| i MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1920. - [At Austin's You can get Fresh Chocolates PAGE & SHAW'S HUYLER'S and NEILSON'S "Take a KODAK with you." § ust' s Drug Store Corner King and Market Square P| uaEBEEREEEEEEENR | THE MARRISON STUDIO | : There is but ONE TIME to picture the children--aAS | THEY ARE TO-DAY. | | | { i i } | Phone 1318w. sd], 'We Have In Stock | Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Soup | Campbell's Vegetable Soup | 92 Princess St. id | Clark's Tomato Soup Qlark's Vegetable Soup Distriby tors for Bad | Buse Teathe | Good T W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION "License No. 6-543. FOR SALE An excellent farm of 150 acres, good building, splendid: land. Another farm of 100 acres, peven miles from the city -- 24,600. W. H. GODWIN & SON Roa Bat3te snd Intucapes 20 Rrock St. Phone 424 --------, It pays to save Tour Newspapers, Magazines and pcrap material--we are paying good prices. YOU MAY NEED Pipes for water or fencing or a tent for next summer. on us L Coben & Co. sera Ue rnner TRARY Kingston Cement Products F Makers of Hollow Duuip- 4 pd Sement Bia 'Blocks, Bricks, and Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. : cor. of Charles ana Patrick streets. PHONE 730W. Mgr, H. P. NORMAN it us Waul Ful wea tO your old Magiress tress with & one, or have it renovated gssvsssssssrssrsreresnr | OSTEQPAT HY "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS" Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft are now. located at No. 204 King street, between Earl and Gore. Telephone 447 for appointment. [ CAKPENTERING Estimates Gi oy VU. Aykroyd ox don : and Baillders 21 Main street. Phone 1670 ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Ford Cars a specialty. Ford Truck for sale. 378 BROCK STREET Phones: Shop 1039. Res. 1537). It Pays to Buy Your Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son- 71 PINE ST. Phone 1583 and Get Prompt Delivery ine es -- DID YOU EVER A THE DAILY BRITISH wHIG Good Price For July Milk. Charleville cheese factory paid its patrons the sum of $1.17 per ton for July milk. Holidaying on St. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Jackson, En- terprise, have taken a cottage for the summer on McKenzie Island, River St. Lawrence: Appointed A Trustee. R. Easton Burns, of this city, has | been appointed an authorized trus- | ie in Ontario under the Bankruptcy ct. To Extend Water Service. Deseronto is to spend $600 for an extension and enlargement of the wa- ter service and fire protection on Dundas street, east of Second street to the canning factory. Killed in Explosion. Word was received 'in Gananoque | that Ives Armstrong had been killed | in an explosion in Alberta. Mr. | Armstrong was married to Miss | Robina Byers, daughter of Mr. and | Mrs. W. Byers, Gananoque. * Dundas U. F. O. in Fight. The United Farmers of Dundas county have decided to place a can- didate in the field at the ing federal general election and will | hold a convention to that end at| Chesterville on Oct. 4th. Returned From Toronto, Wagstams Ginger Marmalade | » other reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jam aad Jellies fur sae at: Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets Adeamme Neo Bobi hone Lidh li SEASONABLE FRUITS CHOICE VEGETABLES Always fresh and prices right. {| FRIENDSHIP' 210 Division St. Phone 343. Watches and Clocks Repaired Rl G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for ome year. Call or 'phone and your or- or will bo promptly attended ote change of address: 'Phon. 1866. 267 Princess St. PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 2id.g 849 Princess St. EVERY DRUG STORS SELLS "BEECHAN'S PILLS" but go often there is som want to ask the and 15 why it is Mrs. J. J. Baker and Miss Lois Baker, Albert street, returned home Thursday, after spending the past month, the guest of Mrs. C. Fraser, { Birch Avenue, Toronto. Mrs. Fraser {1s a sister of Mrs. Baker. ------------------ Have Returned Home. Miss Annie Hamilton has returned to her hom at Cushendall after visiting Mr, and Mrs. J. Fisher, Mos- cow. Mrs. J. Gratton has returned to the rectory, at Kingston Mills, after spending the past week at Joseph Fisher's, Moscow. Think It Over. How is it that we can sell made- to-measure clothing from $5.00 to $15.00 less than other clothing houses will, be pleased to show you are lines of tweed and worsted clotn at $40.00 to $60 a suit and blue and black serges at $50 to $65 a suit. Prevost Clothing House, Brock street. -- Awarded Prizes. At the Cobourg horse show on Fri- day Miss Nadine Harty got first prize for the best rider under fourteen years of age. Lieut.