Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Aug 1920, p. 14

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MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : Theatrical At the Grand. Harry Carey, the popular star of ; EE 0 Philharmonic Society of Utict, N.Y., | == TV STRPIE - Pay Visit to Kingston. | Jolly Americans. to the number of | 713 visited Kingston on Saturday | afternoon for two hours. The steam- ers Island Belle and St. Lawrenca brought over the annual excursion Western pictures, is playing to-night party of the Utica, N.Y., Philhar- Tuesday, and Wednesday in a five monic society, and, after waiting two reel feature, "Human Stuff." The | hours in Kingston, proceeded down story of a young man who finds that | through the Admiralty group of the he is not cut out for a conmmerelal Thogsand Iflands. life, and goes West to a ranch, where | At Kingston the excursionists wera { | he finds the kind of life that he | met by a band which led the way | wants, and incidently, after a lot of | through the main streets. Mayor | trouble, which makes a great deal of | Nickle was present and tendered M. | enjoyment for the spectator, he wins | B. Davies, president of the society, | | the 'girl he loves. Many of the the freedom of the city. i scenes in this play were taken oh The philharmonic society is one of | Jarry Carey's own ranch in Califor- [the live organizations of Utica, and { Ola, and the photography is particu- Mr. Davies stated to the Whig that larly fine. "Love's Prisoner" is the he could have sold several hundred | title. of another extra attractive fea- more tickets if the accommodation i ture, starring charming young Olive | had been available. As .it was the Thomas. This play in which virtue tickets were sold out ten days before { defies vice and love captures a de- | the excursion and many citizens of | tective, makes a splendid vehicle for | Utica endeavored to secure extra! | the talented star. There are reels accommodation. 2 | of good comedies and other subjects,| Mr. Davies also expressed the plea- |and a very attractive musical pro- sure of the excursionists at being | gramme by the Grand's Special Or-|once more in the Limestone City, and { chestra. This bill will be seen to- | trusted that they might reciprocate { night, Tuesday and Wednesday only. | at some future date in entertaining | --Advt. | the C#hadians. c The excursion left Utica at 7 a.m. "Sleeping Partners." for Clayton and after coming to | The way the French 'do these Kingston proceeded down through | things," in contrast to the American the islands and back by train to S manner is exemplified in an 'ex- Utica, which it was expected would y | tremely. clever comedy concoction; | be reached about midnight. | "Sleeping Partners,'"" which will § ---------------- | serve Edna Goodrich as a starring! | vehicle the coming season and which | will be the attraction at the Gfand | { Opera House, Thursday and Friday, | August 26th and 27th. The play tells | : i {a story of elusively delicatg quality | The steamer Belléville passed u | that would lose much in the mere Yom Montreal to Toronto on Satur- | description of plot. It is a thing | day night. . | {which evaporates like the whiffs of | The steamers Maplehill and Maple- perfume played over the rich furni- | boro passed up from Montreal to Port | ture of the bachelor room and inci- Colborne on Sunday. {dentally the audience. French to the! The steamer City of Hamilton Pass- core, from the three raps of the gong ed down from Toronto and Hamilton { which announce the rise of the cur- to Montreal on Sunday. ( | tain; through its unfolding of the eT SruBto passed down typical French triangle, and the.8inal [30d up on Su : unique situation of the asd aa The steamer City of Ottawa pass ing asleep under the ping potion 8d up from Montreal to Toronto an as the wife had done in fhe previous | Hamilton at 1.30 a.m. on Monday. | act, with the American as the | The steamer Maplegorge passed "watcher." It's all very fanciful. Jowa from Port Cotberse to Montreal ; 8 ri a a.m. on Monday. light and gay, AMUSING ABA willy, (13, er Arabian passed up genious and clever, plaved by the M Port Colborne on | beautiful Edna Goodrich herself, {fom Montreal to Por [supported by a company which Monday. | 713 AMERICANS HERE. = i SILKS FOR AUTUMN 2 Have arrived in a most wonderful array, so appropriate Hm » for the season's demands De A 1,500 Yards Messoline