status Had Many Models. Six thousand eight hundred guin- eas for the Hope Athens is scarcely an "excessive price for one of the most beautiful statues in the world. If we may believe Socrates -- and who dares doubt him ?--no one model could have stood for it, for he told Parrhasius that to produce a perfect figure the artist had re- Course to many models, choosing some particular beauty from each. Perfection in the human form was, in the view of the Greek sculptors, the rarest occurrence.--London Chronicle, : --_---- Lieut. P, A, Steele, Guelph, won the Governor-General's Prize at the D.E A. shooting matches. Burglars rifled postoffice and gen- eral store at King City. Umbrella caused a woman to be run down and fatally injured by motor car in Toronto, Eghteen months' gearch for Ital- fan charged with Chicago murder, ends at Toronto. Sawyer CO oh ne Oy Extra Series (200 Yards). 22 Capt. W. E. Swaine . hs 49 Maj. J. Jeffery 61 Sergt. A. Middleton . . a Extra Series (300 Yards). 10 Maj. J. Jeffery $ 7.33 13 Sergt. A. Middleton .... 7.33 17 Capt. W, E. Swaine . .. . 7.33 Canadian Rifle League Matches, 2nd place, Kingston Headquarters Rifle Association. Edwards Cup. 1st place, Royal Military College, Results of 500 and 600 yards Extra Series are not yet published, also the Gibson Sherwood Active Service matches, and the Extra Series Aggre- gate. It is expected that Kingston will be well represented in these. From the results given it will be clearly seen that the represntatives At st scamming CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use ForOver30 Years Always bears nh > 0, Are You Getting 6/2 If your savings are not earning nearl while surrounded by undoubted security, they are not fully employed. Victory Loan Bonds not only afford the highest grade of security, but, in the case of the 1934 maturity, yield an interest return of almost 69%, Furthermore, Canadian Victory Bonds are the most convenient form of invest- ment, for, should there arise a necessity for immediate cash, they will be found the most readily saleable of all securities. Wood, Gundy & Company [| 2 Canadian Pacific Railway Building iri | Toronto tonom, YOU ARE INVITED TO MEET MISS K. MURPHY | Who is an Expert in Household Economics, employed by the €anada Starch Co., Ltd. Miss Murphy will demonstrate some of the most useful ways in which MAZOLA The new Salad and Cooking Oil "from the heart of golden corn," is now being tsed = with such great success in leading hotels; clubs and restaurants, for cooking, shorten- _ ing and as a superior salad dressing, in place - of expensive butter, lard, etc. LE 4; --AT-- i ( : IcRAE & COMPANY'S From August 23rd to August 28th inclusive . Syracuse 4, Rochester 1 (11 inn- > St. Louis 3, Boston 2 (1st game). | and breaking | Arrangements are under way to- | McCarthy would spend a little more .| for want of space. Thin t: 1 i fe | O0QUE | | | | Aug. 23.--There was a large offer- i {ing jon Saturday the whole amount of | which was purchased by buyers of | this section for shipment . An enjoyable sacred concert was rendered by the Citizens Band at Half | Moon Bay from 4.30 to- 5.30 yester- | day afternoon and was followed by | the regular service from 5.30 to 6.30, conducted by Rev. C. E. Kidd, pastor of St. John Donald, "a returned soldier, | who has been located here since his return from overseas, disposed of his | household effects by public auction | on Saturday afternoon and purposes | leaving shortly to locate at Windsor. The steamer Belleville with a large {amount of freight on board was in | | port on Saturday night and discharg-/ {ed a considerable amount. She also took on a fair amount for points | | west. J The Gananoque Water Power Com- | pany shut off the water at its dam at | Marble Rock on Saturday, and the | repair work to be done to the local dams, flumes and canals will be start- | ed on Monday morning and pushed to completion. The work is expected to | take two and possibly three weeks. Word was received here yesterday | {of the death of a former well-knawn | | and estemed resident of many years, | who has been located in Toronto for | | a considerable time, in the person of | (N. A. Howard Moore, at one time | assistant postmaster of this town. He was a machinist by trade and after | leaving here worked at his trade for | a number of years. He was also ac- tive in all work pertaining to the Y. M. C. A. His remains are expected to arrive here to-day for interment: | Daniel Bullis has been confined to [his home for the past few days from [the effect of injury received by the {falling of a heavy stone on his foot | while working at the quarry west of |- {the town. Fortunately no bones were | broken. ] James Lattimore, Stone street, and her sister, Mrs. George Pergau, and the lafter's daughter, Miss Helen Pergau, left the latter | part of the week to spend a few | weeks with relatives and friends at {Mount Dennis and Toronto. Mrs. M. R. Hunt, Stone street is | spending some time at Eden Grove, Cooper. James Gill, Ottawa, is spending some time in town with friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, for- mer residents of this town. located for several years past at St. Cath- | erines, renewed