-Col. Cameron got second prize in this contest: Of- ficérs' pairs, by teams of two offic- s of the same nationality, with ences taken two abreast, perform- ance only counting. Purchased Property. The Roman Catholics of Ganano- que have concluded the purchase of | death of Mrs. com- | I Kingston and Vi the - purpose of a separate school. Tenders were recently asked for a new building, but the figures submit- ed were considered prohibitive. The price paid Mr. Lloyd was $6.000. Spodler Is Criticized. The Gananoque Journal claims that there 'is more "hard liquor con- sumed in Gananoque than when the bars were open." The newspaper al- so attacks the 'low tactics" of the | license department in sending a re- turned soldier, wearing a veteran's button, to Gananoque as "a spotter for the Drury government." Big Stems of Oats. J. T. Ellis, Gananoque, shows a bunch of stems of oats which meas- ured six feet, three inches. Fhey were grown on what is known as "The old Tommy Réid Estate" in West Ward, near Victoria Avenue. They have been two months grow- ing; not a spear was to be seen be- fore the rain came in June. Died at Carleton Place. Announcement is made of the Marion Drummond, the old Central Hotel property for; | ded by the Court of Revision, Carleton Place, widow of David Drummond, and mother of Rev. D.| R. Drummond, St. Paul's Presbyter- | ian Church, Hamilton and a Queen's | graduate. The late Mrs, mond was over eighty years of age, and had been critically ill for some | time. . Perth's Tax Rate. At a special meeting of the Perth | council, Perth's tax rate was set at forty-three mills, an increase of three | mills over last year and eight mills | over 1918. This year's rates are as follows: County of Lanark, 5 #5-10 mills; Town of Perth, 12 mills; gen- eral municipal debentures, 10 mills; Perth Collegiate Institute, 5 5-10 mills and Perth Public School, 10 mills. R. Jamieson was appointed tax collector for Perth at a salary of $500. James K. Hackett Sails. James K. Hackett, the eminent actor, who was born on Wolfe Is- land, sailed on Saturday for England where he will make his London de- but at the Aldwych Theatre in the late autumn. He will open with his production of "Macbeth." Mrs. Patrick Campbell is to appear as co- star with Mr. Hackett in the role of "Lady Macbeth." Mr. ckett writes the Whig asking to be re- membered to all his old Kingston friends. A Splendid Record. Out o the thirteen scholarships awarded in the Queen's honor matri- culation, four have been taken by the Renfrew Collegiate Institute. The Mercury says that the scholarships are evenl distributed over the school demonstrating the fact that the teaching staff is strong and effl- cient in every department. In the last nine years, counting this, the R.C.I,, has won twenty-seven schol- arships. This year it has done par- [ticularly well, in connection with the Qugen' s scholarships, being the only Drum- | were close to shore when the masco | icinity school -to get four, Kingston being | the next highest with two. . How To Get Votes. In view of a recent amendment to the municipal act women can be! placed on the voters list on the hus- band's property and vice versa. The| qualification is $400 worth "of as-| sessment for each. Every unmarried | gon or daughter at home can also get on the rolls for each $400 of] the assessment per person. If any| assessment is under $800 then only the person assessed can vote. As) the amendment did not come into | force until July 26th those entitled to votes can- have their names o application is made. Caught Eighteen-Pound Masco. Harvey Belcher was the happiest one in a bunch of five men who left Napanee for a day's cruise and fish. Why? Because while trawling. up Yhrough Hay Bay, opposite the old E. L. church, he had hold of one Oi of the line and an eighteen-pound |, masco took firm hold upon the other | end and determined to try conclu- sions with Harvey while he had him out in deep water. The trawlers | headed their boat toward shore, and though nearly a mile had to be cov- ered, the struggle lasted until 'they ! finally decided Harvey was one too many for him and succumbed. A Well De Deserved Compliment. | The Toronto Globe says: Mrs. | Adam Shrott returned yesterday to Ottawa, after attending the meet- ings of the Mothers' Pensions Com- mittee. - Mrs. Shrott is one of the pioneer workers for the betterment | of women in all things where equal-| ity makes for the welfare of the race, but she has been always the] gentle, gracious, womanly woman, and is herself the strongest argu- | ment for the causes she advocates. ' A perfect homemaker, she has also] been, through her married life, the| perfect hostess, who made her guests | look forward to being asked again te enjoy their quiet hospitality, and among her life successes have been | children trained up to toke a worthy | place in the world's work. i | | Did Not Attend. The non-appearance of J. J. Mor-| rison, secretary of the U.F.O., at al meeting of which he was billed to! speak; assertions by' the substitute, | M. H. Staples, Millbrook, that thé| reason the farmers did not take the interest in public affairs that they! might was because their intelligence | kad not been developed by reading | and study; a vigorous retort by Lt.