Silk Direct from Switzerland; a firm, even weave: free from sizing of any description, with that beautiful soft char- IN MARINE CIRCLES | meuse finish. BY AI Select your costume from: Marine, Rose," Trooper, Navy, Golden Brown, Black, Nigger, Ivory, Delf, Smoke, Myrtle, Nickle, Alice, Sage, Pekin, Purple, Pink. Oneyardwide ... ......... $3.00 YARD For the boy to get down to business again after his long vacation. b Out good School Suits will help you a ig bit. Queer boy if he isnt needing Clothes after the wear and tear of the long summer vacation. On School Suits we place our greatest brings out the ull glint and gleam in |, The steamer Kingston passed down : { efforts. . s ie harkling 1exture of the pi The steamer Vinmount passed up| School Suits $ | 0.00, $12.50, $1 5, $18. | {from Montreal to Port Colborne on A Swiss Chiffon Taffeta, of a very reliable make; should meet with a quick sale. 36 to 39 inches wide. from Toronto to Prescott on Monday. |: pA fom ¥ TAFFETA SILK IN NAVY AND BLACK $2.50 YARD We clothe boys of all ages and we do it At The Strand. | : A BARGAIN "iis $2.50 YARD mn, } 8% meric | The steamer Jex cleared on Mon- | 2 Louise Fazenda, corn-fed beauty day for Oswego, with the barge White | well and at moderate price. jot rustic charms," and heroine of ' ® J t ; |one of the prettiest of Mack Sennett t The steamer Jeska arrived in Port | beauties and cleverest of screen com- | from Osweg . |edionnes; Ben Turpin, cross-eyes | » {favorite of filmdom; James Finlay- | AKE-UP | .| CHANGE N - !son, gifted actor of stage and screen; | WILL HELP CONVICTS | Bert Roach, a featured player with | the Sennett Forces; Billy Armstrong, | 1 | character-comedian celebrated' in | Authorities Will Have Hard Time Rounding Up the Young Offenders. ¢ HHI {*Down on the Farm'; Marie Prevost, and Frank England as well as in the United | | States, and tiny John Henry, Jr., the | SILK TRICOLETTE and BLACK DUCHESSE | "if Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" ! a \ d % @ . # : rid ed by the Senius of Mack Sonnets. | fact that they are so young and as {Phe plot discovers Loulse Fazenda {!ime goes on, they will change In : ® as the rustic daughter of a stern | {heir appearance, and this will give Limited ! The Time 1 To Make Pickles STANDARD VINEGARS WHOLE AND GROUND PEPPERS GREEN AND RED PEPPERS COLORINGS--SEALING WAX SMALL WHITE ONIONS SMALL GREEN GHERKINS TOMATOES (Green or Ripe) lose prices by the peck or bushel. GOLDEN WAX BEANS Now is the time to put up Beans. SALE OF PLUMS and PEACHES TUESDAY. Phones: 458459. Wholsale 1767. @ 1 Rs 8 = {diminutive star o two-and-a-half years who was "discovered" by Mack i { Sennett, are the principals in the ac- |, It Was stated on Monday morning | | that no further word had been re- {tion of the Seunet! Bve-yesl comedy | .ived about the two young convicts jaemsation "Down on the farm." re- | who made such a sensational escape {leased by United Artists, that will} om the penitentiary on Saturday, | be shown at the Strand Theatre for | August 14th. Many are under the {Three days beginning today. Teddy, ! et on re remiie Ping the Sennett canine "hero," and Pep- ! have made their way to the far west per, the long distance descendent of a | and that th are. helpin ther in Bengal tiger, ought not to be forgot- | #1 Ho Soy & ga ten in the enumeration of the cast, | > for they play no small part in the la It = pointed out Bhat one great edy and thrills with which this | @r@wback the authorities will have com in rounding ub the offenders is in the father who would marry her to the | the authorities some trouble, village Shylock who threatens to | « on the farm. | , BO i matrimonial | The convalescent soldiers at Mow- . {at hospital chartered the steamer dens and they mitace 4 soilaln fus- ! Brockville and went through the i asplres to. a daughters hand," but | Thousand Islands on Monday after- {fears a father's foot." The Shylock [RO0D. They were accompanied by | has sportive ideas and reveals them | Sandy" Macgregor, Scotch come- 'in his horsemanship and his Turkish | dian, who provided some rare enter- |tendencies. There latter leads him |tainment. Cao MAEATER TS | sum ashe hewn are eine humble villager. What then happens | emptied on Saturday night, all the is best related optically in the pic- | electric lights in the city went out. tures, but thi smuch may be said-- | The difficiulty centred in the power | a surprise awaits on the