acquaintances here | during the past few days. Leo. O'Brien, Kingston, a former Gananoque boy, is spending a short | time in town with friends. Ralph Sheets, Stone street, spend- ing the past two weeks with relatives in Kingston has returned home. Miss Marion Mullins, a former highly esteemed young lady of this | town, who has bgen located in Winni- | peg for som e past with her aunt, Miss Nan Moulton, and has been | spending the past month here and at Lyn with friends and relatives, left the end of the week to resume her duties as nurse-in-training in Winni- peg hospital, Mrs. Martin Nalon and children left during the past few days to join their husband and father at Wyan- dotte, Mich. Miss Ina Sheet, Stone street, is spending some time with relatives in the Limestone City. Letters to the Editor Questions for the Doctor. Kingston, Aug. 21, (To the Edi- tor) : Sir--I was somewhat surprised to see Dr. McCarthy's letter on King- ston's need of a tree doctor. If Dr. of his spare time, of which he seems | to have a fair supply, on the study of plant life, he might be able to write a little more intelligently on the subject. Let me ask him from what source does plant life get its nourishment ? et him strip the leaves from a branch in June or July; then watch the result. Let him remove all the limbs, what is the result? Death in either case. Now, doctor, perhaps you would not be much curprised to learn that in this case of plant life the children sup- rt the parent, and the parent, or ts as you call them, perform the same functions as the rectum of the human being. Pretty toughigor poor parent, but true. How about overcrowding ? There are hundreds of trees in the city that are being slowly strangled to death out to ve the will Come again, doc- a uniform distance and re: electric guy wires and you cease to mourn. tor. =--L. TRYON® STOCK MARKETS, : Rrsrset & Oo. 037 Yard. Bagot New York Stocks. American Car Fndy..133 American Locomotive 94% Baldwin Locomotive. 106 % Baltimore & Ohio... 38% Bethlehem Steel "B" 76% C. P. R Central Leather .... 53 Crucible Steel ......135 General Electric «ov ull eral Moters .. ..,. 21% International Nickel . 1914 International Paper . 803% erie 3404 ceria ie SBN of live hogs at the local market io Andrew's church. |about 100 citizens of Gananoque, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William, 20 York street. | Ship Concern Increases Capital, Ogdensburg, N.Y. Aug. 33... Papers increasing the capitalization of the George Hall Coal and Trans- portation company were filed with the secretary of state. The author- ized capital stock is increased from $2,000,000 to $2,150,000, to consist f 10,750 shares of preferred stock at a par value of $100 and a like number of shares of comamon stock. Upon the arrival of the steamer Britannic at" Kingston on Friday from Brockville, it was discovered that the craft was carrying over the allotted number of passengers and who had boarded the boat at that point for the Limestone City,.were com- pelled 'to return home by rail at the expense of the owners of the Bri- tannic. Bolshevik troops have been allow- ed by Armenia to cross its territory to join Kemal Pasha. DENTIST'S OFFICES ROBBED OF THEIR GOLD Two Bold Thefts Pulled Off in Broad Daylight on Sunday. Sneak thieves were at work on Sunday, and as a result, the offices of two local dentists were entered, |. that of Dr. Ruby Millan, at 84 Prin. cess street, and Sparks & Sparks, 157 Wellington street, and both offices were robbed of considerable S gold The biggest haul was made at the office of Dr, Millan. It is believed that both place: were entered some time dufing Sun day afternoon. The office doors wer broken open. It ig very quiet in th cown-town section of the city on Sunday afternoon, especially durin: the summer months, and no doub the thief or thieves had the job we! planned. -- AT-- JAS. CRAWFORD. JAS. HENDERSON. Herbs, Barks om ELEPHONE 304 DELICIOUS WORLD FamoUs ROOT BEER BOTTLES FOR YOUR HOME. ' JOHN GILBERT. Nothing goes into Hires but the pure healthful juices of Roots, and Berries and Pure Cane Sugar. : ison Bot EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS FOR KINGSTON DISTRICT. BEVERAGE IN: JAS. REDDEN & CO. W. V. WEBRTER. ing Works OFFICE: 294 PRINCESS ST. ------ Alfred Nagel, emissary of the new Republic of Latvia,'is being detained )¥ the New York immigration author- ties at the request of the state de- partment. Edgar A. Newell, Ogdensburg, N.Y:, died on Friday at his summer home, following a stroke of paraly- sis. Mr. Newell 'was born in Ogdens- burg, May 10th, 1853. . Which Flavor, Please P Now, in Chiclets, you can take the choice Peppermint. Both have the dain superfine cand Adams fection. « your fancy dictates--Fruit or ty shape and y-coating which make Chiclets the supreme con- The difference lies only in their mg pe . basket of Nature's the banquet table, You'll en for flavor--the original tingling, refresh- ppermint, or the new fruit flavor, luscious an d tempting as the sweetest gifts on joy both. Both are good you--aid digestion, ease nerves, preserve teeth, quench thirst. ' --an Adams product, particularly prepared PN \

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