- | Col. A. W. Gray, M.P.P., that the| farmers of Leeds were as well read as any other class anywhere, and the statement of A. E. Donovan, ex-M.P. P., that he was opposed to drifting to "classes and faddisms" and Brantford Red or Green Slate Shingles make a handsome roof and pleasing to the eye. They can be laid very quickly and last for a long time . They can be seen on some of the host roofs in this district. © S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory und Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellingtos Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 08. Factory * Phone 14.8. + S-- WHY NOT FOLLOW THE OWL'S ADVICE AND USE MAXOTIRES BE FORE TIRES BLOW OUT. "The Home of the Maxotires" 284 ONTARIO STREET - - - - - ----------e, Kingston's Ss Flower Phone 66 1 Learn It. "We Strive to Serve" . A.D, HOLTON 280 PRINCESS STREET - Phone, 661; Ree., 2080W. Specials Women's Black Satin Oxfords--Louis heel; very smart; worth $7.00. Now Women's Grey Kid Oxfords--Turn sole, Louis $3.95 covered heel; one of the best makes; $4 95 worth $10.00. All sizes. bd J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES thought old party lines were the best--these were some of the hign 'lights in the addresses delivered at the lawn social held under the aus- pices of the Gananoque East Metho- dist church on Thursday evening last. COME FROM FLORIDA TO AID FRIEND. Bart A. Riley, left, and Fred W. Pine, right, who have come from Florida with Dewitt C. Elwood, who has come to Toronto to answer a charge of. complicity in the Rosenthal Riley is Elwood's solicitor, and Pine, prose- culing attorney of Baby County, Fla., is apersonal friend of jewel robbery. the accused man. ne ON ALL LINES OF WH clear at greatly reduced prices. Cue eutly and gee Jour Corner Princess and Clergy. ~ CLEARING SALE OF WHITE F OOTWEAR 20 p.c. Discount We also have several lines of Ladies' Black and Brown Kid Oxfords, of which the size asso rtment has been broken, to The Victory Shoe Store 'decause it seems as if alive, so lively ITE CANVASS SHOES choice, Phose 458. Queerest of the Metals. Mercury is called "quick" silver is the way in which it runs about It is a fluid--that, is to say, molten --at temperatures which render oth- or metals solid. The ore from which it is derived is a mixture of sulphur and mercury, called "citnabar," and when very pure is in color a brilliant vermilion. It is from this source, indeed, that vermilion used to bg obtained. Now adays, however, it is usually made by heating mercury together with sul- prhur, potash and water. % To get the mercury from the: ore it'is necessary merely to separate it from the sulphur with which it is chemically combined, and this ie accomplished by roasting. The ore goes from the crusher into a furnace, where high heat volatilizes the qujck- silver, the latter being thereupon pre- cipitated pure in a water-jacketed "condenser." Out of the condenser it runs in a silvery stream, and is put up in wrought-iron flasks for market. Some tribes of Californias Indians have used cinnabar for red paint since prehistoric es, frescoing their faces and bodies with it, and it was observation of this circum- SPRING CLOTHES % OF THE FINER QUALITY, For Men And Young SMART NEW MODELS IN SPRING SUITS AND TOP COATS $25.00 to $50.00 BEST WEAR iC CLOTHE VALUES TWEDDELL'S One Door Below Randolph Hotel. stance that led to the discovery .of the famous quicksilver mines of that state. Oeccasionally a miner's pick penetrates a pocket that contains a cupful or so of pure mercury. When reduced by low temperature to a solid, quicksilver becomes very malleable, and can be beaten into sheets as thin as tissue paper. The metal has a strong affinity for sold, and is much used in connection with gold mining. During the war its price multiplied ten fold, owing to the need of fulminate of for cartridge caps, shell fuses and deto- nators for all sorts of nrojectiles. In the death of Mrs. William W. Brickman which occurred Aug. 12th, one of Trenton's oldest and most re- late Willlam Hermon, Rednersville, and was born on Jan. 3rd, 1844. She was married to William W. Brick- man, Feb. rth, 1867, and is sur tived by her husband and three chil- or idred Ethel Cornell, Belleville, Summer Shoe : Sale 2 We are going to clear out all our summer goods at ..........25% We are going to clear out all Run- ning Shoes, from Men's to In- fants' at ......cuoiinivien rn i2080