climax of | Plant but the defect was remedied in | hat /will shock the most | @ few minutes. IC hisate boi of laughter. It | New globes were placed on all the {can't be said, however, that the epi- | lights on Princess street on Mon- ; day morning in order that the others might be cleaned. Miss Muriel Wood, Alfred street, has returned after spending her vacation with friends at Toronto, Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Went Down the River. sode, disastrous as it is to the cross between Shylock and Don Juan, cures "Jimmy* Finlayson of his flirtatious conduct, for he continues after the farmer's daughter's hand, waving his mortgage in the face of the pretty thing's harassed father. How these romantic issues are brought to a con- clusion in happiness for everybody except Finlayson, is the plot's happy 'burden to tell; and it tells it in moods running from wildest hilarity to thrillingest melodrama. So quickly does the story move that it isn't al- ways possible to tell whether Mr. Sennett is "kidding" '"'mellerdram- mer" or is in deadly earnest. That's | one reason why the production '"'re- | ts." It contains so much of ex-| quisite detail that twice witnessing it does not exhaust its power to charm, thrill and surprise.--Advt. . dita © Canada's War Fleet . ong Ready in October | a 3 : Despatch) "\ Ottiwin, Aug. 33---Oable advices regeived by the naval department, state that the cruiser Ayre DAILY MEMORANDUM, See top of Page Three, right hang corner lor probabilities. HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS Market Square, Kingston BORN. LAIDLAW---A¢t Westport, August 16th, to Mr..and Mrs. Fred Laidlaw, a daughter. McDON. the General Hospital on Saturday, August 21st, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs' Charles McDonald, 63 Livingston Ave., a son. or ~~. ILLIPS--COLE--On Saturda Aug. 21st, 1920, the Rev. a Brae 3 rora and des- f Calvar tf hurch, | trdyers Patretaia and trician will Thirza Ethel an Saughter 'of i Coig. °K ngsto to bé in commission on October 1st and and Mrs BE. n, 0 IN 1 to Phill £ Ji Phil- | vin nr Thi :- v ihe lips, Manchester, England. | together with two submarines now in Canadian waters, comprise Canada's MILLARD--In DIED. Gentral Hon: fleet. ¥ . ki{M|+ pital, on Aug. 22nd, 1920, William p John, infant Mr, and 3 Death of a Child. Wm. Millard, 34 Frontenac strom The death occurred at the General Hospital on Sunday morning, of the J AMES REID infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William & J. Millard, 94 Frontenac street. The| The Old Firm of Undertakers, funeral took place Monday afternoon | 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET trom John Cornelius' funeral chapel Phone 147 for Ambulance to Cataraqui cemetery. Rev. J. de | ™ Pencier Wright officiated. ------------ Mrs. E. L. Bruce, Brock street, has returned after two weeks visit with friends at Watertown, Black River and Syracuse, N.Y. U. S. President Wilson has offici- ally invited Premier Orlando, of Italy, to visit the United States. 'Wanted---all the cars in Frontenag {in parade, Sydenham, August 25th. jrea o'clack. i Dr. McCallum returned from Bos- ton yesterday. 3 { I , A Undertaker. Phone 577. 230 Princess Street. R 0 li ROBERT J. REID |Z The JERSEY SILK in shades of Navy, Copen, Black, Sand, Nickle, and SILK: guaranteed for two sea- son s wear; a heavyweight Taupe; 36 to 40.ins. wide, in a deep rich black: 36 js. ot. .$50and7.50vard waar ronblasc 56 ins wide ........$3.50 yard. CREPE DE CHENE All pure Silk at a price that cannot be duplicated to- day. The colors are: Black, Maize, C8pen, Brown, Pe- kin, Delf, Purple, Ivory, Burgundy, Marine, Navy, Grey, Taupe, Flesh, Coral, Nile; 38 to 40 ins. wide, at $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 yard. CHARMEUSE SATIN in shades for afternoon and evening wear: Burgundy, Orchid, Pekin, Pumpkin, Trooper, Coral, Rose, Sky, Flesh, Navy, Sand, Nile, Amethyst, Maize, Black, Gold, Brown, Ivory; 40 inches wide. $3.75 to $5.95 yard. PLEASE CALL FOR YOUR SE PTEMBER DELINEATOR. aad Jolin Lisiidlow & Son: Lil For the Boys and | Girls ¢ 5 rir WH" XIND on SHOES Is YOUR BOY WEARING? We can fit him with a good looking, good wearing Calf Boot; solid leather in- soles. Sizes 2 to 5, for For Girls, we are selling a splendid brown Boot, fibre soles. Sizes 11 to 2 It ru si, HA 3 BA CL pe Fe OR asi wali ad EE i GER i i

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